Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 21 Is fate irreversible?

Although Yu Moth looks quite short, he is also short compared to tall men such as Jonouchi and Hayato. He is actually 1.6 meters tall, which happens to be the same height as a certain super mysophobic soldier. He charged with all his strength, and Yugi couldn't react in a hurry. He could only hold on to the round table fixed on the deck beside him and the five cards in his hand.

However, despite this, there was still a piece of [Sealed Exodia], the one that symbolized the head and torso, that emerged from Yugi's fingertips.

Yugi and Feather Moth lost balance and fell to the ground at the same time, but Feather Moth took the initiative and got up first. He was about to rush towards Yugi to seize the card again, but was hit by Hayato standing next to him with a fist. A fist as big as a casserole hit Yu Mo's nose, causing blood to spurt out. The nose was crooked to one side, but it was like a soy sauce shop, with salty, sour, and spicy all rolling out.

Seeing that Yu Mo was about to get up again, the people in black rushed forward and pressed Yu Mo to the ground, controlling his limbs. His head came into close contact with the deck, and he kept saying Uh huh. the sound of. This time, he couldn't bite anyone if he wanted to.

It's okay, Yugi. Jonouchi's hand was bitten with blood by a feather moth, but he was much better than those who cried and cried for death after opening a cut on their finger, and were given bandages and sent to the hospital. He endured it. Pain came to the side of Yugi who was on the ground and helped him up.

Yugi got up from the ground and covered the back of his head with one hand: I'm fine, Jonouchi.

Feather Moth's blow just now almost knocked Yugi out of the third floor - just like Cruila's biological mother's dog hit and killed Kuila's adoptive mother - but even if it didn't succeed, when Yugi fell to the ground, his big My head also collided hard with the railing, and now I can't help but feel a little dizzy.

But when Yugi turned his attention to [Exodia], which he had held tightly before, he suddenly came to his senses: [Exodia]! Chicken Sauce's card is missing. !”

At this moment, there were only four [Exodia] left in his hand. The four mortal bones and limbs were still there, but the most important head was missing.

Hayato suddenly thought of something and pushed away the black-clothed security guard. He grabbed Yu Mo's hair and lifted his head off the ground. He saw that Yu Mo was chewing something with his mouth bulging, and his face was covered with blood from his nose. The blood was stained, but he looked at Hayato with a sneer.

Hayato was not a nice gentleman. When he saw Yu Mo looking at him with a provocative look, he punched his eyes again, causing Yu Mo's eyes to crack and black beads to burst out, and it seemed to be open. A colorful silk shop, red, black, purple are all about to bloom. Yu Mo's eyes flashed with stars, and his mouth kept opening, revealing what he had swallowed in his mouth.

This guy actually didn't give up and swallowed the [Sealed Exodia] that Yugi accidentally dropped on the ground directly into his mouth. At this moment, he had already bitten off half of it with his teeth. . Now, even if Yu Moth were to disembowel the card and take out the card fragments, there would be no way to restore the completely shattered card.

‘Is this the inertia of the plot? Mr. Shuangliu is destined to have his soul sealed by Becas, and Feather Moth is bound to tear apart [Exodia]. ’ Hayato felt the deep malice from the world. Is everything in this world fixed? Are all people slaves to fate?

He was so angry that he laughed and slapped the unconscious Yu Moth again on the face, waking him up. This slap seemed to create a dojo for the whole hall, with chimes, cymbals, and cymbals all ringing in unison. The unconscious Yumo was stunned to wake up again by Hayato's slap.

Holding Yu Mo's collar, Hayato vented all his inner unhappiness on the person in front of him. He was about to raise his fist again, but just as he was about to fall, he was caught by someone.

The people who took action were the men in black who had just helped Hayato suppress Yu Mo. One of them grabbed Hayato's raised fist, and the other two grabbed the bodies of Hayato and Yu Mo respectively, and took Yu Mo away from Hayato's hands. And quickly opened the distance between the two.

Let me go!

The man in black heard Hayato's words, but his expression did not change: Sorry, Mr. Hayato, although you are a distinguished guest, this Mr. Feather Moth is also a contestant invited by Mr. Bekas.

This is the contestant who just tore up other people's cards through dishonorable means! Hayato took his hand away from the man in black and tried to find Yu Moth, but was stopped by a group of people formed by several men in black. The wall blocked the view, and one could only see Yu Moth being carried down the stairs by two men in black under his armpits through the gap.

You should immediately revoke that insect bastard's qualifications. Jonouchi's expression was equally ugly. He was feeling angry and guilty at the same time, because if he hadn't let go because of the pain, Feather Moth would have had absolutely no chance of succeeding.

We do not have the power to revoke a player's qualifications, no matter what he did on the ship. As long as he does not directly harm the lives of other players, we must follow Mr. Bekas's order and bring him to the 'Kingdom'. Black The man in clothes looked at Jonouchi and said, the indifference in his tone seemed not to take the lives of others at all.

Yugi held the back of his head. Despite his good-natured nature, he was quite angry now: Wantfully destroying other people's cherished duel monster cards, that guy Feather Moth doesn't understand the heart of the card at all. If Bekas were here. , he will definitely also——

Feathermoth Boy's qualifications will definitely be revoked, right, Game Boy? The man in black suddenly interrupted the game, but the voice coming from his mouth sounded awkward, and made the game feel very familiar. Suddenly his eyes widened and he looked at the man in black wearing sunglasses in disbelief: Becas!?

Yes, I am! The man in black, who had been extremely serious just now, suddenly acted like a lively child, giving a thumbs up to the game and said playfully. After the man in black lifted the bangs in front of his forehead, Yugi and others saw that there was actually a symbol of the Eye of Sigatus tattooed on his head, which was still emitting a faint golden light at night.

[Exodia] This set of cards is indeed a very precious card. I felt quite sorry when I saw it bitten by the Feather Moth Boy through this puppet, just like the Seahorse Boy tore off the fourth one. It's the same as [Blue Eyes]. Should I say that it is really an 'insect' feather moth that eats plants? The man in black, who was controlled by Becas, said in Becas's iconic weird accent, But unfortunately, I will not disqualify Feather Moth Boy just for such a trivial reason.

Although I care a lot about Duel Monsters, my love for Duel Monsters is quite philanthropic. In my eyes, this 'Duel Kingdom' game is much more important than a mere card.

Because it's the only 'love' I have now, I put all my heart and soul into it, and as a result, I no longer care about anything else, right, Becas?

That's absolutely correct. Boy Hayato knows me so well. I really don't know who is the master of the [Millennium Eye].

Listening to Bekas's strange tongue, Hayato looked at the man in black who was controlled by Bekas, I heard that you plan to implement new rules in this competition, right? In order to prevent other duelists from having difficulty Understood, how about a demonstration duel in front of your castle?

Just like a formal competition, you will bet your own price. I have found the players for you, me and the insect feather moth.

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