Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 31 Summoning the Dragon Knight?

Although the hand of [The Demonic Ogre] is holding a rapier that is extremely inconsistent with his size, due to its powerful power, the rapier is used with the momentum of a giant sword, even if [The Dark Knight of the Gale] -Gaia] raised the lance in his hand to block, but was still easily destroyed and sent to the cemetery.

[Hayato: 4000→3300LP]

But [The Demonic Ogre] did not stop just because he destroyed [Gaia]. He swung the rapier in his other hand towards Hayato. The result of this blow was Hayato's basic The points were instantly reduced to only 300 points.

On the other hand, Yuga Ryuji had a smile on her face, as if she had seen the painful expression that was about to appear on Hayato's face. He did not say that [The Ghostly Ogre] had other effects besides increasing its attack power when rolling the dice.

On the surface, the numbers of the die were 6, 2, 2. It seemed that he had made a mistake, but in fact it was all part of his plan. If two or more of the dice numbers are the same, [Ogre] can activate his hidden effect - if the number of points is 1·2, [Ogre] will be invincible The power will not be destroyed by combat or effects until the end of the opponent's turn.

‘This way, no matter what Gaika is in your backcourt, you can’t stop my invincible [Ghost Ogre]! ’

Thinking like this, when the [Kami Ogre] attack hit, Oga Ryuji watched with his own eyes as Hayato's basic points dropped from 3300 points to only 300 points as if he were jumping off a building.

Just when he was about to taunt, Yujia Long'er's eyes widened again. Because he found that the scoreboard on the duel stage started to reset as if it was broken, and Hayato's basic score actually rose all the way back to 3300 points? !

No way, what just happened!

It was Hayato who answered Oga Ryuuji: It's Onion, I put the foreign, ah, I activated this card.

The smoke and dust that shrouded the front of Hayato's duel stage dissipated, and Oga Ryuuji was able to see clearly the last check card on Hayato's field - [Damage Vaccine ΩMAX].

This card can only be activated when I receive damage from combat or effects. It gives me immunity to damage and restores basic points equal to the damage. Hayato sent the completed card to the graveyard, Yeah, yeah, yeah, It’s really dangerous, I almost lost all my basic points.”

Hey, you're lucky. Yuga Ryuuji disdainfully pulled out two cards from his hand, Summon [Emerald Knight] in defense position, then cover a card, and my turn ends.

[Oga Ryūji: 700LP, 0 cards in hand]

[Ghost Ogre] (Flashing Twin Swords - Thunder Shock) [ATK3000]

【Emerald Knight】【DEF1800】


Is it another space fighter? Although it has the ability to prevent mechanical monsters from being destroyed by the effects of trap cards, in this case, it can only protect itself. It is too late. Hayato said. , draw a card, My turn, draw a card!

Activate the invincible [Pot of Desire], I pass two cards.

Summon a monster in face-down defense position, then activate the magic card [Nightmare Mirage]. My turn ends.

[Hayato: 3300LP, 0 cards in hand]

[Defending monster on the inside]

[Nightmare Mirage]

At the same time, because Hayato's turn ends, the attack power-increasing effect activated by [Kami Ogre] in the previous turn has also disappeared.

【Ghost Ogre】【ATK3000→2000】

Hmph, is this the only level of the so-called Duel King? In that case, I can kill you this round! As he said this, Yuga Ryuuji was about to draw a card, My turn, draw a card.

During your preparation phase, the effect of [Nightmare Mirage Tower] is activated! Hayato said, drawing four cards from the deck. I will draw cards from the deck until I have 4 cards in my hand.

Hey, but when it comes to your preparation stage, you have to give up the number of cards you drew. Obviously Yuga Ryuuji recognized this card, But you can't hold on until that time!

Activate the effect of [God, Ghost and Ogre] again!

The dice was thrown by Yujia Ryuuji, and this time, the numbers that appeared became 2, 2, and 4.

【Ghost Ogre】【ATK2000→2800】

Change [Emerald Knight] to attack position, and then enter the battle stage! Yuga Ryuuji said excitedly, Now I want to see how you can escape this round of attacks, [Ghost Ogre], attack that cover Card!

Letting out a wild roar, the tall [Kami Ogre] rushed to Hayato's field with two thin swords that looked like toothpicks to him, and smashed them hard, easily covering the one that Hayato had Monsters are destroyed and sent to the graveyard.

That's it! The [Kami Ogre] takes advantage of the victory and pursues it! Yuga Ryuuji ordered, but he found that the [Kami Ogre] who had just destroyed Hayato Gaika retreated to his own field with a guilty look on his face. No matter how much I urged, I didn't want to do it again.

What a pity, Oga Ryuuji, your plan to kill me went bankrupt again. Hayato said, showing the Gaika that Oga Ryuuji had just destroyed, [Hakuyuki's Beautiful Girl], although it is an attack A weak monster with 0 strength, but it is precisely because of its weakness that it looks pitiable.

When this card is destroyed by battle, that battle phase ends.

I just managed to survive one more round with that weak monster, so I won't be proud of it! Yuga Ryuuji was furious with impotence, but in the end he could only cover the card in his hand to end the round, Cover one card, my End of round.”

[Yuga: 700LP, 0 cards in hand]

[Ghost Ogre] (Flashing Twin Swords - Thunder Shock) [ATK2800]

【Emerald Knight】【ATK1000】

[Cover card] [Cover card]

Then, my turn. Hayato said, activating a card from his hand, Powerful cards often come with risks. [Nightmare Mirage Tower] requires me to discard four cards in my preparation phase. However, I like prostitution for free.

The magic card [Very Food], make [Nightmare Mirage Tower] into dry food and eat it. Then, on my turn, draw a card!

[Hayato: 3300→4300LP]

Activating the effect of [Angel's Alms] in my hand, I draw three cards from the deck, and then discard two cards. After drawing the cards, Hayato made a slight decision, and under the watchful eyes of Oga Ryuuji, Hayato put [Dark Knight -Gaia] and [Cursed Dragon] were sent to the cemetery.

You actually sent [Gaia] and [Dragon of the Curse] to the target? Obviously as long as there is [Fusion], you can summon the powerful [Dragon Knight-Gaia]. Jonouchi said subconsciously, but his face was touched again. Lost a dice.

With his eyes closed, he found that it didn't hurt at all. When he opened his eyes, he found that the dice had been caught by Yugi beside him.

Oga Ryuuji, we are in a duel now, watch this side for me. Hayato said, activating the card he just drew on the field, Magic card [Dragon Mirror]! From my graveyard Remove the materials used for fusion and summon a dragon-type fusion monster!

Hmph, so what if it's [Dragon Knight-Gaia]? Isn't it still unable to defeat my [Dragon Knight-Gaya]?

Yujia Long'er said disdainfully. However, Hayato smiled:

Wadokana? When did you have the illusion that what I want to summon is the [Dragon Knight]?

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