Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 138 I can’t be just a duelist like you!

Chapter 1192 I can’t be just a duelist like you!

Judai, you didn't guess my identity as a teacher until just now. It really made me wait, nya——

Why... would it be you, Daitokuji-sensei? Looking at Daitokuji's face revealed after 'Amunaeru' took off his mask, Judai was a little dazed, Why would you...

No, are you really Daitokuji-sensei, or do you think you can confuse my perception with that face, Amunaeru!

After a brief daze, Judai questioned Daitokuji's identity. The fundamental reason was that he did not believe that Daitokuji and Amunaeru were the same person. Amunaeru said before that Daitokuji-sensei had been knocked down before Manjoume. Maybe Amunaeru knocked Daitokuji-sensei to the ground and turned his face into Daitokuji-sensei’s appearance!

That is to say, Daitokuji doesn't know how to read minds, otherwise he would probably say *Academy swearword* Judai, his imagination is so good.

And even if he couldn't read minds, when he heard that Judai didn't believe that he was himself, Daitokuji said helplessly: Judai, your favorite food is fried shrimp, even if Maeda-san gave up the fried shrimp because he was eating a diet meal. I often don’t have enough to eat for you, I often snatch away classmate Xiang’s fried shrimps, and you secretly stole a pack from the freezer during the picnic last week…”

Seeing that the expression on Judai's face only changed from suspicion to half-belief, Daitokuji continued, Also, your favorite TV shows are Kamen Rider Kuuga, Story Sentai - Holy Blade Renner ” and “Big Mountain Super Power”, and the last time Sho Marufuji took out the pillow of [Dark Magician Girl] to show off, he was kicked by Judaiyou who imitated a flying kick and jumped from the second floor— —”

Hey! That's enough. Only Teacher Daitokuji and I know about that kind of thing!

Judai didn't know how many times he was sweating in this duel. It was obvious that he had only paid the basic points once in the duel so far and had not been hurt yet. Why did he feel better than before with Darkness - that is? Asuka and her brother are still tired from the duel?

It is indeed Daitokuji-sensei, but I don't understand. Judai looked at Daitokuji and said, If you are Daitokuji-sensei, you are Amunaeru, why did you lie to me before that you killed yourself? ?Also, why are you siding with that Chairman Kagemaru!

Don't follow one question with another, otherwise I won't know which one is better to answer first. He picked up the orange cat Pharaoh at his feet and helped him remove the dirt on his body from the jungle. After removing the grass roots and dead leaves, Daitokuji skillfully scratched the chin of the Pharaoh and said, Let's do it one by one. Let's start with why I said, 'Datokuji is dead.'

Judai, you should have noticed that my body looks very different from before, right?

As he spoke, Daitokuji nodded his cheek. Although the cracks accidentally left by the Pharaoh were repaired by him at the beginning, in the duel just now, faced with Judai's continuous attacks, more than just the ones that were damaged were damaged. Mask, that crack not only appeared again, but also spread a lot.

Even Daitokuji's hair hidden in the hood has turned from black to white. It's no wonder that even if Judai heard Daitokuji's voice at the beginning, he couldn't distinguish it from the one he knew who looked the same age. However, teachers in their twenties and thirties are contacted.

The original purpose of the alchemists was to explore the rules of the world. After long-term study, they still retained a heart of exploration after summing up countless experiences. In the imagination of the alchemists, the end of the road is the right path. The complete understanding and mastery of the rules of the world is ultimately summarized into two ultimate subjects, the mastery of the soul - 'Human Refining' and the mastery of matter 'Philosopher's Stone'.

Instead of answering Judai's question directly, Daitokuji talked about the origin of alchemy. For a moment, Judai almost thought that he was still taking an alchemy class in the classroom. The speaker was the teacher and the people listening were also students. , even if Judai had attended the class, he would have noticed that what Daitokuji was talking about was still in the textbook written by him.

No matter which one of the two it is, it is extremely in line with the desires of those in power in history, so the alchemists were funded by the wealthy to find ways to go further on the road of alchemy. As an The same goes for the alchemist, who is seeking the 'Philosopher's Stone' with the funding of Chairman Kagemaru.

Then, just like Becas, the father of Duel Monsters, found the ancient Egyptian slate that is the prototype of the modern Duel Monsters in Egypt, I also found a slate with special powers in ancient Egypt - the 'Three Phantom Demons', and I used the slate A half-finished 'Three Phantoms' card was made for the prototype.

After realizing the evil power of the 'Three Phantom Demons', I gave up and continued to complete them, but it was a little late because the cards used to create them caused my body to be infected with a curse, like the gears in the mechanical device becoming rusty. , I can no longer live with my old body, and can only enter a defective 'human body' body that was accidentally made.

