Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 38 The title was sent to the grave by Xiaolan

[Congratulations on killing two more vegetables... You defeated two equally matched opponents. The settlement is being processed for you——]

Seeing the system prompts, Hayato was already used to it. He calmly put away the cards on the duel plate, walked to the fallen Mask of Light and Darkness to get their deck, and skillfully returned all the cards to the system store. Go inside.

The harvest was pretty good. Although the two Masks of Light and Darkness were only as strong as each other, the rarity of the cards in the deck was not too low. It brought Hayato about half the DP points of a UR card. This Hayato couldn't help but sigh that it was his job to make money quickly - of course the job here refers to fighting evil, not to blame other people's decks. After all, Hayato Kobayashi is a duelist who implements love and justice. .

At the same time, as the dark game ended and the surrounding environment returned to its original indoor appearance, Zhuzhao Cheng and Aluminum Field remained motionless as before.

A dark game that is close to stopping time and allows only relevant personnel to move freely. The earliest user of this ability was Becas. Although he no longer has the [Millennium Eye], who knows what his so-called residual power is. Why has the magic power not been used up after so many years? In short, even now he can still use some of the methods he could use when he still had the [Millennium Eye]. The dark game that unfolds in this way is what Bekas taught Hayato. of.

It seems like this ability is a bit exaggerated? But don’t forget that at his peak, Becas could not only use this form of dark game at will, but even use a box of video tapes as a medium to play the dark game across an ocean. In the use of the [Millennium Artifact], he It can also be said that he is amazingly talented. He is infinitely better than a bald man who holds two [Millennium Artifacts] but can easily be killed by others if he is not careful.

Although it is a dark game based on the ability of the [Millennium Eye], Hayato has also learned this form of dark game by relying on the I am thinking method, although he is not as good as Becas. In this way, it can be deployed automatically remotely, but there is no problem at all in normal use, it can be retracted and retracted freely.

Pa-- Snapping his fingers, Hayato released the restrictions on the two people who had been stopped in time. The moment after the magic power was gathered back to the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] was originally extracted from the memory. The projection of the Wheel of Wisdom also shattered and disappeared.

Hayato didn't feel bad about this at all. Anyway, he could take out another one and use it at any time if he wanted to. However, Inozama Makoto and Aluminum Field were in a daze, realizing that the two people of Light and Dark Mask, who were so arrogant just now, all fell on the street. Hayato, who somehow teleported to where they were, dropped two duel disks at their feet. The golden disk on his chest was shattering and disappearing, making both of them dumbfounded.

What happened? When he saw Hayato breaking in here, he was about to ask him to leave and ask for help. In the blink of an eye, he realized that he seemed to have skipped four or five chapters of the novel. Makoto Inozuma couldn't understand what was going on now. , looked at the aluminum field next to him and said, Is this some kind of super power?

I don't even know where the end of the universe is, how can I know the answer to the question? Aluminum Field complained, and suddenly thought, Wait a minute, I seem to have heard of a similar ability that can make people unaware of the process. What happened to the ability to jump time? By the way, it’s the Crimson King! This is a stand-in attack!”

Hayato rolled his eyes and was too lazy to complain about two guys with excessive imagination. After all, as the principal of Duel Academy and just a civil servant, he had no superpowers.

If you ask me, didn't you claim to be the superpower who receives cosmic radio waves to foresee the future, the 'Super Aluminum Field'?

Hearing such a title come out of Hayabusa's mouth, Aluminum Field suddenly blushed: There is no such title here...

But before he finished speaking, Aluminum Field himself became discouraged: ...Well, I did have such a strange title before.

Because he's still a kid.

Hearing Hayato's words, Aluminum Field said a little strangely: But, that happened during Duel City, it was already five years ago, how did you -

Have you not recognized this person yet, Aluminum Field? His appearance is not necessarily known to everyone, but he can still be considered a household name. Although Zhuzhao Cheng on the side still didn't understand what was going on, he He had at least recognized Hayato who had taken off his disguise, Brother, didn't he say that you had dueled with him before when he introduced you?

Duel King, Kobayashi Hayato?! It was only at this moment that Aluminum Field realized Hayato's identity and said in surprise, recalling the duel he had with Hayato in Duel City.

Although Inozama Makoto remembered that he had dueled with Hayato, in fact, Alumina himself didn't care too much about that duel. After all, he had asked his two younger brothers to help him cheat in the duel, which was not only disgraceful. , and even teach bad things to children. He doesn’t even want to mention that he had a duel with Kobayashi Hayato.

