Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 57 It’s a bit unpleasant to write a typo but the title can’t be modified.

The RV carrying Yugi and six people was driving along the road. Jonouchi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was looking boredly at the unchanging scenery in the distance when a black spot broke into his sight.

Is that a small town? There are actually people living in such a desolate place. From a distance, Jonouchi could clearly see that the black spot was a town, and said with a little surprise, And the scale looks small. It’s not very big, but it’s not too small either.”

Sitting in the driver's seat was Peacock, the only one in the group with an American driver's license. Honda does have a motorcycle driver's license, but it is a Japanese document, and he is not so powerful that he can drive in the United States with a Japanese document.

Wearing sunglasses on his face to protect himself from the sun, Peacock Dance briefly glanced in the direction Jonouchi was looking at: That's what America is like. Most of the areas that occupy the largest area are poor places, and the rich places are rich in land. However, which Isn’t this the place?”

It's still almost six hours away from our destination, and we won't be able to get to the Paradis Group headquarters until night at the earliest. Do you want to go there and have a rest?

The few people sitting in the back discussed it and decided that it was not too long. In addition, it was almost 12 o'clock at noon. It was better to rest in a nearby town than to stop at the edge of the desert and cook in the wind and sand.

Turning from the relatively flat road to the gravel road leading to the town, the RV drove into the town in a short while under the watchful eyes of the town residents on both sides of the road, and finally stopped in front of a convenience store.

The further he drove into the town, the more Yugi felt that the illusion of being watched became clearer and more obvious. But when he got out of the car, that feeling suddenly disappeared completely.

That's probably really an illusion, right? Yugi didn't stand there in a daze, blocking his companions from getting out of the car. He took a few steps outside and looked around casually.

The residents of the town are not surprised that tourists like Yugi and others who drive into the town in an RV may have seen a lot. Although at the beginning, they looked up and down at the size of the vehicle and the appearance of the few people who got out of the car, But after discovering that there were some foreigners who looked stupid, he withdrew his gaze and continued busy with what he was doing.

No matter how you look at it, none of them have normal hairstyles. Most of them are the so-called artistic young people who feel that remote mountains and remote mountains have a wasteland feeling and a lonely feeling. They were tired of being in this kind of environment, and God knows why anyone couldn't think of traveling to a place like this.

Although there is a saying that the so-called travel is when people who are tired of staying in one place go to another place where others are tired of staying, it is unclear whether they came to this town for travel or for other reasons. In fact, it's not much of the townspeople's business. Instead of caring about these foreigners, it's better to go home and have dinner.

Looking away from the busy townspeople, Yugi glanced at the direction they drove in, and found a plaque with the words Conflict Town hanging in mid-air at the entrance not far away.

Is this called 'Conflict Town'? Honda, who also got out of the car, stretched his muscles and noticed the plaque Yugi found, and casually complained, By the way, why is that plaque still dripping paint? Ah, it looks like it was just written and hung up.”

It's the idiot Honda who cares about the details. Maybe this place has actually returned to the south recently? Although it's a bit bizarre, floods can occur in the desert, so it's not impossible. Jonouchi jumped from the passenger seat, He patted Honda on the shoulder and joked.

Honda was not an idiot who believed a fool, so he rolled his eyes at Jonouchi, and did not continue to pay attention to the plaque. He looked at the two ladies who had already hid in the shadows in front of the convenience store to avoid the sun, and pushed Jonouchi. Go there too.

Although the town is far away from the city and in a remote desert, after walking into the convenience store, they discovered that the products here are surprisingly rich. There are two counters for food alone, not only fast-food bubbles. There are also noodles, freshly baked bread, and even exquisite cakes and expensive ice cream, which would be a loss in a small town.

Needless to say, drinking water and the like are available. In addition, there are even spare tires for sale. What’s even more outrageous is that there is an entire wall of various guns hung on the wall of the checkout counter at the end of the convenience store!

Is this a convenience store or an arsenal?

Although they were full of complaints, even if they wanted to buy a gun without a gun license, they couldn't do it. What's more, they just wanted to buy some water to drink on the road and fast food for lunch. . Except for the two girls Kyoko and Mai who couldn't hold back their greed and bought a cold cake, Jonouchi, Yugi and Honda each carried a plastic bag of food and walked out of the store.

However, as he walked through the aisle of the convenience store and walked towards the RV parked outside the store, Yugi suddenly felt that strange feeling of being watched again. The alarm bell rang in his heart, and he couldn't help but look left and right and looked around.

However, the abnormality of the game was not noticed by Honda and Jonouchi who were walking in front. They were chatting to themselves.

Ah? It seems to have suddenly quieted down. There are fewer people on the street. It seems a little different from just now?

Well, it's already twelve o'clock after all. It's time to eat. Most people in the town have gone home to eat. Thinking of this, I'm a little hungry, but you can buy curry rice here. What good luck.

I just bought curry rice. Are you happy?

Isn't that natural? Jonouchi, I like curry rice the most. If Ryuzaki doesn't like it later, I'll eat two bowls. For me, I just need to work harder to get this size.

Hey, hey, it's easy to get motion sickness if you eat that much. Don't vomit it up then and it'll all be in vain.

Humph, it's impossible to eat until you're full. As long as you don't stop and eat in one go, I can handle it with two more bowls.

Honda and Jonouchi just walked out of the convenience store door after unknowingly saying a very bad line. Ryuzaki was waiting by the RV for a few people to walk out of the convenience store.

But at this moment, there was a harsh sound of tires rubbing against the ground. After hearing the sound, Jonouchi, Honda and Ryuzaki found a black limousine suddenly stopping at a corner not far away, and got out of the car. Three guys who looked like fools and wore black suits in the bright sun jumped out one after another and rushed towards a few people!

On the left hands of several people, they also wore a special bronze-green duel disk from the Doma Organization, which was unfolding as they inserted the card set into the card slot.

Looking at this posture, he is probably not a fan of duel monsters, but more likely an assassin sent by Doma!

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