Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 51 Dutch Music Festival

The next day, Brother Maze left Duel Academy with a package in his arms and tears.

It’s not that they were very sad after being defeated. The Maze Brothers didn’t lose once or twice. It’s not like they were undefeated duelists who tasted the pain of defeat for the first time and fell into despair. For those who need to fight in the International Illusion Society Hayato, Becas, Yugi and others duel, and failure is already commonplace for the Maze Brothers who are testing the strength of new cards.

——Of course, to outsiders, the Maze Brothers are still the strongest team duelists, and have won the team duel championship in world-class professional duelist events more than once.

Although it was the first time that they were defeated by two school students, the Maze Brothers were not sad enough to cry. After all, they only came to Duel Academy Island this time after being hired by the Duel Academy's board of directors, and because the principal of Duel Academy, Hayato Kobayashi, was the boss of their immediate boss.

Because the combination of Judai and Caesar won the final victory, although Nakao Yuki was very unwilling to complete the task of the council and tried to use Ryo Marufuji as a third-year student and Yujo as a first-year student. The results achieved by Judai's dueling partners are nothing to count. However, Vice Principal Samejima and Professor Kuronos also argued that it was unreasonable for top professional duelists like the Labyrinth Brothers to participate in the Judgment Duel. Reasonable.

The final result of the sanctions struggle was that Judai successfully exempted him from all punishments and did not have to be punished for trespassing into the abandoned old school building. By the way, Judai also successfully formed a bond with Caesar and became friends.

What really made the Maze brothers cry was actually in the package they were carrying.

After the ship sailed a certain distance from the Duel Academy, Mi opened the package, took out a few cards inside and said: I originally thought that yesterday's duel would be performed for the students of the Duel Academy. The two of us rehearsed in that venue. Acting out all morning.

As a result, I just happened to miss this package containing the International Illusion Society, and passed by the enhanced card. Gong Congmi took the card from his hand and read it, I heard that the boy who defeated us also I received a package in the morning, which contained a strengthening card from Mr. Hayato.

If I could get these two enhanced cards, it wouldn't be certain who would win in the end. It would be such a pity. The fan held a magic card in his hand, [Dark Element], which was found in the cemetery. [Guardian of the Gate] can be used to pay half of the base points to special summon a [Guardian of the Gate] monster with level 11☆ or above from your hand, deck, or even the fusion deck, regardless of the summoning conditions.

In Miya's hand is the monster corresponding to this magic card, [Dark Guardian-Dark Guardian], which is regarded as [Guardian of Doors] according to the rules. You can use the effect of [Dark Element] to remove it from the deck. Directly special summon, or normally return one of the Three Demons from the hand, field, graveyard, and excluded area to the deck, special summon from the hand or the graveyard, and there are also monsters that cannot be destroyed by battle and are not affected by other monsters. and strong resistance affected by the opponent's magic card effects.

The appearance of these two cards can be said to have perfectly filled the gap between the Maze Brothers and their current decks that lack the means to recover the excluded Three Demons. Originally, they wanted to recover those three cards in order to summon [Guardian of the Gate] If the Three Demons who are often excluded are needed, only [Burial from Another Dimension] and a few other cards with once-per-turn effects can be used.

If he had gotten these two cards in the previous duel, Gong could have used the effect of [Dark Namer] to help the fans add [Dark Element] to the hand card, and the result would have definitely changed.

It's a pity, the Maze Brothers are not the kind of people who rely on what if for everything, and having enhanced cards for duels will certainly help, but it doesn't mean that they can't do it without enhanced cards. It's a useless person who won by himself.

But then again, brother, if the duel between us and that boy is regarded as a contest between Mr. Yugi and Mr. Hayato. Gong looked at Mi and said, Does it mean that we caused Mr. Yugi to lose once?

What should you worry about if Mr. Yugi loses? He doesn't care about those things, and it's not like he offended Mr. Hayato. Mi didn't take it seriously and said casually, I heard that a new employee in the card design department actually wanted to design Mr. Hayato was so petty that he deducted a month's salary for the reason that he stepped into the company door with his left foot first.

Is there such a thing? That Mr. Hayato is too cautious—


Very unexpectedly, the mobile phone hidden on his body suddenly rang. He had set exclusive ringtones for each important person. Coincidentally, the ringtone ringing at this moment was Hayato's exclusive ringtone they were talking about. Gong heard the phone ringing. He also immediately shut up and didn't speak. Mi quickly answered the phone: Mr. Hayato?

