Master Kong, even dogs don’t do it.

——This was Hayato's first thought after watching Pegasus about to activate [Forbidden Drop].

I still remember the last time I wanted to be a Master Kong in a duel, it was when I was dueling with Dazi, but he took out the [Nucleus] and was killed by a card. Now Tianma Yuexing is there again. He took out several cards and killed his own [AtoZ] with one card.

If I was the big brother before I saved the world, I would be killed by Yika. After I saved the world, I would still be killed by Yika. So didn’t I save the world in vain?

If I build a Master Kong-type terminal like this again, I will make Malik commit suicide by swallowing feces! Hayato swore secretly in his heart.

His eyes returned to the field. As Pegasus was about to activate [Forbidden Drop], a fallen angel witch with dark wings appeared behind him. The fallen angel with devil horns on his forehead chuckled, waved his hand, and a drop of turbidity appeared. The liquid was splashed on the [AtoZ-Shenron Annihilation Cannon] on Hayato's field.

Send any number of cards other than this card from my hand and field to the graveyard to activate [Forbidden Drop]. Select that number of effect monsters on the opponent's field, and those monsters will have attack power until the end of the turn. It becomes half and the effect is invalidated. Pegasus sent [Fallen Angel - Superbia] to the graveyard and said, At the same time, because the card I sent to the graveyard is a monster card, the opponent cannot respond to the activation of [Forbidden Drop] And activate the effect of the monster card that originally had the same type!

[AtoZ-Shenlong Annihilation Cannon] [ATK4000→2000]

The ability to negate the effects of designated monsters and halve the monster's attack power is not a terrible ability in itself. The key point is that [Forbidden Drop] can select the type of card sent to the graveyard so that the card effects of that type cannot be activated corresponding to it. And the chain starts.

It is also because of this ability that Hayato's [AtoZ-Shenron Annihilation Cannon] cannot chain [Forbidden Drop] to invalidate it even if he has an unlimited number of three-color Kang, and can only watch its effect. Effectively reduces its attack power to half. And if the cards sent to the grave by [Forbidden Drop] include magic and trap cards, it can even achieve [Super Fusion], so that no card can chain its activation and take effect, becoming another pseudo four-speed card. The quick-attack magic card.

Even the American five-star duelist MacArthur said this about [The Forbidden Drop]: It only takes a few shots to easily win the crown in the elimination card.

“That year [Forbidden Drop] had its hands in its pockets, and I didn’t know where its rivals were.”

If [Forbidden Drop] is missing from my deck, then my deck will become meaningless.

As for the fact that [Forbidden Drop] appears in Tianma Yuexing's deck, it is actually not surprising. In fact, the [Forbidden] series of cards are really the same as the [Fallen Angel] series used by Tianma Yuexing. It is related to the series Can't Do It.

——Thinking about it this way, this guy can’t really play a pure [Fallen Angel] deck, right? Just slightly added a few cards of agents and three evil gods?

Even though the attack power of the only monster on the field was reduced to a mere 2000 points, Hayato was still daydreaming and not concentrating on the duel. After all, the effect of [Temporary Truce] was still continuing, even if Pegasus Tsukiyō made this turn. A monster with infinite attack power can't hurt you even if it attacks you.

Besides, his backfield is completely empty, and there is only one [Turtle Bad Beast-Gamesiele] and [Fallen Angel-Ishtab] on the field, and he only has one card in his hand. How can he unfold it with his head? Just destroy your own monsters and adopt a defensive strategy. Besides, he had already used the [Treasure Card from Heaven] once in the last round, and he could still come up with another [Treasure Card]——

Activate the magic card, [Life-cutting Treasure Card], and draw cards from my deck until the number of cards in my hand reaches five. As a price, at the beginning of my fifth preparation phase after this card is activated, Send all cards in hand to the graveyard. To Hayato's expectation, Tenma Tsukiyuki actually played the second card in the [Treasure Card] series, and it was also the second most shameless card among them. .

After all, isn’t the negative effect that will come after five rounds the same as nothing?

As for the most shameless card, Hayato only saw it in Jonouchi and Oga. Even if there were others, not many others could realize the power of that card and use it correctly. On the contrary, they didn't have this [life-destroying] card. The treasure card] came shamelessly.

