Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 29 If you can’t beat me, then join

I hate heavy decks the most.

Hayato, who said this, finally became the person he hated the most. Looking at the three cards he had covered, Hayato ended his turn.

[Hayato: 4000LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Gate Card】X3

My turn, draw a card.

Pulling out the card, Yuga Ryuuji couldn't help but smile on his face: Fate is on my side, Kobayashi Hayato, I can already see victory waving to me!

Destiny is looking after you and I want to defeat you and punish you. The future is already in my hands! Yuga Ryuuji activated the card he just drew, Activate the magic card, [Restriction Lifted]!

A dial on the vehicle used to display speed appeared on Yuga Ryuuji's field. The pointer turned clockwise, but ignored the maximum speed marked on the dial and continued to rotate outside the dial.

The effect of this card is to make the mechanical monsters on the field exceed the safety threshold and double their attack power. As Yuga Ryuji said the effect of the card, the two space fighters on his field began to emit white smoke. , it looked like it was about to explode, However, as a price, I will destroy all the mechanical monsters after my turn ends.

【V-shaped snake】【ATK1200→2400】


There are two monsters with an attack power of 2400?! No, Hayato's field is empty now! Honda looked at Hayato worriedly, only to find that Hayato had a confident look on his face.

Yuga Ryuuji did not notice this, and the victory that was within reach made him excited: My two-body monster launches a direct attack on you, drink the pain of defeat, despicable duel king!

The first one to act was the [V-Snake]. It was obviously a fighter plane used for space operations, but the [V-Snake] was not equipped with any long-range firepower at all. It just increased the thrust of its rear nozzle and crashed towards Hayato.

Then, Oga Ryuuji looked at the five cards in front of Hayato with disappointment.

Hmph, you are reckless and stupid, you just think you can kill me with this level of attack? You don't take me seriously at all. Hayato said, opening the Gaika, The effect of [Wall of Power] makes I received zero damage once, but as a price, for every 500 points of damage, I had to discard a card from the deck.

Skillfully sending the top few cards of the deck to the graveyard, Hayato continued: Then, because they were sent from the deck to the graveyard, the monsters I just discarded also have effects that can be activated.

After completely absorbing the impact of [V-shaped snake], the five cards in front of Hayato fell into the graveyard, but then, another card returned to Hayato's field, a huge clay Stone men appear out of nowhere.

【Reborn Stone Man】【DEF2100】

The effect of [Reborn Stoneman] can be activated when it is sent from the deck to the graveyard. I can choose to recycle it into my hand, or special summon it from the graveyard to my field.

But, the [sub-machine] has not attacked yet! Yuga Ryuuji said unhappily, commanding the [sub-machine] on his field to crash into the [V-shaped snake] in the same way as the [V-shaped snake], which had only appeared for a few seconds. [Reborn Stone Man].

This time, it failed to rise again from the graveyard. But he also successfully protected Hayato from two attacks.

Yuga Ryuuji frowned, feeling annoyed that he had been careless and attacked too eagerly, which allowed Hayato to escape the disaster: Cover a card and my turn ends.

As soon as he finished speaking, there were only two bang bang sounds. The two fighters on Yujia Longer's field both self-destructed due to overloading. After the two sides attacked each other for a round, the field was empty.

[Oga Ryūji: 4000LP, 0 cards in hand]


Yoshi, Hayato's opportunity has come. Jonouchi, who had a dog's head on his head, was lying beside the fence excitedly. He was about to continue saying something, but found that Yuga Ryuuji glanced at him and casually threw a dice. It hit him, right on the bridge of Jonouchi's nose, It hurts!

I don't remember that you were allowed to speak, City Dog. Looking down at Jonouchi, Oga Ryūji played with a dice in his hand, as if once Jonouchi did something that didn't suit his wishes, he would throw the dice away. Smash it over.

Wow, so handsome!

Too manly!

Lord Oga!

Hayato and Yugi were not the only ones who saw this scene. There were many people surrounding the execution arena, and most of them noticed that one of the duelists threw the dice outside the arena.

What surprised Yugi and Honda was that after seeing Oga Ryuuji's bad behavior, many of his fans didn't feel bad about him at all, but were excited, as if Oga Ryuuji had done something quite cool. .

Hey, it's disgusting to co-operate with your fans to create a rice circle. Hayato said unhappily.

Hmph, as the founder of Monster Dragon Gate Dice, it's just the most basic thing for me to receive this level of admiration and admiration. No, I still have to say 'this is how it should be'.

Yuga Ryuuji smiled and raised his hand to lift his bangs, but when he put his hand down, the expression on his face became fierce, If it weren't for you and Muto Yugi, I should be the one who gets the most attention!

As a talented game designer, I spent so many years designing and completing the Monster Dragon Gate Dice, and even got the appreciation of Lord Bekas. I should have officially signed a contract with the International Illusion Society after the end of Duel Kingdom to develop the Monster Dragon Gate Dice. The identity of the founder and first-generation champion should be widely known!”

It's all my fault that you two guys used some despicable means to defeat Mr. Bekas. I will definitely take revenge!

Looking at the emotional Oga Ryuuji, Hayato shook his head disdainfully and pulled out the card: My turn, draw the card!

Kobayashi Hayato! Yuga Ryuuji glared at Hayato across from him and said through gritted teeth, Are you too timid to respond to me because I told you the truth?

Hmph, don't get me wrong, idiot. Hayato glanced at the card he got and said coldly, Have the appearance of me and the game disrupted your future plans? It's the kind of reason that seems to be a joke, so that you Did you do something like hurt my friend?

Don't make me laugh, you idiot!

Hayato's eyes stared directly at Oga Ryuuji: The world does not revolve around you alone. How can the variables of the future be fixed by your personal thoughts?

Becas's matter has nothing to do with us. To clarify like this, I have no interest in explaining it to you in detail. Being the target of your revenge is also boring. Hayato put the card he just drew on the duel table, I What I want to do now is simply to teach you a lesson!

“Come out, my Tamashi, [Dark Knight of the Wind————

Gai-Ya————]! ! !

Although it is a dark knight, it has an earth attribute, and even with the wind prefix, it only becomes a dark attribute [Gaia], which was drawn into Hayato's hands. Because he was the only one in his hand, Hayato easily summoned it without any sacrifice!

[Dark Knight of Gale-Gaia] [ATK2300]

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