After briefly exchanging information about each other, and after Hayato and Kaiba showed each other the [Obelisk] and [Ra] cards they had obtained, the most delicious main course released by Kaiba should be saved for last. Taste, I will beat you in the finals, the three of them parted again.

Looking at the two puzzle cards in his hand, Hayato sighed helplessly: I hope there will be fewer duplicate cards in the future.

While walking, he opened the system's [Store] to see if he wanted to open a pack of cards to test his luck.

At this moment, he found a group of people gathered not far away from him, seemingly watching something.

In the center of the crowd, two monsters that Hayato was quite familiar with were raising their heads and roaring: Meow~

Shut up, you two bastards!

[Chimeric Manticore]? Hayato walked towards the crowd curiously. Although this card is not as rare as [Blue Eyes], its rarity is quite high. After all, it is an 8☆ monster with an attack power of 2800, and its effect is quite practical.

Coincidentally, Hayato also happened to know a guy who used [Chimeric Manticore] and also had a Duel Disk to qualify for the Duel City Competition.

Humph, now I have two [Chimeric Manticores] on the field, and next turn, the two sacrifice monsters that were just released by the superior summons will also return to my field.

As expected, Hayato squeezed into the crowd and saw the stinky-looking Manjume Shoji wearing a duel disk to duel with others, because he had summoned two [Chimeric Manticores] on the field, and he was proudly facing He made nonsense remarks to the guy opposite.

Standing opposite the guy Manjo Meshoji is a short guy, but he is not short because of his young age like Hamo and Ryuzaki. Look at that guy's chin is full of beards that can be used as towels, unless he is born The hair is strong, otherwise the age will not be much younger.

The hunched-back, long-bearded dwarf looked at the two [Chimeric Manticores] on Wanzhang Mesheng's field, showed a surprised expression, and clapped his hands: The monster that was liberated as a sacrifice in the last round. The [Chimeric Manticore] that was used as a sacrifice for the second time and summoned the second body is worthy of Banjo Meshoji, it is really powerful.

It's good to know how powerful I am. Besides, it's Mr. Banzhangmu! Masashi Banzhangmu narrowed his eyes proudly after listening to the compliment, and ordered scornfully, The warrior clan you have on the field is better than that of Hayato Kobayashi. This guy is too weak, let’s just crush him like this!”

[Chimeric Manticore] No. 1, attack [Female Warrior of the Wilderness]!

In front of the huge monster, the short warrior monster dressed as a wilderness wanderer on the field was destroyed and sent to the cemetery. But at this moment, the bearded man showed a proud smile: [Woman of the Wilderness] Warrior】The effect can be activated when it is destroyed by battle. Special summon an Earth attribute warrior-type monster with an attack power of less than 1500 from my deck in attack position.

At the same time, activate the Gaika in my backcourt, [Fellow Traveler]. Because [Female Warrior of the Wilderness] was destroyed, let's go to the graveyard together, [Chimeric Manticore]!

The [Chimeric Manticore] that had not attacked yet was suddenly grabbed by the soles of its feet by a few hands protruding from the ground. The hands seemed to be rotten, but their strength was quite terrifying. Drag the huge [Chimeric Manticore] into the cemetery.

My [Chimeric Manticore]!

Wan Zhangmu shouted anxiously. Seeing that his master was so worried about him, [Chimeric Manticore] couldn't help but turn around and look pitifully at Wan Jangme Shoji:


You can die in peace.


After [Fellow Traveler] sent [Chimeric Manticore] to the cemetery, on the short field, where [Female Warrior of the Wilderness] disappeared, a purple-haired lady sat elegantly on a chair. superior.

Hmph, it's just a monster with an attack power of 1350, what kind of powerful effect can it have? Not to mention that the attack power of my [Chimeric Manticore] is as high as 2800 points. Banjo Meshoji said because all the monsters on the field have already been Having already attacked, he ended his turn unhappily, My turn is over.

[Wanzhang Meshengji: 2000LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Chimeric Manticore】【ATK2800】

【The price of blood】

Hayato made a brief analysis based on the situation on the field. The tactics used by Banzhangmu at the moment seemed to be to use [Blood Price] to sell blood and then normally summon it multiple times, then quickly go up to the level to summon [Chimeric Manticore], and then use it to be The resurrected monsters continuously accumulate advantages and snowball play style.

