Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 2 Hayato, and the little puffs, take them, you can take them

Hayato, are you a little too vigilant? When Hayato entered the house from the front door, Jonouchi hadn't even taken off his shoes before he started complaining about the recording he had just heard in front of the door.

Hayato spread his hands helplessly: After all, last time I encountered a home invasion and robbery, it wouldn't be too much to be a little more vigilant. The security guards at the property are paid dead wages. If you want to protect your own life, you still have to rely on your own daily routine. Just take precautions when you are here.”

That is to say, Hayato did this for safety reasons. The last time something like this happened to a person was already very unlucky. Kyoko put on the indoor slippers that Hayato had prepared and helped Hayato. She also held a document in her hand, Hayato-kun, these are the notes from today's class.

Thank you, Kyoko.

Hayato introduced a few people into the living room and arranged for them to sit down and rest for a while. After all, the distance from the hospital to his home was not short. He walked into the kitchen to prepare welcome tea and snacks for several people.

Hayato's home is really big. The living room alone is nearly 40 square meters, and the TV screen is so big. Jonouchi, who comes from a poor family, looked around as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden, looking around at Hayato's home. The decoration, whether it was the LCD TV without a big butt, the highly intelligent voice-controlled home butler or the sweeping robot on the floor, all surprised him.

Honda-kun's home is also very big, right? Yugi looked at Honda. Except for Hayato, Honda's home had the best conditions among them.

Honda made an estimate: The living room in my house is a little more than half that of Hayato's. Although there is an LCD TV, it is not as big as a wall, not to mention the sweeping robot and voice butler.

Here comes the snacks~ You don't have to be polite, just enjoy them. Hayato walked out of the kitchen, holding a tray with three drinks including coconut juice, orange juice and soda, as well as a large plate of desserts and snacks. Putting the tray on the table, Hayato prepared a cup in front of everyone, What were you talking about just now?

We are talking about, Hayato, your house is so big. Jonouchi poured himself a glass of orange juice, and then Jonouchi drank the orange juice in one gulp. Jonouchi finished the glass of orange juice and said, Do you live alone?

No, I live with my parents, but my father is a diplomat and went abroad to England. Hayato put the soda in a special device, poured himself half a cup, and held it While eating a piece of microwaved egg tart, he said, My mother works in a company and is currently on annual leave. Except for the first day, she flew to London to find my father on the second day.

Ah, speaking of which, I almost forgot one thing. Yugi held a cup of coconut juice in one hand and a piece of cut chocolate cake in the other, about to put it into his mouth. Suddenly he seemed to think of something and hurriedly went Looking through the schoolbag he carried.

In just a few moments, Yugi found a golden box from his school bag. The box was covered with ancient Egyptian text, and there was a logo of the Eye of Sigathos printed on the front.

Yugi, what are you doing? Hayato asked doubtfully. If I remember correctly, this should be the box originally used to hold the unassembled Millennium Building Blocks, right? Why does the game carry this around?

Because Hayato, you always put your deck in that iron box for safekeeping. I think this is a good protection for your deck, so I also took a metal box.

There is quite a problem, Yugi-san, my iron box is very light, and I usually put it in the system [warehouse]. If you remember correctly, this thing should be made of pure gold, right? Let's treat everyone as a saint who will not be greedy when seeing a large piece of gold. Are you still tired of hanging the thousand-year building blocks around your neck? No wonder you haven't grown taller.

Hayato's voice was not heard by Yugi. He opened the lid of the gold cabinet and took out his deck. After rummaging through a few cards, he pulled out a card from the deck, held it in both hands and handed it to Hayato: Hayato-kun, I return this card to you, thanks to your powerful card I can defeat Kaiba.

It was the [Man-eating Insect] that Hayato lent to Yugi.

Listen, what is the art of speaking? Hayato was a bystander to the duel at the time, how could he not know what happened? Yes, the [Man-Eating Bug] did kill one of Kaiba's blue eyes and reduced his health by a full 1,500 points, but Kaiba resurrected the blue eye within minutes.

Moreover, Yugi's victory over Kaiba did not rely on this card, but on his magically drawn [Exodia]. But in the words of the game, Hayato became the biggest contributor to his victory. Hayato couldn't help but sigh in his heart - Yugi is obviously so good at talking, but he has so few friends. It must be because he plays cards in the underworld, right?

Thinking like this, Hayato did not take the [Man-eating Insect] that Yugi handed over, but pushed it back: This card is for you, Yugi.

Hey? Hayato-kun, why?

The game is a bit confusing.

Damn it, do you need a reason to send a card? I can help you, don't talk to me. Hayato said perfunctorily, but seeing that Yugi's eyes were still very serious, he told the truth, Actually, I feel The existence of this monster is incompatible with my deck.

Isn't this [Man-Eating Insect] a very powerful card? Jonouchi also came over and saw the simple and crude effect of [Man-Eating Insect], and was a little puzzled, If this monster is summoned in the first round, If so, wouldn’t the opponent launch one attack and be defeated?”

You can think about what kind of monsters are in my deck, right? Hayato explained, Dragon, warrior, and a few beasts, and usually there are more monsters. This can strengthen my deck as much as possible. The effect of [Soul-eating Demonic Knife]. But you see, [Man-eating Insect] is an effect monster, and it is an insect type that cannot accept the enhancement of my magic cards.

If you think so, it seems true? Jonouchi was a little convinced. Hayato immediately added, Anyway, if you give it back to me, I won't add it to my deck. Yugi, you don't want this card either. Is it so wasted? So just accept it.

Well, I will make good use of this monster, Hayato-kun. Hayato said this, and Yugi couldn't shirk it, so he had to accept this [Man-eating Insect].

Speaking of which, these cakes taste great. Hayato-kun, where did you buy them? Kyoko used a fork to pick up a piece of cherry-shaped chocolate on the cake and put it into her mouth, feeling the taste of cream and chocolate melting in her mouth. Here, I closed my eyes happily and enjoyed it.

Some of the things are instant meals that my mother has made before and frozen in the freezer. You can just heat them up when you want to eat them, such as egg tarts and biscuits. These cakes and puffs were made by me alone at home in the afternoon. You guys Just like it, I still have more to eat, so you can take some back if you want.

Really? Thank you so much, Hayato. Jonouchi usually doesn't have such a sumptuous dessert feast, let alone taking some home.

Time passed quickly, and after resting for a long time at Hayato's house, Yugi and the others left under Hayato's farewell.

After closing the door, Hayato heard the TV in the living room suddenly light up without anyone touching it, and a voice with a strange accent came from inside: I would actually give such a powerful card to your friend, me I’m really touched by your friendship, Hayato boy~”

Looking at the man with long silver hair who appeared on the TV, Hayato didn't show the slightest surprise. After moving the chair and sitting down in front of the TV, Hayato looked at the [Task] section that lit up in the system interface and said vaguely: Who knows if I really gave it to him?

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