Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 123 The Divine Flame Emperor is motionless

Chapter 1177 The Divine Flame Emperor is motionless

【Godly Flame Emperor-Uria】【10☆/Fire】

[Phantom Monsters/Special Summons/Effects]

【? /? 】

[Sacred Flame Emperor - Uriah] cannot be normally summoned, and if you special summon it from my hand, it will require three trap cards as sacrifices to come. Kagemaru paused, showing a proud expression, However, if you use its own effect to special summon it from the graveyard, it only requires me to discard a trap card. This is all thanks to you destroying the card in my hand before, Hayato Kobayashi!

The noble phantom will not be affected by the effects of mere trap cards, and like the 'Three Phantom Gods', only the magic activated during the turn can have an effect on it. Although I don't know what the two cover cards in your backfield are. , but the 'phantom demon' that is invincible to me - [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah] will not work! Hahahahahaha!

Laughing, Kagemaru waved his hand again: Not only that, the attack power and defense power of [Sacred Flame Emperor-Uria] will depend on the number of trap cards in my graveyard x 1000 points, and my graveyard There is currently a [Explosive Armor] in it, so its current attack power is 1,000 points!

[Shen Yanhuang-Ulia] [ATK? →1000】

Although your decision to send an ominous card like [Explosive Armor] to the graveyard is wise, there is no need to explain to me the effect of that monster that looks like a traitor. I have already tasted enough. Kagemaru not to mention, Hayato is also aware of the effect of [Shenyan Emperor-Ulia]. Although the first person to fight the [Godly Flame Emperor-Uria] brought out by Tapiryo was not Hayato but Yugi, it was Hayato who held it for a long time afterwards.

It was hard for Hayato to arouse any interest in [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah] who looked too similar to [Sky Dragon of Osiris]. Even the different painting version in Kagemaru's hand could hardly arouse him. The desire to collect, Besides, do you want to show me some fun of killing a fish monster with only 1,000 attack points?

Hmph, do you think I will believe you? No one understands 'Phantom' better than me! Kagemaru did not believe what Hayato said and felt that Hayato could not possibly control the effect of the Three Phantoms he had just completed. It was clear as day, after all, in his understanding, since the three unfinished Three Illusion Demons cards originally produced by Daitokuji Temple were not put into the Seven Spirits Unlocking Door, then those cards could not be be completed.

But he didn't know that there used to be something like the [Millennium Artifact] in the world, and there was an existence like the Dark Evil God from the underworld who had enough dark power to squander it wantonly. Hayato was able to use the completed version of Three Phantom Demons, I still have to thank that guy An Tapirang - he was killed by Light Creation? That's okay.

[Sacred Flame Emperor - Uriah] is the 'phantom' that dominates the 'trap'. Not only can it gain eternal existence with the help of the power of trap cards, but it can even destroy the opponent's trap. It can be said to be your unknown so-called [Silver City] is the natural enemy of the deck! Kagemaru sneered and waved his hand, Activate the effect of [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah] once per turn, destroying all trap cards on the opponent's field! If you set the card, Open it first to confirm, but there is no need to confirm, because the two cards in your backfield are undoubtedly trap cards!

The power of trap destruction! Crush Kobayashi Hayato's Gaika on the backcourt!

Laughing proudly, the [Godly Flame Emperor-Uria] on the Kagemaru Field raised his head and opened his mouth, revealing the real mouth hidden in the mouth on the outside of it. At this point, it was also the same as [Osiris]. The sky dragon] is very similar, both have two mouths.

There was no noisy roar, just high-frequency sound waves sweeping towards Hayato's backcourt, but Hayato would not just let Kagemaru destroy his Gaika, and immediately pressed the button to activate Gaika and said: Then To chain the effect of [Sacred Flame Emperor - Uriah], I want to activate this card that was set!

The two cards Hayato set were a normal trap recovered from the graveyard last round with the effect of [Rabilins of Silver City], and a card that was recovered from the deck just now with the effect of [Silver Princess of Labyrinth City]. Another normal trap was retrieved and set. The former has been ready for one round and can be activated at any time, but the latter has just been set not long ago.

Because Hayato activated the effect of his [Silver City's Crazy Clock] during Kagemaru's preparation phase, and now that he has a [Rabilins] monster on the field, even the trap card he just set is the same. It could be activated, but he did not choose to activate it and allowed Kagemaru to destroy it. He only activated the card that was set in the previous round.

It's useless, didn't you hear what I just said? Kagemaru looked at Hayato with disdain and said, [The Divine Flame Emperor Uriah] is a noble and invincible 'phantom', and trap cards will not attack it. kick in--

But I didn't say that the target of the trap card I activated was the [Godly Flame Emperor-Uria] on your field. Hayato interrupted Kagemaru's words indifferently, ignoring Kagemaru's unhappy and ugly face, Hayato With a wave of his hand, he commanded the card to be opened, I activated this card, which is usually a trap card [Rabbirins Welcome Welcome Welcome]. Do you need me to explain its effect again?

