In this month, it's not just Jonouchi that has changed, both the game and Hayato's deck have undergone tremendous changes. The reason is that International Illusion Society has recently launched many new card packs, and added a brand new card type-trap cards.

At the same time, Bekas also issued a card adjustment notice, adjusting the original cards such as Savior's Ant Hell to trap cards. Duelists can buy card packs to draw them by themselves, or they can go to places where cards are sold. Replace the card with a new version of the card in your game room.

It's not that there are people who don't want to replace it, it's just that Becas came up with a very cool idea in response to this situation - he reached cooperation with some companies and installed virtual reality systems in stadiums in major cities. In the dueling platform with projection technology, only cards that can be read by the dueling platform can be virtually projected.

Needless to say, this some companies are the company that holds the patent for the virtual projection system - Haima Group. There are also a large number of medium-sized companies that are responsible for the production of high-tech products such as dueling tables, such as the Wan Zhangmu Consortium.

It is worth mentioning that Kaiba has never appeared in school since he failed in the duel with Yugi. It is said that he has dropped out of school.

New cards have been released. The game has a grandpa who runs a game house, so naturally he will not waste this advantage in vain. He has acquired many interesting trap cards early on, such as [Angel's Hand Mirror] and [Light Sealing Card]. Sword], such as Hanno's Chong - I mean [Holy Shield - Power of Reflector].

Therefore, Jonouchi, who has repeatedly challenged the game, has many ways to fail - the monsters on the field that were melted by [Angel's Hand Mirror] failed, and the life of a large number of monsters was killed by [Holy Shield] in one go. Failure and so on.

At first, Hayato was thinking about replacing the trap cards that were still magic cards, such as [Time Machine] and [Disrupting the Trio], but the system was kind-hearted for the first time and provided free replacements for new versions. function, Hayato also saves some trouble.

At the same time, Hayato also dueled with others several times in a month, and accumulated a lot of dp points on hand, which he used to open packs, greatly increasing the strength of the deck. Even in Hayato's most commonly used mixed deck, the only monsters with an attack power below 1,000 are [Death Stalker] and [Disruption] brothers.

At the same time, he also discovered one thing, that is, the basic card pack in the system [Store] seemed to be the same as the [Customized Supplement Pack] he had purchased, and would be slightly adjusted due to the composition of his deck. At the beginning, most of the monsters Hayato opened were warrior-type monsters. As the card pool deepened, the number of beast-type and dragon-type monsters gradually began to increase.

The only thing that Hayato regrets is that Bekas never agreed to implement the rules of the Duel City era. 4000 LP, hand card fusion, sacrifice upgrades, direct attacks, etc. Obviously, the duel will become more interesting.

Whether it's the insect's Feather Moth or the dinosaur's Ryuzaki, both of them are quite powerful duelists. Yugi couldn't help but sigh while watching the competition on TV. Just because of the addition of trap cards, dueling monsters became even more powerful. It’s so interesting, I’m really looking forward to how far the duel monsters will evolve in the future.”

Of course, this is because the environment for the emergence of synchrony continues to accelerate, and the result is fast forward to the destruction of the world.

Speaking of which, why didn't Hayato and Yugi participate in the trials? Kyoko noticed something and turned around and asked.

Hayato was taking out his deck from the system and putting five cards on his body. Hearing Kyoko's question, he thought about it and gave his own answer: Probably because he feels that the 'national' pattern is too low. Well, even though I haven’t defeated Yugi yet, my goal is to become the strongest duelist in the world.”

Hayato, you can definitely do it. Yugi encouraged with a smile, and then replied to Kyoko, I said it because I wanted to duel with that person.

Jonouchi frowned: That person, do you mean that Kaiba guy?

Yes. Yugi nodded, Kaiba, he didn't understand the power of the 'heart' contained in the card before. I want to have an honest duel with Kaiba who has understood the 'heart' of the card.

Jonouchi didn't quite agree with Yugi's words: Can that guy Kaiba really understand the 'heart' of the card? I really can't believe that person.

Hey, it seems the winner is about to be decided. Honda's view of dueling monsters is more of an interesting game, and it has not yet risen to the level of the honor and dignity of a duelist like Yugi and Jonouchi, let alone He had some mysterious heart power, so he didn't join their discussion. However, the duel monsters that materialize on TV are still very cool.

Everyone was reminded by Honda and then turned their attention back to the TV screen.

There was only the last [Insect Man] with an attack power of 500 and a cover card on Yu Mo's field, but Ryuzaki summoned a powerful dinosaur family [Ceratopsian] with an attack power of 1800 points on his own field. , and equipped him with the magic card [Body Temperature Rise], which increased his attack power to a full 2100 points.

【Ryuzaki: 100LP】

[Feather Moth: 600LP]

Judging from the basic points, you have the advantage, but my monsters can quickly clear all your basic points in one go, Feather Moth! Ryuzaki laughed excitedly, and victory seemed to be within easy reach in his eyes. [Ceratopsian] attacks [Insect Man]!

Feather Moth chuckled and opened the Gaika: It still doesn't change my memory at all, Ryuzaki. I activate Gaika, [Savior's Ant Hell]!

A whirlwind of sand and dust hit, and the huge [Ceratopsian] was trapped by the sudden appearance of quicksand before it could even take a step, unable to move.

My [Ceratopsian]!

In this case, you are nothing but a piece of meat on the chopping block, Ryuzaki. With a sinister smile, Feather Moth played two magic cards one after another, [Laser Cannon Mecha Armor] and [Firearm Attached Mecha Armor] will Equip it on [Insect Man], and then attack the [Ceratopsian] that cannot resist!

Two rays of light flew out from the card activated by Feather Moth, fell on [Insect Man], and turned into two seemingly powerful artillery combinations, greatly increasing [Insect Man]'s attack power.

As a beam of laser flew out of the cannon on the back of [Insect Man], [Ceratopsian] was killed, Ryuzaki's basic points were completely reset to zero, and the winner of the game was decided. In the end, it was the insect Feather Moth who became the champion of Japan's National Monster Duel Competition.

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