Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 73: Damn is this still happening? Beat him up

This is not the first time Kaiba has come to Bekas, or the castle that once belonged to Bekas, whether it was to rescue Keppei who was kidnapped by Bekas during the Duel Kingdom, or not long ago on the eve of the Pyramid of Light incident In order to get the card made by Becas.

However, this is the first time that I have gone deep into the castle due to my own subjective wishes.

——After all, Kaiba was actually imprisoned in the dungeon of the castle by Becas, and was rescued by Hayato, but that time was not in Kaiba's memory.

After entering the castle, Kaiba, who had no interest in the antiques, cultural relics, and artworks found throughout the castle, went straight to the data center whose location he had investigated in advance.

Yes, the data center, although the castle is very old and indeed has a long history, but because Bekas, who does whatever he wants, has held a Duel Kingdom event on this island, in order to coordinate the duel stages around the island and The data of duel monsters and the shunt data of the virtual projection system also exist in Bekas's castle.

The International Illusion Society has branches in major countries around the world, and the data of the virtual projection system, which is of great significance to today's duel monsters, naturally does not only exist in the server of the headquarters building, but Kaiba is a person with a very impatient temper.

Instead of flying across the ocean to go to other branches of the International Illusion Society to trace the source and find the data from the headquarters, it would be better to go directly to the Duel Kingdom Island and use the data center in Bekas Castle that has the same authority level as the server at the headquarters to find the data.

After finding out the reason for the materialization of duel monsters around the world, Kaiba still wanted to go back to the Split Action game and they could search for clues together and fight Doma's people.

Not only was it the humiliation of being taken away from [Obelisk's Titan Weapon] due to Rafiru's sneak attack, but more importantly, that guy Kobayashi Hayato is now said to have joined Doma.

This kind of news, even if it was said by Jonouchi and Yugi, and it was proved by Ryuzaki, the only one who recovered from the Duelist Serial Coma incident, Kaiba would not believe it.

That guy Hayato must be playing some stupid trick again. That guy with a bad taste is not trustworthy, but it is also worthy of trust. Kaiba can swear by the gambling luck in the city.

Kaiba, who stubbornly believed that Hayato was playing some kind of game, didn't care about him joining Doma. It was better to say that this was the best, because it just gave Kaiba a perfect reason to defeat Hayato in a fair and just way, and then get rid of him. On his head, he regained the title of Duel King that he had missed in the Duel City.

In a corridor leading to the data center located underground in the castle, Kaiba stopped. Keppei, who was following Kaiba, didn't stop and bumped into Kaiba.

Nissan, what are you doing? Keppei complained to Kaiba who suddenly stopped. After standing firm, he looked at the corridor facing Kaiba, What's wrong over there?

The two sides of the wide corridor are not illuminated by classical oil lamps like other parts of the castle. Instead, they choose electric lamps with a retro style that are not obtrusive.

I just don’t know why, maybe it’s because the life of the light bulb has just expired, maybe it’s due to neglect of management, maybe there’s something wrong with the circuit, the direction where Kaiba and Keppei are is is better, but the closer to the direction of the data center, the dimmer the light bulb becomes. , when we reached the middle position, there were still a few lights beating uneasily, and when we reached the end of the corridor, all the lights were turned off.

At the end of the dark corridor, it looked like an evil beast with its mouth open waiting for its prey to step into it.

Standing in the darkness and hiding himself, Americaruda looked at Seto Kaiba and Keppei who were stopped and sneered.

The abnormality in the light bulb was of course caused by him. He only made a few adjustments to the circuit. It took less than ten minutes, but the effect achieved was quite good. At least Yameruda felt that the effect he had created so far was The atmosphere is very nice.

In such a dark environment, it takes a lot of courage to step from the light into the darkness, which is enough to make the originally domineering Seto Kaiba lose his temper. When he suddenly appears from the darkness, he can even reduce this dignified atmosphere. Turned into fear and put it on Seto Kaiba.

Although it sounds like a scary game played by children, Amaluda believes that the momentum of the duelist is very important in the duel. If he could suppress Kaiba in terms of momentum, he could also suppress Kaiba's luck in the duel.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost over, Amaluda planned to emerge from the darkness. But at this moment, Keppei, who couldn't see what was in the darkness, casually raised the watch on his wrist, facing America from the side, and only heard a bah sound.