Although this card is the most commonly used by Kaiba, if you think about it carefully, it is not surprising that it appears in the hands of Pegasus Tsukihiro. After all, he is the adopted son and assistant secretary of the despicable card dealer Becas. The result of being such a fish monster is that there will be a lot of things to be busy with, but at the same time, Tianma Yuexing can also use the resources of the International Illusion Society at will, and getting a [Life-Destroying Treasure Card] does not seem to be a problem at all. What's up.

However, will Hayato watch as Pegasus Tsukiyuki draws cards? It's more uncomfortable to let others gain cards than to let Hayato lose cards. What's more, he also took two counterattack traps from Pegasus Tsukikyo in the last round. It's not Hayato's style to not take the opportunity to retaliate.

At the moment when Tenma Tsukiyuki inserted the cards into the duel disk and was about to draw a large number of cards from the deck, Hayato also pressed the button to activate card blocking and said: Who allowed you to draw cards without my consent? Against me. Drawing cards without authorization because of your own thoughts, as punishment for this, I will cut off your hope!

The quick-attack magic card [Named One of Obliteration] is activated! Declare the card name [The Life-Destroying Treasure Card], and banish this card from my deck. Until the end of the turn, use [The Life-Destroying Treasure Card] and the card with the same name. The effect is ineffective!

The invincible sword finger was activated by Hayato, and he pointed at Tenma Tsukiyuki on the field. By excluding the [Life-cutting Treasure Card] that was also invested in Hayato's deck, Tenma Tsukiyuki's [Life-cutting Card] was eliminated. The treasure card] is invalid.

It's a pity that Hayato didn't carry [Forbidden Drop] in his deck, otherwise he could have smashed Pegasus Tsukiyō's quick-attack magic card with his sword just now.

However, after the sword pointed, Tianma Yuexing, who saw his card being invalidated, took out another card from the graveyard! ?

The magic card [Displacement Fusion] activates its second effect that exists in my graveyard, and returns the integrated fusion monster in my graveyard - [Fallen Angel of Dawn-Lucifer] to the fusion deck, causing me to remove it from the deck. Pull out a card.

When was that card...I see, did you think about the [Angel's Charity] at the very beginning? You knew your [Fallen Angel] would be destroyed, [Fallen Angel of Dawn - Lucifer] Will it also be solved? Hayato raised an eyebrow and watched Tenma Tsukiyuki pull out a card, You can actually pull it out so well? You really have perseverance and refuse to give up resistance.

That's because, Mr. Hayato, you are providing fan service to me, so I must not give up the duel easily. Tenma Tsukiyuki looked at Hayato and said, As long as there is still a possibility, I must not give up hope, and at this moment, my card draw, The future of the duel is decided!”

Turning over the drawn card and seeing what he had drawn, he was stunned and smiled happily: Sure enough, Mr. Hayato, you subconsciously agree with me, so fate sent this card to me. In my hands? Fate, even the fate you represent, is on my side!

Fate calls me to fight!

Show me how big the victory chip is on me, fate! Tianma Yuexing took off the [Life-Destroying Treasure Card] from the duel plate, played the third card and said, The Magic Card [The Treasure of Destiny] Card] Activate!

Woc, there is a dog!

How could Hayato have imagined that he just thought of the Fate Card when he saw the Life-Destroying Card, but in the blink of an eye Tenma Tsukiyuki actually took out this card? Why did he feel like this guy was following suit? He is as capable as a dog, and he draws [Forbidden Drop] alone and a combination of [Life-Destroying Card] and [Destiny Card]. Is he the duel king or am I?

Among all the [Treasure Cards], Hayato thinks that the most shameless card is the [Treasure Card of Destiny]. Even the [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky] and [The Treasure Card of Destroying Life] cannot compare to it, although its effect is The need to throw dice seems a bit unstable, like a gambling card, but the problem is that even if it only rolls out a little, its effect is already too much.

