Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 60 Homo’s unique nine is greater than ten

To be honest, even Cheng Nai can guess what the card Baron is covering at this moment will be.

After all, there is first a [Survival Treasure Card] that requires a monster to be specially summoned from the graveyard to be activated, and then there is a [Stupid Burial] that actively sends monsters from the deck to the graveyard. No matter how you look at it, one of Baron's two cards must have a special summoning ability from the graveyard.

But, it doesn't matter.

Different from just now, Mr. Jonouchi's current hand of cards is ten or even nine times stronger than before after changing it!

My turn, draw a card!

Then there is the magic card [Red-Eye Insight]. Send [Red-Eye Wyvern] from the deck to the graveyard to activate. Add a [Red-Eye] magic/trap card from the deck to your hand except [Red-Eye Insight]. Card, I choose [True Red Eye Fusion].”

Then, activate it!

[True Red Eye] The deck's exclusive fusion magic card was activated by Jonouchi, and a red vortex appeared on his field.

[Red-Eye Fusion] is different from most fusions that lose cards. It has the ability to select fusion materials from the deck. However, powerful cards often come with huge risks. I can't do this during the round when [Red-Eye Fusion] is activated. Other summons and special summons.”

While retrieving the two monsters to be used for fusion from the deck, Jonouchi sent them to the graveyard while shouting, The materials for fusion are the level 7☆ Red-Eyed Black Dragon and the level 6☆ dragon-type monster. Meteor Dragon]!

[Blue Eyes] is the white dragon that brings victory, then [True Red Eye] is the black dragon that calls for miracles. The black flames of the meteorite from the sky are born!

Fusion Summon, [Meteor Dragon-Meteor Black Dragon]!

As the two monsters in the city were sent into the rotating vortex, the entrance opened by [True Red Eye Fusion] closed, and a beam of red and black light rose into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a meteor fell from the sky and rushed straight into the city!


The earth was shaking, the air heated by the high temperature was trembling, and the falling meteorite opened a pair of huge black wings. The high-temperature dragon blood like magma flowed in the blood veins of the dragon wings, revealing a scarlet color. It was impressive. A giant dragon!

[Meteor Dragon-Meteor Black Dragon] [8☆/Dark]



Not only that, Balong also discovered that in addition to the fallen dragon in front of him, which looked like a fire attribute but was actually a dark attribute, there was also a falling rock directed at him!


[Barong: 4000→2600lp]

After being hit by a meteorite, Barong's basic score, which was originally at full value, was actually dropped by a full 1,400 points in one breath! ?

[Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon] activates its effect when the Fusion Summon is successful, sending a [Red Eye] monster from my deck to the graveyard, and then inflicting effect damage equal to half the original attack power of that monster to the opponent's duelist. . Jonouchi showed a card in his hand, The one I sent to the cemetery is this [True Red-Eyed Black Iron Dragon], its attack power is 2800 points.

1400 points of effect damage. Even if it's not in a dark game, it can still be so hot. Even I almost got burned. Baron said, patting his chest and extinguishing a wisp of flames. .

Obviously, before either side's battle phase has even started, one-third of his basic points have been cut off. For ordinary duelists, it can be said to be a big disadvantage, but Barong still looks very happy with himself. Look confident.

Although Jonouchi has not performed a normal summon this round, the self-suppression of [Red-Eye Fusion] has taken effect, and he cannot perform a normal summon even if he still has monsters in his hand that can be normally summoned. However, even though he had summoned [Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon] whose attack power was 500 points higher than [Blue Eyes White Dragon], there were still five cards left in the city.

And at the same time, he had even sent a total of five monster cards into the graveyard.

Activate the magic card [Pot of Greed], and take five monster cards from my graveyard - two [Red-Eyes Black Dragon], [Meteor Dragon], [Red-Eyes Black Iron Dragon] and [Red-Eyes Flying Dragon] 】Return to the deck, shuffle, and then draw two cards from the deck.

The second [True Red-Eyes Black Dragon]? Baron was a little bit curious when Jonouchi's second [True Red-Eyes Black Dragon] was sent to the cemetery, but when he thought about it, he remembered that Jonouchi had been killed by [Hand Card] before. 】Five cards sent to the graveyard, I see, that's when it was.

Draw cards! After shuffling and cutting, Jonouchi drew two cards, looked at the drawn cards, and took out one of them, Yoshi, I will activate the equipment magic card [Meteor Strike] I just drew. This This card can give the monsters on my field the ability to penetrate defense!

The attack power of [Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon] equipped with [Meteor Direct Strike] is 3500 points, but the defense power of the [Psychic Helmet·Armor] on your field is only 500 points!

Jonouchi said confidently, It seems that the goddess of victory is on my side, Barong!

Enter the battle phase, then [Meteor Dragon-Meteor Black Dragon] attacks [Spiritual Helmet·Armor]!

Explosion☆Kill! Black flame meteor within the city!

What a strange name that is!

In the midst of Barong's complaints, [Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon] raised its wings into the sky in the firelight, and spit out the magma bomb in its mouth at Barong below.

If the magma bombs wrapped in black fire hit the [Spiritual Helmet Armor] equipped on Baron's head, it would be easy to clear out his remaining 2600 basic points!

Under Jonouchi's defensive eyes, Barong did not sit still and wait for death, but opened the cards in his backcourt. However, what he activated was not the card that resurrected the monsters in the graveyard as Jonouchi thought before, but the [Physical Strength Enhancer-Super Z]! ?

This battle of [Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon] will cause me more than 2,000 points of combat damage, which satisfies the activation conditions of this card. Before that damage comes, the effect of [Physical Strength Enhancer - Super Z] will take effect!

My basic points are restored to 4000 points!

[Baron: 2600→6600lp]


Jonouchi watched helplessly as Baron's basic points recovered so much in one go. The attack that was supposed to be a fatal blow [Meteor Dragon - Meteor Black Dragon] fell without any weakening at all, destroying the [Spiritual Helmet·Armor] on Barong's head. 】.


[Barong: 6600→3600lp]

Yeah, yeah, that's a powerful blow, Jonouchi Katsuya, but it would be too arrogant to declare victory to you so early. The broken helmet disappeared, revealing Baron with a confident smile on his face, What you call 'explosion ☆ kill' is this kind of attack that is not even a massage, but it only reduced my base points by a measly 400 points in one round.

It's just a pity that I got this $20,000 custom-made shirt stained.

Jonouchi's eyes instantly became very unhappy: Hey, why are you guys always so rich?

Cover two cards, my turn ends.

[Within the city: 4000lp, 3 cards in hand]

[Meteor Dragon-Meteor Black Dragon] (Meteor Direct Strike) [atk3500]

【Gate Card】x2

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