Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 42 This city will turn into a battlefield!

One month later.

As per your request, Hayato-nii, the new duel plate has been prepared. Here, this is it. Keppei leaned down, took out a duel plate from the shelf beside the console, and placed it in front of Hayato, Although They are all a bunch of messy functions, but they are all simple and I can do it all by myself!

With it, I can defeat any sun monster. Thank you, Taro.

Why am I not even human this time! Keppei complained, but looking at the expression on his face, it seemed that he was used to Hayato's jokes, Speaking of which, Hayato-san, why are you thinking about going to the duel plate? Add those weird functions?”

It's not weird to play BGM when the base score drops below 1,000. It's better to say that the Duel Disk doesn't have this function. To be honest, I actually asked Seth to record a few words in it, but it's a pity. That guy refused to die.

Hayato put on the duel plate that Keipei took out. The weight had been re-weighted. It was obviously such a large metal arm blade and it was not heavy on the hand. It also specially added automatic card shuffling and automatic cutting. The function of popping cards from the deck and graveyard.

However, according to Keppei, this automated function has just been completed and has not been debugged, so it was not added to Hayato's duel plate.

It's really rare for him to be able to hold back and not hit you, Hayato-nii. Keppei complained and continued to work at the console in front of him. The ups and downs of data on the screen were dizzying. Hayato looked at it for a long time, but he still couldn't understand what it meant.

However, not being able to understand the meaning did not prevent Hayato from understanding the data of what it was. He walked around the console where Keppei was and took a few steps towards the window. Hayato saw a duel with a robot in an open field below. Seto Kaiba.

Hayato came to Kaiba Group this time not only to take away the duel disk that Keppei had asked him to modify, but also because he and Kaiba discussed many rules about Duel City. The most critical one is that the fusion monster can attack in the first round when summoned.

Originally, Kaiba put restrictions on himself because his [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] was so powerful, but Hayato used [Change of Heart] to teach him a lesson - blindly summoning a powerful monster that cannot be used is no different than giving it to him for nothing.

Sett really likes to fight humans and machines. It seems that starting from this time, that guy Kaiba officially embarked on a road of I am submissive when playing games, and I punch hard when fighting humans and machines?

Keppei didn't hear the other meaning in Hayato's words, and thought that Hayato was praising the dueling robots of the Kaiba Group. He said with some pride: Humph, I recorded everything that has been circulated so far in that dueling machine. Duel videos and duel data of famous duelists were collected and studied by that machine.

Thieves, fishermen, kings of shipping, insects, dinosaurs, electronic flows, even Becas, Muto Yugi and Hayato-san have collected their data. Keppei raised his head proudly, In other words , the program of the dueling robot I designed is a collection of all the duelists in the world.


As he spoke, Keppei looked at Kaiba who was standing in front of the duel robot with some hesitation: Brother, he said that he wanted to 'test the limits of God's power' and put his three [Blue Eyes] and the deck he was using. I gave it to that robot to use, but I am using a weak deck.

On the one hand, Keppei is quite confident in the duel robot he participated in the design program and believes that it is invincible in the duel monster game; on the other hand, as the younger brother, Keppei does not want to see his brother, Kaiba. Failed miserably.

Dueling monsters cannot be summarized simply by data. Even if the order of the deck, the cards used, and the tactics of the duelists are calculated, the bond between the duelists and the dueling monsters cannot be quantified. Hayato He comforted Keppei and said, Moreover, even if you use a miscellaneous fish deck, God's power will not be limited by this.

The worry on Keppei's face did not subside at all, because he discovered that the duel robot opposite Kaiba actually used the powerful combo of [Dragon Dominator] and [Dragon Summoning Flute] to summon two [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on the field in one breath. ], plus the one that had been summoned before, there are all three [Blue Eyes White Dragon] on the duel robot field!

As for Kaiba, there are only five wall monsters on the field at the moment, not even one with an attack power exceeding 2,000 points. He sees that the attacks of three [Blue Eyes] are about to come!

At the critical moment, Kaiba opened the only cover card in the backfield: The trap card is activated, [attack incapacitated]! Invalidate [Blue Eyes]'s attack, and end your combat phase!

Cover card, one. Round, end. The attack was repelled, and after the duel robot judged, it covered a card and ended the round.

However, despite escaping, Kaiba's crisis has not been resolved. The [Attack Incapacity] just launched was his last cover card. Although he still had an [Offer for the Dead] in his hand, due to the existence of [Dragon Dominator], it was completely ineffective against [Blue Eyes]. of.

In that case, all hope rests on the next card.

