Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 85: You idiot, come and fence with me

【Game: 3800→2800LP】

This is the final blow, Yumo. Looking at the cover card on Yumo's field and his only 300 points, Yugi said confidently.

After all, not everyone can perform the blood-locking trick. Yugi has extremely rich experience in this area, and he believes that no one can lock blood better than him.

Among the monsters on his field, there is also [Black Magician] with an attack power of 2500 points that has not yet attacked. It's quite appropriate to use an ace monster to finish off Feather Moth.

As Yugi raised his palms above his head, [Black Magician] also began to recite spells and cast spells in a rare serious manner. A purple magic circle was instantly formed on the front of his staff, and bunches of magic lightning were in the staff. Jumping.

[Black Magician], launch a direct attack on Feather Moth——

Before that! I activate my cover card! Feather Moth heard that Yugi was about to issue an attack command, and quickly opened the only cover card in his backcourt, [Cry of the Living Dead]!

Although [Sacred Flame Emperor Uriah] has the ability to neutralize traps, that is only when it exists on the field. Feather Moth was unwilling to lose the duel. Through the pair of insect glasses, Yugi saw His eyeballs were bloodshot, Obviously I have given up my dignity to this point, why can't I even threaten you with the power I got in exchange for it!

Obviously I control 'God', but I don't want to lose, I don't want to lose, I can't lose!

Because [Cry of the Living Dead] has resurrected from my graveyard! Yu Mo's eyes widened. Because of the many times he used [Sacred Flame Emperor-Ulia], Yugi even clearly felt the pain in Yu Mo's body. His vitality was sluggish, but because of his will to win at this moment, he actually seemed a little energetic.

I hand over my dignity, honor, and even my soul. As long as it brings me victory, create victory for me! Come on, [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah]!

A pillar of fire shot straight into the sky from Yu Mo's feet, and the fatal heat enveloped Yu Mo's body, but in the flames, Yu Mo was laughing: This is such power, come on, come on!

But looking at the completely crazy Yu Mo, Yu Yu said indifferently: Even now, are you still unrepentant and still pursuing the illusory 'victory'?

Even if victory is obtained in exchange, is that kind of victory at the expense of glory and dignity really a victory? If you are a real duelist, you will never pursue that level of victory! Yugi's eyes suddenly changed. Some became fierce, Only a weak person like you would think about weakening others. A truly powerful duelist only thinks about making himself stronger!

This is what is called, 'The weak wields his sword against the weak, and the strong wields his sword against the strong'.

'Insect' Feather Moth. No, 'Gurus' Feather Moth, you are worse than the snow mixed with dirty water on both sides of the road in winter, let me cut off your last hope!

Open my cover card, quick-attack magic card, [Trap Thruster]! Yugi discarded one of his two cards in his hand into the graveyard, Discard a card in my hand, and you can activate it directly from your hand. Trap card!”

Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da! [Godly Flame Emperor-Uria] is immune to trap cards and will not be affected by any trap effects!

Hearing Yu Mo's words, Yugi's lips curled up: Are you tired of Wadoka?

Although it is immune to trap effects when it exists on the field, when [Sacred Flame Emperor-Uria] exists in the cemetery, its trap resistance will disappear. Isn't this what you just told me?

The trap card I want to activate is this one! Yugi played the last card in his hand, [Burn]!

It can only be activated when the opponent activates a card that targets a monster in the graveyard—— The graveyard area of ​​the duel board in Yugi's and Feathermoth's hands lights up at the same time, and the ghosts of monsters sleeping in the graveyard one after another light up. Be released from it.

[Baphomet], [Phantom Beast King-Gazel], [Winged Phantom Beast-Chimera], [Devil Shovel Bug], [Queen Knight], [Man-eating Bug], [Atomic Firefly], and just now The one chosen as the target of [Cry of the Living Dead], [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah].

