Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 10 [Millennium Eye] + [Millennium Scepter] =?

As Tapiryo's basic points returned to zero and the winner was determined, the virtual images of the dueling monsters slowly dissipated, and the fragmented [Dark Sanctuary] in the sky quickly dissolved like snow under the warm sun, which had just established Kaiba's victory. The figure of [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] also disappeared from the field little by little.

Hmph, there is no stupider reason for defeat than using a trap to deal with gods. Malik crossed his arms on his chest and looked disdainfully at Tapirang, who fell to the ground and didn't get up. For gods, , traps that are not suitable for the table and the effects of low-level monsters are invalid, and even higher-level monsters and magic are only effective for one turn.

Not only that, the God Card cannot use equipment. The effect of [Dark Sanctuary] requires a spirit to possess the god. Hayato glanced at Malik and added, You are only six years old. Is it true that trap cards can’t be put on the table?”

Malik snorted coldly: I told you, I am Malik, not a six-year-old. Although the trap card is not on the table, it is a perfect punishment for those who offend the divine power.

Kobayashi Hayato, you'd better pray that you don't run into me later. As punishment for taking [Pull] from the other me, I will torture you, hehehehe.

As he said that, Malik turned to look at Kaiba, who was sorting out the cards in his hand in the duel venue, and thought: 'There is no reason at all. Only those who hold the [Millennium Artifact] are qualified to use the [Three Illusion Gods]. That's right, why on earth can this guy control [Obelisk]? ’

‘Furthermore, rather than saying that he obtained the qualification to use God, that card draw just now, is it better to say that [Obelisk] surrendered to him on his own initiative? ’

After defeating Tapirang, Kaiba walked up to him and looked at the duel plate that he had taken out of his hands as he fell to the ground. He snorted coldly, picked up the duel plate and pulled out his card. Expand. At a glance, Tairiang's deck is filled with supernatural things such as ghosts and ghosts, and there are not many powerful monsters at all.

After disdainfully scorning Tapiliang, who had no good things in his deck, Kaiba inserted his deck back into the duel plate and threw it back to the fallen Tapiliang: Although Duel City has 'the winner gets the loser' One card per card' rule, but he is really just a fourth-rate duelist using a third-rate deck. If your card is put into my deck, it will only reduce the purity of my deck.

As he said that, Kaiba was about to turn around and leave. But at this moment, Tapirang, who was lying on his back, suddenly sat up like a corpse, and suddenly grabbed Kaiba's wrist: Purity, is it useful?

What!? Kaiba was startled by Tapirang's pretending to be a corpse. He flicked his wrist to get free, but found that although Tapirang looked quite thin, at this moment, his hand seemed to have turned into a hydraulic clamp. He tightly bound Kaiba's wrist!

His Adam's apple moved, and Tairiang opened his mouth, spitting out a golden eyeball quite disgustingly. The moment he saw the eyeball, Kaiba was reminded of quite bad memories.

Those are Becas's eyes?

Oh, I thought, President Kaiba, you had forgotten what happened in the Duel Kingdom a long time ago, so that's why you steadfastly denied supernatural powers.

The golden eyeball rolled on the tip of Tapirang's tongue, but what was quite strange was that the pupil side of the eyeball was always facing Kaiba, and the Eye of Ugato pattern gradually glowed.

No, that guy Tapira! Hayato noticed the dark aura rolling around Tapira's body, but at this moment, he was so close to Kaiba that there was no time to rescue him. After jumping over the guardrail of the auditorium, Hayato jumped into the duel venue and ran towards Kaiba. He said to Kaiba, Sett, stay away from him!

It's too late, Hayato Kobayashi, even you can't reach this distance! Tairiang stuck out his tongue and said with an anti-human smile, Two seconds, three seconds? How long will it take you to get close to here? I'll use the [Millennium Eye] It doesn’t take even a second to control Seto Kaiba!”

This is your limit, now, I want to control him!

