Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 33 [Blue Eyes White Dragon] This is it, out of print

Far away on the top floor of Kaiba Group, Yugi and Kyoko walked out of the elevator nervously when they saw Muto Sugoroku lying on the cold floor with a pale face.

Chicken-chan! Yugi didn't see Grandpa Shuangliu after returning home. He only saw the Turtle Game House that was empty and even the door was not locked. Then, he received a call from Kaiba. The call came. Your grandpa is here with me, could you please come to my company to take him back? Yugi immediately rushed to the Haima Group non-stop.

But as soon as he stepped out of the elevator, he saw the miserable condition of his grandfather who he cared about.

Grandpa, cheer up!

Hearing his grandson's voice, Muto Shuangroku managed to muster some strength and raised his head to look at the game in front of him: Yu, Yugi... His head was covered with sweat, he spoke intermittently, and his condition was quite bad. ...I'm sorry...I originally planned to teach that boy the mind of the card...

Chicken sauce!

Yugi quickly lifted up Grandpa Shuangliu's body, feeling extremely sad for his grandfather's tragic situation. At the same time, there seemed to be endless anger in his heart - who made his grandfather look like this!

He soon knew the answer.

Hmph, it's too late, Muto Yugi. A voice laughed and walked out of the gate of a closed building. Looking at Yugi who was holding his grandfather in front of him and feeling sad, he said sarcastically, For an old man, Your grandpa is in pretty good health, but dueling monsters is still too exciting for him.

Kaiba, Seto! Looking at the laughing figure angrily, Yugi called out his name, Are you the one who turned Chicken-chan into this! What on earth did you do to him!

I'm not a barbarian. I just played a duel monster game with this old man. A duel monster game using card gambling rules. The person who appeared in front of the game was the one who saw Sugoroku with a card a few days ago. [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] Seto Kaiba wanted to acquire him, but when he was rejected, he became aggressive.

The latest virtual image system completed by the Kaiba Group can improve the original fun of dueling monsters to 1000%. However, it is obvious that the power of the impact simulation system is set too strong. I just summoned a monster and put it with it. The anachronistic old guy fell down in fear, he looked really funny, hahahaha!

As he spoke, Kaiba took his hand out of his trouser pocket and held a card in his hand to show Yugi.

That card is Ji-chan's [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]! Together with Kyoko, he helped his grandfather up. Yugi watched Kaiba take out the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], his pupils shrinking slightly.

This [Blue Eyes] does not belong to your grandfather, but to me. Because I am the winner of the duel, no matter what I do with the spoils, I am allowed. With a wicked smile on his lips, Kaiba used both of his hands at the same time. His hands held the upper and lower ends of the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] card.

What's wrong with you - stop it! Yugi quickly realized why Kaiba took out the green eye he had won from Grandpa Shuangliu, and shouted nervously, wanting to stop Kaiba's next behavior. So as not to cause more irritation to Grandpa Shuangliu, who is already in a bad state.

As long as three of the most powerful cards like [Blue Eyes White Dragon] exist, the existence of the fourth is simply redundant. After clearly hearing Yugi's words, Kaiba's movements did not stop at all, What? 'Soul' or 'emotion', it's so disgusting to me that it makes me give up the pursuit of power?

But, I refuse!


The quality of Duel Monsters cards is quite good. Even if they are stained by water, a simple cleaning will not damage the cards. They are also soft and elastic and fit well in your hand. However, a card is a card after all. Under Kaiba's ruthless actions, the [Blue Eyes White Dragon], which has only four copies in the world and costs up to 1.5 billion yen each, was easily torn into two halves.

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon]! My [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]! Desperately looking at the torn [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] casually thrown aside, Muto Shuangroku still couldn't withstand the double shock and despair. After the blow, he closed his eyes and passed out.

Chicken sauce!

Ignoring Yugi's cries of grief, Kaiba turned around and left. He has collected all three blue eyes, and the remaining blue eyes have been destroyed by him. Now he has three of the strongest duel monsters in the world, and no one can defeat him.

Be the strongest if you want to do it. This is what he learned from his adoptive father when he was a child, and it is also the principle he has practiced to this day. Having inherited the most powerful arms company, the Haima Group, he has no interest in continuing to delve into the arms field. Only transforming an arms group into an entertainment company would be challenging.

Duel Monsters is the next development direction of the group chosen by Kaiba. However, if the Kaiba Group succeeds in surpassing the International Illusion Society and becomes the strongest dueling monster company, I, as the president, will also have to become a Sai Q duelist.

Kaiba, I want to challenge you! Kaiba turned around and was about to leave, when a determined voice suddenly came to his mind from behind him. Turning around out of instinct, Kaiba saw Yugi holding a deck of cards in his hand that he had taken from the unconscious Muto Sugoroku, glaring at him with a serious expression he had never seen before.

The Kaiba Group has a lot of things waiting for me to do, and my time is quite valuable. However, he glanced at the card deck in Yugi's hand as if he was a different person, Want to avenge that old man? I can I’ll stick with you until the end, you won’t be able to survive for too long in front of my invincible deck anyway, hahahaha!”

Seeing Kaiba's laughing figure disappearing from the entrance of the building, Yugi gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly.

Tata drive, Yugi. A man's voice sounded, and then a hand was put on his shoulder, making Yugi turn around.

Hayato had beads of sweat on his forehead and nodded to Yugi: I've seen it all, go to Yugi and defeat that Kaiba with Mr. Sugoroku's deck. So, let's move forward!

But grandpa...

Grandpa, leave it to us. Let's go fight, Yugi. It was Kyoko who spoke. Seeing the kind Grandpa Sugoroku being treated like this by that guy Kaiba, Kyoko and Yugi were both filled with anger.

Seeing Yugi unbuttoning his school uniform to reveal black short-sleeves, the originally normal uniform had somehow become longer and looked like a windbreaker. The height that was originally at his belly button had grown to his belly button. Hayato knew that the one who appeared now was already being honored. It's a king-like dark game.

Pulling out a card from the deck and handing it to Yugi, Hayato gave him an Odd Nod: Bring us together, don't stop Ta Ta Ta, Yugi.

I understand, Hayato, Kyoko!

After watching Wang Xiang walk into the door where Kaiba disappeared, Hayato said to Kyoko: Mr. Sugoroku is in too bad a state now. I found transportation when I came here. We think we should send him to the hospital.

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