Holding one hand on the trunk and stepping on the branches under his feet, Hayato stood on an ancient tree and looked at the jungle in the distance. In the dense jungle, a large vacancy and land pushed to both sides suddenly appeared.

The clearing stretched from the woods to the edge of the cliff, and at the end was an object that could vaguely be seen as having been a jet, but now could only be called a plane wreckage.

If that guy Kaiba sees what I did to his jet like this, I'm afraid he will be so angry that he wants to kill someone. Hayato muttered to himself, imagining what Kaiba's expression would be like when he saw the scene in front of him. But what is certain is that he will never look good.

After a pause, Hayato changed his words in seconds, No, since I hurried back to the island on Kaiba's jet because of that old Kagemaru, then the root cause of the jet crash definitely lies with him.

Hey, you actually broke the jet Kaiba lent me. That's unforgivable, Kagemaru!

From Doshino City to Duel Academy Island, it wouldn't take long at the speed of the jet produced by Kaiba Corporation to get Hayato to the island. According to the expected plan, Hayato could have arrived on Anasis's ship The Seven Stars would have rushed back to Duel Academy Island within an hour of arriving on the island - if nothing else happened.

But as expected, the accident happened.

I don't know whether the aircraft driving skills Hayato learned at the Hawaii Training Course in Doshino City are not suitable for the jets manufactured by the Kaiba Group, or whether he got the characteristics of the vehicle killer from somewhere and followed him. The jet's compatibility was extremely poor. In short, it was clearly a jet that had been inspected by Kaiba Group's technicians before departure. When Hayato drove it to the sea near Duel Academy, the automatic flight control suddenly failed.

Even if Hayato immediately switched it to manual mode, it was of no use. Hayato could only watch as the jet's engine stopped running and he fell with the plane. The only good thing is that even though Kaiba likes digital very much, he still chose a mechanical structure on the ejection seat so that the escape system did not lose control along with the flight system. Hayato still managed to escape from the plane at the critical moment. .

Although there was another accident in which the parachute bag malfunctioned and the parachute could not be opened, for a duelist who can even do an oxygen-free duel in outer space and jump out of a plane without protection is a piece of cake, not to mention Hayato. But there are elves who can fly to help.

Shortly after the plane crashed in an uninhabited area and plowed out a long stretch of wasteland, Hayato also successfully landed on an isolated island not far from Duel Academy Island. It took him a lot of time to land on the island again and confirm his location after climbing up. While taking the position, I saw the downed plane.

The good news is that the plane traveled a short distance on the ground and then fell into the beach. Although it broke many trees along the way, at least there was no need to worry about forest fires caused by the crash. But the bad news is that because he jumped off the plane in a hurry, Hayato didn't bring a mobile phone or any other device with him, so now he has temporarily lost the way to contact others - of course, for a duelist, a mobile phone is not necessary. But Hayato still brought his duel disk, and the deck was well kept in the warehouse.

Just when Hayato was slightly distressed that he couldn't contact other people, he suddenly heard a sound that seemed to be a phone ringing from the duel disk he was wearing. At the same time, among several buttons on the side of the duel disk, One of them was bright and flashing.

What kind of throwing tiles is this? He murmured doubtfully, Hayato pressed the flashing button and saw that the duel disk unfolded on its own without putting any cards in it or connecting it to other equipment. .

The virtual projection system that had been integrated with the duel disk was turned on, and Kaiba's face was actually projected in front of Hayato?

Hmph, are you really not dead, Hayato Kobayashi? Seeing Hayato turning on the virtual projection system, Kaiba's projection was slightly further away, revealing Kaiba with his arms folded across his chest and a calm look on his face, I detected an accident on one of the company's planes and thought you were going to be killed. It's a pity to see you are fine now.

After all, if something happens to you, I will be the strongest in the world.

Eh~ But brother, didn't you just say, 'Don't even think about escaping before I defeat you', and then anxiously asked people to find Hayato-nii? Although Keppei's image did not appear in Hayato's eyes, In front of me, but his voice rang out, Now 'Tired' has no market for a long time——

You talk too much, Keihei! Kaiba made a gesture of pushing someone away. He glanced at Hayato unhappily and looked away. Then, he who was supposed to be just an image seemed to actually see the scene in front of Hayato. , raised his eyebrows and said, The plane crashed? What happened?

Can you actually see this side, Seth? Hayato raised the duel disk with one hand to level it, while still supporting the tree trunk on the side with the other hand, If you ask me, who should I ask? I think I can fly well in the sky. It suddenly malfunctioned and crashed. I haven’t asked you what happened to your plane. Could it be that except for your own [Blue Eyes Jet Dragon], all the other jets are inferior products?

