Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 36: The assembled puzzle pieces - the invincible Lao Ai!

Roar! The roaring voice seemed to shake the heaven and the earth. The white dragon revived from the cemetery and returned to its owner.

And unlike the other white dragon trapped by the sword, the attack of the newly revived [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is not restricted by the [Light Protecting Sword] at all.

Crush that crawler on the ground, the blast of destruction! From the beginning, he was a little restrained when playing cards. The more the duel went on, the more excited Kaiba became, and he became more and more open-minded between the lines. , and even started shouting out the monster's attack methods passionately.


Although [Dark Knight Gaia]'s 2300 attack power is not low, it is still not as good as Blue Eyes' terrifying 3000 points. He couldn't even put up a decent resistance, and he was torn to pieces by the attack.

【Game: 750LP→50LP】

The impact of the simulation brought about a hurricane, making Yugi's clothes rustle. Looking at the last 50 LP points he had left, his will became stronger than before.

My turn!

Yugi drew a card, which was a card named [Sealed Left Foot], and added this card to the leftmost side of his hand. Yugi found that he now had all the [Sealed Left Foot] in his hand. There are four cards in total: left hand], [sealed right hand], [sealed left foot], and [sealed right foot].

Summoning [Rough Emperor] in defensive position, my turn ends.

What a waste of time. Kaiba watched Yugi just defend, snorted, and pulled out a card.

My turn, draw a card!

After looking at the card, Kaiba was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing: Let me give you the greatest despair, Yugi↘!

The third [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is here!

He slapped the card down hard, and with the light spots left behind when one of the three [Light Protective Swords] was broken, the strongest dragon of the third body descended!




Three [Blue-Eyed White Dragons] gathered on the field. If they were friendly forces, they would be able to boost their morale. However, as the enemy, Yugi could only feel the overwhelming pressure emerging from the three giant dragons and falling towards him. come over.

The moment the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] fell into my palm, the outcome of this duel has already been decided, Yugi↘! Kaiba waved his hand, as if the commander of the army ordered a charge, and the people on the game field The 1,600-point defense of [Rough Emperor] was useless, and he was instantly run over by the dragon's march!

There was nothing on the game field, and now he had to face the intimidation of the three blue eyes. The simulation of the virtual image system was so perfect that the game could even hear the heavy breathing of the three white dragons and the high pressure in their eyes.

Strong! The white dragon spread its wings.

Iron Chicken!! The trapped Bai Long slapped the sealing sword hard, as if he couldn't wait to get out of the cage.

Sai Q!!! The last white dragon raised its head and roared loudly at the sky.

Seeing the white dragons each showing their own strength with the roar of the seahorse, after experiencing the initial fear, Yugi gradually closed his eyes, took a deep breath to calm himself, and placed a hand on the top of the deck.


Hoar? You have closed your eyes in fear, do you want to beg me for mercy? With his hands on his chest, Kaiba stared coldly at Muto Yugi on the high platform opposite, Your life is like a candle in the wind. , Blue Eyes will tear apart all your resistance, don’t even think about escaping!”

No, Kaiba, I don't want to surrender. No duelist can accept his defeat calmly. Yugi shook his head, calmly turned over his hand card and showed it to Kaiba, I want to tell you , I want to defeat you, just in this round!

Just rely on your hand card with unknown meaning that is worse than a miscellaneous fish? Stop making me laugh, game↗↘! A bloodthirsty and ferocious smile appeared on Kaiba's face, full of smiles. Looking forward to, Hurry up and draw your card, then accept Blue Eyes' attack, and go out completely defeated, hahahahaha!

Chicken sauce, Jonouchi, Kyoko, Honda, Hayato, everyone is waiting for me...

Card deck, if the power of the mind is real, please respond to me!

My turn——

Hmph, have you finally reached out to the final despair? Kaiba saw that the game was finally about to draw a card, with an excited smile on his face. But just as he was about to say a few more saucy words, a voice not far away came: That's not the case, Seth!

Are you that one, Hayato Kobayashi? Because Set and Seto have the same pronunciation, Kaiba was a little unhappy when Hayato called him by his first name, You and I are not familiar enough to call each other by our first names! Besides, it's hard for you Don’t you want to say that that guy from Muto Yugi still has a chance to beat me?”

As long as there are cards in the deck and as long as the health points have not returned to zero, the duelist has an infinite future. The way to defeat you is currently sleeping in the game's deck and will wake up soon. Hayato looked at it. The game is about to draw cards, his eyes are extremely firm, Although there are still so many cards in the deck, hope seems very slim, but for a true duelist, everything is inevitable!

My turn, draw a card!

The moment Yugi pulled out the card, a five-pointed star formation suddenly appeared in the center of the field, What happened!?

Kaiba was shocked. He is the leader in the research and development of the virtual imaging system and has been involved in the design of countless monsters, but in his memory, there has never been a monster that appeared like this.

The card I drew is, [Sealed Exodia]! Now I have five of its parts in my hand at the same time!

What, it's actually [Exodia]!? That invincible monster! Kaiba never expected that there would be someone in the world who could gather all the Exodia and kill them in the middle of a duel. It summoned!

As Yugi placed the cards of [Exodia] on the duel table one by one, with his left hand, right hand, left foot, and right foot, [Exodia]'s limbs bound by chains gradually began to change. Protruding from the magic circle, the last thing was its head. Before the terrifying height of [Exodia], the originally tall [Blue Eyes White Dragon] was like three little lizards!

Yugi put the card representing the torso in his hand into the field, [Exodia] was completely unsealed, and in front of everyone's shocked eyes, he tore off the five chains that bound him: This is mine. Anger, this is your crime, [Exodia Flame] attacks!

Endless light flashed past. As soon as Hayato recovered from the dazzling light, he looked at the basic score calculator above the duel platform. The basic score of Kaiba with KAIBA written on it had returned to zero. This means that the game has achieved final victory.

But the game's punishment for Kaiba is not over yet.

Looking at Kaiba who had an I can't accept it look on his face, Yugi stretched out a finger in the air and shouted Heart Crushing!. Kaiba suddenly fell to his knees in front of the duel stage with a look of despair. Even though Yugi was helped away by Hayato, he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

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