Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 79 Giant Ultimate Plant (No)

Tanya followed closely behind Misawa and pushed the deck into the card slot of the duel plate. The duel plate decorated with animal skins that looked quite luxurious was not as original as it seemed, and it was also similar to the academy used by Misawa. The deck was automatically shuffled like a standard duel disk, and then Tanya also drew five initial cards from her hand.

[Tanya: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

I get the first strike. It's my turn to draw cards! At the same time that Tanya drew five cards from her hand, Misawa took the first strike, which made Tanya not even draw the cards from her hand. Look, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Misawa who was waiting on the opposite field and said, It's really strange. In the last round, I clearly witnessed the OTK tactics I executed when the back attack could enter the combat stage. Three Zejun, you actually gave up your back attack to me? Attacking first can draw one more card. Could it be that there was an accident in your hand and you want to make certain remedies through the cards you drew?

No, there is nothing wrong with the cards in my hand. Misawa shook his head and looked at the cards in his hand and said, Although it sounds like a battle of wills, Tanya, since what I want to challenge is to use them at the same time. With all your courage and wisdom, how can you deliberately give up the first attack because you are afraid of a combo? Only when I defeat you with your combo can it be considered a battle in which you and I fight with all our strength at the same time.

Taking out a card in his hand and summoning it to the field, Misawa said: Besides, if I attack first, it is actually to maximize the effect of the card in my hand. Normally the magic card [Dual Combination] is activated. So, let's start the experiment!


As the card was played, countless barrage composed of three-dimensional white text appeared out of thin air behind Misawa, extending forward and continuously forming around Misawa, including English, chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc. aspects of knowledge. To be more precise, the name of the [Two-Quantum Synthesis] card activated by Misawa refers to the knowledge of chemistry, which refers to the transformation of substances with relatively simple ingredients into substances with complex ingredients through chemical reactions.

When Maeda Hayato, a scumbag, was giving a headache, Misawa reached out and pointed at the numerous white barrages in front of him, selected a chemical reaction formula, and said: The first effect of [two-volume synthesis] is , add a [Chemical Electric World], or a [Complete Burn] and a [Chemical Beast] monster from the deck to my hand, and I choose the field magic card [Chemical Electric World] to add to my hand.

The rest of the white barrage dissipated, and the chemical reaction formula selected by Misawa was flattened, turned into a card, and was added to Misawa's hand, and Misawa was also the one who was about to add it to his hand. A card activated: The so-called [Combination Electric Field] is the 'Spark-Field', and the 'Electric Field' refers to 'electrolysis'. Electric current is passed through the electrolyte solution or molten material, causing oxidation-reduction reactions at the anode and cathode. the process of.

I activate the field magic card [Chemical Electric World]!

From Misawa's feet, countless hexagonal spaces suddenly began to unfold, covering the surrounding [Savage Arena] in an instant, causing the duel between him and Tanya to be transferred to the void space. In this space, red current flashes from time to time, lighting up the hidden honeycomb structure-like boundary around it.

Although I can't understand it, it feels so awesome!

Hearing the exclamation of Maeda Hayato outside the court, Tanya also looked at Misawa Daichi with a look of affection and said: In other words, in your eyes, Misawa-kun, your duel with me is just a chemical experiment. Your deck is different from Not only you, but I am also looking forward to what kind of sparks my deck can create and what kind of results it can catalyze~

Then just watch, Tanya, my strategy is about to begin. Putting a monster card on the front field, Misawa said, First, I want to normally summon [Dark Storm Dragon]!

In the void space, the airflow began to gather in front of Misawa, and instantly formed a storm vortex. With this gray storm that rolled up countless dust as its body, a black flying dragon with a body as thin as a bat poked its head out from the eye of the storm and let out a hoarse roar.

【Dark Storm Dragon】【8☆/Dark】



A level 8☆ monster was summoned directly without using sacrifices? Tanya looked at the [Dark Storm Dragon] with an attack power of 2700 electricity appearing so easily on Misawa's field. It's quite surprising that a monster with the effect can be summoned without using sacrifices has its attack power, defense power, or level weakened, but it is not in a complete state at all.

But soon she noticed that with the appearance of [Dark Storm Dragon], the red lightning in this void space weakened a lot for some reason, and she suddenly guessed: Is it the effect of the field magic card?

Yes, this is the first effect of [Chemical Electric World]. As long as [Chemical Electric World] exists in the field area, when I summon a double monster with level 5☆ or above, it can only be summoned once per turn. It is not necessary. Liberate and summon. Misawa paused and looked at [Dark Storm Dragon], And [Dark Storm Dragon] is a level 8☆ double monster, but as long as this card exists on the field or in the graveyard, it is treated as a normal When used by monsters, the hidden power cannot be used until a second double summon is performed.