As he spoke, a bright light burst out from the [Millennium Eye], almost blocking all of Kaiba's sight. The distance was almost zero, and all the dark magic power of the [Millennium Eye] was poured into Kaiba's body.

But just when Hayato thought that Kaiba was going to be corroded by the magic power of the [Millennium Eye] and become Tapira's puppet like he did in the Duel Kingdom, suddenly, from the direction of the auditorium behind him, there was also a surge of magic power. Immediately afterwards, with Hayato's stunned look on his face, Malik grasped his [Millennium Scepter] with both hands and was forcefully dragged away from the auditorium, even faster than Hayato's speed, and he was instantly hit by [ The seahorse affected by the magic power of the Millennium Eye? !

In a pure white space, Kaiba opened his eyes.

Where is this? He looked around in confusion. In this pure white space, there was nothing except seahorses. Hey!

But there was not even an echo, as if this space was endless.

The puzzled Kaiba took a step forward, wanting to see what was going on here, but as soon as he took that step, there was suddenly a flood in front of him, with countless broken images rushing past——

An adult woman wearing Egyptian clothing is wandering around holding a brown-haired, blue-eyed boy by the hand;

It seems that a grown-up boy with brown hair and blue eyes is riding a horse with a girl with white hair, and they seem to be running away;

In a library that seems to be in ancient Egypt, an old man in white robes is instructing a young man with brown hair and blue eyes who has changed into blue and white clothes;

At the same time, vague voices sounded one after another:

[ ], you are qualified to become a pharaoh!

Kill []? I refuse!

My proud father died in battle when I was young!

Sorry [], I may have to take a step first...

In a daze, Kaiba opened his eyes again, only to find that he was back on the airship. Tapirang, who was clutching his wrist tightly before, fell down again at some point.

That was... Kaiba subconsciously raised his hand and wiped his cheek. It was actually moist, Am I crying?

Kaiba clearly remembered that he had just seen those fragmented images and unclear sounds, but when he tried to recall, he could not remember what he had just heard and what he had seen.

Before you wipe away your tears, a resentful voice sounded in Kaiba's ears. He turned his head and found that one of the top eight contestants, who was said to be the one holding two God Cards, Malik Isildar Standing next to him, with an angry look on his face, Give me back the [Thousand-Year Scepter]!

After being reminded by Malik, Kaiba noticed that he was actually holding a golden scepter that Malik had always regarded as a treasure in his hand. Malik was grabbing one end of the scepter with one hand and trying to pull it away. Walk it.

Hmph, do you think I would be interested in this nonsense? Although he had just experienced a quite magical and even slightly weird scene, Haima is a seahorse after all, and he who is superstitious about science is not interested in something like the [Millennium Scepter]. Without any great interest, he simply let go of his hand and let Malik take the [Millennium Scepter] back in his hand.

Leaving Malik with a weird look on his face to check what was wrong with the [Millennium Scepter], Kaiba turned around, as if he had forgotten everything just now, and walked towards the auditorium, walking as he did , and said to Isono who was always paying attention to the situation on the referee's bench: Ask someone to clean up the duel field and carry that trash off.

Miscellaneous fish refers to the tapir Liang who fell down again.

After Hayato took away Taira's deck, he followed Kaiba, who looked normal, looked him up and down, and asked strangely: Sett, you should still be who you are, right?

Is it possible that your brain has been burned out because you received too much impact during the knockout round, Hayato Kobayashi? Glancing at Hayato, Kaiba's expression was quite calm, You have to even take the puzzle card from the hand of the miscellaneous fish. If you are seriously injured, I should probably re-evaluate your strength and readjust the intensity of the impact simulation system.

The mouth is still so poisonous. It seems that Seth is right. Hayato said, patting Kaiba on the shoulder, But what I'm a little curious about is, how did you do it just now?

