Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 48: These are the complete guardians of the door, the complete three demon gods, and the com

[Electronic Dragon], attack [Mine Spider], evolve flame!

With three [Electronic Dragons] on the field, Caesar decisively chose to use one of them to attack the trap monster on the palace field, trying to kill it together.

【Mine Spider】【ATK2100】

【Electronic Dragon】【ATK2100】

However, Gong obviously had no intention of just watching Caesar turn around and attack the monsters on his brother's field. He waved his hand and said, Hmph, you want to attack my brother's side? I won't let you get what you want! Activate [Water Demon God-Sika] The effect is only once while it is on the field, absorbing one attack from the opponent's monster! Go ahead and protect my brother's monster!

Compared with the normal version of [Water Demon God-Sika], the effects of Maze Brothers' [Water Demon God-Sika] and even the other three demons are different. The original effect can only be activated when oneself is attacked. It can be activated when the opponent's monster attacks any target, but while its application range has been expanded, its effectiveness has also been reduced. It has changed from permanently reducing the attacking monster's attack power to 0 to just invalidating one attack.

I'm not sure which one is better, but at least at this moment, the effect of Gong's [Water Demon God-Sijia] successfully protected the [Landmine Spider] on the confusion field.

A sudden rise of a water formation wall blocked the attack of [Electronic Dragon]. Without waiting for Mi to express his gratitude to his brother Gong, Caesar waved his hand again and said: But you said it yourself, that effect can only absorb one attack. Right? I still have two [Electronic Dragons] on the field that have not attacked, but I just consumed the attack of one of them.

The second body [Electronic Dragon] attacks [Mine Spider] again, the second evolutionary flame!

As if he had identified the [Landmine Spider] and wanted to avenge the monsters destroyed by it ten generations ago - although [E·hero Sunrise Man] ran away before it was destroyed - Caesar ordered the [Electronic Dragon] again. ] attacked [Mine Spider], and the effect of [Water Demon God-Sijia] could only take effect once. This time, [Mine Spider] was successfully destroyed by [Electronic Dragon], but at the same time, it struggled to its death. He also successfully took away Caesar's body [Electronic Dragon].

The third body [Electronic Dragon], which had not yet attacked, also targeted the last monster on the field that was obsessed with the third wave of Caesar's wave - the monster in face-down defense position. Evolves flame emission: The third body [Electronic Dragon] attacks the monster in defense position on the inside!

The beam penetrated the face-down monster on the puzzle field, and after flipping it over, a monster dressed as a magician hidden under the card was revealed.

The effect of [Weapon Summoner] is that when this card is reversed, it is activated to add a [Guardian] card from the deck to the hand.

The monster in defense position on the side of the puzzle field is the support card [Weapon Summoner] belonging to the [Guardian] series. Although it is a bit strange, [Guardian of the Gate] and related cards do have [Guardian]. ] field, supports being retrieved by [Weapon Summoner], so it’s not surprising that the Labyrinth Brotherhood puts [Weapon Summoner] in the deck.

Because it was in defense position, [Weapon Summoner] was destroyed and did not bring combat damage to the fan. However, after the attack of the last one [Electronic Dragon], Caesar successfully cleared all the monsters in the puzzle and made the maze There is only one [Water Demon God-Sika] left on the field that has already used its effect once.

Caesar, who had done his best, glanced at the last card in his hand, covered it and said: My battle phase is over, and then I will cover a card in the main phase two, and the round ends.

[Caesar: 4000LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Electronic Dragon】【ATK2100】

【Electronic Dragon】【ATK2100】


Awesome, Caesar, what a wonderful comeback. Seeing Caesar end the round, Judai said, smiling and giving him a thumbs up, Not only did he break through the opponent's monster Suppression reversed the base score and even opened a gap.

In this two-player duel, if either side has no monsters on the field, their partner cannot use their own monsters to block direct attacks on them, and Caesar destroys [Feng Shui Demon-Guardian of the Gate]. It also opened such a gap in the field of fans. If the next turn was Judai, it would be a decisive victory, but it is a pity that it cannot be replaced.