Roar! In the pillar of fire, the shadow of [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah] who was about to return to the field struggled unwillingly. It was obviously a demon that controlled light and fire, but the flame it was bathed in was at this moment. Betrayed it, burned its body with flames, and burned its shadow!

——All monsters in both graveyards will be removed from the game!

In an instant, the pillar of fire surrounding Feather Moth lost its source of power. Although [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah] was still struggling unwillingly, it could not transcend the rules of duel monsters and compete with other monsters. All were removed from the game.

Before Feather Moth could react, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab the sparks floating in the air, shouting in vain: Why, why, why?

Come back here, I want to win, come out now!

According to the last-come-first-served principle of the chain, [Big Burial] excludes all monsters in the graveyards of both sides, and the activation of [Cry of the Living Dead] is invalid. Yugi pointed at Feather Moth, Even if it can be activated again and again The [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah] who was resurrected once against the rules of Hades cannot even think of returning again.

As I said before, this is the final blow, 'Gurus' Feather Moth. [Black Magician]'s attack has been prepared, [Black Magician], launch a direct attack on Feather Moth !”

The last one, the dark magic guide!

The pain only lasted for a moment, and the huge magic lightning hit Yu Mo's body, completely wiping out his last remaining 300 basic points. Originally, according to the rules of the dark game, Yu Mo should have died the moment he lost, but because the game managed to exclude [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah] who provided Yu Mo with the ability to launch the dark game, this despicable guy was killed instead. The game saved a life.

[Feather Moth: 300LP→0]

I lost?

Seeing that all his basic skills were cleared, Yu Mo could not believe the reality in front of him, so he slapped himself hard, as if he wanted to wake up from the nightmare of defeat.

I lost the duel. I got the [Divine Flame Emperor-Ulia] and I actually lost? Yu Mo was finally convinced of his defeat, but the expression on his face was neither anger nor regret, but a look of one. A frightened expression.

No, no, I can't lose, I can't lose!

He cast his eyes on the game, as if he saw a life-saving straw, and suddenly ran towards the game: Help me, help me, the game!

Hayato, who had been tricked by this guy once, saw this guy's actions. Although he was a little confused by his inexplicable and frightened expression, he immediately threw out the [Gaia] card in his hand.

With the defeat of [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah], the nameless magic power that originally started from the duel between Yugi and Yu Moth and spread to all Dou Sano City disappeared, and the card spirits of Duel Monsters returned to their former glory. of vitality.

As for the Duel Elf who is in the second stage and has even entered the third stage with one foot, [Gaia] is quite confident that she can stop Feather Moth.

Because the previous duel between Feather Moth and Yugi needed to leave a place for the huge duel monsters to stand, the distance between the two was still wide. At the speed at which [Gaia]'s card was flying at the moment, Feather Moth might have escaped. You will be intercepted by [Gaia] halfway through.

But at this moment, while running, Yu Mo suddenly stared, his face turned pale, as if his heart had stopped, he lost all his strength, and suddenly fell to the ground like a zombie. . The deck he inserted in the duel plate broke the fixture due to a fall, and all fell out of the card slot and scattered on the floor.

At this moment, both Yugi, Hayato and [Gaia] were all dumbfounded. Is this person trying to cheat?

Walking out of the hiding place, Hayato looked at the [Gaia] card flying back in his hand with a surprised look on his face, and asked him with some confusion: Did you kill this guy just now?

I don't know how to bounce the sword yet. Under Hayato's guidance, [Gaia] recently fell in love with a comic called Ojoj's Bizarre Adventure, and because of the deepening of the awakening of the elf power , compared to the classical-speaking appearance at the beginning, [Gaia] now looks more like an ordinary person.

Hayato, when did you come? Yugi looked at Hayato who came out with some surprise and asked.

Hayato touched his chin and thought for a while: Probably it started when Feather Moth summoned the [Godly Flame Emperor]?

That is to say, it came not long after the duel started. Yugi said helplessly, Obviously this guy Yu Mo is looking for revenge on you, why are you just watching from the side.

