Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 75: Hold on to the past and drown

Yameruda told his story to the Kaiba brothers in front of him. When he heard that Yameruda lost his brother because of Kaiba Gosaburo, Kaiba's fists clenched.

And Keihei also didn't expect that the person in front of him from the Doma Organization was actually in the situation he was in today because of himself and his brother's adoptive father Gozaburo Kaiba, and that he was on the opposite side of his brother.

Miruco, is this your brother's name, Ameruda?

Ah, Miruk likes robots. This is his favorite toy, and it is also the last relic I found next to his corpse. Ameruda looked at Keppei with eyes full of reminiscence. He remembered Miruko's age during his lifetime, which was not much different from Kuipei's today. He saw Miruko's shadow in Kuipei.

Seto Kaiba, you who also have a younger brother, can you imagine the pain I feel! This is all thanks to Gozaburo Kaiba!

After losing my parents and Miruko, I joined Doma in order to one day avenge you, Seto Kaiba, who inherited Gosaburo Kaiba and inherited the sins of the Kaiba Group! Ameruda looked at it! Looking at the [Mecha Colonel] on his field, Miru likes robots, so the [Mecha] deck I got from Mr. Dazi is also a [Mecha] deck based on robot soldiers,

And the power of [Oliha Gang's Barrier] further unearthed the darkness in my heart and created further dark [Mecha] monsters. These monsters are proof that Miruko and I fight together, and I am determined to take revenge on you!

【Mecha Colonel】【atk3000】

However, even if Amaluda told the cause and effect of his conflict with the Kaiba Group, although Kaiba was somewhat touched and empathized with Amaluda's experience, it was one thing to understand the pain of losing his younger brother, but in order to do so It is impossible to affect the hippocampus.

Kaiba's pride and confidence are engraved in his bones. It's like Kaiba never misses the past. He only has the future in his eyes. He doesn't care even if the present is about to become the past.

And speaking of it, America's past was tragic, but how good was Kaiba's childhood? He also lost his parents, but Kaiba relied on his own ability to cheat Kaiba Gozaburo in a bet and let him adopt him and Keihei as his adopted sons. Later, he also relied on his own ability to grow step by step and finally forced Kaiba Gozaburo to death. Become the heir to the Haima Group.

The risks in this process are not small at all. Don't forget that Kaiba Gozaburo adopted Kaiba Seto, but he thought about using Kaiba Seto's body to resurrect the dead Kaiba Naia who existed in the electronic world. Saburo did that and the Kaiba that possessed his body was killed.

Moreover, Seto Kaiba's rebellion against Gosaburo Kaiba is also a very high-risk move. This is all Kaiba's practical efforts to protect Keppei. Therefore, in the eyes of Kaiba at this moment, he cannot move forward by wallowing in the tragic past. Americaruda, who walks into the future, is nothing but a coward.

Hmph, even if you say that, don't forget that [Tough! Invincible! Strongest!] gives [Blue Eyes White Dragon] the toughness that will not be destroyed by battle, and the monsters it has fought with will be destroyed at the end of the damage step. The ability to destroy. With a cold wave of his hand, Kaiba said to Amaluda, You are still in the battle stage, so if you want to die, just come here as soon as possible.

Of course I will attack, Seto Kaiba, but you are wrong. The person who is going to die is not me, but you. America sneered and waved, [Mecha Colonel], attack and defense [ Dragon Ruler-Dragon Dictator-]!”

Hmph, then the attack target will be transferred to the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on my field again.

Hearing Kaiba's instructions, [Dragon Ruler - Dragon Dictator -] in guard position quickly took a few steps back to make room, and [Blue Eyes White Dragon] faced [Mecha Colonel] directly. Seeing the [Mecha Colonel] wielding a chainsaw approaching, [Blue Eyes White Dragon] roared with great momentum and was about to fight back.

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【atk3000】

Ameruda knows that the [Dragon Ruler - Dragon Dictator] on his brother's field has the ability to redirect the attack target, so why does he still use [Mecha Colonel] to attack? Keppei looked at it and wondered. He came into contact with two fighting monsters and became suspicious.

Although Amaluda always looked crazy when he was fighting Kaiba, his own duel was undoubtedly full of calculation and rationality, and his dueling style was actually quite similar. This kind of person, Amalda, is definitely not the kind of person who would attack recklessly even though he knew that his attacks could not destroy the monsters on the Kaiba Field.

Especially, because [Strong! Invincible! The strongest! ] effect, [Mecha Colonel] not only cannot destroy [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], even if its attack power is not equal to [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], it will be destroyed by the effect later.