Looking at Tanya who didn't seem to care about the power of [Dark Storm Dragon], Misawa said: A single high-attack monster, Tanya will not have any resistance if you use OTK tactics again. I'm very worried. I know this, but [Dark Storm Dragon] is just a stepping stone for my next step. When I have a dark attribute, level 8☆ dragon-type monster [Dark Storm Dragon] on the field, the monster I can summon with this card Can’t wait to show up!”

The magic card [Light of Yin] is activated! The turn this card's effect is activated, I cannot engage in the combat phase, but since it is my first strike now, I can completely ignore the cost. Insert a card into the magic trap area , Misawa raised his hand and pointed upward, This can only be activated by targeting a dark attribute monster on my field. Special summon a light attribute monster from my deck or fusion deck that is the same as the target monster's original race and level. , and the monster I want to call is this one——

The sky above Misawa's head was covered by the [Chemical Electric World] and turned into nothingness. As the [Dark Storm Dragon] looked up to the sky and spit out a breath of stormy dragon breath, it merged into the darkness. However, in the extreme darkness, abnormal bursts of light erupted. When the light shines, the red thunder light distributed around the field magic card [Chemical Electric World] also rushes towards the center of the light spot, as if it is absorbed by the existence conceived in it.

O limb recipients who plunder treasures and limbs, encountering the curse of gold under greedy desire and turning into a miserable twisted posture, before the arrival of the destined death, they can satisfy their desires in pain and use the treasures contained deep in their lives to their fullest. Release your power, evil dragon with limbs!

Holding in his hand a fusion monster based on the evil dragon Fafnir slain by the hero Siegfried in The Nibelungenlied, Misawa placed it horizontally on the duel plate, Fusion Summon!

[Super Combined Monster - Raptinos]!

The monster conceived in the light showed its true form as Misawa put down the card, but what was born from the light that could absorb the dangerous lightning was by no means a sacred being, but a body with extremely obvious effects everywhere. The stitching marks, skin color, and structure all prove that all parts of its body are not original, but are grafted limbs from other creatures. It fell to the ground with limbs of different lengths, and the evil dragon with the grafted limbs opened its strange pair. Its wings roared majestically!

[Super Combined Monster - Raptinos] [8☆/Light]



The appearance of [Dark Storm Dragon] with an attack power of 2700 points did not even surprise Tanya, let alone the attack and defense values ​​​​of [Super Combined Warcraft-Raptinos], which was not as good as the former. However, with the appearance of the latter, the tower But Nia clearly saw that the red lightning that was just barely swept away by the storm now began to actively integrate into the body of [Dark Storm Dragon], and its panel also began to change! ?

[Dark Storm Dragon] [Dragon/Normal→Dragon/Double/Effect]

The effect of [Super Combined Monster-Raptinos] is that as long as this card exists in the monster area, the double monsters on the field are treated as if they were summoned again, that is, there is no need to double summon, and all double monsters on the field will be used. All heavy monsters will immediately exert their full power and fully unleash their hidden potential from the moment they appear on the scene.

There were still three cards in his hand, and he drew another card from the three and said: The core of your OTK strategy that can resist Tanya is about to be gathered. I will normal summon this monster from my hand.

The second normal summons?

It seemed like a ridiculous operation, but as Misawa put down the card, a monster did appear on his field. At the same time as the swaying plant monster burning with flames appeared, Misawa explained: This is [Chemical Electron] The second effect of [World], that is, once per turn, I can normally summon a double monster in addition to the normal summon. The previous appearance of [Dark Storm Dragon] used that extra normal summon, and at this moment When I summoned [Lone Spark], it was a normal normal summon once per round.

【lone spark】【3☆/fire】

【Plant family/effect】


There are flames burning on the stamens that look like bomb fuses. The flames that are a fatal threat to other plants are just ordinary nutrients for [Gu Sparks]. When the flames spread to the inside of the bulging flowers of [Gu Sparks] , Misawa also activated the effect of [Solitary Spark]: Once per turn, free a face-up plant monster on my field to activate the effect of [Solitary Spark]. What I freed is [Solitary Spark]. Itself. By its effect, I special summon a plant-type monster from the deck.

I special summon [Giant Plant]!

[Lone Spark] was liberated due to its own effect, and exploded into brilliant fireworks with a bang. The colorful fireworks also attracted some demon butterflies with fluttering flame wings, but at the location where [Lone Spark] exploded, those The vines on the ground were not affected by the flames. Instead, they absorbed the power of the flames and grew more lush, even rising much higher than the ground.

