Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 3 The first battle, Kaiba and Tapirang

Start now, the grouping of the top eight players in Duel City.

After resting for a night, everyone gathered in the lobby of the airship. One night passed, and in the hall, there was a large device covered by red cloth, and Isono was standing in front of this device, presiding over it before the duel officially started.

As the red cloth was pulled away by two staff members, a strange machine filled with Seto Kaiba's unique aesthetic appeared in front of everyone.

What the hell is this =_=? The expressions of everyone present were surprisingly consistent at this moment. Even Malik couldn't hold back the grin on his face and looked at the machine in front of him strangely.

Kaiba, on the other hand, snorted coldly and introduced seriously: Huh, can't you see? This is the machine used to determine the groups, [Blue Eyes White Dragon Lottery Machine GO! GO!].

In a transparent spherical container, there are eight yellow balls with numbers 1 to 8 written on them. Below the container are connected the heads of three extremely recognizable [Blue Eyes White Dragon], among which A raised head bites the transparent container, while the other two drooping heads also open their mouths.

Jonouchi complained: I think everyone can see that this is [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. How much do you like [Blue Eyes White Dragon]! He remembered the last time he entered Kaiba Paradise at night and was almost cornered. The experience of being frightened by a [Blue Eyes White Dragon] statue.

So why does the lottery machine have this weird shape? Besides, shouldn't the three heads be [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]?

It's so noisy, you guys! Hearing Hayato's trouble, Kaiba roared back angrily, turned back to Isono and said, Continue to explain the rules!

Because he had received professional training, Isono, who did not laugh, nodded calmly and continued to speak into the microphone: The eight yellow balls in the container represent the numbers of the top eight players. This lottery machine will draw a number at a time. Two balls are selected, and the selected players will be divided into groups for a duel to determine the top four.

As he said that, Isono had already pulled down a lever on the side with a rather awkward name [Lottery Machine GO! GO! 】 Several balls in the ball are bumping around under the action of the stirrer inside.

Jonouchi looked at the ball that was still rebounding rapidly in the container, and said nervously: No one knows who they will meet until their numbered ball comes out.

Within a few seconds after he finished speaking, a round ball fell out.

On the ball, 1 is written, which represents the duelist who is Kaiba.

Humph, shall I start the first battle? Seeing his number ball being taken out first, Kaiba couldn't help but smile proudly, turned around and looked at the other people, looking at Yugi, Hayato and others. There were three Maliks patrolling around.

'Although I can't wait to play against Yugi now, the main course should be saved until the end. ’

‘Hayato who holds the [Winged Dragon of Ra], and Malik Isildar who holds the [Sky Dragon of Osiris], the [gods] in your hands are destined to fall into my hands! ’

Is the first person Kaiba? Isis stood next to Hayato, who looked tired, and looked at the future with the [Millennium Jewelry] curiously. She saw a dazzling white beam of light being swallowed up in the darkness.

And the next second when Isis was peeping at the future scene, another small ball was spit out from the mouth of another [Blue Eyes White Dragon] with 8 written on it. This is the round ball that represents the tapir.

Seeing the result of the draw, Isono dutifully said loudly: The result has been announced. In the first match of the Duel City quarterfinals to advance to the semifinals, the duelists on both sides are -

Seto Kaiba, and Taira!

As soon as the results were announced, everyone had different reactions.

Kaiba glared at Isono unhappily because he didn't meet the Hayato and Malik he was expecting, which made the honest Isono start to recall with some confusion that he shouldn't have offended the president recently, right?

Keppei, who was standing on a chair, patted the honest-minded Isono on the shoulder and sent him away so that Isono could prepare the venue for the duel. This would prevent Isono from being fired from Kaiba tomorrow for walking into the company with his left foot first.

Malik looked a little uninterested after confirming that his No. 3 ball was missing, and glanced provocatively at Hayato who looked like he hadn't slept well. Hayato, who stayed up late last night sorting out his deck, didn't take Malik's provocation to heart at all. He just comforted Isis, who was worried about Malik's current condition.

Jonouchi and Maiko Mai were worried about the fact that Tapira, who seemed a little weak, was going to play in the first game and faced the strong Kaiba. They comforted him with some worry and told him not to be too upset even if he lost. A lot of pressure.

It's Yu Yu. Standing behind Tapirang, he is exchanging opinions with Dark Yu Yu in his heart. Although the current Tapirang looks like the weak and beautiful boy Tapirang in their class, the game always feels that there is a layer of darkness shrouding Tapirang's body. Coincidentally, not only games, but dark games feel the same way.

After waiting for a moment and receiving a report from Isono who was leaving early, Kaiba and Tairyo walked towards two separate elevators. The two duelists who have arranged to duel will take these two elevators directly to the Sky Duel Arena on the airship to complete the duel, and Hayato and the other spectators will naturally have another way to go to the auditorium.

As soon as he arrived outside the airship, facing the cold wind from high altitude, Jonouchi couldn't help but sneeze several times: Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze!

Hey, are you okay Jonouchi? Honda said in surprise, You must have caught a cold, right? Isn't it said that idiots don't catch colds? Ah sneeze!

You guys are the same, aren't you! Jonouchi retorted immediately.

After stepping out of the airship, feeling the cold air outside, several men immediately took off their coats and put them on the ladies. Wearing Jonouchi's clothes, Maou Wu also said a little unhappy: That bastard Kaiba actually let us compete in a place like this!

Shizuka tightened her Honda school uniform and asked Jonouchi with some concern: Are you okay, brother?

It's okay, sneeze! It's okay! Jonouchi showed off his strong biceps to prove that he was completely fine, but was blown by the cold wind and sneezed involuntarily again.

Hmph, I can't even overcome the cold wind. I'm just mediocre after all. Taking his place on the duel field in front of the auditorium, Kaiba's cloak swayed with the airflow and sneered at Jonouchi. Without waiting for his reply, he went too far. He looked at Isono who was ready on the referee's bench.

After Kaiba and Tapira finished shuffling the decks under the supervision of their respective inspectors, Isono raised his hands and said loudly:

The duel begins!

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