Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 91 This moment is the perfect time

[Thunder Emperor-Harmon], launch a direct attack on Hayato Kobayashi!

Hesiod gave the order to attack, expecting another victory.

In recent times, he has relied on the powerful power of the [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] obtained from Lord Malik to achieve victory after victory, and he has absorbed the powerful vitality to strengthen himself.

But even among so many duels, the current duel with Hayato was the most enjoyable one for him. Moreover, the gold content is also the highest.

Muto Yugi and Kobayashi Hayato, after defeating the Father of Duel Monsters - Becas, they can be said to be the two most powerful duelists in the world. If they defeat them, wouldn't they be the most powerful duelists in the world? A strong duelist?

In that case, Lord Malik, no, that guy Malik, wouldn’t be afraid, right?

Hesiod was thinking about it, but suddenly realized that although he had given the order to attack, the [Thunder Lord Harmon] behind him seemed not to have heard his order. He did not make any attack movements or move at all. Do not move.

If I were successfully attacked directly by you, I would indeed lose. But unfortunately, the effect of [Hakusuki's Beautiful Girl], which was destroyed and sent to the graveyard by your battle, was activated.

Hayato picked up the [Hakuyuki's Beautiful Girl] card on the duel plate, showed it, and then sent it to the graveyard: This is the end of your combat phase for this round. Face the invincible power of the female fist!

After being destroyed, I saw [Hoshi's Beautiful Girl] frantically updating blogs and writing articles in the cemetery, describing everything she encountered on the field, and constantly accusing [Absolute Defense General] and [Thunder Emperor] who had no mercy at all. -Harmon].

Under pressure, an Account Banned sign appeared above the heads of [Thunder Emperor Harmon] and [Absolute Defense General]. Because of this, even though Hesiod gave the order to attack just now, [Thunder Lord Harmon] was as motionless as Kishibe Rohan.

Hey, I was actually tricked by that miscellaneous fish monster. Cover a card and my turn is over. Hesiod ended his turn unhappily.

[Hesiod: 4000LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Absolute Defense General】【DEF2500】

【Thunder Emperor-Harmon】【ATK4000】


Then my turn is to draw cards! After Hayato drew the top card of the deck, he activated the cards he had covered in the previous turn. Activating the set cards on my field [Wild Greed], I can overdraw the future. Draw two more cards from the deck, but as a price, my next two card drawing phases will be skipped.

Hmph, you noticed the gap between you and me, so you have to advance future cards?

No, actually quite the opposite. Hayato looked at the card in his hand and said with a smile, The puzzle of victory has been completed!

Activate the magic card [Angel's Alms], draw three cards, and then pick two cards from my hand and discard them!

With that said, Hayato drew three cards, and under Hesiod's gaze, sent two cards into the graveyard.

Then, activate my second cover card. Looking at the five cards in his hand, Hayato turned over a card in his magic trap area, Perpetual Trap Card, [Reincarnation Arbitrary]!

I can use its effect once per turn to declare a race, and then change the monsters in the graveyards of both duelists to the declared race!

The race I declare is, [Magician Race]!

Hayato's site suddenly became transparent, allowing Hesiod to see the situation in the underground cemetery at a glance. A ray of light swept across, and the images of the monsters sleeping in the graveyards of both sides changed one after another. Whether it was the [Lava Demon God], [Dark Knight of the Gale - Gaia] or the [Charging Captain] in his graveyard, they all changed. Dressed like a magician.

Changing the race of the monsters in the cemetery? And, not the dragon race but the magician race? Hesiod frowned. He does know that some monsters have the ability to utilize monsters of specific races in the graveyard, such as the famous dragon killer [Buster Blader], which has the power to increase its attack power based on the number of dragon monsters in the opponent's graveyard.

But using monsters from the magician clan, he really didn't expect it for a while.

Moreover, he also saw that in Hayato's graveyard area, in addition to [Lava Demon], [Gaia] and [Hakuyuki's Beautiful Girl], there were actually two monsters that had not appeared before - two demons. [Newt].

Of course, these two monsters have also been transformed into [Magician] monsters.

When did those two cards come from? So, are they the [Angel's Charity] just now? Hesiod thought of the [Angel's Charity] that Hayato had just activated.

Although Hayato has repeatedly used cards with check-card effects, many people have begun to realize the concept of card gap in hand cards, and cards with the effect of supplementing cards in hand have gradually been valued. However, among check-card cards, there are still There are some cards that are not very popular, and they refer to [Angel’s Alms].

Although you can draw three cards in one breath, you have to discard two more cards later. Adding [Angel's Alms] itself, spending three cards in your hand to replenish three cards in your hand is simply a waste of time.

Hesiod used to think this way, like most people. But Hayato has now shown him the real use of [Angel's Alms] beyond the card drawing effect - the important thing is never the card drawing, but discarding two designated cards into the graveyard is the most important.

At this moment, there are exactly five monsters sleeping in my graveyard, and due to the effect of [Reincarnation Arbitrary], they have all turned into [Magician] monsters. In this case, this card can finally be activated. .”

Hayato said, showing a green magic card and placing it on the duel plate: Activate the magic card, [Fusion Magic]!

From my field and graveyard, select a magician-type monster to be removed as a fusion material, and then fuse and summon a magician-type fusion monster!

On Hayato's transparent field, the shadow of a monster appeared in each of the five monster areas, and was sucked into it by a mirror as tall as a person that appeared in Hayato's backcourt, and merged into the vortex.

Control magic and engrave mystery. This moment is the perfect time! Hayato had an extra fusion monster card in his hand, which he placed on the duel plate, Fusion Summon, [Five Formation Magician]!

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