Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 55: Monsters are resistant, but duelists are not.

Chapter 1109: Monsters are resistant but not duelists are resistant

Tsk, it's so cool that you didn't even let me scan the backcourt. You still claim to be my fan.

Seeing that the [Harpy's Feather Sweep] he activated was invalidated and destroyed, Hayato sent the card to the graveyard and said, Tsukiyuki, you fake fan.

Mr. Hayato, if I don't go all out, I will lose to you in just a moment. Even if it is to delay time, I will never be distracted in the duel with you. Tenma Yue Xing also sent the opened [God's Declaration] to the cemetery, As for my longing for you, the sky can serve as a guide and the sun and moon can make it clear.

There is the farthest distance between admiration and understanding, Yue Xing. Hayato shook his head, You worship me for your own sake, and then you have the illusion that I am lonely because I have no opponent. Your ability to associate Is it so easy to do?

Drawing another card from his hand and playing it, Hayato said: Although you blocked [Harpy's Feather Sweep], I didn't say that I only have one card that can be used to sweep away the cards in your backfield. , [Lightning Storm] activates!

After Feather Sweep, Hayato played another Electric Storm. Within a few seconds, the whirlwind stopped and thunder began to sound in the sky again.

If there are no face-up cards on my field, I can choose to activate one of the effects of [Lightning Storm] to destroy all attack position monsters on the opponent's field, or destroy all magic and trap cards on the opponent's field.

Hearing Hayato's words, Tenma Tsukiyuki reminded: The evil beasts will not be affected by the exit effect of the magic card.

So of course I chose the second effect, which is to destroy all the magic and trap cards on the opponent's field. Hayato waved his hand, I don't believe you can open another card in the backcourt to use it?

However, as soon as Hayato's words fell, Tenma Tsukiyuki pressed the button to activate the Gaika and said: Then chain [Lightning Storm], I open the Gaika in the backcourt, [Demon Palace's Bribery], and the opponent puts the magic and trap card It can only be activated when it is activated, invalidating its activation and destroying it!

How could he still open a counterattack trap? I originally thought that you were playing with the card stack, but now that I look at it again, I think it’s a trap again, right? Hayato watched in his heart that the [Lightning Storm] he activated was ineffective and destroyed like the previous [Harpy's Feather Sweep].

The subsequent effect of [Bribery of the Demonic Palace], the opponent draws a card from the deck.

Hearing Tenma Tsukiyuki's words, Hayato smiled slightly. After all, who doesn't like drawing cards? As long as you don't have to draw a card like when you lose your G and find out that the opponent is useless two, that's fine.

When he saw the drawn card, Hayato raised his eyebrows, looked at the rest of his hand, and thought of a wonderful combo.

Since you have drawn a card for me, it would be disrespectful to come back and forth. Let me draw a card for you, Tsukihiro. Hayato played the card he just drew and said, Magic Card [Temporary Truce] Activate, players on both sides draw a card each, and then until the end of the next opponent's turn, all damage received by both sides becomes 0.

After being countered two cards in a row, the third card played by Hayato was finally successfully activated. However, after all, Pegasus Tsukiyuki's current basic points are not very many, only 1250 points. If he accidentally gets directly It would be bad if he attacked. He was happy that Hayato used this kind of card that could protect both sides.

After each side drew a card, Hayato played a card from his hand and said: Although I can't sweep away all your magic traps, at least let me get rid of that unsightly field and activate the quick-attack magic card [Tornado]!

The tornado swept past, and Tianma Yuexing's field magic card [Dark Sanctuary] was destroyed. I don't know if it was because he had no countermeasures.

After that, Hayato put a monster card on the duel plate and said: The unsightly field has been solved. Since the opponent is the evil god, then I will send this super scary and powerful monster here. I will Its attack means Normal Summon!

The ace of the rescue force, the legendary banned card with 8,000 damage OTK in the second card, and the perfect partner like a last word!

Come out, invincible [Rescue Cat]!

There was a flash of white light, and a petite cat appeared in front of Hayato. Wearing a helmet, it had a determined expression on its face when it first appeared, and seemed to be ready to step into danger to save others. But after seeing the broken site of Tianma Yuexing and the two evil gods that looked very bad, it was completely confused.

No, you called me out to deal with such an opponent? Is this something that Meow is too strong for? I'm just a cute little kitten, meow~

【Rescue Cat】【4☆/Land】



Although Tenma Tsukiyuki is really a fan of Hayato, and has always believed that whatever Hayato does must have his deep meaning, but seeing the cute [Rescue Cat] appear on Hayato's field, the already low attack power is still because of [Evil God - Source of Fear] was weakened, and he couldn't help it, and couldn't help asking: Mr. Hayato, did you get the wrong card?

