Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 5 I wash the kelp directly

Honda saw Hayato shaking the camera and reminded him with some concern: Hey, Xiaolin-san, I borrowed this from Miho-san. Be careful and hold it carefully so as not to damage it.

We've called Miho-san. It seems like someone cares about Nosaka-san? Hayato said casually, but Honda, who always gave people a ferocious feeling, blushed. It was obvious that his mind was revealed, Yo , you are blushing, I think you don’t understand at all~

Ignoring Honda, who was about to be promoted, Jonouchi shook his tired hands, held Fujita's collar, and asked: You bastard, I have never seen you in school. Say! You want to What to do to the game!”

Come on, I'm hungry, I'm thinking about it again. Fujita was dizzy because of the abuse in the city, and his slurred speech seemed to be getting worse. It's like a director, but I'm hungry, I'm thinking about it. ...

Director? Jonouchi listened to Fujita's mumbling words. It took him a while to barely distinguish a word, and he kept repeating it.

Before he could understand what director Fujita was talking about, a man suddenly stood up in the grass beside him, interrupting Jonouchi's train of thought: That's enough, let me go!

Jonouchi turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and subconsciously loosened his grip on Fujita's collar. Fujita, who didn't react, fell heavily to the ground again and let out an ouch.

The director, who was wearing a peaked cap on his back, stood up from the grass with a gloomy expression and said to Fujita who was lying on the ground: Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work, Fujita, you can step down.

Director... Fujita rubbed his butt, first looked at the director's face, and then confirmed that Jonouchi had no intention of doing anything to him. He quickly got up from the ground and ran back to the grass where the director was. .

Are you the one who plans to deal with the director of the game? Jonouchi frowned and clenched his fists, looking like he would take action immediately if the director's words dissatisfied him.

Oh, don't be so excited, young man. I originally planned to put your friend on TV. The director said with a sullen face.

Punching and kicking? You can't use needles instead of poking. Do you want me to give you one too? Hayato let go of Honda, who was just as inferior as Binbin, and took a camera and stepped forward to line up with Jonouchi.

It's a pity. I could have taken some pretty good footage. 'A short boy was bullied at school'. I think it would have attracted the attention of many sympathetic people, right? It's a pity that it was given to me by you guys. It’s destroyed.” The director spread his hands and said with a sinister smile,

But, the materials collected now are not bad. 'Staff undercover in school being bullied by bad teenagers'. Although the profit is not as high as the previous project, but by the way, you guys will have to suffer, so let me I’m happy if I get less money.”

What do you mean? Jonouchi couldn't understand what the director meant. Hayato explained: It means that he plans to make a program related to 'school bullying'. He chose the game before, and now he has chosen you. However, if this program is broadcast, you are likely to be the 'bully' You will be expelled from school, Jonouchi-san.”

How could it be?! Kyoko was quite surprised as she explained the current situation to Yugi. Didn't the camera record the previous situation? Yugi is the victim, Jonouchi is just protecting Yugi.

You are such an inexperienced little girl. There is a technique called editing, isn't it? the director said with a sinister smile, As long as I perform a few simple operations, I can even reverse the right and wrong. Really, you guys are so naive and bully you. There is simply no feedback at all.”

“You bastard—” Jonouchi angrily wanted to rush forward and punch the annoying director, but just as he took a step forward, the director suddenly stopped him, “Hey, wait a minute.

You guys actually know how to be afraid?

No, no, no, it's just a kind reminder, kid. The director walked into the city with a disgusting smile on his face, looking at the cameraman behind him and pointing, The camera is still on right now. , if you want to show more of your atrocities in front of the national audience, feel free to attack me?

Jonouchi looked in the direction of the photographer. As the director said, the camera was still on. If he took action against the director, he would only leave more evidence for the annoying guy in front of him.

Walking up to Jonouchi, the director patted Jonouchi's face with the deformed paper tube in his hand: Are you very angry and annoyed, kid? This is the expression I'm looking forward to. You want to kill me but you don't want to. You can’t get rid of my expression, hahahahaha——”

Well, haven't you considered that there is surveillance here? Hayato, who was standing on the edge of the city, looked at the director's actions and pretended to be a nerd, The surveillance cameras will record everything, and your crimes cannot escape the law. of bondage.”

So, you kiddos are really cute and stupid. The director glanced at Hayato with contempt, Do you think we adults will act impulsively without considering the consequences like you kiddos? Naive! I'm investigating. After looking around your school, I specifically chose this place. There is no surveillance here.

Oh, there's no surveillance.

The weak feeling on Hayato's face disappeared instantly, and he looked at Jonouchi beside him, and at the same time showed a strange smile.

I saw Jonouchi move quickly, and in an instant he raised his leg and hit his knee. The hard knee collided with the director's soft abdomen. One blow subdued the director who was so proud just now.

Without surveillance, how dare you be so arrogant?!

The moment Jonouchi took action, a person rushed out from behind him. His bullet-like hairstyle announced his identity, it was Honda. Having fought with Jonouchi since junior high school, he could guess what Jonouchi was thinking just by looking at him sticking his butt out.

Without even needing to give a hint, Honda rushed to Fujita, who had just escaped from Jonouchi's clutches, and slapped the other half of Fujita's face that was not swollen to help make his face symmetrical.

The cameraman was a little panicked.

No, this group of students didn't play by the rules. Others were thinking about how to prevent evidence from being photographed, but in the end, these students just put the evidence in front of the camera. What's going on?

Seeing the director being yelled Asshole! Fuck! Asshole! Beat him up! by Jonouchi, and Fujita being shaken by Honda by the collar and yelling 木大木大, the cameraman had the idea to turn around and run away.

At this moment, a palm rested on the cameraman's shoulder.

Turning his head with fear, the cameraman saw Kobayashi Hayato's rather kind smile: Don't leave in a hurry, cameraman, it's rare for you to come to our high school. You have to do the questions before leaving. ?”

Question: 1000-7=?

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