Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 22 You think using blood-sucking cards is despicable, so what does this have to do with my b

What you said seems to make sense? Jonouchi was confused by Hayato's words. Thinking about it this way, it seems true. It seems that no one stipulates that a person can only have one soul card, right?

For example, if a person's soul card is Blue Eyes White Dragon, does it mean that he has sacrificed his Tamashi by merging three blue eyes to summon the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon?

Without continuing to talk nonsense with Jonouchi, Hayato explained the effect of [Disruption Trio] to Shoji who was on the other side and said: The effect of this card I activated is to summon three 'disruption derivatives' that cannot be released on the opponent's field. thing'.

Can't be liberated!? Zhengji was a little crazy. In the current rules, there is no sacrifice for summoning monsters. Only a few magic cards require the release of sacrifices to use their effects. For example, when a monster equipped with [Devil's Ax] is destroyed, you can liberate a monster, allowing [Devil's Ax] to be released. Ax] returns to the top of the deck.

Another example is Hayato's [Soul-Eating Demonic Sword]. After activation, it will forcefully liberate the normal monsters on your field.

Does this mean that these three monsters, who are so disgusting that they look like stinky durians that have been there for a week, were thrown from the sixth floor and crushed ten times by a steamroller, are going to always occupy my position on the field!?

Hayato ignored Shoji's strange metaphor and added: Not only that, they will also cause 300 points of damage to you when they are destroyed.

What kind of fake card are you talking about!? Shoji was already uncomfortable looking at [Count Necromancer], but who knew that Hayato actually sent three more uglier monsters, You three monsters that look like excrement , go to hell.




The three disturbing monsters, who seemed to be resting on the beach, were extremely shameless. They clearly heard Shoji's roar, but they pretended not to hear it. They looked like dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water, especially the one-eyed man. Tongue's disturbed green also turned over on the beach chair because the sun on the rooftop was too strong.


Shoji's teeth were almost broken, and he wished he could imitate Hayato and summon his fists to fight, and then tear the three disturbing monsters into pieces. However, Hayato on the opposite side will not end his turn early because of his dislike of disruptive monsters: 'Disturbed derivatives' are uniformly beast type 2☆ light attribute monsters with 0 attack power and 1000 defense power. Although they are defeated One of them can cause you damage, but unfortunately, this one is the monster with the highest attack power in my hand.

Putting the cards in his hand on the field, Hayato still summoned [Death Stalker]. Looking at the opponent's dual-wielding weapon, [Count Necromancer] with an attack power of up to 2500 points, and his own weak attack power of 900 points, he was The summoned poisonous scorpion warrior [Death Stalker] was a little confused.

No, the one across from me is obviously not on the same level as me, boss? I think you want me to die.

Hmph, the [Dead Count] who faced me actually dared to keep attacking and didn't know whether to live or die. Shoji couldn't help laughing when he saw Hayato's scumbag operation. [Death Stalker]'s attack power is 2500 points, which is a full 1600 points higher than [Death Stalker]'s 900 points, and higher than Hayato's remaining 1400 points of life.

He wasted his summoning opportunity on summoning miscellaneous fish, so what if he used some equipment magic to increase his attack power? Just let him defeat the annoying disruptive monster. It only does 300 points of damage anyway. On his next turn, he can easily clear out his life points!

Oh, I'm still 100 points away from disrupting the tokens. It was a mistake. Hayato pretended to regret, and took out another card from his hand. It's weird, I have to activate this magic card.

A magic card appeared on Hayato's field. Before Shoji could see what card Hayato had activated, a whirlwind suddenly emerged from the card, and the [Disruption·Yellow] lying on the beach chair was rolled up. got up.

[Disruption·Black] and [Disruption·Green] turned around and saw that their brother had changed from his previous lazy look, actually waving his little fists with a passionate look on his face, standing next to [Count of the Undead].

The magic card I activated is [Defense Ban]. Hayato controlled the magic card on the field and said slowly, According to its effect, you can turn a monster in defense position on your field into a face-up Attack position. I chose the 'Disruption token' that was just summoned to your field.

The monster has changed into attack mode! In this way, Hayato can cause a lot of damage to the Manzangmu in one go. That's great! Jonouchi's face was full of excitement, but Yugi was a little worried.

Start the fight, go [Death Stalker], Scarlet Poison Needle!

The tail needle behind the standing Scorpion Warrior charged up a little and then stabbed out suddenly. [Disturbing Yellow], who was in a boxer's posture, didn't react at all and kept a look of shock. He was instantly killed by [Death Stalker]. , the 900 points of damage caused by the battle were fully received by Shoji.

[Main Si: 1500LP → 600LP]

It’s not over yet! The [Disturbing Yellow] that was hit by the tail needle was too weak in combat power. It was defeated and flew up directly, and the virtual image directly hit Shoji's face. An ugly yellow monster wearing a pair of disgusting red striped underwear sat on his face with its butt. Shoji was so frightened that he punched out but missed. Only then did he remember that it was just a virtual image.

However, the hit point loss is real.

[Main Si: 600LP → 300LP]

Damn bastard! Because the [Disturbing Yellow] just caused him to lose his composure, Banjo Meshoji blamed everything on the opposite Hayato, Next round, next round I will have [Dead Count] to destroy That bastard fish of yours, taste the wrath of the Ten Thousand Zhang Eyes!

It's a pity that you don't have another turn. Hayato did not declare the end of the turn after the attack. According to the rules of the game, there is a main stage 2 after the combat stage. Although most people don't use it, it doesn't Meaning it doesn't exist. In my main phase 2, I'm going to activate this magic card.

Hayato showed a magic card in his hand and placed it on the field.

There is actually a magic card! Masaji was stunned, staring at the magic card on the field, wanting to see the effect of the card.

The name of this card is [Goblin Rogue]. As the name suggests, it is a Goblin whose profession is a thief. A fat Goblin sneaked out of the card and treated everyone as a thief. As a blind man, he thought he had not been seen, so he tiptoed to Shoji's duel stage, and leaned on the ground to look for something.

Why did you come to my field again! Zhengji was almost going crazy. First there was [Count Necromancer] who looked like a rotting corpse, and then there were disgusting Disruption monsters, especially [Disruption Yellow] who almost sat on him. Now comes another greasy goblin? !

What the Thief Goblin steals is not other things, but your health. Depending on its effect, I can suck 500 health points from you. Following Hayato's words, the Thief Goblin stole from Shoji's Duel A ball of light was dug out from the stage. As soon as he got it, he ran back and placed the ball of light in front of Hayato's duel stage.

[Major: 300LP→0]

[Hayato: 1400LP→1900LP]

Congratulations, Shoji-san, your house was robbed and you lost everything.

Shoji was angered by Hayato's words: You shameless guy, you actually use such a despicable blood-cutting card, it's so unmanly!

Hey, stop it. If you say so, wouldn't the Volcano be the most underworld deck in the world? Besides, Hayato would not accept the despicable title given to him by Shoji, You think using health-cutting cards is despicable, so tell me. What does it have to do with the blood-sucking card?

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