And that short guy is on the court.

[Short man: 500LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Invaders of the Throne】【ATK1350】


Hayato felt that he couldn't see any tricks for the time being. After all, he had only watched this duel for a few minutes. However, if Hayato were to analyze it, he would not think that Manjo Meshoji, who had the higher attack power of the monsters on the field, had an overwhelming chance of winning. On the contrary, Hayato felt that the winning rates of both sides in the duel were evenly matched.

The main reason is that the short man has an unknown cover card in the backcourt, and Hayato clearly remembers the effect of the [Throne Invader].

Ah, there is such a terrifying defense on the field. The monsters on my field alone cannot defeat the [Chimeric Manticore].

Hearing the short man's words of submission, Banzhang Meshengji couldn't help but said with some pride: Humph, of course, I spent a lot of savings on these two cards. I originally thought that one That’s enough for me to take revenge. Who knew that guy Kobayashi Hayato was so...ahem, ahem, in short, start your turn quickly!

Next turn, the monster I released to summon [Chimeric Manticore] will be resurrected, and then the combined attack of the three-body monsters will kill you easily!

Ah, that's really scary. But what do you mean by that? 'A true duellist will never give up.' The short man glanced at the top card of his deck, raised his right hand and He drew out, Although the attack power of [Throne Invader] on my field is quite weak, wouldn't it be nice to just use the equipment magic card to strengthen the monster?

My turn, draw a card!

Then activate the equipment magic card, [Devil's Ax]! This card can increase the equipped monster's attack power by 1,000 points!

Banzhang Meshengji couldn't help but frown: But even then, the attack power of [Throne Invader] is only 2350.

No, no, no, Wanzhangmu Shoji, the monster to be equipped with [Devil's Axe] is not my [Throne Invader]. The smile on the short man's face disappeared very abruptly, and with a Sima face, he said He said in a pause, The monster whose attack power needs to be increased is the [Chimeric Manticore] on your field!

【Chimeric Manticore】【ATK2800→3800】

Seeing that the [Chimeric Manticore] on his field was obviously a lion, but it actually grabbed the [Devil's Ax] that flew from the short man's field in its mouth like a dog, Wanzhangmu frowned: I actually chose Strengthen my monster? Do you have any strange plans?

Banjome Shoji, the duelist's level is LV5, and he barely qualified to buy a duel disk. The deck he used cost him a lot of money to build, and the most valuable one was two [Chimeric Manticores].

The boring game ends here, now my offensive will start to accelerate. As if he was reciting a scripture, the short man said the information about Banzhang Meshoji expressionlessly, and at the same time, he pointed one finger at the [throne] on his field. Invader], activated the cover card in his backcourt. The quick-attack magic card, [Book of the Moon], changes the [Throne Invader] on my field from face-side attack position to face-side defense position.

By the way, that monster is! Hayato heard a little boy thinking in the crowd not far behind Manjome Shoji, and soon he suddenly realized, and then said to Shoji anxiously, Brother, I remembered! That [Throne Invader] is a reverse monster!

The effect is-

Then, I will reverse summon [Throne Invader] and trigger its reverse effect. Before Wan Zhangmu could speak to remind Masashi, the short man had already completed his operation, Choose 1 of the enemies on the opponent's field. Monster, the control of that monster and this card is exchanged.”


[Throne Invader] sat on her seat and calmly disappeared as the card under her feet was reversed. But when the card was flipped over again to reveal the front, there was actually lying on the throne that should have been in Wan Zhang's eyes. [Chimeric Manticore] on the main battlefield!

[Wanzhang Meshengji: 2000LP]

【Invaders of the Throne】【ATK1350】

[Short: 500LP]

[Chimeric Manticore] (Devil's Ax) [ATK3800]

It's such a pity that you were just a little short of defeating me, but in the end you were just one move away from me.

It's over, welcome the fate of defeat, Banjome Shoji!

[Chimeric Manticore], attack [Throne Invader]!

The [Chimeric Manticore] betrayed Banjome and slashed at the [Throne Invader] with the [Devil's Ax] in its mouth, and Banjome Shoji's base points also dropped to zero.