Idiot, Kaiba Group's science and technology is number one in the world! Are you underestimating the quality of Kaiba Group's products? Hearing Hayato's words, Kaiba said with some dissatisfaction, Maybe it was your careless operation on the jet that caused the crash. of.

Tsk, put aside the facts, don't you, the one who manufactures the aircraft, bear even 99% of the responsibility? Hayato said that he would never stick to the pot, and immediately used a set of boxing tactics.

Without waiting for Kaiba to retort, Hayato immediately changed the subject and said, Then again, what's going on with this 'phone'? Why don't I remember that my duel disk also has this call function?

Ah, I did this. Last time, Hayato-san, you asked me to upgrade the equipment. Hearing Hayato mention the call function, Keppei's head came out and pushed the image of Kaiba away, and raised his hand with a smile. Qishe said, Because Brother Hayato, you can always attract some special situations to happen around you, and you have even disappeared because of it, so...

So I put a dyed jade on my duel plate, right?


Keppei's image disappeared and seemed to run away from the device that communicated with Hayato's duel disk. Looking at Kaiba who reappeared, Hayato said: Forget it, I don't care about this, but Seth, since My duel disk has a communication function, so why don't you send me an instruction manual so I can use it to contact other people.

My cell phone also crashed into the ocean with your jet. It's really unlucky.

But after hearing Hayato's words, Kaiba shook his head: Humph, I can't do it.

If you can't do it, you'll suffer - Hayato, who almost said it smoothly, paused, then changed his words, What does 'can't do' mean?

It means literally. When did I say this is a communication device? In principle, Keppei just installed a device on your duel disk that can project a specific image. He relies on it to locate you. At present, the data transmission chip in every duel disk is carried out, but your duel disk has been specially marked. Kaiba said proudly, As for the basis of the dialogue, I rely on you to Real-time information collected on the Duel Disk.”

In other words, the actual 'call' should be split into the peripheral information collected in real time by the Duel Disk, including my voice, and the images transmitted in real time after you receive the information? What kind of transmission technology is this? , the delay is really ridiculously low. Hayato said, suddenly thought of something, and said, By the way, you just said that every duel disk has a data transmission chip?

That means that the data of every duel using the Kaiba Group's duel disk will be transmitted to you in real time, Seth, right?

Hearing Hayato's words, Kaiba nodded: Why are you asking this? Didn't you know about this before?

I mean, since you can locate my position, you should also be able to locate the duels going on around me, right? Hayato used his amazing wisdom and said, I am probably here right now. Lost in a forest, but as long as you can detect the duel going on around me—

Then, can you deduce the direction of the ongoing duel and use it as your direction? Kaiba quickly understood what Hayato meant and said the second half of his unfinished sentence.

Hayato looked at Kaiba's image: So?

Haima raised his chin proudly and said, I really can't do anything about you. Since you are begging for my help, I will show you the power of Haima Group's technology.

He stretched out his hand and pressed a few buttons on something. The image of Kaiba disappeared and was replaced by an arrow that appeared in front of Hayato, rotating in sync with Hayato's left and right movements.

This arrow represents you. You don't need me to teach you the basic direction of identification, right? As Kaiba's voice sounded, a large white dot suddenly appeared next to the arrow in front of Hayato, but there were also a lot of white dots. The dot disappeared quickly, First import all the detected data, then perform a simple filtering, and finally the one closest to you is...

In the blink of an eye, only the last two white dots appeared in the virtual projection, which were roughly at the nine o'clock direction of the arrow representing Hayato. Kaiba's voice came: Okay, I have seen what you want. Is it something? But I need to remind you that the data of the two duels I detected here is a bit abnormal.

The abnormal thing is that although I can detect that one of the two duels is using the Duel Academy standard duel disk, and I can also recognize the cards they use normally, the opponent's duel disk that is connected to their duel disk and All data on the used card is in an unrecognizable state.

It's not that it can't be detected, but it can't be identified? Hayato nodded towards the virtual image. He knew that Kaiba should be able to see it. I see, I completely understand. Anyway, thanks, Seth.

When Kaiba complained What did you understand?, Hayato ended the conversation with Kaiba, stepped on the branches in the forest and began to move in a ninja style, moving towards the two ongoing duels that Kaiba pointed out for him. past.

Moving the perspective to the front of Hayato, the coordinates where the duel was detected by Kaiba happened to be not far from the open space where Tanya and Misawa had a duel. But at this moment, low in the sky above the nearby forest, there was a ship that looked like a bird or a fish, hovering above the earth against gravity, emitting golden light.

And on that ship, a man wearing the costume of an ancient Egyptian priest was wearing a gold gladiatorial disk and dueling with the people on the opposite side. Who was that man if he wasn't Misawa?

