Without Malik's declaration, [Sky Dragon of Osiris] spontaneously spit out a lightning summoning bomb, which landed on the [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10] specially summoned by Hayato with the effect of [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV7].

Amidst the thunder, [Osiris]'s lightning summoning bomb finally worked once, and it was blown up before it fully appeared. But before Malik could smile, the [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt LV10] that had just been blown up by the summoned thunder bomb on Hayato's field actually reappeared on Hayato's field as if he had gone back in time.

[Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10][3000/2000→3000/0]

Because I Special Summoned [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt] in defense position, the effect of [Sky Dragon] was activated, reducing its defense power to 0 and triggering the destruction effect. [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt] should have been sent to the graveyard. In. Hayato explained,

But due to the effect of [Disrupting the Pajama Party] on my field, when the [Armed Dragon] monster is destroyed by battle or effect, banish a [Disrupting] monster from the graveyard instead.

In front of [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt LV10] who was squatting on defense, the figure of [Disturbing Blue] gradually dissipated.

At the same time, because I was sent to the graveyard in order to activate the effect of the [Armed Dragon] monster, the effect of [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV7] was activated, and I added an [Armed Dragon] card from my deck to my hand. .”

Although he doesn't quite understand the concept of card gap, because he often uses [Sky Dragon of Osiris], Malik pays more attention to the cards in his hand than other duelists of his generation.

Looking at Hayato who caught a card that popped up in the deck, Malik noticed something - Hayato had seven cards in his hand at the beginning of his turn. After replacing the monsters on the field with shotguns, he actually still Have five full cards in your hand?

This is even if he doesn't use cards like [Treasure Cards Falling from the Sky] to supplement his hand!

Cover two cards, my turn ends.

Under Malik's watchful gaze, Hayato ended his turn.

[Hayato: 4000LP, 3 cards in hand]

[Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10][DEF0]

【Disrupt the Pajama Party】【Gate Card】X2

My turn, draw a card.

【Sky Dragon of Osiris】【ATK4000→5000】

Malik looked at the card he drew, and it was [Golden Tiandao Insect]. Although the attack power and defense power are quite weak, Malik put it to use because it has the effect of restoring basic points every turn in the hand.

During my preparation phase, activate the effect of [Golden Heavenly Insect] in my hand. Malik showed this card, Show it until the end of the round, and I will recover 500 basic points.

【Malik: 4000→4500LP】

Then, summon [Vampire Baby] in attack position.

On Malik's field, a baby with a pacifier in its mouth appeared, wearing a black cloak, looking at Hayato's [Armed Dragon Thunder] on the field, showing an evil smile.

【Vampire Baby】【3☆/Dark】



At the same time, the attack power of [Sky Dragon] on Malik's field also decreased due to the change in the number of cards in his hand.

【Sky Dragon of Osiris】【ATK5000→4000】

Enter the battle stage! Malik sneered and pointed forward, [Osiris], launch an attack on the [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt], superelectric guided wave-thunder strike light cannon!

The giant dragon with the name of the God of the Underworld once again opened its mouth full of sharp teeth, but unlike the upper mouth used to launch thunder bombs just now, this time the [Sky Dragon] opened the lower one. Open your mouth.

The thunder light gathered into a huge thunder ball that was almost the size of the entire dragon head of [Sky Dragon]. With a breath, the thunder ball turned into a thick energy cannon and blasted towards [Armed Dragon Thunder] on Hayato's field.

Although the name has thunder and lightning, just like [Dark Knight] has an earth attribute and [Dark Knight of Gale] has a dark attribute, the name does not mean that [Armed Dragon Thunder] has the ability to be immune to thunder and lightning. What's more, its current defense has been reduced to 0 due to the previous thunder bomb, and it has no ability to withstand this attack.

Activate the effect of [Disrupt Pajama Party], and remove a [Disrupt] monster again! Hayato waved his hand, and a [Disrupt Red] card popped up from the graveyard, removing it from the game, replacing [Armed] Dragon Thunder]'s destruction.

Hmph, you've been completely fooled, Hayato Kobayashi. Seeing that [Sky Dragon]'s attack didn't work, Malik suddenly laughed, If you just let your monster be destroyed honestly, at most I just received a direct attack from [Vampire Baby] and lost 700 basic points.

But now, you have completely stepped into my trap! Malik pointed at the [Vampire Baby] proudly, I am going to use [Vampire Baby] to attack your [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt], and after it, you At the end of the battle phase when the monster is destroyed, I can Special Summon that monster to my field!

What? It actually has that kind of effect! Isis was shocked outside the venue. If the [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt] that Hayato had finally summoned was taken away by Malik, something would be very wrong!

You want to bully my monster? No way! I've always been the only one to bully others. Hayato looked at the [Vampire Baby] who followed Malik's order and flew toward the [Armed Dragon Thunder], Activate the [Armed Dragon· [Thunder LV10] effect, when it is specially summoned by the effect of [Armed Dragon] and its attack power is above 1000,

Only once during the opponent's turn, discard a card in your hand, and then activate it with another card on the field as the target. That card is destroyed, and then [Armed Dragon Thunder]'s attack power increases by 1000 points!

Fight back [Armed Dragon]! High-voltage electric shock!

A card in his hand was sent to the graveyard by Hayato, and turned into powerful energy to charge the [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10] on the field. The [Vampire Baby] that flew in front of [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt] had just taken off its pacifier and wanted to bite it, but was instantly electrified by the overflowing thunder and lightning that could not be controlled by [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt]. A handful of ashes.

[Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10][3000/0→4000/0]

Increased his attack power? Damn it! Malik's eyes narrowed. Now the attack power of [Sky Dragon] is only 4000, and the attack power of [Armed Dragon] is actually on par with God. He feels a little bad. If it weren't for the fact that only the effects of monsters with levels above God could affect God, I'm afraid the [Sky Dragon] would have been killed just now.

Without covering the card, which would only continue to reduce the god's attack power, Malik ended his turn in a hurry: My turn is over.

[Malik: 4500LP, 4 cards in hand]

【Sky Dragon of Osiris】【ATK4000】


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