Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 82: Growth Stage, Maturity Stage, Complete Body, Ultimate Body (Really

Send this card in my fusion deck - [Amazon Empress] to the graveyard, and use it together with [Amazon Pet Tiger] in my hand as the fusion material for the [Amazon] fusion monster. I use magic cards , [Fusion]!”

Looking at the [Amazon Empress] card in her hand rather nostalgically, Tanya sent it to the cemetery. She didn't notice the figure behind her that appeared for a moment but then quickly disappeared. She looked up and looked ahead. He waved his hand and said:

Empress of the dense forest, absorb the power of the brave tiger cubs and build an empire to rule all! This is the end of [Amazon]'s glory and splendor, let's begin the final celebration!

Show up, level 10☆! Fusion Summon!

[Amazon Empress]!

【Amazon Empress】【10☆/land】



The skeleton has a pair of powerful-looking long horns, pointing high into the sky, as if to advertise its power, and the thick and long fangs connected to its upper jaw prove that it is not a vegetarian. , but a ferocious beast that uses long horns and sharp fangs to fight for prey. However, only one fang of such a ferocious beast is left, and the other fang has been broken by Qi Gen. Even the beast's head has been cut off and used as a helmet to set off the power of others. spoils of war.

The clothes on her body are exactly the same as those of other [Amazon], and they are not too different from other tribesmen because of her identity. The helmet and shoulder armor of [Amazon Empress] once threatened the tribe but have been killed by it. A ferocious beast, she held an exaggeratedly huge sword on the ground and stood in front of Tanya.

And she is also the most special of the duel monsters Tanya has used so far, not because she is the highest level or the only humanoid fusion monster to appear, but because she is not like other [Amazon] 】The monster appears outside the field and then joins the duel at Tanya's call. Whether it is her fusion material [Amazon Empress] or herself, they appear directly on the field after the duel monster card is played.

This is of course normal in ordinary duels. Even duelists with awakened elves in other cards will have their monsters appear from the cards during the duel, but Tanya clearly knows that all other monsters, Even inhuman [Amazon] monsters like the [Amazon Pet Tiger] have materialized. Why is it that only the [Amazon Empress], who sounds like she has the highest status in the [Amazon] tribe, has not materialized?

The doubts in Sanze's heart were not asked by him, and although he was indeed a little interested in things other than duels, he still cared more about duels. Compared with the specialness of [Amazon Empress], [Amazon Empress] itself was more worthy of three Ze pays attention.

Attack power, 3200 points, is already higher than the legendary [Blue Eyes White Dragon]! Seeing that there was still one card left in Tanya's hand, Misawa sighed, I didn't expect that there would be a fusion card from The group uses the ability to fuse materials, but when exactly is [Amazon’s Secret Technique]——

I see, [Lightning Vortex] was the card in your hand that was sent to the graveyard as the cost of the card activation?

The effect of [Amazon's Secret Technique] when used directly is a normal [Fusion] without additional abilities. When I have a [Fusion Recycling] in my hand that can be linked with the [Fusion] magic card, using it directly is undoubtedly the best option. A poor choice, besides, only one of its two effects can be used in a round. Tanya spread her hands, How to maximize the use of the card is also a kind of wisdom.

[Amazonian Queen]... After looking at [Amazonian Queen] who was not as agile as other [Amazon] monsters and just stood in front of her like an ordinary image, Tanya paused. He continued, ...When her fusion summon is successful, there is an effect that can be activated to special summon an [Amazon] monster from my deck.

I special summon [Amazonian Princess] in attack position, and activate the effect when she is specially summoned. I add an [Amazonian] magic and trap card from the deck to my hand, and I choose [Amazonian Curse]. At the same time, When the [Amazon] monster is successfully Special Summoned, activate the effect of [Amazon Tiger] in my graveyard and Special Summon it on my field!

【Amazon Princess】【3☆/land】



【Amazon Pet Tiger】【2☆/Land】



After Tanya put down the card, [Amazon Princess] came to the field, once again showing the difference of [Amazon Empress], and at the same time, a cute tiger cub appeared next to her, clinging to it. beside.

Two monsters were added in the blink of an eye? Misawa was not surprised why Tanya only specially summoned [Amazon Pet Tiger], which had been available for a long time, just to be wary of the remaining monsters in her backcourt. The first cover card will be a card like [falling into the hole].

——In the past, Misawa might not have paid much attention to summoning pits such as [falling holes], but after the recent duels with Judai, he had already changed his mind. Anyone who eats summoning pits four or five times in a duel will have a better memory. After the most brutal duel, Misawa almost hallucinated Judai's voice Open the trap card when he opened the bed at night.

