Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 1: Getting close to people with 100 million

Leaning back on the leather seat, heart-thumping pop music is playing in your ears, and the air is filled with the scent of elegant perfume.

Hayato sat in a black limousine, sighed in annoyance, and asked Keppei, who was sitting opposite him: Sometimes I really envy you carefree children, Aka.

I told you my name is Keihei! Holding the tablet in his hand, Keihei was still busy handling complicated official duties even though he was sitting in the car on his way to other places. And, Hayato-nii, where did you see that? Am I very carefree?

There are now seven people who have collected the six puzzle cards and pieced together the map leading to the final location. However, no one has arrived at the registration point so far. Keppei sighed and temporarily put his hands on the map. Putting down his work, he turned his head and operated a car TV nearby, which projected a data table, Brother, it's very interesting that he thought of such a game after thinking about it.

But, I am the one in charge of logistical arrangements and negotiations with the Doshino City Government. After sighing, Keppei picked up the tablet again, And the most important thing is that my brother actually wants to fly an airship. Something like that, the expenses are too high.”

If we continue like this, Haima Group will go bankrupt in another century.

Good guy, do you hear this? Where are you from Uncle Scrooge?

Mr. Hayato, Master Keppei, we will arrive at our destination in five minutes. At this time, the driver's voice came from the paging system, and Hayato turned his head and looked out the window.

The car drove across a bridge, and as the building blocking the view disappeared, a huge prototype building appeared in Hayato's eyes——

Doshino City Sports Center! At the same time, it is also the second stage of the competition location that the six puzzle cards of Duel City ultimately point to!

As early as in the planning of Tongshiye City Government five years ago, this stadium was scheduled to become the most popular entertainment facility in the past ten years in Tongshiye City. As expected, it also gathered concert venues , football field, exposition pavilion and other multiple composite functions.

Although it is quite common for stadiums to be used for the above functions in later generations, don't forget that it is only the beginning of the 21st century, and the construction of this sports center is undoubtedly quite wise.

If the Duel Monsters game, which has been around for a while, hadn't suddenly become popular, and Kaiba Land hadn't appeared.

As Mr. Jack Atlas, the famous acrobatic double performance artist, said, I want to be the king of duels, and women are in the way. Female celebrities are beautiful? But what does that have to do with fans? If you have the energy to chase stars, you might as well open a card pack, draw out a girl card, and then go to the duel venue of Kaiba Paradise to experiment with new cards.

As Duel Monsters becomes increasingly popular, many Hollywood stars and actors who originally thought highly of themselves have labeled themselves as Duel Monsters Lovers to attract attention.

Moreover, the Haima Paradise, which was built with extremely high efficiency thanks to the money ability of the Haima Group, overtook the Doshinoichi Sports Center, which was a government project, so the construction team had to work hard, and was completed ahead of the curve. To seize the market, in this era where time is money, Tongshiye City Sports Center lost before it even had a chance to take action. Even the contracted engineering team ran away with their buckets.

Under such circumstances, the Haima Group, which had plenty of money in its pocket and nearly 100 million people, approached the Tongshiye Municipal Government, which was worried about this unfinished project.

The car drove into the Doushino City Sports Center, which was mostly completed but was unfinished because the contractor ran away. As soon as he got out of the car, Hayato raised his head and saw the Kaiba guy standing on a high platform. , looking down at Hayato with a cold and arrogant face, the white windbreaker that was dragged down to his feet swaying in the evening breeze.

Hmph, Hayato Kobayashi, the person who qualified for the top eight after me is actually you. With a proud smile on his face, Kaiba said contemptuously, What a pity, the first person to qualify for the top eight is Me, you and other weaklings, just follow my footsteps on the road to victory!

Hey, hey, don't tell me that you've already reached the top and become the number one. Hayato looked at Kaiba helplessly and said, Don't think I didn't see it, you were clearly overtaking me on the way in a helicopter. Yes, Keppei told me on the way that I was the first one to collect all the puzzle pieces.

Kaiba snorted coldly and looked away: You're so noisy, you're just a second-rate duelist. There are no restrictions on the transportation methods for contestants to get here in the rules of Duel City. If you have the ability, you can even fly to me in a fighter jet. No comments either.”

In that case, I would have been blown down by a missile halfway!

Keppei, who also got out of the black limousine, looked away from the tablet in his hand, glanced at Hayato and Kaiba, and said with a smile: The relationship between Hayato-nii and brother is really good.

Because the top eight players hadn't arrived yet, Hayato showed the staff of the Kaiba Group the six puzzle cards he had. After registering to qualify for the top eight, he found a lounge and planned to wait for the other players to arrive. I would like to spend some time organizing my deck of cards to kill time.

The deck currently held by Hayato is mainly composed of several series - [Entertainment Partner], which has no pendulum so it is difficult to exert its full power, [Disruption Arms [Gaia] appears one after another.

In addition to this, there are also [Earth Spirit God-Gransol], [Earth-bound God-Viracocha Lasca], ​​[Ra's Winged Dragon], and the [Earth-bound God] left behind by the just-captured Tapirian. Three Phantom Demons], and the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] that saved Hayato countless times.

Instructing his awakened card elves to look at the cards of the still-unfaithful [Three Phantom Demons], Hayato opened the system, looked at the dp points that he had finally recovered to 5,000 points, and clicked into the [Store] with a rather heroic move. Stud, clear the long-accumulated points in one go.

Compared to the Duel Kingdom, this Duel City has high hopes from the Kaiba Group and will be broadcast live to the world. Hayato wants to defeat all other duelists in an upright manner through this competition, including but not limited to Malik, Jonouchi, Seahorse and game. To do this, he needs to increase the depth of his card pool as much as possible.

He tore open a pack of cards that appeared in his hand, took out five cards, and looked at the front. Seeing a powerful 8☆ monster with water attributes, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Start shipping?

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