Chapter 1125 The hero appears!

Magic card [Gate of Phantom Demons], activate!

At the cost of discarding all the remaining cards in his hand and excluding them, Camula activated the retrieved magic card, and a simple door slowly rose behind him.

[Phantom Demon Door]? What is this? Asuka saw a card she had never heard of before, and turned her attention to the door that constantly exuded a dangerous atmosphere.

No matter what work it is in, the door always has a special meaning. For example, the alchemist has access to the door of truth at the cost of not growing taller, and he often shouts fly into the sky to open the door. The Door of Destiny to obtain the spirit behind her, and the [Phantom Demon Door] that appears behind Camula is similar.

It's unforgivable and unforgivable to be forced to this point by an ugly human being like you!

Completely losing her self-control, Camula changed from an arrogant lady to a crazy lunatic. She opened her bloody mouth and roared. Unfortunately, she did not add Becas to Unforgiven, which is somewhat of a bloodline. Impure.

Her original elegant appearance has completely disappeared at this moment. The exaggerated grin of her mouth and the fangs and long tongue sticking out of her mouth make it clear that she is just a bloodthirsty monster who can't wait to suck Kronos dry at this moment. The professor's blood to satisfy his hatred.

I didn't expect that I would be forced to use this forbidden card. I'm successful, human being! But that's it. I'll be crushed into powder in front of the invincible [Phantom Demon Gate]! I want to be annihilated. Your body, torture your soul! Camula inserted the card into the magic trap area and said, The effect of this card is to destroy all monsters on the opponent's field!

The [Demon Door] behind Camula gradually opened. As soon as the gap between the doors appeared, sinful and ominous auras crazily poured out from behind this terrifying door into the world, just like the world behind the door. It was like hell, and the surrounding air was stagnant at this moment.

Surrounded by the aura from the [Phantom Demon Gate], in just a moment, an explosion suddenly occurred around the two [ancient mechanical] monsters on the field of Chronos. The strong impact instantly destroyed the monsters inside, and instantly Professor Kuronos's field was covered in smoke and dust, and the gear parts of the destroyed mechanical monster were scattered everywhere.

Is it actually a card with the same effect as [Lightning Strike]! Caesar frowned. He didn't expect that although Camula's strength was only average, she could still think of using [Left Wrist Compensation] to search for [Gate of Phantom Demons]. 】Come and destroy the monsters on the field of Chronos.

Although simple, it is indeed effective. In Caesar's impression, although the [Ancient Mechanical] monsters have multiple blocking effects when attacking and endless means of destruction, most of the monsters have no resistance. They are similar to the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and [Electronic] Dragon] is an aggressive deck.

After [Phantom Gate], which has the same effect as [Lightning Strike], takes effect, I am afraid that all the monsters on Professor Chronos' field will be completely destroyed, and then Camura can use the two monsters on his field to directly and unscrupulously Attacking Professor Chronos! …

Camula also had the same idea as Caesar, but at this moment, she heard the calm voice of Professor Chronos: Because it was destroyed by the effect of the [Phantom Demon Gate], the [Ancient Mechanical Giant] -The third effect of [Ultimate Heavy Attack] is activated!”

It still has effects!? Camula said in surprise, Can you write so many effects on one card?

Are you okay? At least in my impression, the one with the most effect words should be a picture of a reptilian monster. Professor Kronos raised the corner of his mouth and raised his hand and said, [The Ancient Mechanical Giant - The Ultimate Heavy Attack] can only be activated when it is destroyed by battle or effect. I add a [Fusion] card from the deck to my hand, and select another [Ancient Machinery] monster card from my graveyard to add it to my hand.

The gears that were destroyed by [Phantom Demon Gate] and scattered were reunited and returned to Professor Cronos' hand. In addition to retrieving a [Fusion] from the deck and adding it to his hand, Cronos also Take out a card from the graveyard and say: [Ancient Mechanical Box]. This card added to the hand from the graveyard can use its effect again. Add an earth attribute, machine type, and attack or defense from my deck. Add a monster with a strength value of 500 to your hand.

Thanks to Camula's previous [Hand Card Obliteration], Chronos was able to use the [Ancient Mechanical Box] to retrieve cards for the second time, and this time the card he retrieved was still the [Ancient Mechanical Body].