However, it is foreseeable that if Mini cannot summon any powerful monsters in this round, he may not be able to block the strong attack of the ten generations of [E·hero] monsters in the next round.

But at this moment, Mi's face did not show the slightest nervousness. Instead, he praised Judai and Caesar: Obviously they are just students of Duel Academy, but they were able to suppress us two brothers to such an extent.

Among the newcomers in the doubles duel, we would like to call you the strongest. Gong followed the words that were fascinated, paused for a moment, turned to his brother and said, But if you think you have defeated the [Feng Shui Demon-Guardian of the Door] 】If you have a sure chance of victory,

Then you'll be happy too soon. Fan pulled out a card from the deck, My turn, draw a card.

Seeing the card he had drawn, the smile on Mi's face became even bigger. He turned to Gong and said, If you duel for long enough, you will always encounter something good, Gong. Your [Wind Demon God-Shuga] has been excluded. The day is over, give its power to me.”

If you want it, just take it yourself. You know the rules, brother. After hearing Mi's words, Gong removed his [Wind] card that had been excluded for the appearance of [Feng Shui Demon-Guardian of Doors]. Demon God-Shuga] took it back again and held it in his hand.

Fan took out a card from the graveyard and said: [Mine Spider] was actively destroyed by you, but it helped me a lot. I will banish this trap card and activate the effect of [Mine Spider's Prey] in the graveyard. From the card Add one 'Three Demon Gods' to your hand among the friendly cards in the group and banished state.

And what my brother chose was naturally the [Wind Demon God-Shuga] that I was excluded from. Gong stretched out his hand to the side, and Mi Mi skillfully took the card from his brother's hand without even looking at it. I will add [Wind Demon God-Shuga] to my hand.

And at this moment, [Thunder Demon God-Sangha] exists in our cemetery, Mi said, pointing to his feet,

[Wind Demon God-Shuga] is in my brother's hand, Gong sneered, pointing to Mi Gong beside him.

As well as the [Water Demon God-Sika] on the field, all the 'Three Demon Gods' are gathered in our hand, on the field, and in the graveyard!

Mi proudly took all three cards from everywhere, concentrated them in his hand, and said: Except these three cards, come in your true form, the guardian of the end with invincible power, the gate to the closed world. The guardian of!

School·Maze, the ultimate secret! Raising his right hand suddenly, Gong put on a posture,

The style of the king! Brand new series! Mi immediately took on the opposite posture to Gong, raised her left hand,

Their arms intertwined at their sides and they shouted together:

It's shocking! The east is stained red with blood!

The three monster cards in Mi's hand all glowed with light, and the three demon gods with different shapes were seen resurrecting from various locations and came to Mi's field. They were combined together like super robots!

What makes up the head is the Demon God of Thunder [Thunder Demon God-Sanga]!

What makes up the crotch is the Demon God of Storms [Wind Demon God-Shuga]!

What makes up the legs is the Demon God of Waves [Water Demon God-Sika]!

In the crossed hands of the Maze Brothers, a purple card appeared, and the two Maze Brothers jointly placed it on the duel plate while shouting its name:

This is the complete [Guardian of the Door],

The complete 'Three Demon Gods'

Totally, Brother Maze! X2

Completely united! [Combined Demon God-Guardian of the Door]! X2

Ready? Fight! X2

The [Combined Demon God-Guardian of the Gate], which is so huge that it almost touches the ceiling of the indoor duel arena, stands on the Maze Brothers field, and the data panel beside him slowly displays:

[Combined Demon God-Guardian of the Gate] [12☆/Dark]



It's higher than the legendary [Blue Eyes White Dragon], with an attack power of 3750 points! Judai couldn't help showing a surprised expression, Only 250 attack points lower than Caesar's [Electronic Terminator Dragon]?

You kid, are you implying that the two of us are 250? The word well appeared on Mi's bald head, and he said unhappily, Although the attack power is slightly inferior, [Combined Demon God-Guardian of the Gate] is not powerful at all. Undoubtedly the stronger one.

