As Oga Ryuuji's basic points returned to zero, the outcome of the duel was determined, and the virtual projection system was turned off. However, there is nothing that can be dissipated except for Ogar Ryūji's [Godly Ogre].

Jonouchi, who was controlled by Oga Ryuuji's fans, couldn't help but excitedly said: Okay! Hayato wins!

However, he did not break free from the control of Yuga Ryuuji's fan group immediately. The reason...

Although he was being pinned down, there were many beauties in Oga Ryuuji's fan group. The soft touch coming from behind through his pajamas made Jonouchi feel a little bit extravagant, and he was a little reluctant to get out of being surrounded by beauties. break free.

And Yuga Ryuji, who was lying on the ground after being blown away, also realized that he had lost the long-planned revenge duel against the Duel King.

Did you lose the duel just like that when you clearly had more possibilities in your deck that were not revealed? Obviously, he has not proven that Kobayashi Hayato and Muto Yugi defeated Mr. Bekas through some despicable means.

Even though he was thinking this, Yuga Ryuuji recalled the fatal continuous attacks of [Five Divine Dragons] in Hayato's last round just now.

With 5,000 attack points, 10,000 attack points, and 2,500 effect damage, this is probably the limit that duel monsters can reach, right?

If faced with such a terrifying Combo, is it not surprising that Mr. Bekas would lose?

Sitting up from the ground, Yuga Ryuuji looked at Hayato who was walking next to him, and said with a wry smile: You win, Duel King.

Hmph, didn't you already know that kind of thing before the duel? Hayato curled his lips disdainfully, If you still refuse to admit my and Yugi's abilities and continue to question the authenticity of our victory over Becas, welcome You can come and challenge at any time. I can spend the whole day with you.

Looking at the 500 DP given by the system and the randomly dropped [Treasure Card of Destiny] that Hayato had long admired, Hayato looked calm and calm on the surface, but in fact he wished he could play more with Oga Ryuuji.

It's hard to tell that this kid Oga Ryuuji is actually a big fat sheep. Hayato and Jonouchi have fought so many times without dropping this card, but this guy can actually draw it out.

But Yuga Ryuuji shook his head under Hayato's disappointed eyes: No, your duel impressed me. It was really a duel with the style of a king, Hayato-kun.

I apologize for everything I did before. You are a true duelist and believe in your companions - Muto Yugi as well.

It's just a verbal apology, it's worth nothing at all. Hayato said, but his eyes were focused on the posters posted around the wall behind him, I said, give me a [Dark Magician Girl] monster too. Longmen dice?

Originally mentally prepared to be humiliated by Hayato in the same way, Yuga was slightly startled after hearing Hayato's request, and then said with a smile: There is no problem at all, rather, even the Duel King likes my monster. Dragon Gate Dice, I’m very happy.”

————To make friends with cards, I activate the Magic Bell Cave————

Because of Oga Ryuuji's defeat, Jonouchi was able to regain his freedom. He reluctantly took off his dog-head one-piece pajamas and left Oga's fan group.

It's just a monster dragon gate die. Why does that guy Yuga Ryuuji have so many fans? Jonouchi's tone was slightly sour. Obviously I am one of the top four players in the Duel Kingdom. Why don't I have any fans? group?

After all, apart from the final match between Hayato and Yugi against Becas, the rest of the Duel Kingdom games have not been spread at all, right? I'm afraid not many people even know that you are the top four, so where can you come from? Fans? Honda complained.

Jonouchi was a little surprised when he heard this: What, this is actually like this? Damn it, then I won this top four for nothing! You didn't record my heroic appearance during the duel. It's really unforgivable, Becas!

How can you say it was for free? Don't forget, the bonus from the game and I helped you pay off Shizuka's surgery expenses in full. Hayato played with several monster gantry dice in his hand. It was rare to find a big dog to kill, so Hayato got several of the highest rarity monster dragon gate dice from Oga Ryuuji.

Then, a certain god in the city had nothing to do and bought some dragon dice. Hayato had some, and he also had them.

The concubine of the Goddess of Luck, Jonouchi, suddenly realized, hammered his palm: Yes, I settled the issue of Shizuka's surgery fee.

Thinking of his sister, the disappointed expression on Jonouchi's face instantly disappeared, replaced by an indescribable gentle smile: Shizuka's attending physician said that the surgery will take about two months, and after the surgery The recovery rate is 99%, making it almost impossible to make mistakes.”

Congratulations, Jonouchi. Honda was sincerely happy for Jonouchi and gave him a tacit high-five.