Looking unhappily at Chronos, whose hand had grown to four cards, Camula added: So what if you increase your hand? If you can't play it, it's meaningless no matter how many cards you have in your field. Now that there are no more monsters, I can clear your life points with just one click!

I currently have 1,400 basic points left. I just need to use the effect of [Vampire's Daughter] to increase the attack power of [Vampire Red Baron] by 600 points. Your 3,000 basic points are already like a candle in the wind!

Hearing Camula's words, Chronos raised his eyebrows and said doubtfully: Huh? But, isn't the effect of [Vampire's Daughter] only able to be activated when fighting monsters?

The proud smile on Camula's face froze. She lowered her head and glanced at the card of [Vampire's Daughter] on the duel disk. Only then did she belatedly notice that the effect of [Vampire's Daughter] seemed to only exist between her own undead monsters and her own. It can only be used when the opponent's monster is fighting. I seem to have misunderstood her effect?

But the face-loving Camula refused to admit this and argued: I don't mean to use the effect of [Vampire Daughter], but she attacks with [Vampire Red Baron]. In that case, the attack power is 600 points. [Vampire Daughter] and [Vampire Red Baron] with an attack power of 2400 points can just wipe out your remaining basic points!

Treat! Be frightened! If you can't bring out the duel monster's performance, you're going to die!

Hearing Kamula's words, Chronos retorted: But if you defend well, you won't lose, Nano!

Oh, defense? Haven't you already destroyed all the monsters on the field? There are no monsters left to defend against!

Tired of Wadoka! Before Camula finished speaking, Chronos suddenly raised his palm and shouted, Let the other party hear the roar of your gears, [ancient mechanical demon]!...

Implementing the law of no harm in smoke, the metallic roar of gear operation suddenly came from the dust covering Professor Cronos' field. The rotating gear mechanism created a miniature cyclone. Although it would not cause a strong wind, it would still cause a strong wind. The smoke and dust on Chronos field dispersed, revealing the unharmed [Ancient Mechanical Demon God]!

Impossible?! Why did that miscellaneous fish monster survive the power of the [Illusion Demon Gate]!?

Facing Camura's confusion, Professor Chronos explained: The [Ancient Mechanical Demon God] is also a level 8☆ advanced fusion monster. Although its attack power and defense power are indeed lower, That doesn't mean it doesn't have commendable effects.

[Ancient Mechanical Demon God] will not be affected by the effects of any other cards! Although the effect is short, in terms of resistance, the shorter the description, the better. The more activated effects or Descriptions such as effects on the field are constantly weakening the resistance, and the very short sentence not affected by the effects of other cards represents the top level of resistance, whether it is destruction, exclusion, or It is the ultimate total resistance that cannot be affected by any effects, including returning to the deck or changing the form or numerical value.

Not to mention the [Phantom Demon Gate] coming to blow up the scene, even if the [Sky Dragon of Osiris], [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] or even [La's Winged Divine Dragon] came, they would not be able to use them to destroy it. To destroy it, unless it is a rule breaking like [Blue-Eyed Dragon] that ignores resistance, it will take effect.

It can only be said that the [ancient mechanical] monsters either have no resistance at all, or their resistance is maximized. It is really an extreme route to the end.

Damn it, why is this happening? Why are there monsters standing in front of me! Camula looked at the [ancient mechanical demon] unhappily and said viciously.

You think things shouldn't be like this, just because you don't have enough imagination. You can't imagine the power of human beings. Asuka outside the court still did not forget to stimulate Camula, Your plan failed. vampire.

But it's not over yet, right? That [Phantom Demon Gate] card. Compared to Asuka, Caesar did not forget to be wary of the [Phantom Demon Gate] that still stood behind Camula. It's just a card with the general effect of [Lightning Strike] If so, she wouldn't have called herself a 'forbidden card'. After using it, it still occupied a position on the field and refused to disappear. Maybe that card has any subsequent effects?

The plan changed again and Asuka was ridiculed again. Camula was furious. Standing in front of the open door of the [Phantom Demon Gate], she said angrily: I'm fed up with these red tapes. I want to use the [Phantom Demon Gate]. The subsequent effect of [door] is now, here!”

In addition to destroying all the monsters on the opponent's field, [Phantom Gate] can also ignore the summoning conditions and specially summon a card from the opponent's graveyard to my field. This effect can only be used once in a duel, but only once. It’s enough to determine the outcome of the duel!”

