Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 53: Unforgivable, Becas!

Chapter 511 It’s unforgivable to betray someone, Becas!

In a daze, Bekas found himself in a desert.

Where am I?

The confused Bekas looked around and found that he seemed to be in the middle of a desert. There was nothing around except the extremely peaceful sand dunes under the dark night sky. Even the wind stopped here. .

However, it cannot be said that there are absolutely no other things. Following a shadow on the ground not far away, Becas raised his head and looked into the air, observing three stalwart figures.

The red dragon named after Osiris who took over the responsibilities of Hades from Anubis, [Osiris's Sky Dragon];

The blue giant named after the obelisk Obelisk, the symbol of Set, the god of destruction, [Obelisk's Titan Soldier];

And the golden dragon falcon, [Ra's Winged Dragon], is named after Ra, the head of the nine pillars of gods and the supreme sun god of Egypt, who will rise again even if the sun sets once.

This is the Three Illusion Gods?

As a duel monster card maker who personally drew the Three Fantasy Gods from the stone tablets recording them onto the cards, and slightly beautified the slightly embarrassing stone tablet shapes of the three giant gods, Bekas naturally wouldn't Mistaken recognition of the three-body gods.

Even though an unknown amount of time has passed, Becas is still haunted by the tragic death of the other creators who worked with him on the Three Illusion Gods cards.

However, while being wary of the three-body phantom god, Bekas also had new doubts in his mind as to why he appeared in this strange place.

I should have held the Duel Monsters Convention in Doshino City yesterday. After the perfect conclusion, I should have safely returned to the castle on the Duel Kingdom Island on a plane.

Besides, the [Three Phantom Gods] shouldn't appear here. Aren't they all in the hands of boy Hayato?

However, before Becas could figure it out, suddenly, the air that had been stagnant around him began to flow again. The air flow rose from his feet and blew Becas' long silver hair. At the same time, countless golden light points were sent to Bekas' eyes.

Becas looked around in surprise and found that wherever he looked, there were countless light spots as tiny as fireflies rising from the vast desert, rushing straight towards the three-body phantom god in the sky!

Obviously those golden light spots looked so sacred, but the Three Illusion Gods all made painful sounds when they came into contact with the light spots. Obviously these light spots made them quite uncomfortable, even if they were The highest ranking among the Three Illusion Gods [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] is no exception.

The phantom gods started their own actions. Suddenly, thunder, strong winds and flames filled the golden light spots. In this way, the three phantom gods tried to disperse these light spots that made them uncomfortable. However, their efforts were completely ineffective. The light spots did not dissipate, but instead gathered more and more as time went by.

In the somewhat frightened eyes of Becas on the sand dune, he saw the light points coming together to form a pyramid-like pyramid, completely sealing the Three Illusion Gods in it, and even further condensing it into a Huge glass pyramid! …

On the side of the huge pyramid facing Bekas, there is a huge golden relief of the Eye of Ugato. This is not a mark that can be left on just any object. The Eye of Ugato means punishment. It is the incarnation of part of the soul of Anubis, the former god of Hades in Egyptian mythology, and can monitor the underworld. souls and the creatures on earth.

Even on the precious [Millennium Artifact], not all props are qualified to be engraved with the complete Eye of Ugato. Only the [Millennium Building Blocks] are engraved with the same symbol, and coincidentally, [Millennium Building Blocks] 】The shape is just opposite to the glazed pyramid in front of you.

However, compared to the [Millennium Building Blocks] that symbolizes royal power, the Eye of Ugato on the pyramid in front of you feels very dark and strange. The pupil position of the Eye of Ugato is not conventional. It was not gold but evil blood red. Just looking at the red circle, Becas felt that his soul was being absorbed into it!

Ugh!! Becas suddenly woke up and sat up from the bed. His face and body were covered in cold sweat, and the pajamas he was wearing were even wet with the cute Q version of [Naji Mo] printed on them.

The doll of [Cartoon Dark Magician Girl] that I loved so much in the past was dropped on the carpet because of the action of getting up. However, Becas did not pick it up immediately at this moment. Instead, she sat on the bed and gasped. Angry, looking shocked.