You got the wrong card? I think you don't understand at all. You don't know the value of [Rescue Cat] so you're jumping to conclusions. With one hand on his waist and the other hand pointing at the [Rescue Cat] on the field, Hayato said arrogantly Said, The effect of [Rescue Cat] is that you can send yourself on the field to the graveyard and special summon two level 3☆1 orc monsters from the deck. The monsters specially summoned by this effect will be destroyed at the end of the phase.

This means that when the opponent is defenseless, [Rescue Cat] combined with [Last Word] can have the ability to summon a large number of monsters in an instant and resolve the battle quickly. It is an extremely vicious card!

Hearing Hayato's words, Tenma Tsukiyuki couldn't help but imagine the combo that [Rescue Cat] could form, summoning a certain number of monsters that can increase the attack power of his own monsters, such as the level 3☆ [Golden Hair Roar], and then cooperate with one or two For a monster with high attack power, let alone 4000 base points, the combination of [Rescue Cat] and [Last Word] might even clear 8000 base points in an instant.

Especially in conjunction with the two cards Hayato played just now, [Harpy's Feather Sweep] that destroys the backcourt and [Lightning Storm] that can destroy monsters in the frontcourt. If the monsters are not on your own field, they will not be left by those monsters. If the evil beast whose effect is destroyed and two defensive traps are placed in the backfield, I am afraid that I will be defeated in this round!

As expected of Mr. Hayato, even seemingly weak cards can create such a terrifying combo. This is your top-level understanding of dueling monsters! He admired sincerely, but Tenma Tsukiyuki added immediately. , If it weren't for the Evil God Beast, I might have been defeated, but it's a pity that there is no if. Even if you use the combo of [Last Word] plus [Rescue Cat] here, [Evil God - Source of Fear] and [ The effects of [Evil God - Eradicator] all restrain this combo.

But after hearing Tenma Tsukiyuki's words, Hayato tilted his head: But I didn't say that I was going to use that combo. I just wanted to use this combo as an example to correct your wrong thinking.

You formed the 'New Gurus' to transport a large number of powerful cards based on personal judgment to Doshino City. Do you understand what this means? This means that you are instilling your own personal understanding of dueling into others, allowing those who use you to People with rare cards can't help but move closer to you and assemble a deck that requires the use of those rare cards according to your thinking. But this is definitely not correct, because there is no useless deck in the world, only decks that cannot be used. The incompetent duelist of cards.”

As soon as he raised the duel plate, Hayato said, Activate the effect of [Rescue Cat], send it to the graveyard, and special summon two beast-type monsters with level 3☆ or lower from my deck. Then watch, Moon Walk, At this moment, what I want to use to defeat your Evil God Beast monster is the most incompetent, rubbish, and trash card in the eyes of ordinary people!

I special summon two level 2☆ [Disruption·Blue]! Hayato took out two cards from the deck and placed them on the duel plate. This time, I played the 'Pure·[Disruption]' deck. !”

As Hayato's words fell, [Rescue Cat], who had long wanted to run away, immediately dug a hole in the ground and hid in the cemetery to avoid the evil god on Pegasus Tsukikyo's field. He took two [Disruption Cats] from Hayato's deck. ·Blue] card was pulled out.


Then in Tenma Tsukiyuki's surprised look, Hayato decisively ordered: I enter the combat stage and use [Disruption Blue] to attack [Evil God-Eradicator]!

Tenma Tsukiyuki frowned and said: The effect of [Evil God - Eradicator], its attack power and defense value will be 1000 times the number of cards on the opponent's field, because Mr. Hayato, the number of cards on your field has increased. , its attack power has also increased.

[Evil God-Eradicator] [ATK0→2000]

Hayato smiled indifferently: Otherwise, why do you think I would initiate a [temporary truce]?

Under Hayato's order, although he was very reluctant, [Disturbing Blue] still crashed towards the evil dragon-like beast - [Evil God - Eradicator], and as expected, did not cause even a trace of damage to it. , instead it destroyed itself. However, due to the effect of [Temporary Truce], Hayato did not receive even a trace of damage.

[Hayato: 4000→4000LP]

Tenma Tsukiyuki also looked at Hayato and said: Although this is the first time I saw you use that monster, Mr. Hayato, in the past you have obviously used three other colors of [disruption] monsters. That monster has Can the effect be activated after being destroyed?

The reaction is quite fast. Playing cards with smart people saves trouble. Hayato took out the two retrieved cards from the deck and said, The effect of [Disruption·Blue] is activated when this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard. Add two [Disruption] cards from the deck to my hand, and I will add [Disruption Mix] and [Disruption Magic] to my hand.

