Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 140: The Bonded Hero Eternal Man

[Three Sons of the Sun God Helios] [ATK7400→8300]

Answer? Seeing Judai sending monsters to the graveyard one after another and then being eliminated by [Macro Cosmos], it was clear that he had done nothing but increase the attack power of his [Third Son of the Sun God Helios], Daitokuji said in confusion, But in my eyes, Judai, what you are doing is just giving up your hope.

If just now your winning rate was still 1% due to the presence of those [E·hero] in the deck, but now, your winning rate is almost no longer even 1%.

No, on the contrary, I feel that my winning rate has increased to at least 10% now, right? Judai said to Daitokuji with a smile, Teacher Daitokuji, you said that will cannot change reality? But it's not like that, right? , That kind of thing is enough to come from Professor Chronos, but it is definitely not what you, as an alchemist, would say.

Although I don't understand it very well, I think that the important thing in alchemy is not the change of matter but the reconciliation of spirit. And the so-called partners mean that even if they are far apart, they can still miss each other in their hearts and carry each other's will with them. People who fight together.”

The real alchemy is the power of bonds!

Behind Judai, the excluded [E·hero Clay Man], [E·hero Foam Man], [E·hero Wingman], and [E·hero Explosion Girl] appeared one after another. At the same time, even Daitokuji Temple also appeared. What he couldn't see was that Judai also saw the shadow of his friends in his [Hero]s?

Misawa, Manjoume, Caesar, and Asuka all put their hands on Judai, watching Judai raise a card above his head and said: If my miracle has reached the limit, then use the bond Let’s connect other universes with the power of the magic card [Parallel World Fusion] and activate it!”

Lend my body to everyone!

Under Daitokuji's gaze, in the cosmic space behind Judai, it was as if he had used the [Grand Cross] to mobilize the planets before, and several planets were approaching Judai.

Originally, there was only one Mimetic Earth behind Judai, but at this moment, as Judai activated the card and attracted the planets, all of them were similar to the Mimetic Earth behind Judai. , a blue planet with an earth-like appearance, looks like the earth from one parallel world after another is attracted to Judai!

The round when [Parallel World Fusion] is activated, I cannot Special Summon monsters except by the effect of this card. Only now did he finally tell Daitokuji that he had previously used the effect of [E·hero Bubble Man] to summon it. The reason for the special summons, but the normal summons, Judai did not turn around to look at the strange scenery behind him, because he did not need to confirm to know that it was the power of his partner responding to him.

And the effect of [Parallel World Fusion] is to return my fusion material monster that was excluded and determined by [E·hero] fusion monster to the deck, and fusion summon that one fusion monster from the fusion deck.

Raising the Duel Disk above his head and shining light toward the deck area above, Judai continued: The four monsters I want to return to the deck are these.

Earth attribute, [E·hero Clayman];

When taking the entrance test, he met Shi Ze and fell in love with Professor Kuronos;

Water attribute, [E·hero Bubble Man];

Taking the ferry to the Duel Academy Island, he reunited with Banzhangme whom he had not seen for many years, and met Asuka for the first time;

Wind attribute, [E·hero Winged Man];

During my time in school, I got to know classmates one after another, including Maeda, Xiang, and many other friends;

And, the fire-attribute [E·hero Explosive Girl]

Although they may seem difficult to get along with on the outside, whether it is Asuka or Caesar, they all have a fiery heart, and even they have formed a bond with themselves unknowingly.

The four excluded [E·hero] cards flew out of Judai's pocket and converged towards the hand he raised. The Parallel World Earth behind Judai also began to overlap.

If it had been a few months earlier, the me when I first entered school might indeed have reached the limit of my ability and lost the duel with you, teacher. However, I am already different from the me when I first entered school, Dade. Mr. Temple. Raising his head, Judai looked at Daitokuji and repeated the self-introduction he had said when he entered school, I am Yujo Judai. My dream is to become the duel king. My short-term goal is to compete with the whole school. Classmates become friends!”

Lend me your power, everyone!

