Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 24: Around every couple, there are always a few singles who offer relationship advice.

Because of Hayato's unintentional words, Honda and Banzhangmu started a strategic competition with [Strategy for Little Ribbon] as the victory criterion.

You must help me, Jonouchi, Hayato, and Yugi! Honda's face was full of sorrow, That guy Banjomu, because his family is the school director, plans to confess his love to Miho at the next cultural festival!

Confess your love in public? Although the cultural festival allows you to let yourself go, but teachers and the others are also there, right? Yugi was a little confused, Isn't Wan Zhangmu-san afraid of being caught?

So, his family is a school director.

Yes, then he doesn't have to worry about being punished at all. Jonouchi hammered his palm, That guy is so cunning.

So help me find a way, otherwise the 'little ribbon' will be snatched away by him! Honda looked aggrieved.

Kyoko on the side imagined the scene that might happen at the cultural festival - on the stage of the cultural festival that attracted much attention, XX, who was wearing a white suit, was not afraid of the world's eyes at all, and lovingly offered 9999 roses to herself off the stage. Flowers, confess your love in public.

If he really confessed his love at the cultural festival, if I put myself in his shoes, I might agree. Kyoko expressed her opinion, but she did not say who the person in her heart was who confessed to her. Are you thinking about your appearance? Or are you embarrassed to say it?

Really? It's really despicable to take advantage of your family. Honda recalled Wan Zhangmu's proud expression when he announced his confession plan to him. And it is said that he got inspiration from his duel with Hayato. As long as you can pick the fruits of final success, no method is considered despicable, the guy said.

There's really nothing I can do against you, Nobita Honda. Not knowing that he was the one who helped Wan Zhangmu come up with such an idea, Hayato took out a pistol folded out of paper from his school bag, Dang dang dang~

M1917 American Smith \u0026 Wesson!

Ah this? Honda looked at the paper pistol that Hayato put into his hand.

Use this thing, no one can refuse your confession. Go to Honda, for your happiness!

What kind of happiness can you get by threatening with a pistol! Honda complained angrily, Besides, this thing is made of paper!

Ah, I was discovered.

You didn't hide it at all, right? As long as you are a normal person, there is no way you will be fooled!

Okay, okay, I'm just kidding. Hayato took back the paper gun in Honda's hand, which was the result of his efforts in an afternoon. Since you don't like this idea, I have another idea. Do you want to hear it? one time?

Let's be a little more serious... Honda glanced at Yugi and Jonouchi, thought about it, and felt that Hayato was the only one who could give him love advice. I just hope it can be more reliable than the paper pistol just now.

If you want the other person to accept your confession, in the final analysis, you have to resonate with the other person's heart so that you can come together. Although Hayato has never been in love, it is well known that the more single he is, the better he is at giving people Emotional advice, In other words, just find a way to make the other person feel your feelings.

You put it lightly, is it possible that I want to tear out my heart?

Kyoko sighed: Honda, you are so stupid. Haven't you heard what Hayato means? What he means is that you just need to give her some gifts that represent your feelings, such as 1,000 paper cranes. cans, small dolls of each other that I made, etc.”

Honda spread his hands helplessly: Do you think I am good at handicrafts?

It's okay for this guy Honda to do damage, but it would be too difficult for him to do such small crafts, right? Jonouchi also agreed.

Well, how about we find someone who is good at handicrafts to do it for us? Yugi came up with a way, and Honda couldn't help but turn his attention to Hayato, who was amusing himself with a paper pistol after making suggestions.

Noticing Honda's gaze, Hayato immediately stood up straight and put away his pistol: Don't look at me. Although I can fold paper cranes, small stars, etc., 1,000 is too many. Besides, if you don't do it yourself, How do you convey your feelings? It’s better to just buy one.”

Ah, speaking of which, I seem to know what to give. Yugi clapped his hands and thought of a good idea, Yesterday on TV I saw the heroine confessing her love to the hero and giving her a pure white puzzle. Then write your own thoughts on the puzzle.

This is a good idea. However, it seems that pure white puzzles are difficult to find, right? And if there are too many, what if the 'little ribbon' cannot be spelled out. Jonouchi thought about it and felt that the idea of ​​the game was great.

A batch of white puzzle pieces have recently arrived at Jijiang's place, and the quantity is not very large.

Hmm... I have reason to suspect that you are soliciting guests for my family, game boy.

————I dozed off and dreamed of starting with Wulaoai————

Because of Yugi's suggestions that were suspicious of soliciting customers, after the daily cleaning tasks were completed in the city, the group went to Yugi's house after school.

Chicken Sauce, I'm back~

Hearing Yugi's energetic voice, Grandpa Shuangliu, who was still standing behind the counter as usual, responded: Oh, you're back, Yugi.

We're here to disturb you too. Following Yugi, Honda also walked in, followed by Kyoko, Jonouchi and Hayato.

Hey, our house is quite big. You are welcome to come and play. Grandpa Shuangliu also greeted warmly.

After Honda revealed his purpose, he went to the warehouse with Grandpa Shuangliu to pick up the Love Is a Kill! Confession Pure White Puzzle that had just arrived at the store and was not yet on the shelves. I have to complain, with this highly targeted product name, the price of the white puzzle can at least double. Grandpa Shuangliu still has some business acumen.

While waiting, the bored people started the game of Duel Monsters again, but this time the player became Jonouchi Kazuyu. This is Jonouchi's Nth comeback duel against Yugi. Although both sides have just drawn cards, in the end Hayato has only one answer in his mind.

Without much interest in watching the collision between the weak 800 attack power of [Purple Flame's Kagemusha] and the 1500 attack power of [Dark Dragon King], Hayato turned on the system and saw a few lines of large characters:

[Congratulations on winning a duel, and congratulations on finally winning a game.

The rating for this duel is:


Reversal victory (win with lower health than the opponent at the start of the round): 2500

Use magic card 3 times: 100dp

Weak resistance (one attack declaration causes more than 1000 points of damage): 300dp

Reaper (final hit with effect damage): 300dp

Do you want to use the novice bonus and double the score? (Number of uses remaining: 10)]

Double it, double it for me!

Hayato didn't hesitate at all, he directly clicked the [Yes] button, and then watched a full 6400dp being added to his original balance of 2500 points.

Now he still has a full 8,900 dp points on hand, only 100 points short of even being able to exchange for a slightly cheaper UR card.

But as soon as the text about the settlement of the previous duel with Manjo Meshoji disappeared, Hayato discovered that in the four templates, the two areas of [Achievements] and [Shop] had golden borders lighted up at the same time.

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