In the end, it was still me, Hayato Kobayashi, who won the victory, and the emperor was still me, Hayato Kobayashi! This has not changed from the beginning to the end!

Tough! Iron chicken! Match Q!

Hehe, hehehahahahaha!

After his basic points returned to zero and he was defeated in the duel, the surrounding virtual images dissipated and returned to the original surrounding environment. Along with the changes in the images came the arrogant laughter of Hayato who won the duel. You can still vaguely hear Kaiba's voice coming from Hayato's duel plate.

Hmph, it's because of this that I specifically don't want to lose to you. I feel so proud after winning a duel. Hearing Hayato's laughter that was exactly the same as his own, Ramses II curled his lips and felt unhappy. He said, It just so happens that pointing fingers at others is the luxury and privilege that belongs only to the winner. I can only watch this bastard make a fool of himself in front of me.

Hmph, how can you be a king if you are not arrogant? What you are unhappy with is not that I, Hayato Kobayashi, as the winner, am arrogant on the commanding heights of victory. You are the one who can be arrogant just because of the victory, right? Hayato looked at it. Looking at Ramses II, he proudly pointed his thumb at himself and said, The one who laughs last is not you, an outdated pharaoh, but me, Hayato Kobayashi!

Tsk, I can't refute it. Even I can only admit that what you said, 'How can I be a king if I don't have a slow heart?' has some truth. Hayato's words can be said to be a killing blow, and directly pointed out the deepest feelings in Ramesses II's heart. Mind, after all, the two of them are too similar. Knowing what is in one's own mind also means knowing what is in the other person's mind.

It is also because of this that Hayabusa and Ramses II are always so incompatible with each other. I am afraid it would be the same for anyone else. It is difficult to treat someone who knows all of his thoughts, and who just scolds the other person is almost the same as scolding himself. Guys like it.

There was no way to refute Hayato, and he couldn't bear to see Hayato's arrogant expression after winning the duel. Ramesses II was indeed an outstanding military strategist who won the battle of Kadesh during his lifetime, so he decisively chose tactics to change the subject to someone else. Among them, the first person to bear the brunt was the only human on this Dark Night Sun Ship except Kobayashi Hayato - Marufuji Ryo who was watching the whole battle.

Gratefully worship me, the person of Shimmer. Not everyone can have the qualification to witness the duel ceremony in which the great Yu participated as a pharaoh, even if he was ungracefully prepared for the duel. It doesn't matter if the ceremony is noble or crazy, I agreed.

——It would be better to say that it doesn't matter if you lose your composure. It just attracts Hayato Kobayashi's attention away, so that he doesn't have to jump in front of you and ridicule him, and continue to be so arrogant.

This is indeed a very exciting duel. Whether it is the repeated resurrection of [Horus] or Principal Hayato's wonderful plan, it makes people excited... After hearing the words of Ramses II, Marufuji Liang also started to analyze the details of the duel as usual, rationally trying to sum up the experience and learn from it.

But after hearing what Ryo Marufuji said, Ramesses II raised his eyebrows and looked at Hayato and said, This is your student? Why are you still so stupid now?

Then you have to ask his teacher who accepted him as his disciple.

Hayato spread his hands with a helpless expression on his face. He is the king of duels, but not the king of words. It is okay to let him play cards, but education and psychological guidance are not his strengths. He wants to use the three years of school to reverse and correct the education that Ryo Marufuji has received in the past many years. There are still some difficulties. Anyway, two years have passed and Ryo Marufuji has always been the same Ryo Marufuji.

The saying It is important for a person to be self-aware means that people should know how much they weigh and not to overestimate their own abilities. However, if understood from another angle, it also means that it is difficult for people to see clearly what kind of person they are.

Respect and Dignity, Electronic Flow, Caesar, Perfection...etc., the things he learned later were wrapped in Marufuji's heart, arming him and making him gradually stronger and more powerful. Apart from being perfect, Marufuji is also gradually losing his ability to see clearly who he really is.

