What Keith was looking at was not the cards in the deck, but the cards hidden on his left wrist. Among them were cards that relied heavily on luck when used normally, but could almost be used to seal victory when cheating. card.

My turn... When he placed his index finger on top of the card deck, Keith subconsciously put his thumb on the wristband. With his hand speed, he could fake the hidden cards without leaving a trace. Replace it with the top card in the deck to achieve the effect of replacing one with another.

It's very simple, as long as you move your fingers a little, you don't have to worry about winning. Even Kobayashi Hayato, as long as you are willing to give up your dignity as a duelist, you can defeat him.

But for some reason, Keith didn’t realize that he had naturally chosen to draw a card from the top of the deck until he had finished drawing a card and took out a card from the top of the deck. Resisting subconsciously?

Draw a card!

Although he did something irrational subconsciously, Keith laughed and said excitedly.

After a long absence, he found the joy of fighting in a duel, not cheating for the sake of victory, but entrusting his fate to the deck for the sake of the process.

Before Keith became the United States Champion, he had always been a gambler. He reached the highest level by relying on the deck he believed in and the coin that no one could know the outcome of. However, he had no choice but to do so after becoming the champion. Just like in the past, I bet everything on coins and start obsessing about gains and losses.

The [Second Chance] on Keith's field was also the card he added to his deck from that time on because he was afraid of failure.

‘Speaking of which, now that I’ve fallen into the mud, can’t it be said that I have gotten a second chance to challenge the top? ’ Keith suddenly felt relaxed and turned over the card in his hand to confirm, revealing a magic card.

He looked at Hayato: Thanks to you, Kobayashi Hayato, I suddenly know what I am going to do next. To a certain extent, you are indeed right. I am in the situation I am in today. It is my own fault, so wait After I beat you, I’m going to go back and compete again and crawl back to where I was.”

Before that, I'm going to use this card to defeat you! Keith said, playing a card, I'm going to activate the magic card, [Kill with one hit! Iai draws a card]!

Just like a swordsman pulling out a divine sword from its scabbard, Keith puts the cards in his hand into the duel plate, and then Keith discards a card in his hand: [Kill with one hit! Iai draws [card] requires me to discard a card in my hand to activate, and send the number of cards on the opponent's field from the top of my deck to the graveyard, and then I draw a card from the deck and confirm it to both parties.

Because you have a total of five cards on the field, I will send five cards from the top of the deck to the graveyard, and then I will draw a card. After calling out five cards and sending them to the graveyard, Keith His fingers rested on the duel plate again.

At this moment, Keith moved the duel plate worn on his left wrist to the position on his left waist. His right hand placed his fingers on top of the card deck as if accumulating energy, like a peerless swordsman about to draw his sword and strike. His whole body was full of energy. God is extremely concentrated.

Hayato remembers [Kill with one hit! Iai draws a card] The effect of this magic card: When the drawn card is [One-hit kill! Iai draws a card], you can send that card to the graveyard, destroy all the cards on the field, and then give me this The effect is to send damage equal to the number of cards sent to the graveyard x 2000 points.

On the other hand, if what I draw is not [One-hit kill! Iai card draw], I will choose the number of cards in the graveyard that were previously sent from the deck to the graveyard and return them to the deck. Keith maintained that action and added road. The corner of his mouth raised, In other words, it is a gambling card that matches me.

Keith completely bet the outcome of this duel on this card draw.

I drew another card in his deck [Kill with one hit! If Iai draws a card], he can complete a one-hit comeback and kill Hayato instantly, just like Iai slashes; but if he cannot draw a card, Keith has to return the cards from the graveyard to the deck, wasting the previous resources. .

Hayato didn't know what Keith's state of mind was, but as the person who started this dark game and with his past understanding, Hayato already knew that there was a card hidden in Keith's wristband.

After all, when it comes to Keith, Hidden Card in the Sleeve is a classic that cannot be avoided. Even many years after the animation was released, a professional player paid tribute to Keith with a Hidden Dragon in the Crotch during the competition.

In this field of dark games, there are only three things that matter: fairness, fairness, or really fairness. The fact that Keith carries a card on his body will not have any impact. After all, Kaiba also puts out a card every day. Hang around the neck.

However, if Keith dares to cheat, Hayato can use the power of the dark game to punish Keith. Even the duel plate Hayato gives Keith is actually an enhanced version.

