Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 43 If you don’t know the reason, let’s blame Becas first.

Morning news, at three o'clock in the morning today, the famous professional duelists 'Maze Brothers' and 'Dinosaur Ryuzaki' were found in a coma in front of the newly completed Kaiba Stadium for unknown reasons. This is the 49th case in the past week. Duelist Coma Incident.”

After receiving the emergency call, the above three people were sent to the University of Washington Medical Center for treatment together with other victims. However, the cause of the collective coma is still unknown. The Professional Duelist League protested. The Washington police have intervened in the investigation, related We will continue to report the news.

Looking at the news broadcast by the host on the screen in the car, everyone looked unhappy, especially Jonouchi and Yugi.

Have the Labyrinth Brothers been defeated... That guy Ryuzaki...

In the Duel Kingdom, the Labyrinth Brothers were duelists employed by Bekas and were assigned as gatekeepers for the trials initiated by Yugi and others. They once had a double duel with Yugi and Jonouchi, and later as a duelist. The Keeper of the Kingdom Castle Dungeon dueled with Hayato.

As for Ryuzaki, it can be said that Jonouchi was the most important opponent when he was in the Duel Kingdom. The [Red-Eyes Black Dragon] that has accompanied him to this day was won by Jonouchi from Ryuzaki, but after the two experienced the duel in the KC Cup I have already let go of this matter.

And now in the news, powerful duelists like the Maze Brothers and Ryuzaki became one of the victims.

At the earliest, former United States Champion 'The Thief' Keith Howard was found unconscious in an alley. Keppei retrieved a document and projected it on the screen instead of starting to announce that the President had come out again. News, At first, it was thought to be a coma caused by bad alcohol poisoning caused by Keith Howard's own drinking.

But then the victims kept showing up.

On the screen, Keppei listed the heads of the victims, arranged in several rows. During this time, Yugi and Jonouchi also saw many people they knew, and they had more or less fought against each other several times.

But now, these people have all fallen into a coma.

What is the reason why duelists in the United States suffer from comas one after another? Or, who put them in a coma?

Yugi lowered his head and thought. The unexplained comas appeared one after another. From the external appearance, the duelists seemed to have been deprived of their souls, so they could not wake up while their bodies were still alive. Those who could do this The first is the dark game.

Is there some murderer who has mastered the power of the dark game and is hunting the game in America? No, compared to that, the game is more reminiscent of Gulimo, who had just had a stop with him not long ago. He claimed to be from the Doma organization, and in order to awaken their gods, he needed three God Cards as sacrifices. Taste.

Not long after all the God Cards were taken away, extremely strange duel monster images materialized in Sando Sano City and even around the world, and the world suddenly fell into panic.

Some duelists with the ability to see the existence of card spirits even discovered a huge vertical pupil hanging in the dark sky, as if there was a huge python wrapped around the outside of the earth, looking down at the humans on the surface. Looks like panic.

At that time, Yugi, who was in the Egyptian Antiquities Touring Exhibition Hall in Tongshino City, and Dark Yugi in the [Millennium Building Blocks], witnessed the appearance of vertical pupils, and were summoned by a cry for help, and mentally traveled to the elven world for a short period of time.

There, the two games discovered that Shutong also appeared in the elf world and devoured the card elves who could not resist its power as a supplement to their own strength. Under the guidance of [Dark Magician Girl], the two games worked together to pull out a card elf. The long sword stuck in the eye of a giant dragon statue returned to the real world.

After that, Yugi had an extra card in his hand.

[Eye of Timaeus]... Yugi took out the card that appeared in his hand out of thin air at that time from his pocket. At that time, he used the power of this card to summon a blue dragon to sweep the sky. The vertical pupils in the film defeated and eliminated the global duel monster materialization event. Could it be done by people from 'Doma'?

Keipei sighed after hearing Yugi's words: Unfortunately, there are still no witnesses of any of them until now. Even if it was the 'Doma' organization that robbed the 'Three Phantom Gods' card, their ending It’s just too clean to be traced.”