A bright light suddenly came on, almost blinding Amaluda's eyes that had adapted to the light in the dark!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

America, who kept covering her tearful eyes, and Keppei, who was startled when he saw a person suddenly appear out of the darkness, shouted in unison!

What, is there something wrong with this guy? Why is he hiding in that dark place! Although he had an angry expression on his face, his body was consciously hiding behind Kaiba, with only one head exposed. Keipei said, Obviously I haven’t seen anyone since I entered Bekas’ castle, and I thought there was no one here anymore.”

I didn't expect someone to be standing there like that. I was shocked!

Even Kaiba actually didn't expect that a living person like Amaluda would be hiding in the darkness, and he was somewhat shocked. However, he is proficient in pretending to hide and still has a calm expression on the surface, even a little I already knew he was there disdain: Hmph, this kind of rat in the gutter probably wants to sneak up on people when they are not prepared.

It makes me sicker than frog pee.

What's wrong with this? Keihei raised his eyebrows, Nissan, come on! Beat him up.

Kuihei, who did you learn this from?

Brother Hayato, he said it was a famous quote from a lawyer.

Don't learn it next time.

And when Amaluda heard the voice of Seto Kaiba that he was haunted in dreams, even though his eyes were still uncomfortable, he still forcibly opened his bloodshot and tearful eyes and glared at Kaiba: Ou Nore Kaiba Seto!”

You actually knew I was here a long time ago, but you pretended to be on guard without knowing it, and then turned your back on your younger brother to plot against me. This kind of cunning plan and using your younger brother as a tool is unforgivable, Kaibase people!

You guys are so noisy! Kaiba yelled back with an unhappy look on his face. Not to mention that I was just pretending that I wasn't scared just now. It was obviously Keiping who used the bright flashlight on his arm to shine a light on you. Seeing what you mean, why do you still want to blame me?

Can I, Seto Kaiba, bear this tone?

It's no use talking anymore, let's duel!

Hmph, I don't care. Anyway, I can only be the winner.

That's not necessarily the case. This is the end of your despair, Seto Kaiba!


Looking at Seto Kaiba and Amelda, who suddenly raised their respective duel disks to start a duel after a disagreement, Keppei couldn't help complaining: Well, we are duelists after all, so we still have to play cards. Woolen cloth.

[Seto Kaiba: 4000lp]

[Ameruda: 4000lp]

Although the duel seemed like a child's play, in fact neither Kaiba nor Amalda felt that it was out of the ordinary.

Amaluda longs for revenge and wants to defeat Kaiba's pride among the duel monsters he is best at and kill him.

As for Kaiba, he is also dissatisfied with the result of the draw with Amaluda last time and wants to win. Moreover, Ameluda is currently blocking the only entrance to the data center. Unless he is defeated, it is basically useless. Thinking about moving forward.

‘Neither of us is the kind of person who can sit down and chat with each other. In that case, we just need to kill each other in a duel! ’

The two men, who looked nothing alike but were similar in some ways, drew the card at the top of the deck with the same conviction.

I'll take the initiative, draw the card!

It was not Ameluda who took the lead, but Kaiba. He rarely drew a card without Sanbailong's high star starting hand.

Although he uses the [Blue Eyes] deck, that does not mean that Kaiba is only good at attack tactics. In fact, he also invests a lot of trap cards in his deck. As for who influenced it? Not Hayato anyway, probably.

Inserting a card into the magic trap area, Kaiba declared: Activate this magic card from my hand, [Dragon Temple], and send a dragon monster from my deck to the graveyard.

And when the monster sent to the graveyard by this effect is a normal dragon-type monster, you can send an additional dragon-type monster from the deck to the graveyard. As he said this, Kaiba pulled out two cards that were automatically retrieved from the duel disk. The one I sent to the graveyard was [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], and then because it was a normal monster, I sent another [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] to the graveyard.

It's just [Stupid Burial] that is limited to dragon monsters. You actually sent your important [Blue Eyes White Dragon] to the graveyard without any hesitation, Seto Kaiba, you cold-blooded animal. It was obviously just a normal grave-piling operation. , Americaruda, who couldn't stand Kaiba, took the opportunity to find fault and sneered at Kaiba.