Then, during the battle phase, I use this quick-attack magic card [Disruption Mix], send a [Disruption] card from my hand and the face-up cards on the field to the graveyard to activate, and activate it from my deck. ·Select one [Disruption] monster and one [Armed Dragon] monster each with different names from the card sent to the Graveyard and add it to your hand. After that, you can summon a monster with this effect added to your hand.

After sending [Disruption Magic] to the graveyard, Hayato retrieved the [Disruption·Blue] that had just entered the graveyard and said: I will add the [Disruption·Blue] in the graveyard and the [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt LV3] in the deck to my hand. And summon [Disturbing Blue].

The recently destroyed [Disruption Blue] returned to Hayato's field. At the same time, Hayato took out three cards from the deck and said: As well as the effect of [Disruption Magic] that was sent to the graveyard, take it from my deck. The three miscellaneous fish [disruption] cards [yellow], [green], and [black] are added to the hand.

Even if we are the eldest brother, He keeps calling us idiots, It's too embarrassing~

From Hayato's hand, the three [Disturbing] brothers jumped out to protest, but when it came to the last [Yellow], they suddenly pulled away. [Disturbing Yellow], who looked shy, was [Green] because he ruined the atmosphere. He had a violent fight with [Black], and started to make a fuss while chasing and escaping from Hayato's side.

However, Pegasus Tsukiyuki was not attracted by them at all. He looked at Hayato's field with a surprised expression: So that's it, [temporary truce] to offset the damage, and then use the card that should be used for defense to retrieve [Disruption·Blue] is used to commit suicide to retrieve cards, and then the retrieved card is recycled to summon [Disruption·Blue]. This combo can increase the number of cards in the hand very quickly, even for the first time. Mr. Hayato, your hand The number of cards has increased to eight!

As long as there is [Disruption Mixed Match], [Disruption Blue] can come back to my hand again and again, play again, and commit suicide to retrieve the card again. What is the value of not having it once per round? Hayato said proudly, Waved his hand, Then, let's attack again, [Disruption·Blue]!


In an instant, [Disruption·Blue] died again and disappeared in an instant, and Hayato retrieved two cards from the deck again: Because [Disruption·Blue] was destroyed by battle, I removed [Disruption Mix] from the deck. Add [Disruption Magic] and [Disruption Magic] to your hand, and activate [Disruption Mix] again, discard [Disruption Magic], add [Disruption·Blue] and [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV5] in the deck to your hand, and summon [Disruption Magic] ·blue】.

At the same time, add [Disruption·Yellow], [Disruption·Black], and [Disruption·Green] to your hand.

[Disruption·Blue] Back on Hayato's field, with the basic distribution of monsters on the field unchanged, Hayato's hand has once again grown to a total of twelve cards.

Without hesitation, Hayato let [Disruption Blue] attack again, but this time after he was destroyed, Hayato did not retrieve [Disruption Mix], but added two [Disruption Demon Transformation] to his hand. , and the other [Disruption·Blue] also hit [Evil God - Eradicator], bringing two more cards to Hayato - the trap card [Disruption Pajama Party] and the last card in Hayato's deck [ disrupt magic].

At this moment, Hayato's hand has reached a total of sixteen cards, which is almost a third of the deck in his hand, not to mention that there are still twelve cards in his graveyard, and the deck has already A total of twenty-eight cards were consumed, and the height of the thick deck dropped by half!

Although Mr. Hayato, your combo did pull out a huge amount of cards in one go. Looking at the thick stack of cards in Hayato's hand, he thought he had the deck in his hand, Tenma Tsukiyuki's mouth curled up slightly. He said, But how are you going to win?

Win? Isn't that easy? Hayato played a card and said, I end the battle phase, but no one stipulates that the battle can only be eliminated during the battle phase, right? On the contrary, it is easiest to end the battle phase. The moment when a person relaxes is the best time to resolve the situation!”

I activate the trap card, Illiteracy... I mean [Jie Xie Victory]!

If the number of cards on the opponent's field is greater than the number of cards on my field, it can only be activated at the end of the battle phase between both parties. Until the number of cards on the opponent's field becomes the same as the number of cards on my field, the opponent must select the cards on his field and exclude them. !”

Tenma Tsukiyuki watched Hayato activate the trap card directly from his hand, and said in surprise: Is it a card similar to [Red Restart]? But there is no price at all!?

Even if there are no cards on my field, this card can also be activated from my hand! Hayato crossed his hips proudly, The only card I have on my field is [Jie Xie Victory], so you must also Remove the face-down cards on your field until only one remains, and the effect of [Jie Xie Victory] is not used on monsters but as a noble duelist effect. Even if your Evil God Beast type has trap card resistance, all It’s so big!”

Tremble, fear, this is my divine talent, hahahaha!

If the giant god soldiers can fall into the pit, then there will be no problem if Jieyi can eliminate the three evil gods, huh?

So please recommend~

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