However, I found a piece of unconfirmed gossip, saying that the Maze Brothers and Dinosaur Ryuzaki were found attacked this morning. Weren't they two taken to the hospital by ambulance, but the person who called the ambulance... It’s Ryuzaki himself who is also unconscious.”

Because it is impossible for an unconscious person to call an ambulance, I guess that Dinosaur Ryuzaki is probably a witness who doesn't know whether to call it good luck or misfortune. After witnessing the attack on the Maze Brothers, he A call for help was made, but then he himself was silenced because he saw too much.

Damn it, that idiot Ryuzaki! After hearing Keipei's analysis of the situation at that time, Jonouchi said angrily, Didn't that guy say he wants to become the top professional duelist? What can he do with his nonsense?

It's really unforgivable that he was killed like this even though he had never won a championship so far!

Although he cursed Ryuzaki, everyone could see clearly that Jonouchi's anger was directed at the unknown perpetrator. If that person dared to reveal his identity in front of Jonouchi now, he would definitely be beaten up by the angry Jonouchi. A meal.

Kaiba, who had been listening to Keppei's analysis for a long time and the old god had been there all the time, also said: To be honest, who are those third-rate duelists who use fourth-rate decks, and what did they go through to fall into a coma? I don't know. It doesn’t matter at all, I won’t care about them.”

The ruthless words aroused Jonouchi's glare, but Kaiba, an old and arrogant person, always has the habit of putting important words in the second half of the sentence. The first half of the sentence can always be ignored, However, every player who fights monsters is Kaiba. The group’s valuable assets let me know who is taking action against the interests of the Haima Group, I will definitely personally impose sanctions on them!”

While they were talking, the stretch car that the group was riding in drove up to the Golden Gate Bridge, a famous bridge that collapses every time it appears in major film and television works. Across the bay, you can see that it stands out among the high-rise buildings on the other side. of a building.

That is... Even though Kyoko, who had not been to the United States many times, just glanced at the eye-catching neon LOGO of Cartoon Crocodile on the top of the building from a distance, she instantly recognized where it was. , International Illusion Society?

Humph, not long ago, there was a malfunction in the duel monster images around the world. The Kaiba Group is not completely out of trouble yet. Kaiba glanced at the headquarters building of the International Illusion Society outside the window and said unhappily, There is no doubt that Kaiba There is no problem with the data saved by the group, so the problem can only be caused by the International Illusion Society.

No, so it's not an image error, it's the duel monsters that have really materialized. Honda complained, but obviously, Kaiba's cognition is in a readable but not writable mode, and he still stubbornly uses the science he understands Knowledge is interpreting.

I don't believe that fake American named Bekas, so the first thing I have to do when I come to the United States this time is to go to the headquarters of the International Illusion Society to check their data. By the way, the tracker that Keppei left behind The last location we locked is also nearby, maybe we can find some clues.

As he spoke, Kaiba also glanced at Yugi, or to be precise, at the card named [Eye of Timaeus] in Yugi's hand.

On the day when the global duel monster materialized, Kaiba, who had been robbed of [Obelisk's Titan Soldier], was also at the Egyptian Antiquities Touring Exhibition Hall at the invitation of Isis. Naturally, he also witnessed the use of [Timaeus of Timaeus] in the game. Eye】The power of this card will defeat the vertical pupil in the sky.

——Yes, Kaiba actually has a certain ability to see the existence of elves, and naturally can also see the existence of vertical pupils in the sky.

However, even though Kaiba often sees the elves around Yugi, he still stubbornly refuses to believe in the existence of card elves. If you want to change this about him, I'm afraid you have to wait until he sees his card elf——

Because of that scene, Kaiba was naturally very interested in the powerful Dragon Monster in Yugi's hand. He almost forgot about other matters such as retrieving the God Card that day, and couldn't wait to use it【 Blue Eyes and Eye of Timaeus compete to see who is the strongest dragon.

What Kaiba didn't expect at the time was that the [Eye of Timaeus] held by Yugi clearly summoned a dragon no matter how you looked at it, but it happened to be not a dragon monster. It was even difficult to say that it was a dragon. Monster card.

The border is not the color of any magic card, trap card, or monster card, but a blue that is as transparent as jade. In the center of the card is a character named [Timaeus] with an injured eye. Dragon, but this name is not recorded anywhere on the card.