[Wanzhang Meshengji: 2000LP→0]

The winner is clear, then, I will accept the card of [Chimeric Manticore]. The short man glanced at Banjome Shoji, who was knocked to the ground due to the final blow, and leaned over to pick up the card from him. The [Chimeric Manticore] fell on the duel plate, and then he pulled out his entire deck. However, he was not at all interested in the puzzle card of Banjo Meshoji that fell aside.

Brother! Wan Zhangmu ran to Zhengsi and helped him up with a worried look on his face, Are you okay, brother?

Hmm, your sight is so accurate? Humph, you unexpectedly found an interesting guy. With the victory of the duel, the expressionless short man returned to the indifferent look that Hayato had seen at the beginning. The duelist's level is LV3. It's just because he lost to a stronger opponent in the competition. His actual strength is around LV5.

The deck used is modeled after Hayato Kobayashi, one of the duelist kings. It is mainly composed of normal monsters from the warrior and machine types. The known ace monster of the deck is [Tyrant Dragon], which is quite an excellent prey.

While saying this, the short man raised the duel plate in his left hand that had not been put away at all, and said with great interest: Come on, little brother Wan Zhangmu, pick up your brother's duel plate and bet on the contents of your deck. card, come and have a duel with me, Lord Hesiod!

Wan Zhangmu must have been a little frightened by the expression on the face of the short man - Hesiod. He couldn't help but take a step back, but he subconsciously retorted: It's Mr. Wan Zhangmu!

And, besides, who, who wants to duel with a guy like you!

It's not up to you. Hesiod sneered, holding the card deck he just pulled out from Banjo Meshoji's duel plate in his right hand and shaking it, You probably don't want to see the cards that your brother regards as a treasure. Will the group be torn off by me?

But just after he lifted it up and shook it a few times, Hesiod's right wrist was suddenly hit by a flying card. When his palm was empty, he found that in just a moment, the card deck that was in his hand just now disappeared? !

Isn't it a bit too shameful to threaten others with their belongings?

Wan Zhangmu heard a familiar voice coming from behind him. Just as he was about to raise his head, he found a hand holding a deck of cards and handing it to him.

Get it, Mr. Mr. Banzhangmu. Take your brother and leave for a little bit. Hayato didn't look at Banzhangmu, who took the card set with a shocked expression, and stared directly at Hesiod. I asked, are the recruitment standards of Gurus so low? Can all three religions and nine schools join?

Mr. Hayato?!

Following the accurate voice of Wan Zhang Mi, the fallen Shoji also opened his eyes and looked at Hayato, who was shielding himself from the sunlight and could not see his face clearly: Kobayashi... Hayato? How could it be you? .....

Hey, Shoji-san, you look a little embarrassed.

It's Mr. Banzhangmu, ahem. Besides, who wants you to help... For some reason, even though he just lost the duel, Banzhangme Shoji felt that his body was quite weak, and he just shouted loudly. As he spoke, he almost choked.

If you talk so harshly, you'd better leave it to Honda. Speaking of which, you'd better move faster. He has recently found a new target and is in the midst of a fierce attack.

So get out of the way. You're so weak, so don't get in the way of me.

You guy... The words he said didn't sound very nice, but Shoji could sense that Hayato was caring about him. Under the worried eyes of his younger brother, Wan Zhangmu, he took over his deck and was supported by him to leave the battlefield where the duel was about to begin.

With his back to Banjo Meshoji, Hayato's tone was brisk, but the look he looked at Hesiod was quite cold.

Hooray, the duel king's eyes are so scary. Hesiod looked at Hayato and said frivolously, Is it necessary to do this to an ordinary duelist passing by? I don't know anything about Gurus or anything. Oh~

Haha, if you say it seriously, I will listen seriously. Hayato said while looking at the invisible magic power that shrouded behind Hesiod and was invisible to ordinary people.

Just at the moment when Manjome Shoji lost the duel, Hayato clearly saw a few strands of invisible things on Shoji being absorbed by the thing behind Hesiod.

How about another reason I heard from other people? 'If your eyes meet, it's a signal to fight.'

I like this reason. Hesiod narrowed his eyes with a smile, Then bet on my rare cards, oh by the way, there are also puzzle cards, right?

I do the same, betting on the rare cards and puzzle cards in the deck.

Hayato and Hesiod stood opposite each other, and at the moment when the virtual projection device opened the duel venue, they said at the same time:


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