Playing out the card in his hand, Tapirang said with a grim smile: The effect of [Gus, Messenger of Hades] can only be activated when there are no cards on my field and I am hurt. He can activate it from the cards in my hand. It is specially summoned to play, and can activate two different abilities corresponding to different types of damage.

In front of Tapirang, the flames on one of the dark warriors slowly extinguished, revealing his true appearance. It is [Messenger of Hades-Gus].

[Messenger of Hades-Gus] [7☆/Dark]



The warrior next to [Gus] also waved the scimitar in his hand, and a female warrior wearing white armor appeared, but the data revealed on her body made Kaiba, who had a relatively calm face, be shocked. Startled.

【Messenger of Hades-Kain】【7☆/Light】

[Angel family/derivatives]


The attack power and defense power are both 3000 points?! How can they be summoned so easily?

Tairiang seemed to be satisfied with the shocked expression on Kaiba's face, squinting his eyes and saying with a smile: Because I received battle damage from [Blue Eyes White Dragon], [Messenger of Hades - Gus] can be used when the special summon is successful. If I summon an additional [Herald of Hades-Kain] token, her attack and defense will become the value of the battle damage I received.

Suffer the consequences, President Kaiba!

Hey, it's unexpectedly tricky. Kaiba looked at the two monsters that appeared on the field and reluctantly ended his turn, My turn is over.

[Haima: 4000LP, 2 cards in hand]

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【ATK2500】

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【ATK3000】

Haha, it's my turn, draw a card. Tapirang smiled and drew a card, then directly entered the battle stage, [Gus, the Messenger of Hades], attack the first one [Blue Eyes]!

After receiving the order, [Guts, the Messenger of Hades] on the tapir field immediately took action, dragging the long knife behind him and dodged around the intact [Blue Eyes], and came to the other [Newt]. In front of the entangled [Blue Eyes White Dragon], the long knife in his hand was handed out.


[Haima: 4000→3800LP]

Because he had stepped on the trap laid by Tapir before, the attack power of the first one summoned by Kaiba, [Blue Eyes White Dragon], was reduced to 2500 points, which was just suppressed by [Gus, the Messenger of Hades] with an attack power of 2700 points. The overflowing 200 points of battle damage fell on Kaiba, and he bore it without expression.

Does it hurt a little bit, President Kaiba? Tapiryo continued to challenge, Although the attack power is similar, [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is the card you regard as your trump card, right? [Messenger of Hades] -Kain], attack the other [Blue Eyes]!

Under the command of Tapirang, [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]'s derivative, which had gained powerful power due to the previous attack, launched a suicide attack, and faced [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] with a jumping slash. . The white light engulfed [Kain, the Messenger of Hades], but the scimitar in his hand also hit the [Blue Eyes White Dragon], and both sides perished together.

The two [Blue Eyes] that Kaiba spent a lot of resources to summon in the last round were all cleared by Tapirang after only one round on the field. Moreover, Tapirang only consumed two cards in his hand. Even this No normal summons has been performed this turn.

How's it going, President Kaiba? How does it feel to be beaten up by a bastard? Tapiroshi smiled proudly and activated a card from his hand, Activate the magic card [Scapegoat] and special summon it on my field. Four [Sheep Tokens].”

Because [Kairin, the Messenger of Hades] and [Blue Eyes White Dragon] died together, the only monster left on the field is [Gus, the Messenger of Hades]. There are exactly four vacancies in the monster area, and four of them are occupied. It is only occupied by the cute-looking [Sheep Token].

【Sheep token】【1☆/land】



As a price for activating [Scapegoat], I cannot summon, special summon, or reverse summon this round, and [sheep tokens] cannot be used to release superior summons. Tapirang said, playing another card, However, my [Scapegoat] must be used in conjunction with this card. The magic card, [Token Harvest Offering]!

Four cute [Sheep Tokens] appeared on the field for only ten seconds. Before they had time to adapt to the surrounding environment, they were horrified to discover that a Goblin carrying a net bag was wearing a I Brave t-shirts, grab them all!

I remember that the effect of that card is to destroy all the tokens on the field and restore your life points equal to the number of tokens x 800 points, right? Kaiba recognized the effect of the card activated by Tapiroshi.

Tapirang chuckled: After all, my basic points are only 1,000 points. Although there is [Gus, the Messenger of Hades] on the field, it would be bad if you have any monsters with direct attack capabilities.

The number of destroyed tokens is 4 in total. Therefore, my base points are restored to 3200 points.