As for Inozama Makoto's brother, why does Inozatsuji, a contemporary Nenri-ryu master, vigorously promote this, and at the same time, he often talks about how strong Hayato is in front of others? Being defeated by a farm lady carrying onions is two different things than being defeated by Domon Kashu. The more powerful Hayato is as the duel king, the more powerful it can be to show that the pig claws that have also dueled with Hayato are not only awesome. ?

It's true, it's been so long, I almost can't recognize it - Aluminum Field paused and looked at Hayato, Isn't there no change at all! Why do you look the same five years ago as you do now? Obviously The teenage years are a period of development, right?”

Because men remain young until they die, so I will always be eighteen years old~ Hayato said with a smile, Where are your brothers?

Thanks to the Kaiba Group, the income of duelists in Tongshino City is quite good. I can make enough money by myself. They are all in school and living a good life. Moreover, because there is a duelist brother in school, He's not afraid of being bullied either. Hearing Hayato talk about his younger brother, Aluminum Field also had a smile on his face.

On the side, Inozama Makoto recovered from the previous duel with the Mask of Light and Darkness, stood up and looked at the two Masked Light and Darkness who were defeated by Hayato, silently.

His older brother had obtained the Nenri-ryu Kaden in the early years, and also participated in Duel City, but like Alumina, he lost to the later duel king Kobayashi Hayato, and became a contemporary teacher of Nenri-ryu a few years later. Later, his brother Inozuchi still claimed that he was no match for Kobayashi Hayato and highly praised him.

Zhuzhaocheng thought, no matter how strong he is, how strong can he be? Then he saw two members of the Mask of Light and Darkness who were able to completely slay him and Aluminum Field. They challenged Hayato Kobayashi alone, but were easily defeated by the opponent. Even at the end of the duel, Hayato Kobayashi's basic score was still 4,000 points.

The gap is too big, right?

He looked at the two motionless Masks of Light and Darkness and asked, Are they both dead?

How is it possible? Do you think I am the kind of person who does all kinds of evil? There is no duelist more caring than me. Hayato glanced at Inozama Makoto, and grabbed the collars of the Masks of Light and Darkness. , lifted up an adult with one hand and said, I still want to find out what the so-called 'New Gurus' is from these two people.

I remember Grus, it was an international criminal organization that haunted Doshino City at that time in Duel City, right? I heard that they hindered many duelists from dueling, and also robbed many rare cards. They are quite a hateful organization. , and fortunately I was lucky enough not to meet them at that time. Aluminum Field, an experiencer in Duel City, recalled what he heard in the past, But I also heard that Gurus disbanded inexplicably and disappeared without a trace. It’s just that their leader ‘Malik’ still has a bounty on his head to this day.”

Could it be that the man named 'Malik' came back and came back here to take revenge on Tongshi Noichi who destroyed Gurus and established a new Gurus? Makoto Inozuma has not experienced this. Duel City, he guessed based on the information given by the aluminum field.

Hayato curled his lips: It's a pity. What I learned is that New Gurus should have nothing to do with Malik. If it were him, the matter would have been settled long ago. But the current situation is that except for this organization called' There is no other information other than New Gurus'.

Finding a random rope, Hayato skillfully tied the two Masks of Light and Darkness together, back to back, and waited for them to wake up.

Although the Dark Game is a dangerous game that can take lives, and those who accept the game are completely unable to resist the punishment if they do not have special abilities, the specific punishment is designated by the developer. Hayato has to learn from the two Masks of Light and Darkness. The specific information about New Gurus was tortured, and the punishment set was just a light soul shock. At most, it would make the two people faint and make them mentally unstable in the future. It would not kill them, and they would have to wait for a while. You'll wake up.

At this time, Hayato also noticed that the pocket on the inside of Dark Mask's robe was a little heavy. He dug inside and took out an iron card box and a small bag of rings. After a closer look, Hayato recognized at a glance that the rings on Dark Mask were the same rings as Ryuga's.

It’s unmistakable. The “New Gurus” where the two Masked Lights are definitely is Ryuga’s top line. They even have the ability to mass-produce these special rings. But why don’t they, like Ryuga, compete with their own? What about using these rings in a duel?

Hayato also opened another card box curiously and found that there were several slightly special field magic cards inside the card box. The card description area, card picture and card name were all blank, and only the type area was marked. Logo of field magic card.

On the side, Inozu Makoto and Aluminum Field immediately recognized that the two of them, Light and Dark Mask, had used this special field magic card before their duel. By placing them in the field area of ​​the duel plate, they actually surrounded them. The signal was completely blocked, causing the two of them to be forced to duel with the Mask of Light and Darkness. And seeing that even Hayato had finished his duel with them and no one came nearby, it seemed that they had successfully blocked the Kaiba Group's special surveillance covering the entire Doushino City.