He just won a battle, but because he realized that he fell in love with Tanya, and discovered that Tanya's true identity was actually a tiger and that she had left the human world and returned to the elf world, Misawa's mood changed due to successive changes. Very good, but under such circumstances, he who left with Maeda Hayato was suddenly attacked by the person in front of him!

As for why we put quotation marks around people?

Due to the existence of [Skill Extraction], all the effects of your monsters are in a state of invalidation, and the double monsters completely become normal monsters under the influence of this effect. Gu, wearing a golden fighting plate The Egyptian priest said, Since your turn is over, it's my turn. This turn I will end the game - ah, sorry, I dropped my hand.

Because the movement of raising his arm when preparing to draw the cards was so big that the joint connecting the priest's arm and shoulder was directly loosened, and the skinny right arm fell directly to the ground. Seeing this scene, that However, the ancient Egyptian priest just scratched his head, picked up his arm with some embarrassment and stuffed it at the joint. The fallen arm was reattached to his body.

Because he was dueling with him, Misawa could see very clearly that the other person's face was not a normal human face at all, but as dry and thin as those mummies on display in museums that collect Egyptian cultural relics. skinny.

The person he was dueling with was simply a mummy that had died long ago but was now inexplicably resurrected. He was still able to communicate like a normal person and could even duel with him!

And more importantly, Misawa discovered that although the deck used by the opponent was only at an average level in strength and the combination of cards was just that, the opponent could always come up with some cards aimed at him to restrain him before he had time to fight with the tower. When I adjusted my deck after Nia's duel, it was as if the opponent had watched the duel between me and Tanya from beginning to end and then put the cards in a targeted manner!

Although Misawa is not defeated due to such reasons, it is still a bit troublesome to deal with such an opponent. He also feels that those who have been fully investigated and adjusted their decks in the past are in conflict with him. During a duel, it feels so uncomfortable to feel that every plan is clearly calculated.

Moreover, even if he defeated the mummy in front of him, it didn't mean he could relax. Thinking of this, Misawa couldn't help but move his eyes away from the mummy priest in front of him, and looked at the dead dressed as ancient Egyptian priests who were also standing on the spaceship at his feet, and at the throne in the center of the spaceship after the undead. , sitting upright was a man who was dressed noble and even had a living body instead of the decayed body like other dead people.

‘Abydos III, the name of the man mentioned by these ‘people’ just now is Abydos III, and I remember seeing this name in the textbook when I was previewing it. He was a powerful pharaoh in ancient Egypt. He even achieved victory in every battle and was said to be undefeated in the ancient Egyptian duel ceremony using stone slabs, which was the prototype of the duel monster game. ’

Cold sweat broke out on Misawa's forehead, Even if he defeated the priest in front of him and gained the qualification to duel with the pharaoh, if he didn't retain his strength, he would be easily defeated because he saw through the entire strategy. This is a priest who was defeated by the pharaoh. It's a bit difficult to duel. It's really a problem. ’

'However, I will never allow myself to lose in the dark game before seeing Tanya again! 'Thinking that as long as he works hard to become better, he might one day be able to meet Tanya again, Misawa's eyes became sharp again, he looked at the priest opposite and said: If you can do it, then let go. come on!

But I will not lose to you, in my name, Misawa Earth!

Misawa's words were very powerful, but he didn't know that if he hadn't been dead, the priest opposite him would have been sweating profusely.

‘How come today’s young people are so passionate? How many times have I given him hints? Didn’t he understand the look in my eyes, even though I no longer have eyes? ’

'To test the strength of modern people for the noble Pharaoh Abydos III, so as to prevent the other party's weak strength from boring the Pharaoh. I finally came up with this reason. If this young man defeats me, it will be in vain. Think about it? ’

‘Pharaoh Abydos III was defeated or something like that. We don’t want that kind of thing. We have to wait until at least three thousand years later~’

While sweating profusely on a psychological level, the priest mummy glanced not far away again, feeling a little lucky.

‘After discovering two modern duellists, the Pharaoh hurriedly brought them to the Dark Night Sun Boat, but we priests could only hold back one person at most. Fortunately, the pharaoh also came here because he was interested in the human world, and he also helped us share the pressure of the obviously stronger person. ’

Thinking of the human in blue clothes, he vaguely heard the arrogant and flamboyant laughter coming from the distance, and the priest cursed again: It's just that the laughter is too noisy, and it doesn't feel as good as Lord Abydos III. ’

I bought three boxes of Tw01. The first two boxes each contained a fragment, Ice Barrier Crest and Void Dream Painting. The third box has not been opened yet but I am already satisfied.

Unilaterally declare that tw01 is a god box

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