Welcome, welcome, welcome!

In the three-stage shouting of the White Princesses similar to Kaiba's Crush! Jade Shatter! Big Cheers!, Hayato took out a card from the deck and said: The effect of [Rabbirins Welcome Welcome Big Welcome] , I special summoned a [Rabbirinth] monster from the deck. I chose this [Demon Statue of Silver City], and used the follow-up effect of [Rabbirinth Welcome Welcome Welcome] to [Silver City's Fire Blowing Furnace] on my field is returned to my hand.

The flying petals were once again raised in front of Hayato along with the strong wind, but this time the person who appeared on his field was no longer a servant or a princess, but a fully armed man wearing silver armor and leaning on a giant sword inserted into the ground. The sword only reveals a guard with yellow eyes in his helmet.

【Demon Statue of Silver City】【7☆/Dark】



The upper-level monster with level 7☆ was still easily summoned by Hayato, occupying the last empty monster area on Hayato's field. In just one main stage, Hayato watched helplessly as Hayato specially summoned two more monsters. Kagemaru was more powerful. How unhappy it is.

But that’s it. At least according to Kagemaru’s current understanding, Hayato’s [Silver Castle] mainly relies on trap cards, or to be precise, normal trap cards to operate. He has cleared all the cards in his backfield. Now that he has fallen, there is no point in summoning monsters anymore!

[Silver City's Fireblow Furnace] was recycled into Hayato's hand by [Rabbirins Welcome Welcome], while the [Silver City's Rabbirins] and [Maze City's Shirogane Princess] that were not recycled were They were covering their ears with the Sanwu little maid [Arianna], not to mention the remaining [Silver City Demon God Statue], she was wearing a helmet.

The noise swept through Hayato's backcourt and destroyed all Hayato's cards. The successful activation of [La Billins Welcome Welcome Welcome] made Kagemaru very unhappy, but he was somewhat relieved to have destroyed a card.

However, he also knows that destroying Hayato's Gaika is not the end. Because of [Rabilins Welcome Welcome], Hayato's [Silver City] monsters will have monsters from Hayato because of the effect of the trap card. off the field and start using their annoying abilities.

At the moment when the Trap Destruction effect chain of [Sacred Flame Emperor - Uriah] was processed, Kagemaru saw [Rabilins of Silver City] and [Summoner of Silver City - Arianna] on Hayato's field. ] At the same time, an effect started to activate, and even the [Demon Statue of Silver City] that had just appeared in his monster area also started to act.

Not only that, but a card actually flew out of Hayato's graveyard, and a piece of grass was suddenly placed in the hall of the mansion where Hayato and Kagemaru were located?

For the vast majority of heavily pitted decks, I mean operational decks, the advantage needs to be accumulated little by little. The most fearful thing is that the opponent will use a card to wipe out the advantage that has been accumulated so hard in one go. The opponent is facing The backhand must have a feather sweep, which is simply a curse. Hayato said something that Kagemaru couldn't quite understand, pointing to the grass in front of him and said, But now that we know that operational decks like [Silver City] are difficult to resist the backcourt. Destroyed cards, guess what I prepared in the deck?”

You must not destroy the cards in the backcourt randomly, otherwise, you will be 'tricking grass and provoking snakes'~

The moment Hayato finished his words, he pulled out the mysterious card that was destroyed in the magic trap area of ​​the duel disk, raised it above his head and said: When this card leaves the field due to the opponent's effect, is sent to the graveyard, or It can only be activated when it is excluded. Normally, the trap card [Trick the Snake] is used to special summon a monster from my deck and fusion deck!

In the grassland between Hayato and Kagemaru, a large area of ​​weeds was suddenly crushed, and a dark vortex appeared in the center area.

Two enchanting flowers that lure insects with their fragrance have now become one, and a new threat will be born from the hell deep within the petals! Appear, the lackey of the Underworld's Tears! He held up a card, Hayato said, Special summon, [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops]!

There is a huge quince flower on the ground - commonly known as the five-pointed star flower - blooming in the whirlpool. From the flower, a pair of purple dragon wings that seem to encompass the universe suddenly spread out, and a giant dragon emerged from the complex. The fusion tunnel opened in the grass appeared!

As long as there are no restrictions such as can only be special summoned by fusion summons, Hayato can randomly pull fusion monsters from his extra deck to play, and what he is special summoning at this moment is the fusion from the [Predator Plant] deck. Monster [predator plant-Rhinoceratops].

If the opponent is Kagemaru who uses Three Phantom Demons to try to prey on the power of other elves and humans in the world, this card is perfect.

[Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops] [8☆/Dark]

[Plant family/fusion/effect]


The special summoned [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceros] from [Fighting Grass and Provoking Snakes] was just the beginning. Hayato dealt with the subsequent effects in the chain one by one, while Kagemaru could only watch helplessly as he moved around in his own turn without any intervention. ability.

[Demon Statue of Silver City] is activated when it is specially summoned. Choose a normal trap card from my deck that can only be activated when an attack is declared and place it on my backfield.

