Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 31 Confessions and interviews, the hidden waves in daily life

Hayato learned from Yugi and the others that they had gathered together and thought for a long time yesterday afternoon, but they could not come up with a confession that would satisfy everyone.

What the game came up with was: I like you, little Ribbon, please date me!

Being complained about by others is too direct.

What Honda came up with was: Nosaka-kun, I have liked you for a long, long time. You are the only one in my eyes. I can't live without you. Please stay with me!

Others complained that he was like a criminal reserve.

What Kyoko came up with was: Dear Miho-chan, if you were a pen, I would be your pen cap; if you were a sword, I would be your scabbard; if you were a lamp, I would Be your lampshade.”

When other people complained about it, he didn't see anything. Jonouchi added another complaint: Why are they all being stabbed?

As for Jonouchi, he couldn't think of anything and just complained about it yesterday.

As a result, Honda has not written even a single word on that pure white puzzle piece until now, and in a few days it will be the school festival. If Nosaka Miho accepts Banjo Meshoji's confession, then Honda may You will regret it for the rest of your life.

Although I say that, I'm not someone who can write love letters. Hayato held his chin in one hand, Unless you want to write in the puzzle that 'The gathered prayers will become the shining star of rebirth, and become the shining star of the new life. I can make up dozens of such nonsense for you.

We all know about this. Although he can't write love letters, Jonouchi is still very good at complaining about this. Normal people don't have as many tamashis as you do. They are almost broken into slag.

Let's talk about it first. I'm only at this level, so don't ask for too much. After thinking for a moment, Hayato explained the situation in advance and started writing in his notebook.

At least it's better than this guy Jounouchi who can't even hold back a sentence. Hayato is Honda's last hope. While showing that his current requirements are not high, Honda has not forgotten Jounouchi's words, I really don't know what will happen in the future. Who is with him?

After finishing writing a few strokes, Hayato turned his notes in the direction of Honda.

What did you write?

Several people leaned down one after another to see what the confession lines Hayato had come up with were.

Not being able to get rid of you is one of the sources of trouble in life, especially in love. I can't imagine the future without you. Every day I see you is sunny. Without you, my life has lost its luster. Please date me, Miho Nosaka!”

Kyoko read out the words in the note softly and looked at Hayato with a surprised look on her face: Isn't this wonderful writing? Hayato, are you the kind of hidden love expert?

Don't flatter me, I'm so embarrassed just listening to you read out the sentence, let alone actually implement the idea of ​​falling in love. Hayato showed a rare shy expression, I used an ancient Roman phrase here. A word from a person named 'Seneca', because I feel that 'Little Ribbon' should be considered a literary girl, maybe she will like this more literary tone.

Actually Honda thought so too, but what Honda finally wrote was simply a declaration of crime. What you wrote, Hayato, is much better than what Honda wrote. Jonouchi patted Honda on the shoulder and smiled heartily.

I've decided to write this about you, Hayato. Lord Okuninushi, please bless me, and I must make sure my confession is successful! Putting his hands together, Honda bowed devoutly toward the window, which was regarded as praying to the gods for blessings, and doing his best to He worked hard and wrote the confession lines provided by Hayato on the puzzle piece as beautifully as possible.

The next thing to do is to send the puzzles out and let fate take its course. Please ask Kyoko to package the messed up puzzles and tie them with a bow. Now Honda is beginning to hesitate again about the way to send the puzzles. Otherwise, should I leave it at her home?

Honda, have you even figured out someone's home address? Hayato looked surprised.

Don't make it sound like I'm going to do something criminal! Honda complained, but after being reminded by Hayato, it seemed a little inappropriate to send it to someone else's home.

How about Honda give the gift to her in person?

If it could be done, this Honda guy wouldn't use the idea of ​​'affectionate puzzle'. Jonouchi rejected Yugi's proposal.

Otherwise, just put the puzzle piece quietly in Nosaka-san's desk when no one is around. Anyway, the puzzle piece has Honda's signature on it. Kyoko came up with a good idea, and everyone else followed suit. Agreed, and decided to choose Honda to implement it after school today.

————The young man’s fiery heart————

The day passed quickly. The daily life in school was boring but fulfilling. Soon it was time to finish school.

When the bell rang, the students sorted out their homework and left the classroom in groups. Soon only a few people were left.

Because of the punishment, Jonouchi had to find his good partner - the cleaning aunt. Yugi and Kyoko left the school, leaving only Honda who had to wait until the last one to leave the classroom so that he could stuff his confession gift, and was called by the principal. Hayato went to the office.

Although the homeroom teacher did not inform him, Hayato guessed why the principal came to him without even thinking about it.

As expected, in the principal's office, Hayato not only saw the principal, who rarely appeared in front of students, but also his homeroom teacher, a reporter with a microphone and several cameras.

Last night, Hayato met the escaped prisoner Lucky. Because the incident came quite late, he didn't have time to catch up with the newspaper headlines this morning. However, the police promptly announced that an enthusiastic citizen assisted the police in capturing the escaped prisoner. However, because the escaped prisoner put up a fierce resistance at the time, the police were forced to kill him.

But precisely because they missed the headlines in the morning, the news media had enough time to prepare for interviews with enthusiastic citizens. Especially after the investigation revealed that the person who assisted the police was actually the child of a diplomat, the media was even more I can't suppress my inner desire to write. I want to look at the photos released by the police and compile a 2,000-word reading comprehension.

After the school discovered that the enthusiastic citizen was actually a student of its own school, it enthusiastically cooperated with the media's interview invitations. No, not only did they find several students with backgrounds from other classes to act as Hayato's classmates, but they also arranged the status of teachers of heroes for several teachers whom Hayato had never met.

Of course, how could the principal himself miss such a good opportunity to promote the school?

There was not much to say during the interview. It was just a thank you to the school for its training and so on. They were all questions with pre-arranged answers. It is worth mentioning that behind this interview, it seems that the principal used the resources he traded from the director who was beaten by Hayato last time.

Even the director himself came over shamelessly and took a photo with Hayato cordially, as if he didn't know Hayato. For the sake of popularity and fame, he even put aside his hatred. Hayato couldn't help but sigh that this director will definitely do something big in the future. It's so shameless.

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