Obviously Keith was in an almost desperate situation. Hayato thought that Keith would definitely cheat again in this situation, but what he didn't expect was that Keith's card draw did not incur the punishment of Dark Game, which showed that he had just He actually didn’t cheat! ?

It was really hard for Hayato to believe that thief Keith could actually change his gender. Even if he just said a line that was supposed to be a cleansing male supporting actor who changed his past, it was difficult to change Hayato's impression of him for a while.

It's really rare, Keith. You didn't seem to be cheating just now. It's such a pity that I prepared a little surprise for you.

Small surprise? Ha, as expected, you guys had some tricks on the duel plate you gave me, right? It's not surprising at all. Hearing Hayato mocking him, Keith replied, You're on guard. Should I change cards like the duel between you and me in Duel Kingdom?

Yes, so do you still have the guts to continue drawing cards now, Keith? Hayato sneered and said, Do you have a card in your sleeve to replace the [One Hit Kill! Iai Draw] card? Without the means of cheating, do you have the confidence to place your future on the deck?

Hayato's contemptuous tone did not affect Keith at all. His sunglasses covered his closed eyes: Don't underestimate me, Hayato Kobayashi, I am the United States Champion 'The Thief' Keith. I can get whatever I want. It’s not difficult for me to get stuck, it’s not just a brat like you who can do that!”

Answer me, my deck! Show the path of my Tamashi, guided by fate!

Keith held a card in his right hand and drew an arc in the air. A faint golden light like an illusion gathered on the card at Keith's fingertips: Draw!

Magic card, [Kill with one hit! Iai draws a card]!!

As Keith showed the card in his hand without looking at it, the card he had already activated on the field [One-hit kill! Iai draws cards] The swordsman in the card picture also unsheathes his sword, and his arc-shaped slash sweeps across all the cards on both sides in an instant!

Keith's original decadent aura was wiped away. He stretched out his finger and pointed at Hayato: Send the drawn [One-Hit Kill! Iai Draw Card] to the graveyard, and put the [Second Chance] on my field and yours The [Hellfire Machine·Baal], [Hellfire Machine·Admiral], the field magic card [Dark World - Shadow Dystopia-] and the two cover cards on the field, a total of six cards, are all destroyed!

Keith, who seemed to have returned to the glorious professional duelist he once was, said in a deep voice: General, duel king!!

For a moment, the only three spectators of the duel between the two - Rafiru, Baron and Ameruda were all shocked, unable to believe that they actually saw such a scene.

Did that guy actually manage to draw [One-hit kill! Iai draws cards] with the power of the deck! Baron clapped his fingers, If six cards are destroyed, a total of 100,000 will be lost to Hayato Kobayashi. Twelve thousand points of damage!?

It's unbelievable. I originally thought that guy was just a bastard who had fallen into an underground duel, but he actually defeated that Hayato Kobayashi! Ameruda was also surprised. You must know that if Hayato hadn't been there, the person who was originally scheduled to duel with Keith to seal his soul would have been Ameluda.

If he were to take action himself, wouldn't it be possible for him to suffer failure if he was careless?

Even Rafiu didn't expect Keith to successfully draw [Kill with one hit! Iai draws cards], but compared to Baron and America, one of whom didn't expect Hayato to lose, and the other doubted his own vision, Rafiru was more concerned about Hayato losing in the dark game. Wouldn't the three of them be in trouble? Can you protect Kobayashi Hayato as ordered by Tatsu-sama?

A high jumper once said that people will die when they are killed. This is a matter of course. If you lose in the dark game, the life of ordinary people will end. Hayato Kobayashi was dead after taking a blow from Keith Howard. !

With this thought, Rafilu noticed that although Hayato's face also had a surprised expression, there was no fear of death at all. Instead, he showed a confident smile.

I've seen something beyond my expectations, I'm so blessed~ Hayato opened his arms and witnessed the cards on his field burst into pieces, and the flames engulfed his body.

I saw with my own eyes that the [Hellfire Machines] on Hayato's field and the field beneath his feet were killed by [One Hit Kill! The effect of Iai's card draw was destroyed, and Keith couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The nerves that had been tense for a long time relaxed a little, and the squeezing fatigue came to his heart.

However, he was not a kid who got carried away when he saw some advantages. Looking at the blazing fire where Hayato was standing, he sneered: What a nasty guy, Hayato Kobayashi, you want me to think you are Can you defeat it with just that level of counterattack?”

Still standing there, Hayato Kobayashi!

