Kobayashi Hayato, who are you? The man in the white robe and turban said calmly as he watched Hayato change his clothes expressionlessly.

Who else can I be, Mr. Xia Di? I'm just a duelist passing by. Hayato put on his clothes as a cover and calmly took out his deck from the system, It's you. , I just had a phone call with that guy Becas, and you came to see me.

My appearance was not intentional, it was just God's will that made me appear here. Xia Di looked at the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] on Hayato's chest with some fear, Did you actually seize this item...

It sounds so ugly to seize something. I got this thing only after I defeated that guy Taikoo Liang in a duel. Why does it sound so ugly to you?

With his hands behind his back, Hayato poured dark magic into the cards in the deck that had awakened the card spirits. However, although there are many awakened spirits, the only three that Hayato actually possesses a certain level of combat power are [Gaia], [Sky Magician] and [Rainbow Chestnut Ball].

The rest have either not reached the second stage and have no ability to interfere with reality at all, or they are useless mortals like the three brothers who have reached the second stage but still have no fighting ability.

Xia Di, even Hayato, who has a certain understanding of DM's plot, can't figure out his details. Because in the plot, he seems to be outside the main line, but the three people who have three dark [Millennium Artifacts] and fight against the protagonist Muto Yugi are all influenced by Xia Di.

Becas was forced to wear the [Millennium Eye], Malik was deceived into thinking that the pharaoh killed his father, and even Tapirang's [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] was obtained from Xia Di.

Of course, the [Thousand-Year Wisdom Wheel] now belongs to Hayato. Even if Dark Tapiryo comes to the door now, Hayato will not want Hayato to return it, unless Tapiryo calls it to get it to agree.

Hayato remembers very clearly that in the comic version of Yu-Gi-Oh, Xia Di is a cold-blooded guy who has no mercy for innocent people and can even turn them all into tools in his hands without any guilt.

Once Xia Di does anything unusual, Hayato will immediately release [Gaia] to attack Xia Di.

Kobayashi Hayato, you should understand what I mean. All I see on your body is a patch. Xia Di opened her empty eyes, Prana, duelist soul, elf Those who favor him may even have the glory of the sun god.”

Being entangled with such quantity and quality of majesty without schizophrenia, this is the first time in this world that I have seen a being like you.

Then you have learned a lot now, right? Hayato looked like he didn't care, but in fact he was nervous. Xia Di's words seemed like the last notice before taking action. Hayato was naturally prepared, as long as Xia Di came out...

Hayato was shocked to find that Xia Di, who was at least ten meters away from him, appeared in front of him almost instantly without even blinking, holding an Anka in his hand like a dagger. The shaped golden key [Millennium Key] suddenly comes towards your heart!

Canteen Spicy Sauce! Hayato only had time to throw out the card deck in his hand and looked at the cards scattered in the sky. Several rays of silver light were attacking Xia Di, while he leaned his body back as much as possible to delay the attack. Stab time.

Unfortunately, Xia Di's movement was too fast. Hayato's upper body could not even lean back 10 degrees before he was hit by the [Millennium Key] with the ability to open the mind.

The ability of the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] was activated passively, but Xia Di also held a [Millennium Scale] in addition to the [Millennium Key], and the power of balance accurately intercepted the dark magic power of the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom]. Balances the magic power of two [Millennium Artifacts], [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] and [Millennium Key], one dark and one light.

[Gaia] was attached to his body card——[Dark Knight-Gaia]. The lance in his hand thrust out along the trajectory of the card, and was about to hit Xia Di, but at the point of contact In an instant, the [Gaia] card penetrated Xia Di's body without any resistance, without touching anything real at all, as if Xia Di was a ghost? !

Taking a closer look, [Gaia] and his friends were dumbfounded - where was Xia Di still in the room? Apart from Hayato who suddenly fell back on the bed and fell asleep, the only other abnormality in the room was the scattered decks of cards on the floor.

Where did that guy named Xia Di go?

————Mr. Xia goes as quickly as he comes————

“I am the storm that is approaching!!!”

A piece of music that made people couldn't help but repeat Jackpot played, and Hayato answered the phone: Which bastard disturbed my sleep?!

After saying that, Hayato suddenly felt a little strange: Well, why do I feel like I just said this?

Ah, Hayato-kun, are you still sleeping? I'm sorry. The voice of the game came from the phone.

Hayato sat up from the bed, only to find that he was actually wearing a coat outside his pajamas. He looked a little strange: Well, it's nothing. I just had a dream, and I dreamed that Becas was calling me to wake me up. .Is there something wrong, Yugi?