Just like at this moment, even though Marufuji Ryo witnessed the beginning and end of the duel between Hayato and Ramses II, he was subconsciously analyzing the duel with his rational thoughts because of the duel knowledge he had learned so far, just like a machine. .

There is no doubt that his habit can really help a person improve himself step by step, and fill in his shortcomings through a little bit of learning to get closer to perfection, but for a duelist, perfection is exactly the opposite. Enemy, just perfect is totally not enough.

When the arc is appropriate, the line can perfectly form a perfect circle. After that, as long as the perfect arc is maintained, the area of ​​the circle will continue to expand as the circumference increases.

However, the golden spiral extending according to the golden ratio is not a perfect arc that can form a circle, but it can continue to extend to infinity. However, when the duelist's vision is limited by limited perfection, his progress will be You can never break away from the frame. Only by entering infinity can duelists continue to become stronger.

Forget those boring things that no one will remember, Marufuji. Looking at Marufuji, Hayato, the principal of Duel Academy, said this, actively asking students to forget the knowledge they have learned, Don't think about it. , don't use your logic to think, but use your emotions to feel, what exactly did you 'see' from the duel.

Principal Hayato?

You heard me right, that's what I just meant. Seeing Ryo Marufuji's puzzled expression, Hayato replied as if he could read his mind, You just lost a duel with that guy once, don't you want to Find out where your shortcomings are and make yourself stronger? In that case, just like what I just said, give up thinking for the time being.

The more you think about 'giving up thinking', the less able you are to give up thinking. But this is the advice I can give you. Even if it feels outrageous, it doesn't matter if you can't do it. If you want to change If you are strong, just do as I say and 'give up thinking'.

This is my Lesson 1 - don't have any strange expectations from me.

In fact, before Hayato said these words, Marufuji Ryo did have some expectations for Hayato in his heart. He somewhat wanted Hayato to point out the shortcomings in his duel just now that could be improved. In that case, compared with The long detour of thinking about the shortcomings by yourself is undoubtedly a convenient shortcut.

But since Hayato said so, Marufuji Ryo naturally listened to Hayato's words and forced himself to stop analyzing and understanding the duel between Hayato and Ramses II just now with ordinary duel knowledge and logic.

Although the symbol of Electronic Flow [Electronic Dragon] is a mechanical monster, that does not mean that duelists of Electronic Flow will gradually move their thinking closer to cold machines in order to become stronger. On the contrary, it is because The true secret of electron flow comes from the starry sky. There is actually thinking in the philosophical field in the teaching of electron flow.

Although he has graduated from the Electron Flow a long time ago, perhaps because of his excessive talent, Ryo Marufuji's training time in the Electron Flow is much shorter than that of others, so that ordinary people have just finished the Electron Flow After that mechanically calm training, when he was just beginning to teach in-depth philosophical thinking, Ryo Marufuji had already obtained the graduation certificate of [Electronic Terminator Dragon].

Although he had never studied in the Electron Flow dojo, Hayato at this moment coincidentally began to teach Marufuji the unfinished philosophy, making him give up thinking and start to understand the pure duel itself.

What I have to say is that Ryo Marufuji does have quite outstanding abilities, not just in duels. When Hayato told him to give up thinking, when he recalled every bit of the duel between Hayato and Ramses II just now. In his first attempt, he actually managed to forget his rational analysis instinct extremely smoothly instead of suppressing it, and really felt the duel itself with pure instinct.

The yellow sand that constitutes the constantly resurrecting [Horus] monsters, the dark fire that spreads across the field, the summoning spell that communicates with other dimensions, and the shadows between life and death, many elements that appear in the duel come from Marufuji. Liang's mind flashed, and after a moment, he suddenly said with a slightly hesitant tone and uncertainty: The sun?

Huh? After hearing Marufuji Ryo's words, Ramses II looked at him with a hint of surprise.

Although there is no evidence, it's just a sudden feeling without reason. After a pause, Ryo Marufuji looked at Hayato and repeated his thoughts, The feeling that the duel just gave me was that of the sun, two suns. fighting.