Tanya could already use [Amazon Pet Tiger] as a fusion material when [Amazon Tiger and Lion King] was fusion summoned before, but at that time, she was probably afraid that a single summoning pit would trap all her monsters. [Amazon Pet Tiger], but after the special summons of three [Amazon] monsters in succession, Tanya has probably ruled out the possibility that that card is a summoning trap.

As long as [Amazon Pet Tiger] exists on the field or in the graveyard, the card name will be used as [Amazon Pet Tiger], and its attack power will be increased by the number of [Amazon] monsters in my graveyard x 100 points. Tanya explained [ The effect of Amazon Pet Tiger], There are [Amazon Pet Tiger], [Amazon Empress] and [Amazon Warrior Chief] three-body monster in my graveyard, so its attack power increases by 300 points.

After a pause, Tanya, who had just used the effect of [Amazon Princess] to add [Amazon Cursor] to her hand, immediately played it and said: Then, the normal magic card [Amazon Cursor] is activated. Next, I can exchange the original attack power of a monster from both sides until the end of the round.

(Although it is called Curse Master, it is not a monster card but a magic card)

I chose [Amazon Pet Tiger] and [Dark Storm Dragon] to exchange their original attack power!

Behind Tanya, Misawa saw the engraved runes from the previous use of [Amazon's Secret Technique] reappearing in the air, and this time Misawa clearly saw that the person controlling those runes was a skinny, short old man. , although due to her old age, she cannot go out hunting and fighting like other young Amazons, but the secret techniques she masters can bring out the same or even stronger power of the younger tribesmen, and can be used in a variety of ways.

In addition to previously assisting [Fusion] in summoning [Amazon Empress], the runes of [Amazon Curse Master] at this moment were accurately applied to [Dark Storm Dragon] and [Amazon Pet Tiger] on the Misawa field. The next moment, Sanze saw the [Dark Storm Dragon] on his field looking sluggish, while the [Amazon Pet Tiger] instantly became energetic.

【Dark Storm Dragon】【ATK2700→ATK500】

[Amazon Pet Tiger][ATK800→ATK2700]

After the attack power was exchanged, the original attack power of [Amazon Pet Tiger Tiger], which was less than 1500 points used to distinguish whether it is a miscellaneous fish monster, suddenly increased to 2700 points in the blink of an eye. Even though it is a cub, it is stronger than an adult tiger. It will come even more fiercely;

On the other hand, [Dark Storm Dragon], [Amazon Curse Master] exchanged original attack power instead of attack power. Its attack power was changed to a mere 500 points, and its offensive and defensive power was different!

The effect of [Amazon Queen] allows you to summon any high-level, high-attack [Amazon] monster from the deck, but the reason why Tanya finally chose [Amazon Queen] is because she knew that with the help of magic cards, The [Amazonians] are capable of exerting more powerful combat power than the pure strength of the monsters. After all, courage without wisdom is just recklessness.

Looking at the monsters on Misawa's field, Tanya smiled and declared without changing her face: Although you have laid quite a lot of monsters on the field, it's a pity, Misawa-kun, your monsters are in [Amazon] 】The tribe will only disappear like snowflakes in front of me.

Entering the combat stage, I use [Amazon Pet Tiger] to attack [Giant Plant]!

Use [Amazon Pet Tiger] to attack [Giant Plant]!

As a level 6☆ dual monster, [Giant Plant], in addition to the resuscitation effect that does not have a limit of one card name per turn when it is dual summoned, its 2400 attack points are not as good as the standard 2500 points of the protagonist's ace. It has attack power, but it can still compete with [True Red-Eyes Black Dragon], which is also good at repeatedly jumping from the graveyard to the field.

However, these 2400 points of attack power are not enough in front of the 2700 points of attack power stolen from [Dark Storm Dragon] of [Amazon Pet Tiger]. The tiger roared in the forest with a oooo, and [Amazon Pet Tiger] seemed to be acting like a spoiled child. He normally rushed towards a [giant plant], but it caused great damage. The thick [giant plant] was actually interrupted by a blow from the seemingly immature tiger claws, and collapsed!

[Misawa Land: 4000→3700LP]

After the duel began, Misawa received battle damage for the first time, but this was just the beginning. As Tanya's other monsters attacked, he would be hurt again and again.

But before Tanya issued the second declaration of attack, Misawa raised his own doubts: Why couldn't I activate Gaika just now?