As expected, when [Mecha Colonel]'s attack target was transferred to [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], Ameruda repeated his old trick and played another card in his hand: Chaining [Mecha Colonel]'s Attacks Declaration, I activate this quick-attack magic card [Colossal Shadow of Vainglory].

When a monster declares an attack, it can only be activated by targeting a face-up monster on the field. That monster's attack power will increase by 1000 points until the end of that battle phase. And the monster I want to choose is of course the one I control. [Mecha Colonel]!

Enjoy the joys of hell, Seto Kaiba!

【Mecha Colonel】【atk3000→4000】

Two huge monsters, [Mecha Colonel] and [Blue Eyes White Dragon], collided together. Thanks to Bekas, the corridors in his family's castle were quite wide and were not destroyed by the battle between the two monsters.

At the beginning, the two monsters were evenly matched. The high-speed rotating saw failed to cut through the solid scales of [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], but the breath of [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] cut into [Mecha Colonel]'s body bit by bit. The armor melted.

However, as [Vanity Shadow] took effect, [Mecha Colonel]'s attack power suddenly surged, and the chainsaw instantly accelerated and cut through several dragon scales of [Blue Eyes White Dragon], followed by a shot that had accumulated energy. After a long period of zero-range electromagnetic cannon, [Blue Eyes White Dragon] was hit hard and flew away!


[Seto Kaiba: 1200→200lp]

Kaiba's base points, which were already in danger, were once again damaged by battle and dropped to only 200 points!

Seto Kaiba, this is your punishment for daring to insult my [Mecha] deck. Where was your arrogance just now? Amaluda watched Kaiba fall to the point where even a punch from [Kurigo Ball] could clear it. Basic points, laughing proudly, In order to protect [Blue Eyes White Dragon], you have repeatedly compromised your basic points. It's really ugly.

After your basic points are completely reduced to zero, let me see what else you can protect!

Saying that, Amaluda did not give Kaiba a chance to counterattack, and took the initiative to send the [Mecha Colonel] on his field to the graveyard.

【Strong! Invincible! The strongest! ] Although it is a normal trap card and will be sent to the graveyard after its effect takes effect, the effect it gives to [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] will last until the end of the round. The monster fighting [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] The same is true for the effect of Destroy after damage calculation is over.

So even if the attack power of [Mecha Colonel] is increased to 1000 points, it will still be destroyed and sent to the graveyard because it has no damage resistance.

Although there is no monster that Ameluda can continue to attack to cause damage to Kaiba this round, it does not matter. It is perfectly fine to keep his only 200 basic points, which is not to say that it is best to keep them.

In this duel, Amaluda is determined to give Seto Kaiba a complete defeat. After completely destroying Kaiba's will and arrogance, Amaluda will use [Oliha Gang's Barrier] Let Kaiba's soul be swallowed by Oliha Gang God.

If this card in his hand were replaced with [Oliha Gang's Barrier], it would be a sure-win. In that case, Seto Kaiba would be dead by now, but it's a pity that it cannot be replaced.

After the battle phase ended and the main phase entered into the second phase, Amaluda watched Kaiba barely support his body and showed a contemptuous smile.

It's fast, it's fast, I can kill Seto Kaiba in no time. Wait until the next round to kill Seto Kaiba's important [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and then find a way to retrieve [Oliha Gang's Barrier]. As long as you clear out Kaiba's basic points like a candle in the wind, you can replace him. Miruko took revenge.

As Amalda was thinking this, he heard Kaiba laugh from Kaiba, who was clearly the disadvantaged but had a wild expression on his face.

Hmph, hehe, hahahaha!

Seto Kaiba, you guy... Amaluda frowned and said through gritted teeth, Do you know what's going on now?

I'm going to kill you right away. At least you show me some expression of fear or unwillingness that will satisfy me. What are you laughing at!

Huh, I'm laughing at you, you're just an incompetent person. Facing the angry look in Amaluda's eyes, Kaiba said coldly, A guy who can't even see clearly the path he wants to take, It really deserves to be lost in the past.”

From the beginning to the end, you were just following the crowd. You followed others and hated Gozaburo because your hometown was destroyed - although that guy was indeed not a good person - and then you hated Gozaburo because he lost his goal after his death. Without me, your life will have no purpose at all.

What's that look? What's that look? What's that anger!

If you don't even know what path you want to take, who can a person like you save? Kaiba said coldly, My future will not stop here, and you, just hold on to that Just go and drown!

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