Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 76: The pressure is on the side of the Lava Demon God

[Lava Demon] is originally my monster, so there is nothing wrong with returning it to my field. Hayato said, playing the second card, Equip the magic card, [White Clothes]! Equip it to my field. [Dark Knight of Gale-Gaia]!”

A white holy light descended from the sky and fell on [Gaia] on Hayato's field. The originally dark armor became white. After putting on the white armor, the murderous [Gaia] revealed a trace of something that had never been seen before. A sense of holiness.

Hayato saw that the [Dark Knight of Gale - Gaia] equipped with [White Clothes] did not show any more abnormalities and breathed a sigh of relief.

This [White Clothes] was obtained together with several other enhanced cards of the [Armed Dragon] series - [Armed Dragon Thunder], [Armed Dragon's Ten Thousand Thunders], etc. in the previous pack opening. There is also a special [Armed Dragon LV10-White].

Hayato was shocked when he took out these two cards from the card pack. Although they look quite ordinary on the surface, these two cards also appear in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, and the user uses the Armed Dragon's Eyesight - of course, that guy is just a brat now.

But as far as Hayato knows, behind these two cards, there is the shadow of the important villain force in the GX world - the light of destruction.

Most of the villains appearing in Yu-Gi-Oh! have their own characteristics, and the most impressive characteristic of Destruction Light is his brainwashing ability.

In the original timeline, Saiou Takuma, the human form of the Light of Destruction, defeated Banjomu in a duel and brainwashed him into becoming his disciple, while Banjomu spread the Light of Destruction in the Duel Academy. Faith, and continued to brainwash other people through duels, and finally brainwashed most of the elite duelists in the academy to become his subordinates.

Therefore, for these two cards, Hayato feels that it is not too much to be vigilant. Although they have been used in duels, if something bad happens, he will try to destroy the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] on his chest. Hayato Also destroy these two cards.

[Millennium Wheel of Wisdom]: Please turn on the voice.

However, it seems that the activation of [White Clothes] is still normal. [Gaia] equipped with it also expressed to Hayato that everything felt normal, but he suddenly became a little fond of white.

Well, the duel continues.

Entering my combat phase, I use [Gaia] to attack the [clairvoyance] on your field!

Come on [Gaia], Tianyuan Breakthrough White is limited for a limited time!

The dark knight changed his usual swift movements and pulled the reins of the white horse under his crotch. He first performed a standard knightly salute, and then calmly drove the horse to charge.

Seeing this, Aluminum Field quickly said: Then I activate the effect of [Celestial Vision]. When it is selected as the target of attack, you can pay 800 basic points to invalidate the attack! And, because of the effect of [Brain Development Research Institute] - —”

Oh no! When [Gaia] equipped with [White Clothes] is fighting, you cannot activate magic or trap cards until the end of the damage step, and starting from [Gaia]'s attack declaration, you are on the field. The effects of all face-up magic and trap cards are invalid until the end of the damage step!

Be ground into a pulp!

A green beam of light came from [Celestial Eye]. Seeing that the field magic card [Brain Development Research Institute] had not taken effect and intercepted this beam of light, the aluminum field gritted his teeth and said: Then, I will just pay my basic points!

[Aluminum field: 2500→1700LP]


As the green beam extracted enough energy from Aluminum Field, Aluminum Field's [Celestial Eye] raised his palm, and a spherical shield instantly formed to surround him, even if [Gaia]'s sharp spear stabbed him The shield could only cause a slight ripple, but could not be broken through.

However, [Gaia], whose attack was invalidated, did not return to Hayato's field. Instead, with the unexpected expression on his face, he thrust out the spear in his hand for the second time.

The attack is invalid, right? Hayato smiled and played a card from his hand, Quick Attack Magic Card [Double Chance]! When the monster's attack is invalidated, double its attack power and attack again! Can it be blocked? If so, give it a try!”

Easy! Aluminum Field looked at [Gaia] whose attack power soared to a full 4600, and had to use the effect of [Celestial Vision] again, and because of the existence of [White Clothes], this time the effect activated him Still unable to use the effects of [Brain Development Research Institute].

[Aluminum field: 1700→900LP]

That's all. It doesn't matter even if you attack with [Lava Demon God]. Seeing that the shield of [Celestial Eye] blocked [Gaia]'s second attack, Aluminum Field regained some of the calmness at the beginning of the duel. , [Brain Development Research Institute] was only ineffective when your [Gaia] attacked, but your [Lava Demon] can attack several times, and I can block it!

Humph, idiot, the formula for victory has been completed. Seeing the base score of the aluminum field drop again, Hayato smiled, It seems that you have not seen the future of your defeat at all.

[Lava Demon God] I look forward to being able to attack seriously once. It is a powerful monster with an attack power of 3000 after all. It doesn't make sense not to attack, right?

But Hayato really couldn't explain it. In the unexpected look of [Lava Demon God], he ended his combat phase: Enter my main phase 2, and then, I activate from the cards in my hand...

Noticing the displeasure on [Lava Demon God]'s face, Hayato smiled and comforted him: Oh, look at the expression on your face, do you want to end this duel with your own hands? It's such a pity, my combat phase is over.

However, it's rare for you to be so proactive, so I'll just satisfy you.

[Lava Demon God] suddenly regretted, why did he show an expectant expression just now? It has a very bad feeling now.

I activate the sustainable magic card from my hand, [Psychic Ectoplasm]!

Aluminum Field watched helplessly as Hayato activated the last card in his hand. Although he had heard from other duelists in the past, among the two duelists, Muto Yugi's dueling style is the combination of monsters and a continuous combination of magic traps, while Kobayashi Hayato prefers to liberate monsters.

Originally, he was thinking about how anyone would be willing to release the card he cherished. Today, Hayato gave him a new perspective.

The effect of [Psychic Ectoplasm] is that at the end of each side's turn, both parties can liberate a monster on their field, causing damage equal to half of the original attack power to the opponent's base points. Tui Tui does not exist. With his glasses on, Hayato looked at the frightened [Lava Demon God], Come on [Lava Demon God], I have fulfilled your wish to end this duel~

This is just a necessary sacrifice!

The humanoid shape of the lava struggled and turned into a thick magma cannon, which was fired out, easily clearing out the last basic parts of the aluminum field.

Magma dripped from the air and fell on [Gaia]'s head. Because of the protection of the helmet, [Gaia] was not affected in any way. Only the fluff on the white helmet was ignited, as if the hair began to burn.

Having fought so many duels with Hayato and going through ups and downs, [Gaia] said that she has become completely accustomed to Hayato liberating monsters at every turn. Rather, it would be strange if Hayato was reluctant to liberate the monster one day.

[Aluminum field: 900LP→0]

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