The other cover card on his back field is indeed not a summoning pit, but a classic attack pit [Magic Barrel], which can invalidate the attack of a monster and then inflict damage to the opponent's attacking monster's attack power. When dealing with monsters with high attack power, It is extremely useful when attacking monsters, and a legitimate defense player may miss and kill the opponent on the spot.

Just now, Misawa had pressed the button to activate Gaika and wanted to activate the [Magic Barrel]. He planned to explain what he had just activated when Tanya was confused about the sudden failed attack and the damage she had received. [Magic Barrel] Just to be cool, I obviously pressed the button, but the Gaika on the field was motionless.

Why are you just looking, my Gaika! Have you betrayed me?

Gaika? I see, Misawa-kun, your Gaika was originally a card activated by the target. Did you just want to use my [Amazon Pet Tiger and Lion King] as the target? Tanya learned from Misawa. Qi Gaika got some information, squinted his eyes and smiled, But it's a pity. In the eyes of most people, animals and people cannot marry each other.

Making a joke with homophonic pronunciation, Tanya put her hand on the shoulder of the motionless [Amazon Empress] and said: I have to introduce to you the powerful second effect of [Amazon Empress], as long as [ Amazon Empress] exists in the monster area, and all [Amazon] monsters on my field except this card will not be targeted by the opponent's effects, and they will not be destroyed by the opponent's effects.

The attack power is higher than [Blue Eyes White Dragon], special summons any [Amazon] monster from the deck, and can also give all [Amazon] monsters except it Awesome resistance. What kind of cheating is this? You might as well say she can still punch two times in one round.

——By the way, to add her third effect, [Amazon Queen] with [Amazon Empress] or [Amazon Queen] as the fusion material can make two attacks in one combat phase.

I just thought to myself, you are really capable!

Complaining in his heart, Sanze looked at [Amazon Empress] and said, What a troublesome card.

'Yes, she is just a stubborn troublemaker who does meaningless and stupid things for herself. She said she wanted to protect everyone, but she failed to protect herself. ’ Tanya glanced at the [Amazon Empress] who was as motionless as a piece of wood, thinking in her mind, and sighed.

Then the next thing is [Amazon Princess], no, her card name is [Amazon Queen] while she is on the field. I will use her to attack [Dark Storm Dragon], whose attack power on your field becomes 500 points. , endure the pain a little bit, Misawa-kun. Tanya said, and added,

“Furthermore, when [Amazon Princess] declares an attack, her effect is activated, sending the [Amazon Pet Tiger] that has already attacked on my field to the graveyard, and removing an [Amazon] other than [Amazon Princess] from my deck. The monster is Special Summoned in Defense Position, and I Special Summon [Amazon Queen]!

In order to avoid becoming the opponent's breakthrough in the next round, Tanya's most efficient choice is to liberate the [Amazon Pet Tiger] that has already attacked. Anyway, it has already attacked and cannot continue fighting, so it is better to enter the cemetery to rest, and before The [Amazon Queen], which has always only existed in the description of the effect of Tanya's [Amazonian Queen] and has never appeared before, finally appeared on Tanya's field.

The Prince, the Queen, the [Amazon Empress] in Tanya's graveyard, and finally the [Amazon Empress] on the field, this evolutionary chain was finally completed at this moment. Wearing a skull mask covering one eye, the blue-haired [Amazon Queen] was unable to attack in this battle phase because she was in defense mode. She just used a long knife as a crutch and leaned on the ground. Sitting on his throne watching others fight.

【Amazon Queen】【6☆/land】



It's a pity that the special summoning effect of [Amazon Pet Tiger] can only be used once per round. Otherwise, Tanya actually wants to special summon it from the graveyard and fill her monster area. In that case Just like Misawa, he managed to fill the frontcourt with monsters in one turn.

The new addition of monsters does not affect the attack of [Amazon Princess] against [Dark Storm Dragon]. Although the former's attack power is only 1200 points, it is higher than the latter's current attack power of only 500 points.

With Tanya's cry of Spear of Death Thorns, the [Amazon Princess] holding the spear pierced the body composed of whirlwind of [Dark Storm Dragon], and the latter immediately dispersed. The air currents dissipated together in this void. Misawa also suffered battle damage and his base score dropped again, but Tanya did not notice the corners of his mouth raised.

[Misawa: 3700→3000LP]

——Then, just where the [Dark Storm Dragon] left, a pair of scissors with a strange shape suddenly appeared after the storm dispersed? (End of chapter)

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