Kaiba just pulled out another card and said disdainfully: Hmph, there is no need to explain my thoughts to a toilet rat like you.

The magic card [Gospel of Resurrection] is activated by targeting a level 7·8☆ dragon-type monster in my graveyard. Special summon that monster! Kaiba raised his arm, pointed his finger upward, and shouted , Come to me, Wagga Tamashi!

Bruce tilts his head Doragon!

The light dispelled the darkness, and the dragon soared into the air. The [Blue-Eyed White Dragon], which was retrieved from the deck and sent to the graveyard by [Dragon Temple], was resurrected and descended on the seahorse field!

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【atk3000】

After summoning [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], Kaiba drew another card and placed it on the duel plate: Modada, take the last [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] from my deck and the defense position from my hand. Special summon [Dragon Dominator-Dragon Dictator-].

Then, covering two cards in my hand, my turn ends.

[Haima: 4000lp, 1 card in hand]

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【atk3000】

[Dragon Ruler-Dragon Dictator-][def1100]

【Gate Card】x2

Looking at the [Dragon Ruler-Dragon Dictator-] appearing on the seahorse field, Amaluda raised an eyebrow. If he remembered correctly, that monster had the ability of when the [Blue Eyes] monster exists on Kaiba's field, the target of the opponent's monster's attack is determined by Kaiba.

This effect exists permanently and does not enter the chain. As long as this monster exists, if you want to destroy this monster with only 1100 defense points in battle, you need to face the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] with an attack power of up to 3000 points. If you want to use a monster with high attack power to destroy [Blue Eyes White Dragon], you will instead attack [Dragon Dominator-Dragon Dictator-] that cannot cause damage.

In short, it is such a monster with very simple effects but also very troublesome.

My turn, draw a card.

However, even after knowing the effect of [Dragon Ruler-Dragon Dictator-], Amaluda is still full of confidence. After all, there are just two monsters without any resistance on the Kaiba field.

Playing the drawn card directly, Amaluda sneered: I activate the effect of [Mecha Radiation Soldier] in my hand, discard the [Mecha Colonel] in my hand and send it to the graveyard, and send [Mecha Radiation Soldier] Soldier] Special Summon in attack position on my field!

A card was sent to the graveyard by Amaluda, and then a huge mechanical soldier appeared on his field.

【Mecha Radiant Soldier】【atk1700】

Although it is a level 8 superior monster, [Mecha Radiant Soldier]'s panel is obviously a little stretched, and its attack power is only 1,700. After seeing that Amaluda had just summoned such a weak monster, Kaiba already had a contemptuous smile on his face.

However, Kaiba, who had suffered more than once from weak monsters, wisely refrained from taunting him directly, but Amaluda had already entered his fighting phase.

Start the battle. I'm going to use [Mecha Radiant Soldier] to attack the [Dragon Dominator-Dragon Dictator-] on your field, Seto Kaiba!

With that said, the cannon integrated with the body of the [Mecha Radiant Soldier] was aimed at the [Dragon Dominator-Dragon Dictator-] in defense position, and a laser cannon was fired!

Although he was a little confused about the fact that Ameruda started the battle phase after simply summoning a monster, he still said: Hmph, don't even think about getting close to my monster, [Dragon Dominator-Dragon Dictator]'s The ability is that when the [Blue Eyes] monster exists on my field, it is no longer you who decides the target of your monster's attack, but me, Seto Kaiba!

I order your monster to attack [Blue Eyes White Dragon], and then turn into dust under the power of [Blue Eyes]!

Following Kaiba's command, the beam originally aimed at [Dragon Ruler - Dragon Dictator -] turned around in mid-air and flew towards [Blue Eyes White Dragon], but to Kaiba's surprise, Ya Meluda actually played a card proudly.

This is a trial, Kaiba, a trial from our past. Only the winner can cross the past and go to the future. Insert the card into the duel plate, and the quick attack magic card appeared in the backfield of Amaluda , At this time, I activate the quick-attack magic card [Restriction Release] to double the attack power of all mechanical monsters on the field!

The trial will end with the blood you shed!

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