After a long time, Bekas's vision regained its focus. He walked down from the bed, picked up the doll that fell on the ground and placed it on the bedside. He made cute movements, but he was still mumbling: This dream. in the end……

When placing the dolls, due to the angle, the light that entered the room from the gap in the curtains passed through the corner of Becas's eyes. He glanced out the window, walked forward and opened the curtains, allowing the sunlight to pass through as much as he wanted. The balcony outside the window comes inside the house.

Is it already morning? Becas pressed his temples a little, worried.

For some reason, everything went smoothly yesterday, but Bekas always had the illusion that he had been killed by someone somewhere. Then after returning to his residence after the Duel Monsters Convention, he did something like this again. A very uncomfortable nightmare.

This feeling is simply more uncomfortable than walking on an icy downhill road with your hands in your pockets in the middle of winter. When you accidentally fall, you have no time to take your hands out and fall to the ground and slip into the smelly ditch next to the road. .

However, instead of continuing to use up his brain energy in that annoying dream, at this moment, Bekas was looking at a track cloud dividing the clouds on the horizon and muttering:

That is, Kaiba boy?

Although the aircraft gradually approaching the Duel Kingdom Island did not send out any identification, but based on the shape of the jet, Bekas could conclude that it was a seahorse.

For no other reason than because there is absolutely no one in the world who would design the appearance of an aircraft, especially a jet aircraft, into a Blue Eyes White Dragon shape that has nothing to do with streamline just because the shape is good-looking, or even Being willing to add four large power nozzles to the back of the fuselage is just like proving that strong power means you can fly. …

One day Kaiba is going to send a satellite in the shape of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] to the sky with a rocket in the shape of [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. Becas feels that he will not be surprised. After all, he is Seto Kaiba.

However, Bekas, who had a nightmare that seemed like he had lost consciousness due to drinking, also recalled that shortly after the Duel Monsters Convention opened at noon yesterday, he had sent a video email to Kaiba, wanting to make a transaction with him.

Also at the Duel Monsters Convention yesterday, Becas, who had just arrived at the scene, had just stepped off the helicopter and saw that there were almost no people in the central square of Doshino City Commercial Street. He was still wondering whether he had fallen behind and had no impact. When he lost his strength, he was dragged by Hayato to help hypnotize the crowd.

Bekas now thinks about it, maybe the nightmare he had was because Hayato asked him for help. After losing the [Millennium Eye], the dark power he could use was not as good as before, and the nightmare he had was still the same as the [Millennium Eye] held by Hayato. Three Illusion Gods] related.

Then when he finally finished his work, Hayato asked someone to move away the pile of wreckage that looked like a motorcycle and keep it, saying that it could be sold for a big price. He also asked Bekas to find someone to move the remains that looked like motorcycles. Like the remains of the robot are buried well.

Although he was a little skeptical about Hayato's words, Becas still chose to believe in Hayato. Anyway, even if he wanted to do something, he didn't need to do it himself because he was too tired. As a result, before the Duel Monsters Convention ended yesterday, Becas received good news from his adopted son Pegasus Tsukiyuki.

Although neither of the two wrecks is in a complete state, even after the simplest disassembly, it can be found that the level of technology contained in them is at least hundreds of years beyond the level of the current world, and the level of technology is at least as high as two or three floors. .

Even if there is a limitation that basic technology is not fully developed, as long as it can be studied carefully, at least dozens of technologies that transcend the times can be developed.

However, only in that human form.

Because of the death of his first love in the past, after establishing the International Illusion Club, Becca mainly promoted Duel Monsters, but he also made some achievements in the medical field, so he could barely understand the technology used by humanoids, but for that Moto they can't do anything.

At best, it can only be seen that the power system of the motorcycle seems to be based on some kind of substance. However, when the experiment was reversed, no substance existing in nature responded.

After some hesitation, Becas chose to listen to Hayato's opinion and instead of conducting in-depth research on the humanoid, he asked Tenma Tsukiyuki to bury it. The unusable motorcycle was the one Becas traded with Kaiba. thing.