After Judai's death, the mimic Earths completely overlapped and replaced the original Earth that had reached its limit, creating a brand new world. Next to Judai, the virtual worlds of Banzhangmu, Asuka, Caesar, and Misawa were Kage and Judai raised their hands together, holding the card that appeared out of thin air in his hand!

Earth, water, wind, fire, the so-called hope of the fifth act is the fifth element called 'bond'! Putting the card on the duel plate, Judai called, Expectation, awakening, hope, courage, Here you go!

Fusion Summon! The ultimate hero appears here!


The four-color radiance shrouded the card in Judai's hand, and in front of him, a golden warrior was born from the overlapping simulated earth, exuding the light of hope, and landed on Judai's field.




Compared to the three-element fusion of [E·hero], is it a fusion of the four elements of earth, water, wind, and fire? Is this really true? Looking at this new fusion monster played by the tenth generation, Dade Temple's eyes were full of excitement and satisfaction, Sure enough, Judai, you contain the possibility of alchemy.

No, this is not my possibility, Teacher Daitokuji. This is the possibility shared by my friends and I! Judai said, pointing to Daitokuji, And the power of friendship can transcend time. , the infinite power of space and even dimensions! Limit? The fusion of friendship and bond can break through the sky!

The effect of [E·hero] is activated when the fusion summon is successful! Return all cards excluded from the game to their respective owners' decks and shuffle them, Tianyuan breaks through!

In the hands of [E·hero], water and soil were mixed into mud, and the flames shaped the shape of the drill bit. Then the wind drove the drill bit to rotate at high speed, and a wind was actually set off in this simulated space. As he thrust the drill in his hand upwards, a crack opened in the [Greater Universe], revealing the real sky.

From the rift in the universe, an invisible storm blew towards Judai and Daitokuji. A large number of excluded cards came towards their holders. Daitokuji's deck, which originally only had a dozen cards left, continued to have more cards. The excluded cards were filled in, and the number suddenly increased to more than fifty.

Have the excluded cards returned to the deck? He looked up at Judai. His deck was also increasing. The [Hero] that had been excluded before were now under the effect of [E·hero Eternal Hero]. Then they all returned to Judai's deck, I see, this is your path Judai, a path that is different from mine and the other alchemists I know.

But Judai, as an alchemist I can give you full marks for your answer, but as a duelist I won't just give up the fight!

With that said, Daitokuji looked at the monsters on his field.

[Three Sons of the Sun God Helios] [ATK8300→500]

Because all the excluded cards were returned to the deck, Daitokuji's [Three Sons of the Sun God Helios] also lost the blessing from the power of the excluded monsters, and its attack power was only revived due to being destroyed. The 500-point bonus brought by this.

On the other hand, Judai's [E·hero] on the field still had an attack power of 2900 points. At the same time, Judai said: I am the same, Teacher Daitokuji, even if the opponent is you, I will fight with you. [Hero], win the duel with your friends!”

Another effect of [E·hero] is that the attributes of this card can also be used as fire, water, earth, and wind. At the same time, for every monster with the same attribute on the opponent's field, [E· hero's attack power increases by 300 points.


[E·hero] with an attack power of 3200 points is much more powerful than [Three Sons of the Sun God Helios] with an attack power of only 500 points. Daitokuji's remaining 1200 basic points are completely unable to resist. its attacks.

[E·hero] has indeed continued the limit of your miracles, Judai, the alchemy of obtaining power from others, even I can't help but feel excited. Pressing the button to activate Gaika, Daitokuji said, But Judai, your [E·hero] still has a huge flaw, that is, he still doesn't have any resistance!

The quick attack magic card [Grand Cross] is activated again! This card can only be activated when [Macro Cosmos] exists, inflicting 300 points of damage to the opponent's duelist and destroying all monsters on the field!

The destroyed [E·hero] will also be eliminated by the power of [Big Universe], but [Three Sons of the Sun God Helios] will be resurrected!

Under the influence of the [Grand Cross], the planets once again aligned together to form a huge cross. The planetary fluctuations swept towards [E·hero] on Judai's field, threatening to destroy it and cut off Judai's hope.