The monster I want to specially summon is the [Ancient Mechanical Titan-Ultimate Heavy Strike] that was destroyed by me in your graveyard and has the ability to penetrate defense!...

The roar of machinery sounded, but this time it was no longer Professor Chronos who was using the mechanical monster. Instead, it was Camura who was using the [Vampire] deck. Chronos was no longer on the field. Now Gaika no longer needs the [Ancient Mechanical Thermonuclear Dragon] that can perform multiple blockades when attacking. What she needs more is the [Ancient Mechanical Giant-Ultimate Heavy Attack] that can cause as much damage as possible.

Although there is a restriction of cannot be specially summoned, both Professor Chronos and Camura ignored this and used their respective cards that ignored the summoning conditions to summon [Ancient Mechanical Titan-Ultimate Blow] On the stage, the mechanical giant stood opposite Chronos, and the originally red monitor was soaked in the darkness of the [Phantom Demon Gate] and turned into pitch black.

His trump card is now standing on the opponent's field. There is no more desperate moment than this, right?

Did the duelists who faced my monsters in the past feel like this? Looking at the [Ancient Mechanical Giant - Ultimate Blow] in front of him, Professor Chronos showed a subtle smile, Even this is my first time to experience this feeling.

How can you still laugh now? After your soul is stripped out by the [Illusion Demon Gate], I hope you can still laugh. Next to Camula, a figure similar to her appeared out of thin air. They have almost the same appearance, both have the same long green hair and blood-colored dresses. The only difference is that Camula looks like a devil because she is obsessed with defeating Chronos, while the other Camula has an expression. As usual, and not wearing a duel disk.

What it is?

Noticing the surprised look in Chronos's eyes, Camula showed a proud smile and said: 'Powerful cards are often accompanied by huge risks'. Is there such a saying that is true? [Gate of Phantom Demons] is so powerful. The effect is naturally not without any price, that is, after the duel is over, the soul of the loser will be dragged into the hell of despair behind the [Illusion Demon Gate] to be devoured by the 'phantom demon' and tortured forever.

After a pause, Camula's eyes moved to the sidelines and said, However, even if it is a must-win situation, I don't want to put my soul on the gambling table, so I want to take the soul of that annoying student of yours. Come as a replacement for my soul!”

As he spoke, the other self next to Camula suddenly burst out, flew out of thin air like a ghost, and pounced on the unsuspecting Tenjoin Asuka and Marufuji Ryo!

Even Caesar had never seen this before. He only had time to shout Run to Asuka and wanted to stop Camula's soul, but he saw that Camula's soul was like a phantom that did not exist. He passed directly through the vehicles blocking the road and went around to Asuka's back. He pressed Asuka's shoulders with his hands and bit Asuka's neck with the fangs in his mouth!

Caesar and the others didn't know that Camula's other plan was that once she succeeded in using Asuka as a scapegoat, the [Ancient Mechanical Titan-Ultimate Blow] she specially summoned would be bound to Asuka's soul. Once Chronos defeats the monster, Asuka's soul will be shattered, forcing Chronos to restrain himself from fighting with all his strength. …

But even if they don't know Camula's plan, there are so many vampire-related works in the world. Even Professor Cronos knows that Camula's actions at this moment are just like biting people can change them in vampire works. The so-called first love of becoming a vampire is exactly the same. They are anxious to save Asuka, but they have no supernatural powers and are completely unable to do anything.

But at this moment, a male voice that Camula had never heard before suddenly sounded: Rider——


A tandem bicycle suddenly sprang out from the bushes. The boy on the back seat of the bicycle yelled and kicked, and he actually succeeded in kicking the other Camura in the soul state, and kicked the latter away!

With a graceful landing to support Asuka who almost fell, Judai said with Marufuji Sho who couldn't stop his bicycle behind him and rushed into the lake together as the background, I don't know what happened, but the sky is calling and the earth is there. Calling, people are calling, calling me to defeat evil!”

Hero, come on!

Impossible, who the hell are you! Seeing her own soul being kicked back to her and even trapped in the [Illusion Demon Gate], unable to find a scapegoat, Camula was shocked and confused. Angry, angry that his plans failed again and again, and also surprised at how an ordinary human being managed to touch his soul.

Rubbing the tip of his nose, Judai had a bright smile on his face, pointed his thumb at himself and said: Just a passing hero out of interest, remember it for me!

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