Hearing Marufuji Ryo's words, Ramses II had no intention of covering up his thoughts at all. He immediately laughed and said: Hehe, hehe, hahahahahahaha, I originally thought I was a fool who was blinded by Yu's brilliance, although I am still a seer. People who are unclear about their own glimmer of light are not hopeless if they can recognize that I am the supreme sun.

Whether it is the [Horus] used by Ramses II who keeps jumping out of the cemetery, or the Shadow Cult Summons used by Hayato that are not very normal in terms of painting style, from the appearance point of view, there are It's quite like the underworld, and it doesn't look like a job that can be done in the upper world.

But this is just an appearance, an appearance that can be seen through rational thinking. When Marufuji gave up thinking and feeled as Hayato said, he really felt something deep hidden under the appearance.

Regardless of whether it is Hayato or Ramses II, the cards they use have not even the slightest impact on their respective spirits. It is like the attraction of a magnet is as insignificant in the face of the gravity of the sun. Hayato and Ramses enter the duel state. Sith II was like a blazing sun, unabashedly releasing all his light and heat.

Like the sun, they dueled with all their strength; like the sun, they dueled for victory.

The point is not an all-out duel. The focus of the duel between the two of them is victory. They don't use all their strength for an insignificant reason like go all out. The only reason for them to do this is victory.

After being defeated by Ramses II, Marufuji was shaken once again when he realized the real difference between Hayato and Ramses II and himself. I have always dueled to go all out, but I won because of go all out. But Hayato and the others only dueled for victory and then went all out for victory.

They seem to be the same, but fundamentally there are irreconcilable differences between the two. At the same time, what shakes Marufuji the most is that he has a vague yearning for the other side, not for the sake of going all out and winning. Do you want to duel, but do you want to fight with all your strength for victory?


Ramses II was not interested in Ryo Marufuji, who was vaguely aware of his own inner feelings. Although the other party allowed him to take one more look, that was all. Ryo Marufuji, who only vaguely understood his own nature, was not let go by him. The only qualification he has in his mind is to attract Hayato's attention.

Although I lost to you, I still enjoyed my trip to this world. Ignoring Hayato's complaint of What kind of loser are you? Ramses II said, But it is precisely because there are sunrises and sunsets, Only then will the brilliance of the sun become precious, and next time I will return from the underworld like lightning.

And by then, you will no longer be able to hold on to victory, Hayato Kobayashi, take advantage of this last afterglow to finally savor the hard-won victory that you will never be able to touch again, hahahahaha!

That's nice to say. You seemed to have said similar words last year after you were defeated and before you ran away in disgrace. Hayato complained, glancing at another golden spaceship in the distance, Having said that, I suddenly remembered that you You didn’t wantonly expose that silly lie?”

The secrets under the yellow sand will one day be made public, let alone flimsy lies? Ramses II shrugged, Besides, who doesn't have a few loyal but stupid ministers? I don't like that. A nasty guy who sees other people’s tragedies.”

Huh? What's your look like? Do you want to fight? Hayato noticed that Ramses II was actually looking at him when he spoke, completely refusing to admit that he was the bad fun-loving person who likes to watch other people's tragedies. Said unhappily.

Unexpectedly, Ramses II did not give Hayato a chance at all. He suddenly waved his hand with a wicked smile: This is the moment!

The golden golden spaceship suddenly disappeared. Hayato and Ryo Marufuji, who had lost their foothold, suddenly fell towards the ground below. The proud voice of Ramses II, whose body dissipated and returned to the underworld in the air, came: You have been fooled. , Hayato Kobayashi, this is Yu’s revenge route!”

Although you will never be thrown to death, you have lost your composure and can no longer maintain the arrogance of a winner. In the end, Ozymandias still has the upper hand!

You are no match for me in terms of resourcefulness. It is not you, Hayato Kobayashi, who laughs in the end -

Ko No Ozymandias!

This year we have lip-syncing and fake paintings

Only you are so real

Just you, my friends

You don't have a holiday

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