What, Hayato also has a [Card of Destiny]? That's okay. Is the effect of this card too much? That's not too much. You see, not only does it require dice when drawing cards, but it even requires drawing the same number of cards from the top of the exclusion deck. It's like losing cards to the point of exploding. [Thunder Dragon] deck? What [Thunder Dragon] deck, I don’t understand what you are talking about, okay.

Roll the dice once, and I will draw the card with the number of dice points from the top of the deck. But Mr. Hayato, you said that powerful cards often come with huge risks. After that, I will roll the top card of the deck again. Cards with the number of dice points are excluded from the game. Tianma Yuexing waved his hand and said, Then, roll the dice!

A dice appeared out of thin air on the field, landed in the center of the field and began to roll. The points on the top were rapidly replaced as the dice rolled. As the dice slowly stops, five symmetrical points are displayed on the top of the dice!

Five points? Although it is not the maximum value of six, it can still be regarded as a good sign. Tianma Yuexing said, drawing five cards and saying, Then because the points are five, I drew five cards from the deck card.

Then, remove the five cards at the top of the deck!

[The Treasure Card of Destiny] is not excluded from the inside but from the outside. It is also because of this that Hayato would say that he is the most shameless. When he saw the four exclusion cards displayed by Tenma Tsukiyuki, the corner of Hayato's mouth twitched. Draw - [Treasure Card of the Sky], a support card for light-attribute angel-type monsters, [Treasure Card of the Sky], which seals the magic trap area and increases the number of cards drawn during the card drawing phase, and is a favorite in Malik's Zombie Deck. [Treasure Card of Survival], [Treasure Card of Reversal] used when the field is empty, and [Treasure Card from Another Dimension] that takes effect when removed.

Taking back Hayato's previous judgment of the so-called pure [Fallen Angel] deck, Tenma Tsukiyuki probably has a dozen or so [Treasure Cards] stuffed into his deck, right? If he had successfully activated the [Life-Destroying Treasure Card] just now, he might not be able to use the [Destiny Treasure Card] he drew to add the other [Treasure Cards] excluded at the moment to his hand at once!

Even Becas’s assistant Pegasus Tsukiyō was able to stuff so many [treasure cards] into the deck for personal gain. Although I don’t know if it has anything to do with Becas, but it’s unforgivable, Becas!

Among the excluded cards is this [Treasure Card from Another Dimension]. Its effect is activated when it is excluded. After putting away the remaining cards for exclusion, Tianma Yuexing specially showed off [Treasure Card from Another Dimension]. card] said, When this card is removed from the game, it will be returned to my hand during my next preparation phase. When this card is added to my hand due to this effect, both players draw two cards from the deck. A card.

Do you think you can last until the preparation stage of your next turn, Tsukihiro? With your rich base points? Stopping himself in time to buff the opponent, Hayato corrected him with a bad adjective, looking at Pegasus Yue. The remaining basic points are only 250.

Tianma Yuexing also knew that his basic points were not many, but he played a card and said: Yes, my basic points are indeed too low, although as long as the duelist's basic points are not reset to zero, the duelist's basic points are infinite. , but in order to be able to meet the cost of using my card’s effect, I’d better recover a little.”

The magic card [Mysterious Chinese Pot] is activated, sending the [Turtle Bad Beast-Gamesiele] on my field to the graveyard, restoring 3000 basic points of its defense value!

As a fan of Hayato, Tenma Tsukiyuki not only worked hard to learn Hayato's understanding of dueling monsters, but also committed to using what he learned in duels. In addition to the previous tip of activating card effects without audible reminders , he is also very skilled in liberating monsters, and even uses Hayato's most commonly used card [Mysterious Chinese Pot]!

[Tianma Yuexing: 250→3250LP]

In the blink of an eye, Pegasus Tsukiyuki, who just had a three-digit base score, raised his base score back to more than 3,000 points. Not only did the base score gap between him and Hayato decrease, he also regained his base score through payment. Base points, ability to use the secondary effects of [Fallen Angel] monsters.

But before that, Tianma Yuexing played another card from his hand and said: Activate the effect of the second [Fallen Angel-Ixitabu] in my hand, combine her with the [Fallen Angel-Tezcat in my hand Lipoka] is sent to the graveyard and two cards are drawn from the deck.”