From the ground, a thick plant stem suddenly stretched out. It grew rapidly relying on the nutrients of [Lonely Sparkle]. In the blink of an eye, it actually grew into a huge plant like a big tree. Even the redundant nutrients allowed it to grow. It quickly mutated into insect-like sickle-legged limbs and fluttering tentacles, which looked extremely terrifying and threatening.

【Giant Plant】【6☆/Land】

[Plant family/double/effect]


Because of the effect of [Super Combined Monster - Raptinos], [Giant Plant], which is a double monster, is already in the state of being summoned for the second time when it is specially summoned by the effect of [Lone Spark]. There is no need to The powerful effects it contains can already be used by the next summons. After all, compared to other monsters and double monsters that can directly use their effects when summoned, they are much more restricted, so it is natural that their effects should be slightly stronger.

Seeing the appearance of [Giant Plant], he looked at the [Super Combined Monster - Raptinos] and the [Lone Spark] that Misawa had just sent to the graveyard. Hayato Maeda had already remembered the effect of [Giant Plant]. His face suddenly changed, and he said in surprise: Wait a minute, is it such a combination? Is the method you want to use to break the OTK strategy of [Black Garden] and [Amazon Princess] combined with [Black Garden] and [Amazon Princess], Is that Combo? !?

If I remember correctly, the effect of [Giant Plant] is——

Once per turn during my main phase, the effect of [Giant Plant] is activated. Select an Insect or Plant monster from my hand or graveyard to Special Summon. Misawa deliberately did not answer directly, but said Saying the monster's effect, Maeda Hayato replied to Maeda who mispronounced his name again, And the one I want to summon is the [Lone Spark] that was just released and sent to the graveyard.

Although the effect of [Solitary Spark] can only be used once per turn, it is only limited by the effect of the monster itself, and there is no limit of once per turn by the card name. This means that the [Solitary Spark] revived by [Giant Plant] Spark] will be able to activate its effect again, liberate itself and special summon a plant-type monster from my deck, and I choose the second one [Giant Plant]!

【Giant Plant】【ATK2400】

The revived [Lone Spark] had just returned to the field, and was once again liberated by Misawa and sent to the cemetery. It was replaced by the second [Giant Plant] that rose on his field, and like the first one, the second one was sent to the cemetery. The two-body [Giant Plant] is also in the state of double summoning. The once per turn restriction on the effect of [Giant Plant], like [Lone Spark], only exists on the monster itself and does not have the once per turn restriction on the card name. This means that the second [Giant Plant] can still be activated. The effect!

The effect of [Giant Plant] is activated, I special summon [Solitary Spark] from the graveyard, then release [Solitary Spark] to activate its effect, and special summon the third [Giant Plant] from my deck!

【Giant Plant】【ATK2400】

The third [Giant Plant] came to the field from Misawa's deck. Although it can also use effects to specially summon insect or plant monsters in the graveyard, it cannot activate its abilities at this moment. The reason is also quite simple - after the two light and dark attribute monsters [Dark Storm Dragon] and [Super Combined Monster-Raptinos], the three-body [Giant Plant] appeared one after another, making the five monsters on Misawa's field. There are all monsters in the area at this moment, and there is no place on his field for monsters to make special appearances.

After the effect of blocking the third body [Giant Plant] is activated, it means that even if Tanya uses the combo of [Amazon Princess] and [Black Garden] in the last duel again, she will no longer be able to achieve OTK. , because there was no space left on Misawa's field for the special summoning of [Rose Derivatives] at the beginning of the play, so he used monsters with high attack power to block all his monster areas, completely blocking Tanya's OTK tactics!

If there is a way to perform special summons similar to fusion or ritual without using magic cards, and send the [Giant Plants] on my field to the graveyard two by two, this combo of mine I'm afraid it can continue to expand and even reach an infinite loop, right? I don't know if the 'excess' and 'link' mentioned by Principal Xiaolin in class are true, but they should just be said casually. What a pity. .”

The last two hand cards were placed on the back field. Misawa looked at Tanya and said: The OTK tactics of [Black Garden] and [Amazon Princess] are already occupied by monsters with high attack power on my field. It has completely failed from that moment on, Tanya. Let me see your 'courage' in addition to 'wisdom'. I look forward to how you will deal with my monsters!

Put down two cards and my turn ends.

[Misawa Earth: 4000LP, 0 cards in hand]

[Super Combined Monster - Raptinos] [DEF2200]

【Dark Storm Dragon】【ATK2700】

【Giant Plant】【ATK2400】X3

【Gate Card】X2

Venue: [Chemical Electric World] (End of this chapter)

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