Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 44: Kaiba is brutally attacked by Minotaur

Walking forward along the passage, Hayato and Kaiba could feel that although the amplitude was relatively small, they were going deeper bit by bit. After walking for several minutes, the two finally arrived at a door at the end of the passage.

The door was half-closed. As soon as he walked to the door and didn't push it open, Hayato heard the voices of several people talking from inside:

Lord Epimetheus, if my subordinate remembers correctly, it should not be the day to hand over the profits yet.

Idiot! Didn't you hear what Seto Kaiba announced today!

Uh, Lord Pandora, are you talking about the 'Duel City' thing? The Kaiba Group has already sent the duel disk to the store.

After Duel City starts, those duelists are more willing to hunt on the streets than to buy cards in the store. What business can you have? Besides, they are just fake cards. Sooner or later they will be exposed. of!

Pandora, it seems that your subordinates are not very smart.

Hayato and Kaiba looked at each other. After listening for a while, they were basically sure that there were only three people talking in the room, and it sounded like two of them were at the same level, and one was their subordinate and belonged to one of them. The guy from Pandora, and most likely the owner of this card shop.

The other person is called Epimetheus. You can guess from the name that he and Pandora are usually partners in the same team.

Hayato raised his finger to make a 3, and Kaiba nodded. As Hayato's fingers bent and retracted one by one and turned into fists, and the countdown reached zero, Hayato and Kaiba moved in unison. They flew up and kicked the door together. They actually kicked both doors open and fell to the ground. On the ground!

What surprised them was that among the three people who spoke, one of them was accidentally hit by the kicked-down door and was directly pressed to the ground unable to move. The other two people in the room also seemed to explode. They jumped up from their respective positions like furry cats and looked at the two unexpected intruders warily: Who are they!?

They're just two duelists passing by. Remember it for me. After clapping his hands, Hayato stepped on the fallen door and walked into the room, looking at the two masked men in front of him. When Hayato heard the name Pandora, he made a guess. When he came in, he saw that it was the magician Pandora who would have a chainsaw duel with Yugi in the original future.

As for the other person, Hayato didn't have much of an impression. After all, Gurus is an international thief organization, and it would be strange if its members were really only people Hayato knew.

The man who was pinned under his feet couldn't help but let out a cry because of the weight of the door panel and Hayato, but Hayato didn't care whether he was in pain or not. Jumping from the door panel, he just happened to crush the pinned store manager's glasses that fell to the ground. Hayato patched him up and made him unconscious.

Is he from Gurus? Hmm, think about it, he's a guy who hides his head and shows his tail. Kaiba looked at the room and found that no mechanism was triggered because Hayato walked in. He also entered the room and looked at it with an arrogant look. There are two masked men in front of me.

Pandora wearing a magic hat frowned. He had already recognized the two people who had barged in: One of the two duel kings of the Duel Kingdom, Hayato Kobayashi...

And the [Blue Eyes] user, Seto Kaiba? Epimetheus beside Pandora also narrowed his eyes, How did you find this place? I think our cover outside should be perfect. .”

Hayato pointed to the fluorescent lamp at the top of the room: Grandma said that people who know the truth will not be deceived by illusions.

Pandora thought for a while and came up with an idea. Although the leader of Gurus has assigned them the task of hunting well-known duelists after the start of Duel City, the deck he used is a magician deck specially debugged for Muto games, and was arranged by the leader There is another person to deal with Kobayashi Hayato.

Although Epimetheus happened to be assigned to hunt Seto Kaiba, the timing was not very good now. If possible, it is of course better to avoid fighting as much as possible.

Actually, we are not-

I didn't expect to be discovered by you, yes! We are the elite cadres of Gurus, Epimetheus and Pandora, known as the doomsday duo!

In Pandora's expression as if she had eaten shit, Epimetheus actually directly announced their identities: As the second elite cadre of Gurus, since you have discovered our identities, we can't do it so easily. Let you leave!

Hmph, I should be the one to say that! First, during the duel, Hayato almost stole the decisive line, and now even a bastard like Guru dares to steal his line? Are you ready to face [Blue Eyes]'s wrath!

Hey, this idiot! Pandora looked at Epimetheus, who was facing Kaiba and had already unfolded his duel disk, and noticed that Hayato had also unfolded his duel disk.