The silent Demon Knight's eyes lit up, and yellow light shone on Hayato's backfield, constructing another mysterious trap. Hayato also retrieved a trap card from the deck and placed it on the backfield, and Then he said,

As well as the effect of [Rabilins of Silver City], my normal trap card can only be activated when the effect of my normal trap card causes the monster to leave the field. I choose a card in the opponent's hand and on the field to destroy it. The one I chose is [ Divine Flame King - Uriah]. Even if you can resist trap cards and magic cards that are not activated during the turn, you have no ability to resist monster effects.

Shirahime, who was holding a double-edged axe, waved the heavy weapon and once again used a technique similar to Wind Wound to slash the air blade, but this time it was no longer the card in Kagemaru's hand that was hit, but the one he had on the field that was not hit. The self-aware [Godly Flame Emperor-Ulia]. After all, the Three Illusion Demons are not the more mature and powerful Three Illusion Demons later on. Without the ability to withstand the effects of low-level monsters, they are not just [Rabilins of Silver City], but also [Man-Eating Insect]. They can be easily destroyed.

The [Godly Flame Emperor-Uria] who just appeared was sent to the graveyard again in a very shameful manner, but it was not over yet. Hayato still had the effect of a monster on the field that had not been processed.

The effect of [Summon of Silver City - Arianna] can only be activated when the effect of my normal trap card causes the monster to leave the field. I draw a card from the deck, and then I can draw it from my hand. Special summon a Demon monster, or set a Spell/Trap card.

Although there were two choices, Hayato's field was crowded with five monsters, and his choice was actually whether to put a magic trap card on the back field. He drew a card and Instead of putting down the card cover, he ended the processing of the [Summon of Silver City - Arianna] effect.

It was clear that the invincible Phantom Demon was deployed, but Kagemaru really couldn't figure out why Kobayashi Hayato's cards didn't reduce them at all, but instead there were more and more. Powerful monsters could be summoned so easily and some had troublesome effects. , and even the number of cards in the hand increased to four instead of decreasing with repeated use.

With such a powerful expansion ability, Kagemaru seemed to vaguely understand Hayato's power, and how he would solve such a difficult situation when it was his turn.

its not right? It's your turn now!

Suddenly realizing that it was not Hayato's turn but his own turn, Kagemaru, who was confused by Hayato's complicated and lengthy chain, said with a sullen face: Time after time, how long are you going to behave in my turn? Honore Kobayashi Hayato!”

Do you think you can sit back and relax after killing the 'Phantom Demon' once? Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da! I never said that the effect of [Godly Flame Emperor-Uria] can only be used once. Its resurrection ability can be used in one I can activate it multiple times during the round, as long as I have enough trap cards!”

There were still three cards left in his hand, so Kagemaru took out one of them without hesitation and revealed it. That card was the permanent trap card [Masque of the Sacrifice Seal]. After sending it to the cemetery, Kagemaru shouted again: The 'God's Fire' of [Sacred Flame Emperor Uriah] is immortal. Resurrect from the cemetery again, the 'Phantom Demon' of Flame!

Another trap card was sent to the graveyard by Kagemaru and turned into the nourishment of the Phantom Demon power. It was still the pillar of fire that soared into the sky. [Godly Flame Emperor-Uria] flew out of the pillar of fire for the second time to Kagemaru. On the field, and due to the change in the number of trap cards in Kagemaru's graveyard, its attack power and defense values ​​have been increased again!

[Shen Yanhuang-Uria][? /? →2000/2000】

Although the effect of [Sacred Flame King - Uriah] is to destroy the trap card once per turn, the card name is not once per turn. After it is destroyed and revived, its effect is reset and can be Use it again! With a proud expression, Kagemaru ordered again, Use the power of 'Trap Destruction' again to smash the cards in Hayato Kobayashi's back field, [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah]!

However, after Kagemaru gave the order, he found that the [Godly Flame Emperor-Uria] who appeared on his field, although still exuding the terrifying aura of the devil, was motionless and did not respond to his order, as if Is it like you are ignoring yourself?

Activate the effect, [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah]!

If it weren't for the Seven Spirits' Unlocking Gate constantly pouring power into his body, Kagemaru would have thought that [Shen Yan Emperor Uriah] didn't respond because he had awakened his self-awareness and was out of his control. , but he clearly knew that that kind of thing did not happen under the suppression of the Seven Spirits' Explanation, but this made him even more unable to understand the situation at the moment.

Looking at the motionless [Shen Yan Emperor Uriah] flying quietly in the air, Kagemaru shouted: Move! [Shen Yan Emperor Uriah], why don't you move!?

As mentioned before, Kagemaru's three phantoms are the early effect version of the original work. It does not have the card name once per turn restrictions that were later described in the mature version. The effects are all squeezed together without 123 divisions, just like The effect is the same if you flip the monster over and over again to reset it and use it again. The effect is theoretically feasible after resurrecting the monster and using it again.

Also, I didn’t expect that I would update at such a hellish time (laughs)


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