After a pause, Daitokuji held a piece of dust that fell on his face in his hand, So, I am not lying about the fact that the real Daitokuji is dead, because you have not entered since the beginning, as early as Judai Before the academy was even established, I had already reborn from death through alchemy and entered this body. But as you can see, this body will soon reach its limit.

As for the reason for helping Kagemaru, I don't need to say more, right? Even an alchemist like me who regards human ethics as nothing and has no bottom line and destroys human nature will still have the idea of ​​​​repaying the favor.

Teacher Daitokuji, you are not an alchemist who destroys humanity! Jushidai retorted, looking at Daitokuji and saying, The teacher Daitokuji I know is a dormitory director who cares about students, a knowledgeable teacher, and an excellent teacher. Duelist. Moreover, Chairman Kagemaru has been defeated by Principal Hayato, so I have no reason to be your enemy anymore——

Ten generations!

A sudden voice interrupted Judai's words. Daitokuji shook his head. While comforting the pharaoh in his arms, he looked at Judai and said: Identity is never a label outside the test tube, but a substance suspended in the solution. Some can be dissolved, while others can only precipitate.

In that case, just like if the dissolved content is different, there will inevitably be a hierarchy in the identity. When looking at Judai, Daitokuji's tone was a little subtle, I can't be like you, Judai, just Be a duelist.

No, it's not just me. I'm afraid it's the same for most people. Judai, you may be very lonely, because there are so few people who can live a lifestyle as a pure duelist like you.

At this point, Daitokuji also put down the pharaoh in his arms. The orange cat, which always looked heartless, seemed to know Daitokuji's thoughts and rubbed against his scrapper again, leaving the cat behind. Mao, after taking a deep look at him for the last time, slowly walked away from the duel.

Lifting the duel plate, Daitokuji said: No matter I win or fail, there won't be much function left in this body that allows me to continue to move. Before the end of my second life, I want to be a The famous alchemist has come to an end. So Judai, the student who has the most alchemist talents I have inspected over the years and the student I look forward to, let me see your talents, let me see your talents as an alchemist!

Having said this, Daitokuji suddenly opened his eyes that had been squinted all year round, revealing crimson and slightly transparent eyes.

[Amunaeru → Daitokuji Hugo: 1200LP, 6 cards in hand]

[Alchemy Cauldron - Chaos Refining] [Emperor's Order] [Big Universe]

Teacher Daitokuji... Looking at the determined Daitokuji, Judai lowered his head and clenched his fists. After a brief ideological struggle, he raised his head again and said with firm eyes, I understand, Teacher Daitokuji. Even if the final test starts in advance, I will try my best to get full marks!

Because the monster was destroyed in battle, due to the effect of [M·hero Kamikaze], I drew a card from the deck. Looking at the card he drew, Judai put it on the back field, Then cover a card and my turn ends.”

[Yucheng Tenth Generation: 2000LP, 0 cards in hand]

【E·hero Sunrise Man】【ATK3100】

【E·hero Skyman】【ATK2400】

【E·hero Flame Man】【ATK2200→1800】

【E·hero Necroshaman】【ATK2500】

【M·hero Kamikaze】【ATK3300】




As the round ends, [E·hero Flame Man]'s armor is removed and its data returns to its original values.

Watching Judai cover the card, Daitokuji nodded and said: As expected of you Judai, 'fusion' is the possibility I see in you. But it's not enough, I can see there are more The great power is sleeping within your body. Even if it is not fully awakened for the time being, even if it only overflows a little, it can bring you the power to create miracles.

For a duel with me, just a superficial 'fusion' is not enough. Come on, Judai, use more power. The battle with me is a battle of alchemy. Otherwise, you will not be able to cross this universe.

My turn, draw a card!

Seeing the card he drew, Daitokuji immediately played it and said: The magic card [Dimensional Distortion] is activated. This card can only be activated if there are no monsters in my graveyard. Select one of the excluded monsters on the field. Special summons. I choose [Original Sun God Helios].

The headless female monster named after the sun god in ancient Greek mythology has returned to the field of Daitokuji Temple. Its attack power is the same as its defense power of 1400 points. It cannot be enough to face the monsters on the field of Judai.

[Original Sun God·Helios][ATK1400]

However, after the return of [Original Sun God Helios], Daitokuji played another card and said: My alchemy will enter the next stage at this moment. After 'blackening' and 'whitening', it will be 'Yellow', I activate the magic card [Yellow Process-Kitolenics]!

Golden light was emitted from the card that Daitokuji inserted into the duel plate, and enveloped the [Original Sun God Helios] in front of him. The originally slim body became bloated as the sun on his head expanded. Come on, time is indeed a butcher's knife.