On the basis of [Feng Shui Demon-Guardian of Doors], its effect has been further strengthened. When the opponent activates the effect of a card on our field as a target, it can activate its effect, invalidate its effect and destroy.

Gong raised three fingers: And, this effect can be used three times in one round!

Caesar glanced at the Maze Brothers, and his eyes stayed on Gong's field: But, as a price for his appearance, there are no more monsters on Gong's field that can serve as a barrier, right? Although [Combined Demon God-Guardian of the Door] 】’s attack power is very strong, but it’s not enough to be decisive.”

Next round, the empty palace on the field will become a fatal flaw!

After hearing Caesar's words, the Maze brothers looked at each other and laughed together.

Hahahaha, that's true under normal circumstances. The fan smiled, but showed a card in his hand, But, thanks to the [Weapon Summoner] that was destroyed by you last round, let me use this card Added to the hand.

The magic card [Guardian of the Force] is activated!

In the hands of the Maze Brothers, there was originally a special version of [Force]. Unlike the general version of [Force], which reduces the attack power of one monster by half and increases the reduced attack power to another monster, its effect is Reduce the opponent's base points by half, and then increase the dropped base points to a monster.

But later, given that this version of [Force] is too supermodel, even a fish monster with 0 attack power can be turned into a passable RBI with 2000 attack power in the blink of an eye, plus some direct attack capabilities. If so, you can even expand OTK without two cards. The International Illusion Society has recycled the version of [Force] in their hands.

Unforgivable, Becas! ——The Maze brothers who didn’t know that recovering [the Force] was actually Hayato’s arrangement once complained like this.

But there are gains as well as losses. Also having the [Force] card is Game, who is currently the chief card designer of the International Illusion Society. Although he uses the dealer version, since he has dueled with the Maze Brothers, he has We are already making strengthening cards for the Maze Brothers, and at the same time, we have also made another modified [Force].

——Although most people need to consider various reasons when designing cards, but sorry, when the game prints the cards, you can really do whatever you want.

When our base points are lower than the opponent's, we can only activate them by targeting monsters on our field with [Guardian of Gates] in their names. Mi pointed at Judai, Change the opponent's base points. Half!

Judai opened his mouth in surprise: Nani!?

The simpler the description, the more powerful the effect sometimes is, such as drawing two cards, and the same is true for the opponent's basic points are reduced to half. Judai watched helplessly as the fans activated the cards, he and Caesar The shared base points begin to plummet!

[Tenth generation: 4000→2000LP]

In just the blink of an eye, they lost a full 2,000 basic points!

Not only that, the subsequent effect of [Guardian of the Force], Gong waved his hand forward, the decrease in the opponent's base points will be converted into the increased attack power of [Guardian of the Gate]!

The base points of Judai and the others dropped by 2000 points. [Combined Demon God-Guardian of the Door] opened his arms and opened his mouth on all three faces and began to inhale, as if swallowing the life force of Judai and the others. The already huge The body is getting bigger and bigger!

[Combined Demon-Guardian of the Gate] [ATK3750→5750]

Although there are no monsters on the palace field, as long as you clear out the remaining 2000 basic points in this round, there will be no problem! Mi said, looking at the remaining four cards in his hand.

The two remaining cards in my hand from the last round, the [Burial from Another Dimension] sent to me by the palace, and the card drawn this round, I don’t need to lose any of the resources in my hand to increase the reliability rate, Isn't it a pity?

Before entering the battle phase, the quick-attack magic card [Demon Wind Shock Wave] is activated. If there is a [Guardian of Gates] monster on my field, target a card on the field and destroy it! Inserted into the magic trap area and pointed at Judai's backcourt, What I want to destroy is the cover card in your backcourt!

[Fusion Demon God - Guardian of the Gate] [Wind Demon God - Shuga] on the crotch opened his mouth, rolled up the electrified water and turned it into a sphere, and shot it towards the last card in Judai's backfield!

Judai and Caesar's eyes widened at the same time——

How do you know that I shot Hedley and Ines at the same time?

And one thing to say, Hedley is really not good at it.

He(rag)he(dre)he(moyige), real food

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