Rare card hunter, Hutt, your name is really suitable for this profession. Hayato complained.

Unexpectedly, after he wiped out one of Gurus' strongholds, the butterfly effect caused Gurus' group to still find their group, but the target was shifted from the city to himself.

But think about it, although [True Red-Eyes Black Dragon] is indeed a rare rare card, it is still a little worse than [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] which only has four cards. Although the quantity is rare, you can still buy it with money. Apart from anything else, as far as Hayato knows, Kaiba actually has a [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon].

However, that arrogant guy said something like, With the same sacrifice, why don't I summon [Blue Eyes]? Only a mediocre person would regard this card as a trump card and refused to use it in the deck.

Comparing the high value but not unique rare cards in the world with the enemies that offended the organization to which they belonged and even destroyed important strongholds, the people of Gurus naturally chose to trouble the latter.

With a cold smile, Hayato walked out of the castle that was blocking him, and raised the duel disk in his hand: You guys, you rotten sweet potatoes and rotten eggs, actually want to challenge me? Then it's as you wish. alright.

With that said, Hayato's hand touched the card box at his waist. The moment he touched the card set, dozens of cards disappeared for a moment and then reappeared. Using the function of the system, Hayato switched the deck he used in his previous duel with Manjo Meshoji to another one.

There is a card that he has never had a chance to use since he got it, not only because ordinary fish have no need to use it, but also because that kind of card is not suitable for use in duels with ordinary people.

However, the timing is right now. Anyway, the people on the opposite side are members of the villain organization Gurus who use fake cards. To deal with such evil heretics, Hayato doesn't need to pretend to be a gentleman. I showed my cards, I played a heavy pit.

Be careful, Hayato. Honda reminded. He and Jonouchi deliberately took advantage of Hayato and the rare card hunter Hutt's duel to kill the other two men in black robes, but the two men in black robes seemed to have been on guard, and actually took out two Hold a knife and keep your distance at all times to not give them a chance to resist.

These guys, if they lose the duel, they might make some unexpected moves. Because of what happened at the Egyptian Antiquities Touring Exhibition Hall, Yugi had a very bad impression of the people of Gurus. After all, if Hayato hadn't forcibly started the Dark Game that time, Gurus' people would have directly used force.

Hayato sneered and said: I hope these guys will use some tricks, otherwise how can I have the nerve to be cruel to them?

Duel! X2

[Hayato: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Hutt: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

As soon as he pulled out the card, Hurt's brows were filled with joy, but because of the hood, the smile on his face was not exposed. He was so happy just because there were two [Exodia] cards in his hand, namely [Left Hand] and [Left Foot].

Seeing that Hayato had no intention of seizing the initiative, Hutt was not polite and directly drew a card from the deck: Then the initiative is mine. It's my turn to draw the card!

Activating the effect of the magic card, [Angel's Alms], I can draw three more cards from the deck, and then discard two cards in my hand.

Then I summon a monster in face-side defense position, and my turn ends.

Lightspeed ended his turn. Hutt's operation made Jonouchi and the others a little disdainful: What? You said it so arrogantly, but in the end it was just a shrinking tactic.

[Hutt: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Defending monster on the inside]

Hearing Jonouchi's ridicule, Hutt glanced coldly at Jonouchi, who was guarding his companions, and thought to himself: I will take note of this grudge first. After killing the Duel King, it will be your turn soon. Katsuya Jonouchi ! ’

But on the surface, he looked calm and calm: Hmph, are you going to attack, Duel King?

Why do you think I gave up the right to attack first? Hayato said with a sneer, My turn is to draw cards!

Normally summon [Kurder Tomato], and then activate the field magic card, [Heart's Eye Sacrifice Hall].

Along with the rumbling sound on the ground, the scene where the few people were standing changed from the original alley to a rather solemn sacrificial hall. In the middle of the sacrificial hall, a [Spear of the Heart's Eye] was enshrined.

As long as the [Heart's Eye Festival Hall] exists on the field, every time the duelists on both sides receive battle damage, no matter how much or how little, it will be forced to become 1,000 points of damage. Hayato explained the rules of the card, Instead of In other words, both sides have four chances to be attacked.

Then, I activate the magic card, [Defense Seal], to convert a monster on the field in defense position into attack position! Hayato pointed at the monster on Hutt's field, Show it in front of me. Make a prototype!