On top of the much expanded sun, an extra small sun was split. This pair of twin-star-like celestial bodies, one large and one small, is the name of the new monster, [Gemini Sun God Helios].

【Twin Sun Gods·Helios】【6☆/Light】

【Fire Clan/Effect】

【? /? 】

The effect of [Yellow Process - Kitolenics] is to liberate one [Original Sun God, Helios] on my field as a sacrifice, and to remove one [Twin Sun God, Helios] from my hand and deck. [Os] Special Summon. Putting down the card, Daitokuji continued, And the attack power and defense power of [Twin Sun Gods Helios] will be the value of the removed monster x 200 points.

The liberated [Original Sun God Helios] will be eliminated due to the effect of [Macrocosm]. There are 13 monsters that I have eliminated, and there are two monsters that you have eliminated in the tenth generation, so [Twin Sun Gods] ·Helios’ attack power will be 3000 points!”

[Twin Sun Gods·Helios][? /? →3000/3000】

However, even with an attack power of 3,000 points, even if I attack the [E·hero Flame Man] with the lowest attack power on your field, Judai, I can't defeat you, so my alchemy will continue. He drew out again. On a card, Daitokuji said, The final stage is 'redization', the most important step in sublimating mundane gold into the marvelous red liquid!

The magic card [Red Process-Rubedo] is activated! Liberate [Twin Sun Gods·Helios] on my field, and special summon [Twin Sun Gods·Helios] from my hand and deck. !”

The yellow sun turned to red, splitting into a sun again. The two split celestial bodies and the original sun were entwined and rotated with each other due to gravity, and gradually became balanced into three suns of the same size, even the infinity below the sun. The first aunt also became three!

【Three Sons of the Sun God·Helios】【8☆/Light】

【Fire Clan/Effect】

【? /? 】

You have noticed the pattern to some extent, Judai? But let me explain it again. The attack power of [Three Sons of the Sun God Helios] will be the number of excluded monsters x 300 points, and plus the value just now After liberating [Twin Sun Gods Helios], the number of monsters removed by both sides has reached sixteen.

Daitokuji waved his hand and said, This is the last ace monster in my deck, Judai!

[Three Sons of the Sun God Helios] [? /? →4800/4800】

After seeing Daitokuji playing three cards, he quickly summoned [Three Sons of the Sun God Helios] on the field whose attack power surpassed the legendary [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], but Judai said calmly : But Teacher Daitokuji, if you only increase the attack power without any resistance, then your trump card is just the same as the previous [Golden Artificial Life Form].

The destructive effect of [E·hero Sunrise Man] is not only activated by my monster's attack, but also by your monster's attack. No matter how high the attack power is, it is meaningless if it cannot hit!

Daitokuji smiled and said: That's right, Judai, this is the limitation that your deck and mine share. Although it can open up a path forward, it cannot take care of what is behind it. Your choice now is to use [ E·hero Sunrise Man] can barely cope with it, but doing so will only quench thirst by drinking doves, and destruction can only bring destruction instead of protection.”

As an alchemist, let me show you my choice. Drawing a card and inserting it into the magic trap area, Daitokuji said, The quick attack magic card [Big Cross], on my field is [Big Cross]. This card can only be activated when the universe exists.

Inflict 300 points of damage to the opponent's duelist and destroy all monsters on the field!

Nani!? You actually brought your own monster?!

Judai watched in astonishment as Daitokuji activated the card. Countless huge celestial bodies in the starry sky spread out by the [Big Universe] were driven by invisible gravity and arranged into a huge cross. The fluctuations of gravity occurred in an instant. Burst out and sweep the whole place!

First, Judai received 300 points of effect damage, and then not only were the [E·hero] monsters on Judai's field that had no resistance, but even the [Sanzi Sun God·] that Daitokuji finally specially summoned. Helios] was also crushed and annihilated under the gravity wave!

【Ten generations: 2000→1700LP】

After raising his hand to block the impact, Judai put down the duel plate. He was puzzled that Teacher Daitokuji could first use [Grand Cross] and then perform a series of evolutions of [Three Sons of the Sun God Helios]. Well, why do you want to destroy the monster that was finally specially summoned?

Judai's doubts were answered in the next moment. Just now he clearly saw that [Three Sons of the Sun God Helios] was destroyed by the [Grand Cross], but there were countless more in the universe. The flames gathered together and turned into three suns. [Three Sons of the Sun God Helios] actually reappeared on the grounds of Dade Temple?

Even though its attack power and defense power increased due to the increase in the number of monsters removed, it also gained an additional 500 points of attack power?

【Three Sons of the Sun·Helios】【ATK6300→6800】

Recently I was playing a game with elements such as bondage, training, alien species, and brainwashing. It was so fun.

(Translation: Pokémon Red is so fun)

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