Tapiryo, who fell to the ground, was carried to the infirmary equipped on the airship. Kyoko and Shizuka, who were still unaware of the existence of Dark Tapiryo, volunteered to say that they wanted to go to the infirmary to check on Tapiryo's condition. Licking Dog No. 1 Honda Naturally, he and Licking Dog No. 2 Yu Jialong'er left together.

While everyone in the audience was waiting, the grassy [Blue Eyes White Dragon Lottery Machine GO! GO! 】 was raised to the sky duel arena, activated again, and used to determine the players in the second game.

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, two balls were spit out one after another. The numbers on them differed by only one, which were 5 and 6, representing player No. 5 - Jonouchi and player No. 6 respectively. ——Peacock dance.

Isono announced loudly: So, in the second match between the eight duel cities to advance to the semi-finals, the duelists on both sides are——

Jouchi Katsuya, and Peacock Mai!

Hearing this, Jonouchi, who looked stunned, turned his head and looked at Peacock Mai, who also looked dumbfounded. They both said in unison: Is he/she my opponent?

Compared to the slow Jonouchi, after such a long period of time, Peacock Dance has gradually recognized his inner affection for Jonouchi, so he seems quite distressed that he was actually ranked as Jonouchi's opponent: Even if it's a game, why do you have to choose? It’s this guy from Jonouchi.”

Huh? Stop looking down on me. I'm 1000% stronger now than I was in the Duel Kingdom. Jonouchi didn't understand what Peacock Mai meant. He thought she thought it wasn't challenging to duel him, so he immediately replied, If you look down on me, you may be easily defeated by me just like that time, Wu.

You arrogant, slow guy! Peacock Dance said unhappily, Do you think you are the only one who has grown up? I am no longer what I used to be!

As she spoke, she crossed her arms across her chest, seemingly unconsciously lifting the fat in front of her. Unfortunately, although Jonouchi is a SP like most men under normal circumstances, he is addicted to cards and the memory in his brain is only enough for playing cards.

Since you are so confident, let's make a bet. This is the first time in my life that I have such a crush on a man, but this guy in the city is just a piece of wood - no, he is basically a humanoid [Iron Knight] ], which makes peacock dance somewhat popular. She sneered and said, If I win, I don't want your [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon]. You can just be my attendant for a month.

Within a month, I didn’t believe that I couldn’t win him! Peacock Dance thought so in her heart.

Hmph, I won't lose! Jonouchi said.

Although Yugi looked a little short, he was very perceptive. He could tell at a glance what Maiko Wu was thinking about Jonouchi, and smiled like an aunt at the side. Hayato looked at the two yellow-haired bickering, chuckled, and whispered to Isis beside him: When these two get married, I will sit at the child's seat.

After debugging the camera equipment, which was a little skewed and out of focus due to the previous attack of [Obelisk's Titan Soldier], the staff left the arena. Jonouchi and Maura Mai stood on both sides of the duel field, waiting quietly for the referee's seat. Isono ordered.

In the audience, Isis was discussing with Hayato whether it was more cost-effective to eat at the table for children or the table for the elderly, while Malik's eyes were on the [Thousand-Year Scepter] in his hand and Kaiba, who had a calm look on his face. Going back and forth, it seems that he still hasn't figured out why his [Millennium Scepter] dragged him to Kaiba.

Kaiba was communicating with Keihei about various matters, such as where the airship's itinerary was, whether anything happened to Kaiba Group, what was the response on the Internet to the video of the first duel that had just been released, etc. Yugi was thinking about what method he should use if he had to face Kaiba's [Obelisk's Titan Soldier].

On the duel field, Peacock Wu and Jonouchi's eyes met.

Just wait to be my attendant for a month, Jonouchi. Peacock Dance said with a smile.

No, I will definitely beat you! Jonouchi responded with a confident smile, turning to look at the camera on the side, Hey, I didn't expect that one day I would be on TV.

I announce that Duel City, the second match of the semi-finals for the eight-quarter finalists, Isono raised his hands high in the air, and after confirming that both players were ready, he waved them down, Now, the duel begins!


[Within the city: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Peacock Dance: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

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