Although studying humanoid seems to be more beneficial, just like Becas reflected on himself and repented after being defeated by Hayato and Yugi, he will try his best to atone for his sins in the rest of his life. Although he may not be able to do much, at least he will not harm others for the sake of profit, even if it is a dead person.

The jet landed in an open space not far from the castle where Becas lived. When Haima followed the waiter who led the way and saw Becas, he found that this guy was sitting in the spacious restaurant, sitting alone on the long bench. Enjoying breakfast at the table. …

In addition to Becas, even the butler from the castle who always served him was not in the restaurant. The waiter who led the way also exited the room immediately after bringing Kaiba to Becas and closed the door of the restaurant. , creating a space for one-on-one dialogue between the two people inside.

Hmph, it's so leisurely, Becas. Holding a suitcase in his hand, Kaiba watched coldly as Becas leisurely cut off a piece of cake and put it into his mouth, As you invited me, I'm here to trade with you. , I also agreed to the previous request.

Unbelievable! Kaiba boy, I thought you wouldn't agree to my big talk at first, but I'm even ready to bargain with you. Becas had a smile on his face, a calm posture, and he didn't notice at all. Show how embarrassed he looked when he got up this morning.

Although Bekas proposed a deal to Haima and incidentally sent the preliminary appraisal report of the motorcycle to Haima, he requested the transaction for the 10% shares of Haima Entertainment Group held by Haima.

You know, although the current Haima has successfully recovered the shares they hold from the five elders, they hold a total of 70% of the Haima Group. The remaining shares are 20% held by Guiping and other shareholders and retail investors. 10%.

Bekas traded 10% of his shares for a scrapped motorcycle that he had never seen before. From the bottom of his heart, Becas did not think that such a deal would be established. He thought that Haima would definitely bargain, so he gave it casually. It’s just an outrageous price.

In the end, Kaiba actually agreed?

Bekas never thought that Kaiba was a fool. On the contrary, he had always been very optimistic about Kaiba who had developed a virtual projection system that was incomparably suitable for Duel Monsters. It seemed wrong that Kaiba would agree to such a deal.

However, Becas was not in a hurry to discuss business. Instead, he put down the knife and fork in his hand and stretched it towards Kaiba. Kaiba, who had been looking at Becas, noticed that there was another untouched portion on the dining table. Fresh cakes and clean cutlery.

Sa, don't be anxious and don't be polite. I guess you haven't had breakfast yet, Haima boy. I asked someone to prepare it specially for you.

However, Kaiba just glanced at the cake and was not interested: I don't like sweets very much.

It's not that tough guys don't eat sweets is a habit. The main reason is that there is nearly half a day's time difference between Doushino City, where Kaiba was, and America, where Becas was.

Although Becas had just gotten up and had breakfast, Kaiba also set out after dinner, which was Kaiba's favorite beef tenderloin with foie gras sauce.

In this case, we can't waste it. Ah, can you help me get the cherry on the cake? Although I'm a little greedy, I like cherries very much.

Kaiba pushed the cake and brought it to Becas on a plate.

Thanks~ Becas thanked him casually, reached out and picked up the cherry on the plate and put it into his mouth. However, just when Becas was about to perform his cherry-eating stunt, Kaiba interrupted him.

Let me confirm one thing for you first, Becas. In the past, you undoubtedly placed yourself as the 'creator' of duel monsters, right? However, you created something that even you can't control. The powerful [Three Illusion Gods]. Kaiba looked down at Becas on the seat, Don't you have a trace of unwillingness in your heart?

Let's judge from your perspective as the father of duel monsters. Does the newly completed [Blue Eyes] you mentioned have a more powerful power than the gods?

When Becas heard this, he sighed helplessly: Sure enough, Haima boy, you are not here just for trading.

If you, Kaiba boy, are just looking for an answer, then I can tell you that the answer is yes. The card based on the data of [Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] that you gave me undoubtedly has the power to transcend gods and transcend A duel surpasses even the power of fate.

However, before Kaiba could smile, Becas changed the subject: But, I can't hand over your card to Kaiba boy now.

Sudden update, surprise!

(What about the price, Gul'dan)

I’ll take another day off tomorrow (laughs)

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