Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 86 The challenge of the real red eye

Chapter 1140 The challenge of the real red eye

A true duelist can create his own destiny and the future! Judai said with a serious face, And this is the future that I have opened up!


The wooden stick in his hand fell as Judai loosened his fingers and pointed in a random direction. Judai immediately said with certainty: Okay! Let's go in this direction!

Beside Judai, Asuka had no doubt whether Judai's seemingly childish way of finding the way would be able to find Sho Marufuji, who suddenly disappeared, because she knew that although Judai had a certain degree of road-crazy attributes, he had inexplicable strength. Luck will always take him on the right path.

Judai in another world accidentally lost the ability to communicate with card spirits and even see duel monster cards due to the influence of dark power in a duel. While relaxing in the jungle, he accidentally lost his way and left. The academy went further and further, but as a result, he found a new partner and regained his original abilities.

And even in this world where the time for that thing to happen has not yet come, although Asuka does not know that thing that has not happened yet, she heard Judai talk about one time in school when Judai was not familiar with the campus. I accidentally got lost and happened to meet Aunt Domei who was in need of help at the canteen.

Judai who helped Aunt Tami without hesitation, although he was almost late for class, unexpectedly received a gift in return at noon that day - that day was the day when the Duel Academy store was restocking, and the canteen received many card packs from overseas. There were also many newly launched card packs, but those new card packs were so popular that they were quickly sold out. However, Aunt Dome specially left a pack for Judai as a gift for him.

Then in the afternoon of the same day, during the duel practice that was held every week, when Wan Zhangmuzhun, who had bought a bunch of new cards, took out [Giant Dragon - Shining], [Dragon Paladin] and other cards, Judai also used the cards he drew from the card pack, such as [Thousands of Searches] and [Separation of Heroes], to create a beautiful counterattack.

The gifts he received from helping others came in handy when he encountered troubles later. Even the good-luck protagonists in clichéd hero novels didn’t have such outrageous luck. One day Judai simply printed a card out of thin air. Well, I'm afraid Asuka won't be surprised.

No, no more than five minutes after Marufuji Sho disappeared, as Judai and Asuka moved about a hundred meters along the direction chosen by Judai at random, the half of the stone plate on Judai's chest suddenly glowed purple.

This is!?

Asuka looked at the strange stone plate on Judai's chest in puzzlement. Judai also looked at the stone plate on his chest and remembered that not long ago, in the King's Relic of the [Tomb Keeper] clan, this What the [Elder who guards the tomb] once said was that he gave half of the stone plate to him.

[The elders guarding the tomb] said that only three people, including me, successfully passed the trial of the King's Ruins they guarded. However, the first person who successfully passed was said to have no regard for the rewards of the trial at all. [The elders guarding the tomb] They are not qualified to award that person.”

Looking at half of the stone plate, Judai continued, And another person besides me also got half of the stone plate. It is said that this stone plate can play a passive role when I participate in the dark game. In addition, the two separated stone plates can also echo each other.

In other words, Judai, did your half of the stone plate sense the existence of the other half of the stone plate? I remember that the woman named Camula once said that the person wearing the mask looks a bit like me. , there is also a stone plate.”

Could he be my brother... Asuka took a deep breath and said seriously, It seems that we are really getting closer to each other. It is possible that the missing Marufuji is with him. Hurry up, Judai!

Um, um, I think that may not be necessary? Judai's voice was slightly hesitant. He pointed at a finger that was flickering on and off like a breathing light just now, but now it was like a car's high beam. Half of the stone plate is always on, and the purple light it emits gradually becomes dazzling. Look at this sign, the other party has also discovered us, and is approaching us.

The light shone brighter and brighter, even taking away the sight of Judai and Asuka, forcing them to close their eyes to avoid the strong light. It was not until they felt that the light had weakened slightly that they opened their eyes again. .

However, they discovered that the two of them, who were still in the jungle, actually moved from their original location to a new place during the time they closed their eyes. Although it was the first time they came here, they could not help but notice from the surrounding rock walls and Judging from the lava surging beneath our feet, it is very likely that this is the crater on Duel Academy Island that has been smoking for many years but never erupts!

When he noticed the magma under his feet, Judai's body moved subconsciously, trying to block Asuka to protect his important friend. However, after the two moved here, they only fell less than a few meters. Suddenly, A strange translucent barrier suddenly appeared, catching the two of them and stopping them from falling.

Climbing up from the side of Judai, Asuka pretended to be calm and said: C-could this be a volcano crater? Why did we suddenly appear here? In short, it's lucky that this layer of things caught us, otherwise we would have fallen into the magma. If you go, it will be all over.

Yes, we are really saved. But even so, we seem to be a little too close to the magma. Asuka, your face is red from the heat. Judai also stood up, opened his coat and fanned his collar to create Listening to the breeze that was better than nothing, he looked around at the same time.

Judai could still figure out that half of the stone plate was glowing before. It was just the two stone plates interacting with each other. Mr. Hayato's words would probably include something like Do you believe in gravity? However, space transfer is difficult for Judai to understand.

And it wasn't just him and Asuka. Judai soon noticed that not far ahead, a man wearing a long black trench coat had his back to the two of them.

Could it be said that that person's dress is the Seven Stars that Xiang mentioned before? Is it possible that the other party did it to get me transferred here?

I see. In addition to protecting the user from dark forces, does this stone plate also have such an ability? The man in black trench coat turned around and revealed half of the stone plate on his chest, which was similar to Judai's style. They are not exactly the same, but they fit together perfectly to form a complete piece. At the same time, what is exposed is a half-face mask with sharp edges on the other person's face.