Hehe, thinking about it this way, it seems that my efforts have not been in vain.

Several people walked back to the Guiji Game House not far from Yujia Longer's Black Crown Game Store, only to find that the Guiji Game House had closed early, with a Closed for Business sign hanging in front of the door.

Why is it so quiet here today? The store door is also closed. Hayato was a little confused.

Yu Yu guessed: Maybe it's because grandpa took a break early due to poor business?

Don't worry, although Monster Dragon Gate Dice has been very popular recently, I think the next most popular game will always be Duel Monsters. The influence of Yuga Ryuuji is only temporary, and the business of Turtle Game House will get better. Yes.

Hearing Hayato's comfort, Yugi also nodded: Well, then I will continue to work hard to help Jichan tomorrow and make him happy.

Saying that, Yugi opened the door of Guiji Game House: Jijiang, we are back~

But the voice that answered them was not the voice of Mr. Shuangliu, but the magnetic voice of a young man: Hmph, Yugi, Hayato, and that prodigal dog? You guys really gave me enough to wait for.

This kind of arrogant and arrogant attitude, even though he was in someone else's house, he was so arrogant as if he was the master here. Who else could be there besides Kaiba Seto?

Kaiba! Why are you here again! Jonouchi looked at Kaiba with eyes full of hostility. You must know that the last time Kaiba appeared here, Mr. Shuangliu was forced by him to take him to the Kaiba Group for a duel, causing the old man to have a heart attack and be hospitalized. Who knows what he is going to do here this time?

Kaiba-kun? Yugi just called Kaiba, also waiting for his explanation.

Kaiba gave a few people a cold look: Hmph, if I hadn't been invited, do you think I would be willing to come to a place like this?

As he spoke, Kaiba walked straight towards the back room.

Although their hearts were filled with unanswered questions, Yugi and the others quickly followed.

Entering the house, Hayato and the four of them saw that Mr. Sugoroku had not gone upstairs to rest as they had guessed. Instead, he was sitting on the sofa in the living room, talking to someone next to him. Seeing that Yugi and the others were back, he quickly introduced: Yiyu, you are back, just in time. Ahem, let me introduce them to you.

As he spoke, he raised his hand to introduce the woman sitting next to him: This is my grandfather's friend who I met in Egypt when we were doing archaeology. She took a lot of care of her when we were doing archaeology. Ah. The seahorse boy came here because of her invitation.

Mr. Shuangliu, I only provided a small amount of help back then. The woman stood up with a smile.

Although the face is covered with a veil, most of the face is covered and only a pair of beautiful eyes are exposed, but from the eyes alone, one can tell that this woman is definitely a beauty. The woman is dressed in an Egyptian style as Mr. Shuangliu said, with a plain white headscarf on her head, a white robe dotted with many gold ornaments, and the dark brown skin exposed looks quite... The smoothness highlighted her exotic beauty.

The woman's eyes swept over the Yugi and others, focusing on Hayato and Yugi for a moment, and then slowly said: Finally we meet, everyone. My name is Isis, Isis ·Isildar, just call me Isis.

Quite mature and gentle voice.

Hello, Miss Isis. Hayato learned of Isis's existence earlier than Yugi and the others. He is a member of the tomb-guarding clan Isudar, the holder of the Millennium Jewelry, and the leading The Riddler, and the famous now underworld duelist in the underworld.

However, he knew that when he saw Isis for the first time, Hayato was also stunned by her beauty. Compared to her impression of the anime, the real Isis looks even more beautiful.

However, as far as Hayato knew, Isis shouldn't be here at all now.

Actually, Isis is now an important figure in the Egyptian government. Shuangliu sighed, Oh, time flies so fast. At that time, I had the impression that Isis should be a little girl, but she grew up in the blink of an eye. Got such a beautiful lady, and her figure——

Then Mr. Shuangliu was knocked lightly by Xingzi with a tray: Really, Mr. Shuangliu, you are too old and disrespectful.

Looking at Mr. Shuangliu's showmanship, Isis smiled gently, and then looked at Hayato and Yugi: I now work for the Cultural Administration of Egypt. In fact, in the near future, the Egyptian government originally planned to jointly organize with Japan. A large-scale traveling exhibition of ancient Egyptian cultural relics, and the first stop is Tongshiye Market.”

It's just that that's just a cover-up for our actions. After a pause, Isis looked directly at Hayato, making him feel inexplicably uncomfortable, Actually, the reason why I came to Tongshiye City, It’s because two very important Duel Monster cards were stolen.”

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