The card was flipped, and a huge metal robot appeared in Hurt's front field. The metal layer on its body looked extremely strong. However, due to the effect of [Defense Seal], it was forced to switch to attack mode, exposing its most vulnerable gear transmission joint.

[Gear Giant of Mobile City] [4☆/land]

【Mechanical family/effect】


【Killer Tomato】【1400/1200】

Hmph, is this the plan? As long as I cause damage, I will deduct a full 1,000 basic points. I only need to successfully attack 4 times to win. Hurt looked at Hayato's eager [Killer Tomato] on the field. , can’t help but feel tricky. He still only had two [Exodia] cards in his hand, and the [Angel's Charity] just now failed to bring him new parts.

However, he actually always wears a pair of special contact lenses over his eyes, and you can see the special paint he left on the back of the card. The card at the top of the deck is the right hand of [Exodia].

So next, we have to see whether Hayato can clear his basic points faster, or whether he can draw all five [Exodia] fastest.

Just when Hurt had anticipated everything that would happen next, he noticed that Hayato on the opposite side looked very troubled: Really, is this a monster with only 800 attack points? It's really troublesome.

I originally thought there was no need to use this card, but it actually came in handy. Hayato said as he displayed a magic card from his hand, I want to activate this card. Quick attack magic card [Charge]! Designate a monster on the field and increase its attack power by 700 points until the end of the turn!

Not to mention Hutt, even Jonouchi and Yugi outside the field couldn't understand Hayato's operation.

Why would Hayato activate [Charge] at this time? Obviously because of the effect of [Heart Eye Sacrifice Hall], no matter how high the attack power is, it can only cause 1,000 points of damage to the guy on the opposite side. At this time, he activates [Charge] 】It’s just a waste.”

Jonouchi said to Yugi puzzledly, and Yugi followed his words and analyzed: Every card Hayato activates has its own meaning, so he shouldn't waste the cards carelessly. If the card itself is enough to defeat On the opponent's monster's [Killer Tomato], unless the target of [Charge] is not a [Killer Tomato] at all?

The game suddenly reminded me of the effect of [Killer Tomatoes].

What? Hurt also heard the game's analysis. He looked at Hayato with some surprise and found that he had indeed designated the target of the [Charge] as [Mobile City's Gear Titan] just as the game said.

[Gear Giant of Mobile City] [ATK800→1500]

No more, no less, after the attack power of [Mobile City's Gear Titan] was improved by [Dash], it was just 100 points higher than Hayato's own [Killer Tomato]?

What do you want to do?

Facing the puzzled Hutt, Hayato smiled contemptuously and pointed at the [Mobile City's Gear Giant] who was ready to attack Hutt: It looks good, you can see the arrival of the gods soon. ”

Sacrifice for the sake of righteousness, go to [Killer Tomato] and attack [Mobile City's Gear Giant]!

God? Idiot, in the world of duel monsters, not all monsters are entitled to have 'gods'! Hurt couldn't help but think of the past. He had watched a game in which the leader of Gurus, Malik, betrayed a betrayer. A duel is a ritual punishment imposed by members of the organization.

If the traitor loses, he will be controlled forever by Malik's [Millennium Scepter], and as long as he wins, the traitor will be acquitted. Under the pressure of his life, the traitor of Gurus accepted the bet of this game.

Then during that duel, an ultimate monster that Hutt would never forget appeared on Malik's field. That dazzling figure that looks like a sun disk hanging high in the sky, and the divine flame that seems to burn everything and even the soul, is the duel monster that can be called a god in Hutt's mind.

Come on, [Mobile City's Gear Titan]! Facing the [Killer Tomato] who launched a suicide attack, Hurt smiled coldly and ordered his monster to fight back. Since the Duel King himself decided to launch a self-inflicted attack, how could he have the nerve to disappoint him?

[Killer Tomato] with an attack power of 1400 points reluctantly bumped into the fist of [Mobile City's Gear Giant], and the rapidly rotating metal gears smashed it to pieces. At the same time, the overflowing 100 points of combat damage were also transmitted to Hayato. However, due to the effect of the field magic card [Heart's Eye Sacrifice Hall], Hayato's basic points dropped by a full 1,000 points.

[Hayato: 4000→3000LP]

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