My turn! A card draw that costs everything! Kaiba suddenly pulled out the card from the deck. The unique blue border made him slightly stunned, and then he suddenly started laughing loudly, Hmph, hahahaha, let me be good. Wait, [Obelisk]!

I offer the three-body monsters on my field as sacrifices to God. Tremble, wail, fear, despair! He slapped the [Obelisk] card in his hand onto the duel disk in his hand, and on Kaiba's Behind him, a gigantic creature that looked nothing like a duel monster stood on the ground, Advent! Blow the earth with scorching winds, turning everything into corpses!

[Obelisk's Titan Weapon]!

【Obelisk's Titan Weapon】【10☆/God】

[Phantom Beast Tribe/Effect]


Thum thump, thump thump, thump thump, thump thump, thump thump... With the arrival of the [Giant God Soldier], a burst of exciting music suddenly sounded in the duel field, and Kaiba couldn't help but turn his head to look. Hayato above.

The first battle of the gods cannot be dull. The music composed for the gods has already begun to play. Hayato looked at the god soldiers, black soles, and giant god soldiers behind Kaiba, and released his hand from the edge of the music player, Beyond O 'god' of duel monsters, return to the world and show your power to the world!

That's my line! Kaiba interrupted Hayato and asked him to continue. This guy might have even thought of the name of his attack.

At this time, the duel robot activated Gaika: Gaka activates, [Instant Fusion]. The [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], and [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] on the field fuse and summon, [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] ].

Facing [Obelisk] with an attack power of 4,000 points, the duel robot immediately made a judgment, sent the three [Blue Eyes] on the field to the cemetery, and summoned an attack power that was 500 points higher than the god. 【Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon】.

The [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon], which is at the top of the duel monsters, cannot even be surpassed by gods? Keppei looked at the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon that appeared opposite Kaiba with some worry.

Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da, don't imagine the power of [Obelisk] in terms of dueling monsters! This is not a monster, it is a god! Kaiba pointed at [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], [Blue Eyes], even if it is If you stand in front of me, you are destined to end in defeat!

The two palms of [Giant Soldier] held a [Death Stalker] and [Earth Star Swordsman] respectively. No matter how hard it was, the two monsters were crushed into light flakes and then sucked in. [Giant Divine Weapon]'s body.

A dazzling white ball of light appeared on the giant god soldier's fist, and he smashed it hard at the [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] in front of him——

The effect of [Obelisk] is activated, sacrificing two monsters on my field, releasing the true power of [Giant Soldier], and increasing the attack power to unlimited!

God's Fist Crush·Shock Wave!

With just the power of a single blow, the [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon], once dubbed Tough! Invincible! The Strongest! by Kaiba, was annihilated by the [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] whose attack power soared to infinity. , the overflow damage even exceeded the limit that the duel disk can simulate. The duel robot opposite Kaiba exploded with a boom, and even the console connected to it emitted black smoke.

Appreciating everything the God of Destruction had done, Kaiba looked at the gradually disappearing [Obelisk]. His face seemed expressionless, but in fact he was filled with excitement: 'This is the kind of power that is worthy of God. name! ’

‘I have fully understood the power of [Obelisk], wait until my return, Yugi! ’

Congratulations, Seth, it seems that you are very satisfied with the power of [God]. Hayato looked at Kaiba who returned to the control room and clapped his hands.

Kaiba glanced at Hayato: Hmph, motor motor. There are two more gods with such power. In order to become the strongest without any flaws, no matter who stands in front of me, I have to get those two cards. Even if The same goes for you, Hayato Kobayashi. If you want to taste the pain of failure again, just come and stop me.

You make it sound like I lost in the first place, but you were the one who ran away halfway, you bastard. Hayato said disdainfully, stood up, and followed Kaiba outside. This is the top floor of the Haima Group headquarters building. As the tallest building in Doshino City, looking out from here, you can easily take in the scenery of Doshino City.

On the helipad on the roof, a helicopter was already ready.

A few minutes later, riding a helicopter, Hayato and Kaiba arrived above a bustling shopping street in Doshino City. On the big screens on both sides of the street that originally played advertisements, Kaiba's face was now projected on them.

One week later, Kaiba Company will hold a duel monster convention in this city! Kaiba stood in front of the helicopter door, overlooking the duelists on the ground who had gathered based on the information revealed in advance, and found them at a glance inside. A game with a prominent starfish head.

‘Hmph, as expected you are here too, Yugi. The dispute between you and me will be settled in this competition! ’

Pointing one hand to the sky, not even the helicopter's rotors could cover up Kaiba's loud voice: The stage of the battle is the entire Doushino City!

Starting next week, this city will turn into a battlefield!

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