Nani?! After taking 12,000 points of damage, how could Kobayashi Hayato still be alive?! Amaluda was a little surprised when he heard this and looked into the firelight. What he didn't expect was that Hayato was intact. The figure actually appeared from the flames that dispersed with a wave of his hand!

Baron, who has an excellent vision, clearly saw Hayato's backcourt, which was covered by the fire: That card is, [Fusion Defense]?

Chaining the damage effect of [One-hit kill! Iai draws a card], I activated [Fusion Defense] to invalidate the effect of [One-hit kill! Iai draws a card], and then fused a card from my fusion deck Monsters sent to the graveyard.”

Following Hayato's voice, the flame on Hayato's field twisted and transformed into a long snake with black and white wings. The long snake held a black and white sphere in each hand. It had horns on its head, coiled around Hayato, and roared with a sound that was difficult for humans to understand. After the sound, because [Kill with one hit! Iai draws cards] and the destroyed card reappeared from the flames, but the figure of the snake dissipated like bubbles.

Watching Hayato send the [Hellfire Machine Tiera] card into the graveyard, Keith said helplessly: It's the so-called 'necessary sacrifice' again, Hayato Kobayashi.

Thankfully, I really had the thought 'maybe it can succeed' just now.

Are you disappointed, Keith? Hayato said with a chuckle. Beside him, the resurrected [Hellfire Machine Baal] and [Hellfire Machine Admiral] were once again because of [Dark World-Shadow Dystopia] -] changes to a dark attribute, staring covetously at Keith, who only has one [Second Chance] on the field.

Are you disappointed? A little bit indeed, but who can tell the line between hope and despair? The scenery is full of hope for the future, and it can turn into despair that has destroyed everything. Then the despair that has no lower point can be recovered. The possibility of hope.”

Keith said, drawing a card from his hand: I summon [Double-Barreled Pistol Dragon] in attack position, and use its effect. When summoning, reverse summoning, or special summoning is successful, select [Prison] on your field. Start the lighter Admiral.

On Keith's field, a bipedal mechanical dragon appeared. The double-barreled pistol was the lowest point among Keith's pistols. The [Double-barreled Pistol Dragon] was not like the [Reloading Pistol Dragon], [Revolver Dragon] has the ability to activate its effect multiple times.

Facing the demons on Hayato's field, the level 4☆ [Double-Barreled Pistol Dragon] looked so weak, but it still aimed the barrel of its head at the [Hellfire Machine Admiral] with the highest attack power.

The coin was spinning and thrown into the air, but neither of the two people in the duel looked at the coin, as if they already knew the outcome.

Hayato looked at Keith and asked a question: Do you think you will use the [Second Chance] effect, Keith?

Huh? Aren't I already using the 'Second Chance'? Keith also asked.


The coin fell to the ground, revealing two identical patterns of [Blue Eyes White Dragon].

Before the curse of [Hellfire Machine Admiral] could be uttered, it was hit and penetrated by two bullets fired from the barrel of [Double-Barreled Pistol Dragon], destroyed and sent to the cemetery.

Keith looked at the remaining four cards in his hand and drew two of them: Cover two cards and my turn ends.

[Keith: 2300LP, 2 cards in hand]

【Double Barrel Pistol Dragon】【ATK1700】

【Second Chance】【Gap Card】X2

Seeing that Keith had ended his turn, Hayato also drew a card from the top of the deck: My turn, draw a card. Then activate the effect of the cover card in my backfield [Wild Greed], and draw two cards from the deck Card.

As a price, skip my next two card drawing stages.

Seeing that Hayato used the effect of [Careless Greed] to increase the number of cards in his hand to three, Keith also pressed the button on his duel plate: Chain activation of my cover card, the continuous trap card [Cry of the Living Dead ], Special Summon [Reloader Dragon] from my graveyard in attack position.

Have you not given up yet, Keith? Then I will also activate the effect of [Hellfire Machine·Baal] in a chain, liberating the [Double-Barreled Pistol Dragon] on your field as a substitute for liberating my monsters, and reloading the [Reload] in your graveyard. Except Pistol Dragon].”

Not surprisingly, Keith sent the [Double-Barreled Pistol Dragon] on his field to the graveyard, excluding the card that took out the [Reloading Pistol Dragon]. He had already anticipated the situation before him, and [the cry of the living dead] was just a struggle.