Oh, it's like this. Last night, didn't Kaiba-kun announce that the 'Duel City' competition will be held in Dominino City in six days, and Jounouchi also wanted to participate. However, to participate in the Duel City competition, you must have Kaiba The duel disk just released by the group is the only one, so Jonouchi plans to check the price of the duel disk.

I understand, you just want to invite me to go shopping in the nearby card stores, right? Hayato kept talking while changing his clothes, and suddenly found that his deck was neatly placed on the bedside. .

That old bastard Xia Di came into my room and attacked me. How could I have such a strange dream? After complaining in a low voice, Hayato said into the phone, Wait for me in ten minutes and I'll be at your house right away. Arrive. See you then.

Well, see you then, Hayato-kun.

After hanging up the phone, Hayato glanced at the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] that came out of the deck, and said hello: Hey Aibo, nothing strange happened before, right?

K-Kuri, Kuri-Kuri~ A smile appeared on [Rainbow Chestnut Ball]'s face, but it was a little forced, but Hayato did not notice this, but nodded easily, Well, it is indeed a dream. Ah. But then again, that dream is a bit too real, and why was it Becas and Shady that I dreamed about, why not Miss Isis.

Talking to himself, Hayato walked towards the bathroom. It was also because of this that he failed to see [Disruption·Yellow] who sneaked out of the deck and wanted to tell the truth, still physically made [Disruption·Yellow] shut up, and dragged it back into the deck with the other four brothers. 【Gaia】.

Oh, why don't you tell the master? [Sky Magician] was watching the show with a smile, his eyes narrowed with laughter, Gaia-san, you should be the first to follow the master, right?

This is not the time to inform our Lord. [Gaia] rolled her eyes at [Sky Magician] who was watching the show, stuffed [Disruption] brothers back into the deck, and sorted out the reasons. They just struggled with a somewhat skewed deck.

After Hayato's deck fell to the ground, he and [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] picked it up one by one and sorted it out. By the way, they also helped Hayato adjust his sleeping position while lying on the bed.

They witnessed with their own eyes the scene where Xia Di disappeared after stabbing Hayato with the [Millennium Key], and they also saw the scene when Xia Di emerged from Hayato's body, sweating profusely. The originally dull eyes unexpectedly showed a look of fear, and Xia Di kept mumbling words like sun and dragon in his mouth.

Being coerced by [Gaia] who was squatting outside, Xia Di reluctantly told [Gaia] and the others the information she knew, but asked [Gaia] and the other card elves not to disclose information to others, especially Hayato himself. .

Of course, [Gaia] and the others complied honestly, but the [Disruption] monsters who also overheard the information became a little restless, fearing that the world was in chaos and they had just barely been able to work together, and they were just a little short of it. I told Hayato the information.

‘Is that guy Xia Di telling the truth? ’ Looking at Hayato’s back, [Gaia] returned to the card in silence. He, who is not good at words, has always only used practical actions to help Hayato, but this time, he, who is an action person, chose not to do anything, 'The inner world of the fourth level? ’

The [Sky Magician] was sitting on the table nearby with a cheerful expression, beating the beat with his palms and humming an unknown song: 'Ordinary people only have one heart, even the combination of the nameless Pharaoh and the dwarf. It's only the second level. My master, what kind of person are you with your four-level inner world? ’

Hayato, who didn't know what the elves were thinking, washed up, took his deck and walked out of the house. After walking for a few minutes, he arrived at the Turtle Game House. Jonouchi and the others were sitting on chairs in front of the door when they saw Hayato. Upon arrival, Jonouchi greeted: Hey, Hayato, you actually slept so late, could you be a pig?

It's a rare day off, people who get up early are stupid. Hayato replied with a smile, then raised his left hand and showed Jonouchi his dueling disk, Besides, I'm not like someone else, I already have a duel It’s done.”

You've been showing off that kind of thing for almost a month! Jonouchi waved his hand contemptuously, It's just a duel plate. Master Jonouchi can get it today, so this trick is useless to me.

I heard that the Kaiba Group was more willing to spend money than the International Illusion Society this time, and the finals of the top eight were broadcast live. Yugi said with a smile.

Honda patted Jonouchi on the shoulder: Isn't there someone who has always wanted to be on TV? Here's your chance~

Hmph, hey, after this month of special training, as well as the large number of card packs I have saved up for so long, my deck is no longer what it used to be. This time in Duel City, I must win all the way. Get down! Jonouchi fantasized about his heroic appearance of punching Kaiba and kicking Becas in the future, with a lewd smile on his face.

In front of the sealed card shop, Hayato looked at OTZ's Jonouchi and complained: Ah, oh, oh, it seems that someone's dream of becoming the new duel king has died in the first step.

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