Inside the castle? Hearing a familiar voice, Hayato and Yugi looked at each other and walked towards the place where the voice came from.

After squeezing through the crowd of onlookers, Hayato and Yugi arrived at the edge of the duel. It seems a bit inappropriate to call it a duel field, because the internal divisions of this field are not the large rectangles used by duel monsters, but are neatly divided into countless squares.

And one of the parties fighting on this site was Jonouchi. But what surprised Hayato and Yugi was that the other party that was fighting Jonouchi was not Honda, but a young man with a ponytail and a headband with a black square on his forehead.

What is that guy doing in the castle? Although there was a slight difference from the appearance in the anime in the previous life, Hayato guessed the identity of the young man based on the cheers of the surrounding crowd. How did he get involved with that Oga Ryuuji? Now, are you still using the monster dragon dice?

Yuga Ryuuji? Is he the genius game designer who invented the monster dragon dice? Yugi has also heard of this name.

Jonouchi, who was focused on the duel itself, did not notice Hayato and Yugi in the crowd, but looked proudly at Oga Ryuuji on the opposite side: If you see how powerful I am, just admit defeat and surrender. I will tell you properly. If you apologize, I will naturally forgive you generously.

On the field in front of Jonouchi, three familiar duel monsters, [Barbarian No. 1], [Barbarian No. 2] and [Dark Leopard Warrior], all appeared, entrenched in front of the duel stage where he was, forming a solid defense. formation. But in front of Yuga Ryuuji, the monster was destroyed until only the last [Gargoyle] remained.

However, the cost of holding on to the territory is that more than half of the colors on the field are the blue of Yuga Ryuuji, while the red area within the city only occupies a very small area.

It seems like Jonouchi has the upper hand? After observing the venue, Yugi roughly understood the rules. Monster Gantry Dice is a game in which dice containing monsters are placed on the field, and then occupy the territory to attack each other. Both parties play the role of dungeon lords. Each has three basic points, which will decrease by one point each time it is attacked by a monster.

There are still two basic points in the castle, and Yuga Ryuji is full of three hearts.

But Hayato knows that Oga Ryuuji is a complete old bastard. Not only does he like to hide the rules and not say them out in one breath, but he also likes to play desperate counterattacks. Although there was only the last monster on the field, Hayato looked at the mysterious smile on Oga Ryuuji's face and felt that he still had a backup plan.

Tsk tsk tsk, Jonouchi-kun, even though your monsters have almost wiped out my monsters, don't forget that I still have three hearts of health left. Yuga Ryuuji teased her habitually. He lifted up his bangs on the right side and said confidently, Your monster is always cowering in its own field and cannot defeat me.

Jonouchi said disdainfully: Hmph, it's rare for Master Jonouchi to be so magnanimous. It seems that you can't wait to see your defeat.

Then it's my turn, I lose!

Three dice were thrown from Jonouchi's hand and landed on the field in front of him. The dice stopped, revealing three forward signs, which made Jonouchi overjoyed.

Ada thief! You're so lucky. Coupled with the number of advances I have accumulated before, my three monsters can advance in front of you in one go!

My monsters, attack in full force!

As the order from the castle was issued, the monsters that were originally stationed on the grounds within the castle moved forward one after another, walking into Ouga Ryuuji's area and approaching the duel platform where he was.

Well, roll the dice!

It was Yuga Ryuuji's turn. He threw three magic symbols, and he couldn't help showing a regretful expression on his face: Oh my, no monsters were summoned. This would be bad.

As expected of the top four of the Duel Kingdom, Katsuya Jounouchi, you can actually push me to this point.

Hehe, that's of course. After hearing what Oga Ryuuji said, Jonouchi smiled proudly, took out the three dice drawn this round and threw them out. The result is, two attack tokens and one advance.

Yoshi, if you add this mark, [Barbarian No. 1] will successfully walk in front of you!

Jonouchi directed his [Barbarian No. 1] to move forward, ignoring the [Gargoyle] that was not blocking the path at all, and successfully reached Oga Ryuuji's duel stage. The wild warrior raised the stick in his hand and slammed it down, successfully deducting a little of Yuga Ryuu'er's health.

However, as the price of advancement, Jonouchi's previously accumulated action points were finally consumed in this round.

Seeing this, Yu Jialong'er suddenly laughed: Haha, hahaha...

Hahahahaha!!! He pointed at Jonouchi and lifted his bangs with one hand, You were fooled, Jonouchi Katsuya! My attack route has been completely specified!

Throw the dice! He threw the dice in his hand casually, showing a Yan Yi smile, There are two signs of level 4. I want to summon my strongest monster, [God, Ghost and Ogre]!

However, to Jonouchi's surprise, Oga Ryuuji did not place this monster on his field to block the attacks of Jonouchi's monsters, but instead placed it in front of Jonouchi's duel stage.

No, no, all my monsters are on the opposite field! Jonouchi realized something was wrong. It turns out that before, Yuga Ryuuji deliberately used words to attract his monster to leave the position, and then took the opportunity to sneak attack, You guys, you are too despicable!

Hmph, it's just a simple trap of words. You are the fool to fall for such a scheme, Katsuya Jonouchi! Goga Ryuuji pointed at Jonouchi arrogantly, Before I avenge that lord, then you It’s ready for appetizer!”

[The Ghost Ogre] advances to the duel stage in the city, and then attacks!

Excalibur is broken!

With a slash of the heavy sword, Jonouchi's health dropped to the last heart, while Yuga Ryuuji still had two health points. Even if he continues to attack directly in the next round, Jonouchi's health will be reduced to zero first.

Damn it, I have to roll back to defense this round. Jonouchi rolled the dice in his hand. The dice stopped, but there was not even a sign of progress.

Haha, then you lose!

Unexpectedly, Jonouchi said confidently: Humph, that's weird, this is my way of returning to defense!

Because I rolled two magic symbols, I used the special magic ability of [Dark Leopard Warrior] to directly destroy a monster!

Go to hell, [Ogre]!

However, Yujia Long'er showed an expression of having everything under control: Is this the extent of your final struggle? Being a prodigal dog is too ugly. Just let me crush your delusions!

Use two defense symbols to activate the effect of [Ghost Ogre], invalidating special magic attacks!


After absorbing two magic symbols, [Dark Leopard Warrior] threw the scimitar in his hand from across the field, but Yuga Ryuji's [Shengui Ogre] also absorbed two defensive symbols at the same time. A magic barrier formed on the giant sword, completely blocking the attack.

how come!

Jonouchi's expression of disbelief made Oga Ryuuji extremely happy. He rolled the final dice: Three attack marks! Then [Ghost Ogre], defeat this waste and leave!

With one swing of the sword, Jonouchi's health points were completely cleared, and the game ended.

On the surface, Jonouchi had the advantage in the first half, but in the second half, Oga Ryuuji used words to lure Jonouchi into attacking, and then directly harvested him with a wave of explosions. This game is completely under Yujia Ryuuji's control!

With this thought in mind, Hayato turned his head to look at Oga Ryuuji, only to find that the guy seemed to have discovered Yugi and himself a long time ago, with his eyes fixed on this direction.

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