Because of the hastily completed duel disk system, my body has become pineapple-like. Hayato shrugged and made a little joke, looking at Yumo who fell to the ground, This guy Yumo...

It seems a little late to call the ambulance now. [Gaia] replaced Hayato and Yugi and went up to confirm Yumoth's condition. Breathing has stopped, and even the body temperature has dropped to freezing point in a very short period of time.

Are you going to die like this, this guy? Although the duel was over, Yami Yugi, who had put a lot of effort into the previous duel, returned to the [Millennium Bricks] to rest, and was replaced by Tablet Yugi.

Although Yugi actually hated Feather Moth more than disgust because of what happened before, this was the first time that he saw someone die in front of him, living in a peaceful era. It's not like I felt vomiting, it's just that I feel a little sad about the loss of life.

At this moment, in addition to Hayato, Yugi, and Yumo who fell to the ground dead, the voice of a fourth person suddenly sounded near the river embankment.

Hoo, ho, ho, what a coincidence, aren't these our two duel kings?

This sound is... Yugi and Hayato turned around and looked in the direction of the sound. From under the shade of a tree, a young man with white hair could be seen walking with his hands in his pockets. Stepping out of the shadows, he stood in front of the two of them.

The former school uniform of Shinoichi High School was replaced by a white and gray two-color horizontal striped T-shirt. The sneakers that were loved by the student party were replaced by a pair of pointed leather shoes. The white hair on his head was draped loosely. Among them There are two bunches of ears that stand up like rabbits, looking weird and handsome.

Master Tapirong? Yu Yu easily believed in other people's expressions. When he saw the appearance of Mr. Tapirang, his first reaction was joy. He originally thought that after Tairiang transferred from Doshino City High School to another school, he would never see his friend again, but he didn't expect to be able to meet him again in Doshino City where Duel City was held, which made him a little happy.

But Hayato held down Yugi's shoulders who didn't notice anything was wrong at all.

Wait a moment, Yugi. Now is not the time to get close to Tapirang.

Hey~ Hayato-kun, we haven't seen each other for so long, why are you so cold?

There was a pitiful expression on Tapirang's face, just like the one he had in the Duel Kingdom. But Hayato was unmoved at all, and just looked at Tapiliang coldly: It's been a long time indeed. Since you lost to me in that dark game, I haven't seen you for hundreds of chapters, Tapiliang. .”

No, maybe it would be more appropriate to call you 'Dark Tapirung'?

Hey, it's really boring to play with guys who are too smart. Hearing that Hayato saw through his state, Anzai Liang held his forehead in displeasure, Then, do you want to kill me again? Get my [ Thousand-Year Wheel of Wisdom], you should now be able to play more terrifying dark games.

What nonsense are you talking about, your [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], isn't this my thing? Holding the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] on his chest, Hayato picked it up and shook it proudly, Otherwise Try calling it and see if it agrees?

Tapirang's face looked quite unhappy: Huh, I'm still as annoying as before. But it doesn't matter. Although the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] is the best choice, taking it back from you is not worth the gain, especially since I already have a pretty good one. substitutes.

As he said this, Tairiang made a gesture of vomiting. Yugi and Hayato watched helplessly as something passed through Tairiang's throat from bottom to top and came to his mouth. After Tairiang opened his mouth and revealed what he was biting with his teeth, Yugi said in surprise: That's Becas's [Millennium Eye]!?

I didn't expect that the person who attacked Becas was actually you, Tapirang!

Hayato's focus is somewhat different from the game.

I said, Becas's [Millennium Eye] seems to have been forced into the eyeball, and it has been worn for so many years and has never been taken off and cleaned, right? You actually swallow that kind of thing, you don't feel sick ?

Thinking like this, Hayato noticed another thing: The [Millennium Eye] is so big, how can your throat be able to swallow it?

Sharp sword, sharp eyes. Xiaozhi, come and fence with me.

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