There is even no text or pattern on the entire card. There is no attribute, card name, star rating, effect or description at all. It looks like a semi-finished card with only the card picture printed on it.

Kaiba immediately thought of one of Yugi's identities. He was the major shareholder of the International Illusion Society, with a shareholding of 30%, second only to Bekas, and tied with Hayato. Of course, Kaiba understands the [Eye of Timaeus] as Bekas's official plug-in for the game.

He has another reason to trouble Becas. He actually prints this kind of card for others without any words, so it can have the effect of talking nonsense. It is unforgivable, Becas!

Although the headquarters building of the International Society of Illusions is located in San Francisco, the prosperous former gold rush capital, because the streets are quite spacious, even though the traffic flow is heavy, it does not make people feel congested when driving. Not long after driving safely away from the Golden Gate Bridge, everyone The car they took arrived at the industrial park where the International Illusion Society was located, and the group got out of the car in front of the headquarters building.

Although Yu Xi is the majority shareholder of the International Illusion Society, it is also his first time to come to the headquarters of the International Illusion Society.

This situation is only possible in the International Illusion Society, which was originally controlled by Bekas and had no board of directors.

It's really big. It looks even taller than the Kaiba Group building. Looking up at the towering International Illusion Society headquarters building, Jonouchi couldn't help but sigh.

Although the influence of Haima Group is increasing day by day, after all, International Illusion Society is a giant that has been established for a long time. Its status is much higher than that of Haima Entertainment Group, which was transformed midway. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the seahorse still has room to catch up.

This can also be seen in the headquarters buildings of the two groups. The Kaiba Group's headquarters is not established in Tokyo but in the relatively remote Toshino City, but the International Illusion Society can set up its headquarters almost in the center of San Francisco.

However, the heights of the headquarters buildings of the two groups are actually the same. As for Jonouchi, it is said that the one of the International Illusion Society is taller. Is it because I saw too many Kaiba Group buildings in Doshino City, or is it because I deliberately belittled Kaiba?

Who knows.

Kaiba ignored Jonouchi's childish words, but another person responded to Jonouchi: The height is indeed quite high, but when it comes to it, the Kaiba Group Building in Doshino City is similar. Don't act like someone who has never seen the world. You look like a country boy, it’s so embarrassing.”

Before seeing the person, he heard his voice first. Jonouchi even smelled a familiar smell, and a figure of a person instantly appeared in Jonouchi's mind.

But he wasn't sure it was the other person. He excitedly turned his head to look at the place where the sound came from, and saw Peacock Wu, dressed sharply, getting off a stopped motorcycle. He took off his helmet and straightened his coiled golden hair. With long hair, he smiled at Jonouchi: Long time no see.

Within the city

Dance! Although he recognized the sound of Peacock Dance when he heard the sound, Jonouchi was obviously quite surprised that Peacock Dance appeared here, Why did you appear here?

But it's good that you're fine. After I saw on the news that a large number of duelists fell into coma, I was subconsciously worried that something might happen to you too.

Hmph, don't underestimate me, Jonouchi, I want to prove to the world that female duelists are also very strong, and I won't just be knocked down in the middle of the road, oh ho ho ho.

Haha, that's right. When Jonouchi heard Maura Mai confidently giving out her signature queen's smile, she also touched the back of her head and giggled, then suddenly remembered something and said, Ah, by the way, I also saw the duel in which you won the championship not long ago. Yes, congratulations, Wu.

This time, Peacock Dance suddenly felt a little shy, blushing and said softly Hmm.

Honda on the side poked Keihei, who looked proud, with his finger: I said, could it be...

Hmm, we are saving the world. Just to increase our strength, I invited the current United States Champion Peacock Dance to help. He subconsciously touched his nose. This is Keppei's habitual action when lying, I don’t want to see what will happen to this idiot Jonouchi.”

Honda complained: Compared to Kaiba, Keppei is more likely to accept the existence of Duel Monsters.

But, looking at Mai and Jonouchi, who were looking at each other shyly, Honda said with a bad smile, I'm actually quite interested.

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