Who is this guy! Asuka looked at the man with only his chin exposed, and looked directly at the scarlet eyes exposed in the holes in the man's mask. He also recovered from his shyness and asked the man, Will Are you the one we brought here?

And Xiang! Was he kidnapped by you? Judai also said from the side.

Looking away from the stone plate on Judai's chest, when he saw Asuka's face, the man was stunned and continued: Although this is the first time I know the power of two stone plates combined, but It seems that my compatibility with darkness is stronger, so I successfully intervened during the space transfer. Theoretically, it was me who brought you here.

As for 'Xiang'? I've never heard of that name, but I did kidnap your companions. He raised his hand and pointed to the side casually, and the man said, Right there!

Looking in the direction pointed by the man, Judai and Asuka saw a raised rock above the rolling magma. There were three claw-like pillars on it holding a spherical energy shield, which looked similar to The barriers under the feet of Judai, Asuka and the man in the trench coat were exactly the same, and they all had the power to isolate magma.

And in the sphere, Sho Marufuji, who was still bound with his hands and feet and a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth, looked at Judai with tearful eyes, as if shouting to him, Come and save me, big brother.

Sho! Judai was quite nervous when he saw Marufuji Sho being imprisoned in the sphere, especially when he saw the magma rolling like waves hitting the sphere. But after seeing After the magma receded, he found Sho Marufuji safe and sound. He breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the man in the trench coat again and said, You despicable guy, Sho has nothing to do with the 'Seven Spirits Seal'!

Is that so? But there are three reasons why I placed that brat there. The first is naturally to make him a bet and force you who hold the key to the 'Seven Spirits Seal' to have to duel with me. The second is to Use him who is always in danger to distract you from the duel. After a pause, the man in the trench coat continued, The third point is because I hate that guy a little bit, so I kidnap an annoying person and let him He's in danger and doesn't need a reason.

Don't ask why he has a bad feeling for a kid he's never met who doesn't look like a high school student. Does that kind of thing need a reason? The woman opposite him looked familiar, but when he tried to remember, his head felt a little uncomfortable, but it didn't matter if he couldn't remember. Anyway, his purpose was clear from beginning to end.

Although it was the guidance of this stone plate that led me to you, it's all the same to me. All I want is the key to the 'Seven Spirits Seal' you have. He raised his left hand and inserted it. The duel disk of the deck unfolded on its own, and the man in black trench coat said coldly, I am a member of the 'Seven Stars', named Darkness. Come bet your keys and play dark games with me!

Is it really a dark game? Asuka looked at the chin exposed under the Darkness mask, but even she couldn't identify people by their chin. After all, Darkness's chin was not as distinctive as Professor Chronos's. After hearing what Darkness said, she took a step forward without hesitation and said, Okay, then let me be your opponent.

But if I win, I want you to take off the mask from your face!

Seeing Asuka standing up, Darkness frowned subconsciously, since he didn't want to duel with Asuka. It wasn't because of fear or anything. Darkness himself couldn't tell what that strange feeling was.

After a moment of hesitation, he said: A duel? Of course, but the kid over there can't wait for your duel to end. Although it is protected in a light shield, the protective wall will disappear over time. so--

Pointing at Judai, Darkness said: -Yushidai Judai, my first opponent is you, so I just need to take away the key to the first 'Seven Spirits Seal' from your hand. And this The magma pool in the crater is a gorgeous stage for you and me to duel, and it is also a burial ground prepared for you - after I take away your key.

You actually refused my duel? When Asuka heard Darkness's words, especially the words gorgeous stage, she looked at Darkness with increasing suspicion, but there was no evidence and she just had an inexplicable intuition. There was a lot to say, but he just made some room for Judai, looked at Judai who took out the deck and unfolded the duel plate and said, Although I am reluctant, I ask you to defeat that person, Judai.

Leave it to me, Asuka. Nodding, Judai took a step forward, glanced at Marufuji Sho in the magma pool, then looked at Darkness opposite, and said, Come here, Darkness!

Hmph, are you still so brave to face the dark game? Don't blame me for not reminding you. The soul of the party who loses the duel will be sealed into the card in my hand. He took out a card in his hand. The card was different from the blank monster card that Hayato had seen before Judai. Although the border of that card was the brown color of a monster card, the center area was not white but completely black. It looked quite strange. Danger.

The key to the 'Seven Spirits Seal', Xiang's life, my soul, there are too many things at stake in this duel. I have never liked duels with such a heavy burden. Judai curled his lips, but Not affected by Darkness' words at all, he said seriously, But I will win this duel, rescue Xiang, protect the key, and take away your mask, Darkness!

Looking at each other, Judai and Darkness waved their hands on top of the deck at the same time and shouted in unison:


[Darkness: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Ten generations: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Although he was not at a disadvantage in terms of momentum, Judai drew cards a little later than Darkness. Although the two drew the five starting cards at almost the same time, Darkness opened his hand like a folding fan. He is generally casual and skillful, so that when Judai was still adjusting his hand, Darkness had already confirmed his hand and took the initiative!

Let's start the duel from my side. I'll also give you a chance to attack my monsters. Otherwise, I'm worried that your soul will be swallowed by the magma without even having a chance to attack. Sneered, Darkness drew a card and said, First attack is with me, my turn, draw a card!

It’s legendary, 10join Fubuki, makes a majestic appearance!

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