I hate this kind of encounter. A duel should be like a wonderful magic show, carefully prepared before it starts. It's really inelegant! Pandora shuffled her deck and inserted it into the deck area of ​​the duel disk. He looked at Hayato angrily.

Are you scared? Then you can put down your deck and surrender. Hayato nodded to the elves who came back from inspecting the room. Before entering this room, Hayato sent [Disturbing Yellow] them into the room to check.

After all, this is someone else's lair. Even if there is no exaggerated mechanism like a self-destruct switch, it is not impossible to use chainsaws, holes, and the like. However, according to the preliminary observations of the elves, there should be no such thing.

Don't get me wrong, Duel King. The reason why I say this is purely because I am not a person who likes fighting. There is nothing you can do in the Duel Monsters game. Reduce the thickness of the card and use **** Using the special shuffling trick, Pandora drew a pretty good hand of cards, But if I have to compete, I won't lose to anyone!

Duel! X2

[Hayato: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Pandora: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

I'll attack first! Draw the card! Pandora drew the card one step faster, without even looking at what card she had drawn. Pandora seemed to have already finished thinking about the order of using the cards, and activated the cards in her hand, Magic Card [Double Level] Summon], I can perform two normal summons this round!

Normally summon [Bivalent], then I will release it as a sacrifice and perform a superior summon!




The two ghosts like conjoined twins - [Bivalent] just appeared on Pandora's field. They were obviously in relatively good shape, but they were released by Pandora without hesitation and used to summon stronger monsters.

The dark magic power gathered into a scarlet magic circle, and from within that magic circle, a figure that was very familiar to Hayato slowly emerged.

The originally luxurious black mage robe was dyed a reddish-brown color like coagulated blood, and the long and smooth golden hair also turned into a dry pale color. The [Black Magician] standing on Pandora's field was compared to the white-skinned version of the game [Black Magician] 】The skin is darker, and the face has the same evil crooked smile as Pandora.

【Dark Magician】【7☆/Dark】



Awe, Hayato Kobayashi, this is the ace monster of my deck, the top magic master [Black Magician]! Seeing your partner——Muto Yugi's monster appear on my field, your thanks now How about that!

Thank you? It feels weird to hear you talking with the same voice as me, and [Nigo Director] is here to help me, Hayato complained.

Although Pandora's [Dark Magician] is identical to the game's [Dark Magician] in other aspects, Hayato is a bitch, and the art of the black-skinned [Black Magician] is too advanced for him to accept.

Hey, your arrogance can't last long! Pandora couldn't see the unexpected expression on Hayato's face and was a little unhappy, cover two cards, my turn is over.

[Pandora: 4000LP, 1 card in hand]

【Dark Magician】【ATK2500】

【Gate Card】X2

My turn, draw a card. Hayato drew a card, raised his eyebrows, and let out a proud laugh, Huhuhu, watch Pandora, this is my struggle for victory!

Activate the magic card, [Angel's Alms], draw three cards, and then send [Dark Knight - Gaia] and [Cursed Dragon] in my hand to the graveyard, and then the magic card [Dragon Mirror] , this card can only be used to summon dragon fusion monsters, but its fusion materials can be selected from the graveyard!

Come with a new attitude, my Tamashi! [Tianxiang Dragon Knight——


On Hayato's field, a pillar of flames rose from the ground. A sharp lance passed by, sweeping away the raging flames, revealing the figure of [Gaia] resurrected from the cemetery.

Resurrected by the flames, even the mount [Dragon of the Curse] on [Gaia]'s crotch has evolved, and its bright yellow body is dyed orange like the hellfire in its mouth.

[Tianxiang Dragon Knight-Gaia] [7☆/Wind]



[Dragon Knight-Gaia]?! This is not the form mentioned in the intelligence at all! Pandora's eyes widened, Such a sense of oppression!

You bastard!

Pandora's words were interrupted. The words just now were not said by him, but came from next to the two of them.

Kaiba's facial expression was ferocious, as if he had seen the enemy who killed his father, and glared angrily at Epimetheus, who was dueling with him.

However, Hayato could understand his mood. Because right on the field of Epimetheus opposite the seahorse, there is actually a [Blue Eyes White Dragon] with a slightly green surface entrenched!

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