Most of the monsters in [Fallen Angels] are named after beings who are not very upright in local myths. For example, [Superbia], who can resurrect other [Fallen Angels] when resurrected, is the arrogant creature in the Bible. Sin, [Ihitab] who took the initiative to be sent to the cemetery with other [Fallen Angels] is the name of the goddess of suicide in Mayan mythology.

And [Tezcatlipoca] is even more heavyweight. It is the supreme god and the first sun in Aztec mythology. It is also known as the Smoke Mirror. Coincidentally, it is used by Darkness, who had a duel with Hayato more than a year ago. The [Mirror Sword Knight] is also based on the Smoke Mirror. Seeing Pegasus send the two cards to the cemetery, Hayato said wu~ to express his support.

Although he couldn't quite understand what Hayato meant, Tenma Tsukiyuki's operation was not affected at all. He waved his hand and paid the basic reply that just came up without hesitation: Activate the [Fallen Angel-Ishita on my field. Cloth] can be activated by paying 1000 life points and targeting a [Fallen Angel] magic or trap card in my graveyard. Its effect will be applied, and after that, the card in the graveyard will be returned to the deck. .”

[Tianma Yuexing: 3250→2250LP]

I chose the magic card [Fallen Angel's Altar] that was used in the last round. I selected a [Fallen Angel] monster in my graveyard and Special Summoned it in defense position. I Special Summoned [Fallen Angel-Superbia]. ], and use the effect of [Fallen Angel - Superbia] to special summon [Fallen Angel - Tezcatlipoca]!


[Fallen Angel - Tezcatlipoca], dressed as a magician in primitive religion, and [Fallen Angel Subobia] appeared together on the Pegasus Moon Walking Field, and let out a strange scream. He pointed his thumb at Hayato, as if he was praising him for the genuine sound he made before.

【Fallen Angel-Superbia】【DEF2400】

【Fallen Angel-Tezcatlipoca】【9☆/Dark】

【Angel Family/Effect】


But that’s not the end yet. I put [Altar of Fallen Angel] back from the graveyard into the deck and shuffled it. The moment a three-body [Fallen Angel - Tezcatlipoca] appeared on the field, Pegasus and Moonwalked again. After paying 1,000 basic points, he seemed to be squandering all the basic points he had finally recovered: Then activate the effect of [Fallen Angel - Tezcatlipoca], pay 1,000 basic points, and use the points in my graveyard to Apply its effect to a [Fallen Angel] magic or trap card, and then return it to the deck.

[Tianma Yuexing: 2250→1250LP]

The card I chose is this. I used [Angel's Alms] to send the trap card [Rebellious Fallen Angel] to the graveyard before. This card is one of the face-up monsters in my hand and on the field. Fallen Angel] monster can be activated by sending it to the graveyard. Send the fusion material monster determined by the dark attribute fusion monster from my hand and field to the graveyard, Fusion Summon that one-body fusion monster from the extra deck, and then let me The life points are restored to the value of the attack power of the monster sent to the graveyard when this card is activated.

However, because I activated [Rebellious Fallen Angel] through the effect of [Tezcatlipoca], I can directly use the effect of this card without meeting its activation conditions at this moment!

The three-body monster in front of Tianma Yuexing emits dark light and merges into one——

Come to my field again, use the three-body dark angel monster as the fusion material, Fusion Summon! [Fallen Angel of Dawn - Lucifer]!

It was not the informal appearance of [Falcon] at that time, but a serious fusion summon, [Fallen Angel of Dawn - Lucifer] returned to the Pegasus Moon Walking Field!

【Fallen Angel of Dawn-Lucifer】【ATK4000】

You can actually come back for a second time? So strong, so strong. But what I've been waiting for is this moment, the moment when both sides have the same number of monsters!

Hayato pressed the button to activate the cover card, In order to win, I must give up my old friend immediately and activate the trap card [Swapping Heroes]!

Woohoo, the physical version has just been shipped. Although the express delivery is very fast, it will arrive the day after tomorrow at the earliest. I’m crying~

ps There was a construction error in this chapter, which has been corrected. If you find something that has not been corrected, please leave a review in time and refresh this chapter to see the latest content ~


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