Although I have no proof, I always feel like someone is saying bad things about me.

On the other end of the phone, Hayato's calm voice came, and cold sweat broke out on Mi's forehead. He hurriedly said: How could it be? Mr. Hayato, you are an idol in the hearts of countless people. As the strongest man in the world, how can anyone dare to Say bad things about you?

Including you?

Mi Zhengse said: There is no sun in the sky. In my heart, you are the only sun in my heart, Mr. Hayato!

Hearing the lines that Malik had memorized just two days ago, Hayato complained: Where did you get such a flattering line? This is not the first time I heard it.

It's a pinned post on the professional duelist forum. No, there's nothing. This is what I think from the bottom of my heart. Fan Ya didn't care whether Hayato on the other end of the phone could hear or not, and showed a flattering smile, Mr. Hayato, our beloved You!

Okay, stop flattering. You should have received the cards that the game has urgently produced, right? It's a pity that your express delivery was cut in line during mailing, otherwise you might still be able to use those two cards in the duel. We're here. Hayato, who used his unlimited principal privileges to cut the queue in front of the Labyrinth Brothers with his package for Judai, said nonchalantly, Although I'm somewhat interested in the situation of the sanctions duel, I will go back and watch the video afterwards. of.

What was the result of your inspection in the academy?

After hearing Hayato's words, the Maze brothers really became serious.

On the surface, it seems that the Labyrinth Brotherhood's visit to Duel Academy was indeed an invitation from the Duel Academy Board of Directors. The reason was that Judai broke into the old school without permission. Normally, no one would know what the Duel Academy Board of Directors would do. What treatment plan will be adopted for Judai, and who will be invited to the sanctions battle. However, Hayato couldn't stand it and opened Clairvoyance EX.

Knowing in advance that the council would invite the Maze Brothers, he had already greeted the Maze Brothers and asked them to do something for him, and the two additional enhancement cards they received were the rewards given by Hayato. It’s just that the designer is the game.

And what they were entrusted by Hayato to investigate was——

For us who were invited by them, the Duel Academy Council took no precautions and allowed us to act on the island.

As maze experts, we Maze Brothers also have a lot of experience in where cameras should be set up to observe the expressions on the faces of maze experiencers as much as possible, and we successfully found many hidden cameras placed on the island.

But according to what you mean, we just tampered with its connection method and added a relay point with the highest control authority, so that the screen that the terminal can see is all controlled by the relay point.

Each of the Maze brothers reported to Hayato.

Hayato remembered that in another world, after the seal of the Three Illusions, the Seven Spirits' Release, was accidentally released, Kagemaru, who was not on the island at all, arrived at the Seven Spirits' Release immediately. At the location, take away the unsealed Three Phantom Demons card.

You know, at that time, Kagemaru had to lie in a life-saving cabin. Although he transformed the survival cabin into a multi-functional mobile robot, it was difficult to hide that it was cumbersome and needed to be transported by airplane. reality. Even if Kagemaru was ready at all times, it would take a long time just to take off by land to the Duel Academy Island. How on earth did he get to the island so quickly?

The answer is simple. This old guy who should have exploded the gold coins a long time ago has installed a lot of surveillance on the island. Although the initial construction of Duel Academy Island was carried out by the Kaiba Group, Kagemaru can use various methods to control the Seven Stars The people sent to the island are just for some surveillance. For him, it is more difficult to arrange for the [Black Scorpion Digging Group] to lurk in the academy.

In fact, over the years, Hayato has indeed found a lot of surveillance cameras on the island that have not been included in the Kaiba Group's LAN. It would be easy to simply remove these surveillance cameras, but that would only alert the snake and make it impossible to seduce them. Kagemaru arrives on the island.

Similarly, it would be easy for Kaiba or others to hack those cameras, but the problem is that Kaiba, who has never been on the island, suddenly comes to the island, which everyone feels is problematic.

Since it was still early for Kagemaru to start his operation, Hayato simply ignored the cameras on the island. He only let the Maze Brothers come to the island this time to hack into them. Moreover, Hayato also discovered that the cameras they found were better than what he knew. The number is even higher. It can only be said that although they are not good at playing cards, they still have good skills.

Mr. Hayato, you can just think about those words. Why do you have to say them out? Mi said helplessly, And we think we still have some strength, right?