Hayato looked at the cards in his hand. Due to the effect of [Wild Greed], he finally added the only card in the deck [Harpy's Feather Sweep] to his hand, and took advantage of the situation to activate it. .

The [Second Chance] card on Keith's back field was torn apart by the storm together with his Gaika [Explosive Armor]. As a result, Keith's field was completely emptied, and he could only use his remaining With 2300 basic points, he faced Hayato's [Hellfire Machine Baal] with an attack power of 2600 points on the field.

What a majestic monster. Although it is very strange to use words to describe natural scenery to describe duel monsters, at this moment, I can only use this word to describe the monsters on your field. Looking at the demon god on Hayato's field, there is no Keith, who had no ability to resist, said with emotion.

Humph, that's right. This is the monster that manifested itself as the dark power in my heart after I joined the 'Doma' organization. Through the duel with you, I have more or less tested part of their power.

Hearing Hayato's words, Keith smiled strangely.

The monster your mind has become? Then I can only say that it is a perfect match for you, but are you the kind of guy who would join other inexplicable organizations, Hayato Kobayashi?

As long as it can bring me strength. Keith, who was once the United States Champion, you should understand, right? You can give up anything for the sake of victory. What do you think, do you want to join 'Doma', Keith?

Rafilu obviously asked Hayato to invite Keith before Hayato's duel started, but it was only now that the outcome of the duel was locked and victory was within reach that he invited Keith.

Heh, I'll just take it as what you said. Keith obviously didn't believe what Hayato said, You should have said something like 'If you don't join the organization, you'll die', right? But you won't say it. What will change? Personally, I have no interest in joining any organization, whether it is 'Ghoul' or 'Doma'.

And I hate you to death. Joining an organization with a personality like yours will never end well. I don't want to be a member of someone you 'sacrifice for the sake of righteousness.'

Really? It's such a pity then. I activate the field magic card [Oliha Gang's Barrier] and enter the battle phase.

The [Dark World - Shadow Dystopia -] that Hayato activated before was replaced by a green halo, and the dark green shadow in the lamp on [Hellfire Machine Baal] faded back to cyan light, but [Oliha] The power of Gang's barrier climbed up again.

He seemed to be a little disdainful of the power of [Oliha Gang] [Hellfire Machine Baal]. The spear in his hand hit the ground and pushed away the power entangled in his body, but it was not completely He resisted and still collected part of it on his weapon, which increased his attack power a little.

【Hellfire Machine·Baal】【ATK2600→3100】

[Oliha Gang's Barrier] has the ability to increase the attack power of all monsters on my field by 500 points. I entered the combat phase, and then [Hellfire Machine Baal] directly attacked 'Rogue' Keith Howard!

The wind and thunder were controlled by the demon and restrained at the spearhead. Seeing the giant demon's condescending attack, Keith's face was somewhat nervous, but there was no unwillingness to fail or fear of death.

[Keith: 2300LP→0]

The power of [Olihagun's Barrier] attached to the spear that penetrated Keith's body captured Keith's soul and poured into the card.

As Keith's soul left his body, the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] beneath their feet began to shrink not long after it was spread out. Keith, who was out of his body, seemed to see something entering the card along with his soul.

Without any mercy for life, Hayato completed the beheading of Keith without any hesitation and won the duel. He lowered his head and took out the [Oliha Gang's Barrier] card placed in the field area. In the green ring on the card, there was an appearance of Keith's soul.

The seventh sephiroth of Qliphoth inverse Kabala, the enemy of 'victory' [Baal]. Hayato raised the corners of his mouth and muttered to himself, If it was Baal, the enemy of 'victory', who killed Keith, then Keith Can Si be considered...

Hayato's voice was very soft. The three Rafilu who approached him because the duel was over didn't hear what he said, and they didn't care either.

Witnessed by the three of them, Hayato completed the first attempt to seal the souls of other duelists. This was like a black policeman colluding with a gang who shot and killed someone on the gang's video. Today, Hayato Kobayashi has already Having completely embarked on the road of no return, he has become a partner that they can really trust.

Seeing Rafilu and the others approaching, Hayato threw the card that sealed Keith's soul, but Rafilu reached out to catch it. [Olihagun's Barrier] Although it will immediately seal the soul of the loser in the duel, Olihagan God does not have a remote upload function, so the soul must be offered as a sacrifice until you return to the headquarters of Doma Give it to Dazi.

Rafilu glanced at the card and didn't say anything. After putting it away, he said: Then, let's continue looking for the next target. First of all -

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