Of course I know very well that [E·hero] has no resistance, Daitokuji-sensei. But I have said it before, Daitokuji-sensei, I will win the duel with my friends! Judai took action. The card in the middle said, The quick-attack magic card [I am a shield] is activated! Pay me 1500 life points, and the activation of the opponent's card that contains the 'effect of destroying monsters on the field' is invalidated and destroyed!

【Tenth generation: 1700→200LP】

Without hesitation, he paid the few basic points he had left. The planetary fluctuations that should have hit [E·hero] were all concentrated on Judai. [E] represents the bond between Judai and his friends. ·Hero Eternal Life Man] did not suffer any harm under the protection of Judai.

And next, it will be [E·hero]'s turn to protect Judai.

The Equip Magic Card [Beloved Hero] is activated. This card can only be equipped to [Hero] monsters with level 5☆ or above. At the end of the battle, the hero cannot do it unless he puts on a suitable pose. It was a bit confusing due to the decrease in base points. Panting, Judai smiled at Daitokuji and said, Equip it to [E·hero], and then enter my battle phase!

Following Judai's declaration, the [Beloved Hero] equipped on [E·hero] released a force of gravity, forcibly pulling Daitokuji and Judai back to the ground from the vast space. Arriving at a high-rise building, it was the most classic field magic card in the Judai's [E·hero] deck - [Skyscraper]!

At the beginning of the battle phase between the two sides, the effect of [Beloved Hero] is activated. I activate a field magic card from my hand and deck. The hero will have a stage for hero battle. [Skyscraper] is activated! Judai He said, waving his hand again, At the same time, when there is a card in my field area, the first effect of [Beloved Hero] will take effect, and the attack power of [E·hero] equipped with [Beloved Hero] will increase. The original defense power will be increased. value, and the opponent cannot use the equipped monster as the target of the effect!


Although it was dragged back to the earth by the damn gravity, the parallel world fusion created before did not disappear. It replaced the moon and appeared in the sky above the skyscraper. [E·hero] equipped with [Beloved Hero] stands on the highest point of [Skyscraper], like Judai, with his back facing the Mimetic Earth above the sky.

This is my final answer, Teacher Daitokuji! Pointing at Daitokuji, Judai shouted, [E.hero] attacks [Three Sons of the Sun God Helios], this is Our exciting combo!

Fission of the universe!

Integrating the four major elements, [E·hero] at this moment gained the power of the fifth element that transcended the rules of the world, and bright light gathered in his arms. As [E·hero] crosses his arms, a strong impact and light burst out!

First, [Three Sons of the Sun God Helios], even the immortal sun of the three celestial bodies, was still wiped out of existence and destruction in the light of miracles and hope, and then the gorgeous light completely took away the sight of Daitoku Temple. Go, white covers everything.

In this light, there was no trace of frustration or unwillingness on Daitokuji's face because he was about to lose in the duel. Instead, there was only joy and satisfaction.

‘What a nice light, Judai. With such light accompanying you, you will surely be able to move straight towards the alchemy that I desire. ’

‘However, we must be careful not to be affected by the hidden darkness and lose sight of the direction. ’

【Dadeji Temple: 1200LP→0】

About a thousand words were changed in the last chapter? If you want to see it, you can go back and refresh it, but the overall process has not changed. The main modifications are things like the mental journey.

Also, someone commented earlier that the eternal life is not like one printed by bonds, but more like Xingxing. However, the eternal life in the original work is really printed by Judai while thinking about all the people he met during the first year of school, but he only appeared in two games. Once, after playing Daitokuji Temple and Kagemaru, there was no more scenes due to the change of screenwriters in the new school year (a side hint that the change of screenwriters resulted in the loss of even the bond)

If I wake up, I feel more like it is printed by the bond between cards, but at least the hero printed by the bond with people is immortal.

Furthermore, in the gx animation of station B, some people complained that the troublesome summoning conditions of immortality are so ordinary and useless. Has the immortality cannon actually become less famous these days? (Bad news: the immortality cannon requires four wastes. Pieces/Good news: You only need four scrap pieces for the immortal cannon)

Again, Gochard is gradually getting better, and in the morning he is really, I cried to death

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