After Hayato picked up Dark Mask's duel disk again and opened the field area, he found that the same field magic card was indeed placed inside, but because the opponent had not used a field magic card in the entire duel, he could not even use it. This veteran of the duel plate almost missed a card and failed to take it.

Although the two Masks of Light and Darkness were still in a coma and had not yet awakened, Hayato was able to deduce a lot of information from the special rings and special cards produced in batches.

Just because the Masks of Light and Darkness can carry a large number of rings and cards in their hands, let's just assume that the two of them are the cadres of the New Guru. This at least shows that the power of the New Guru is absolutely Not weak, at least he has the ability to produce a large number of cards. Putting a blank card on his duel plate, Hayato looked at the duel plate and successfully recognized the card, and added, And the cards produced can also be recognized and passed. ?”

This is not just a matter of the Kaiba Group's Duel Disk being hacked, it also involves the International Illusion Society. Rubbing his chin, Hayato frowned, It seems that it is necessary to notify Bekas.

But then again, if Ryuga is their downline in the development of New Gurus, how did they collect the cards Ryuga obtained from card gambling in the academy?

Thinking like this, the system that took a long time to complete the settlement popped up a message to Hayato. When he saw a card dropped, Hayato was a little disapproving. After all, the Mask of Light and Darkness were at that level. What good cards could they drop? But after seeing clearly what the fallen card was, even his eyes widened——

Tsk, this is a troublesome mission. I originally thought it was to sneak into Duel Academy Island and hand over the goods. At the same time, on Duel Academy Island, a strong man was hiding in the dense forest on the other side of the island, feeling unhappy. He said to himself, The guy who contacted me never showed up. Could it be that he has been exposed and was arrested by Duel Academy?

A young male's voice came from the brawny man's earphones: So are you looking for an excuse? Your signature in the underground world is that you can still complete the commission 100% no matter what happens. It's for this reason that I The price of hiring you is nearly half that of other mercenaries.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I won't ruin my own sign. The strong man pulled the hat on his head and said solemnly, It doesn't matter even if the contact person is arrested, I will find him to complete the handover of the commission. Yes, I mean, this kind of change of commission will cost more.

No problem, then I expect your next call to report to me that the mission has been completed, Mr. Titan, the Dark Duelist.

The call in the headset was hung up, and Tai Tan, who was wearing a black windbreaker, showed a disdainful expression: Tsk, you are really arrogant. Even a phone call was transferred four or five times midway, and his identity was made mysterious. .”

Moreover, they were able to arrange channels and transportation for me to get to Duel Academy Island. It seems like the background is unusual. Maybe I will be involved in the fight between the big shots above this time.

However, it has nothing to do with me, a mercenary who only works and gets paid. So let's start the preliminary investigation now, starting with the students in this college who are easiest to deal with. Sitting on the ground, operating a portable laptop, Tai Tan called up the official forum of Duel Academy and opened the posts inside.

'Seven Strange Legends of the Academy'? Maybe there are clues in it.

After opening the post and flipping through a few pages, Tai Tan decisively closed the post, Weird voices coming from the empty principal's office, unknown boys whose names change anytime, anywhere, ruins in the back mountain leading to another world,... An ordinary office worker with a fetish for hands, a savage from the back hill who is better at drawing cards than the blue dormitory, a disease that can talk into the air that has infected at least two people, and a squinty-eyed alchemist who conducts evil experiments? Nowadays students like them all Do you believe this nonsense?

The monster in the red dormitory landed at the port, The unexplainable magical dog approaches the canteen? I hate people who give other people random nicknames.

Professor Chronos looks like [The Pot of Desire]? Pfft! It really looks like it, let me go, eh? Why was it deleted?

Flower Selection of Duel Academy? How come the first place is an aunt? Someone opened it, is this, is the management mixed with private goods?

There are no clues at all. Why are today's students so idle? There is too little homework!

After reading a post and making a complaint, Tai Tan was about to close the boring post he just saw when he suddenly noticed the girl behind the first place in the voting list and had an idea in his mind: Inquiring around will alert others and cause unnecessary trouble. However, if I find a student who is easy to control and has enough popularity as a hostage to threaten the students in the school, they will never dare to take the risk to tell the teacher, and will only act obediently according to my request.

In that case, maybe we can find out where the guy named 'Ryuya' was taken.

This girl named Tianshangyuan seems to be very suitable for kidnapping. (End of Chapter)

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