Since we returned to the mainland for further studies, we brothers have become different from what we were before. Gong Ye said confidently.

Who would have thought that there really is a school, Dongfang Bubai, and there is even an Asian sage. He is called the 'King of Hearts' because he always gets a straight flush when playing cards. It's a pity that Domon Cardiff is not Dongfang Bu. Defeat. Hayato said with some regret.

The Maze Brothers are professional duelists employed by the International Illusion Society. When they originally wanted to go to the mainland to find the School: Eastern Undefeated that Hayato mentioned when he defeated them, Hayato used the International Illusion Society's channels to help contact them. It was an unexpected surprise to hear a familiar name in this card-playing world, but I didn't expect that the environmentalist still passed away early in this world.

Like the Electronic Flow and Psychic Flow, the Eastern Undefeated Flow is also a dueling school that has been passed down from ancient times in this world. However, the Maze Brothers failed to pass the test and joined it. In the end, they just studied there. It took him a while to perfect his maze flow, but he has indeed made great progress in terms of strength.

The contemporary master of the Eastern Invincible Style, Domon Kaxiu, took a fancy to himself who brought the Labyrinth Brothers there. He said that he was a rare talent with a soul as pure as a blank sheet of paper, a genius of heaven, and would not join them. It's a pity that Touhou Bubai Ryu is a teacher. The personality of that teacher is also a little different from the other person in Hayato's impression. He likes to laugh hum ha ha ha ha ha and likes to stand on high places like street lamps because of his physical fitness. Dress up.

Although some people were curious whether the relatively low-key Eastern Bubai Style would also have secret secrets like the Electronic Style, Hayato ultimately rejected his invitation, and Lord Domon did not force it, but instead gave it to him. A card from Hayato, hoping he would consider it again. If he changes his mind in the future, he is always welcome to join them.

And that card was the first time even Hayato had seen it in this world. It was——

Suddenly remembering something, Hayato said to the Maze brothers: You said you are very strong, right? Then there will be a chance for you to show your strength.

Originally, Jounouchi did not plan to participate in the World Professional Duelist Competition this year. He went traveling around the world with Peacock Dance. However, when he attended a music festival in the Netherlands, his things were stolen. After the thief was caught, the thief They also said, 'This is not something I stole, this is something I found, fellow citizen.' The Dutch government even said that the thief was a caring person who helped to keep the lost property.

Mi Yi raised his eyebrows: I always feel like you are insinuating something, Mr. Hayato?

Don't dare to talk nonsense. Don't say anything that is not conducive to unity. Miya quickly covered his brother's mouth and said on the phone, But what does the matter between Jonouuchi Katsuya and Maouwu have to do with our brothers?

Because the two of them were unhappy, they simply canceled their plan to travel around the world. Now they are planning to sign up for a doubles duel. Anyway, Jonouchi has won more than one championship, but he has not won the doubles championship yet. Hayato Mosuo twitched his chin, wondering if he should find time to join Isis in a doubles duel. In other words, if you still want to win the championship this year, it will be a big challenge.

After hearing Hayato's words, the fan said easily: Jounuchi Katsuya? After so many years, I don't think he has improved at all. He can play cards at a 50-50 level with anyone, and he is surrounded by dangers. Being a champion just depends on luck.

Looking at it, it's like someone who puts in a bid and sells the leader! Gong Ye showed a confident expression.

(A few months later, in the finals of the World Duelist Tournament-Double Tournament, the Maze Brothers summoned the invincible [Dark Guardian-Dark Guardian], and then Jonouchi and Maura Mai held the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon Sword] [Amazon Empress] was knocked over with two consecutive hits)

The enhanced release of the next generation

Look at the cover: Zhejiang Justice Alliance players sent congratulatory messages

Open it and take a look: What is the next generation?

Although the effect of the new Lk1 is similar to that of DT Traveling Bird, the quality of our other cards is too low. Let’s take a look at the Ice Barrier Dragon Ancestor and Hellfire Machine Evil Thought in the distance.

As well as the announcement of the Christmas box information, Winged Kurigo LV6 is a bit interesting. The new red dragon without the red dragon field is just like that. However, the two derivative cards attracted my attention. The combination of Kaiba and Atum and Judai and Yubel’s CP even has one line per person. Consortium K has mastered a new card selling routine.

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