[Tairiang: 1000→4200LP]

At the cost of using two cards, Tapirang easily replenished all the basic points he had lost in the previous round. Not only that, he also overflowed by 200 points, which was exactly the basic points Kaiba had lost now.

In the two rounds before and after, Tapirang only used a total of four cards. With three cards left in his hand, he had a complete advantage in terms of basic points and layout on the field.

Cover two cards, my turn is over. Covering two cards quite calmly, Tapirang ended his turn.

[Tairiang: 4200LP, 1 card in hand]

[Messenger of Hades-Gus][ATK2700]

【Gate Card】X2

He obviously summoned two beloved [Blue Eyes White Dragon] in the first round, and he obviously reduced the opponent's basic points by 3,000 points through direct attacks in the first round. Two happy things came together, and it should have been given to Kaiba. Bringing an extremely enjoyable duel experience.

But a series of operations by Tapirang made Kaiba very unhappy, and once he started to feel unhappy, he would get angry.

Kaiba: My turn, draw a card!

Activate the magic card [Silent Dead], target a normal monster in my graveyard, and special summon it in defense position! Kaiba put a card into the magic trap area, Come back from the abyss, Blue -Eyes!

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【DEF2500】

The white dragon was guided back to Kaiba's field by the effect of the magic card. However, due to the effect of [Silent Dead], it can only appear in defense position this round. It needs to wait until the next round to change its form and attack. Before The anger of being destroyed needs to be endured for the time being.

Seeing [Blue Eyes] reappear on Kaiba's field, Tapirang said disdainfully: Although the resurrected [Blue Eyes] has an attack power of 3000 points, it cannot change its form during the special summoning round. In defense position [ Blue Eyes' attack power is only 2500 points, but the attack power of [Gus] on my field is higher.

Hmph, I usually summon [Emperor Kaiba], and then activate the effect of [Reincarnation Dragon] in my graveyard, Kaiba turned a deaf ear to Tapiryo's sarcasm. Because he has always felt that instead of wasting time trying to gain a verbal advantage, it would be better to summon his own monster first and prove himself with real strength.

Remove [Reincarnation Dragon] from the graveyard, then target a level 5 or above Dragon-type monster in my graveyard and add it to my hand. Kaiba removed [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] and [ Samsara Dragon] took out, put [Reincarnation Dragon] into his trouser pocket, and showed the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] added to the hand, Also, I can superior summon the dragon monster added to the hand!

When used for the advanced summoning of light attribute monsters, [Emperor Seahorse] can be used as two sacrifices. Come out, [Blue Eyes White Dragon]!

Just like the gorgeous operation in the last round, Kaiba, who had been cleared of the field before, proved his strength and resurrected the two destroyed blue eyes back to the field at the cost of two cards. At the same time, he played the last card in his hand.

It's really a great humiliation to be underestimated by the miscellaneous fish. I have decided that in the next few rounds, I will give you a complete defeat! The last card in Kaiba's hand revealed its true appearance, Magic Card [Destroy Life The treasure card]! I draw cards from the deck until the number of cards in my hand becomes 5!

As a price, at the beginning of my fifth preparation phase after [Life-cutting Treasure Card] is activated, I will send all the cards in my hand to the graveyard. Kaiba boldly pulled out five cards from the deck, with a look on his face. Smiling contemptuously, But, in front of me who is completely serious, can you last five rounds, you miscellaneous fish?

Activate the equip magic card [Gigantic], equip my [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]! Kaiba inserted a card into the magic trap area, Because my base score is lower than yours, [Gigantic] applies attack roll Double the effect!”

In other words, [Blue Eyes]'s attack power is now 6,000 points!

【Blue Eyes White Dragon】【ATK3000→6000】

The battle begins, and I activate a quick-attack magic card from my hand, [Demon Sealing Arrow]! After suffering a loss, Kaiba became a little cautious, and immediately played a card at the beginning of the battle phase, This card can only be activated at the beginning of the battle phase between both parties. Until the end of the round, both parties cannot activate the effects of magic and trap cards!

In this case, the two cover cards in your backcourt will be useless, right?

There was still an unexplained smile on Tapirang's face: Sa, who knows? Maybe there is a [Gus] in my hand card?

Hmph, even if you really still have that troublesome monster in your hand, if there are cards on the field, its effect cannot be activated, right? Kaiba showed a cruel smile and ordered, [Blue Eyes White Dragon], attack [Messenger of Hades - Gus], and start your revenge!

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