【Electronic Terminator Dragon】【ATK4000→8000】

The attack power was doubled with the blessing of [Power Welding]. The [Electronic Terminator Dragon] on Caesar's field surpassed the [Five Divine Dragons] with the highest attack power under normal circumstances. The attack power of up to 8000 points turned into a light of destruction. About to fall.

When Ryuga originally saw the [Chimera Fortress Dragon] appear, although he looked surprised, he still had a calm look in his eyes, as if he was not worried that the [Chimera Fortress Dragon]'s direct attack would threaten him.

However, he never expected that Caesar would go out of his way to fuse and summon the [Electronic Terminator Dragon] even though he already had a sure way to win. The reason was just for the boring so-called dignity and respect duel!

The card covering the backfield was supposed to be a powerful card that could reverse the situation in desperate situations, but now it couldn't help him win at all!

At least struggle a little longer! Thinking like this, Ryuga tried to press the button to activate Gaika, but the pain in his palm reminded him that his palm was injured due to Hayato's attack just now, and he also had no strength to press the button to activate Gaika!

Ah, ah! You actually deprived me of the right to fight for the last time?! Honorable Kobayashi Hayato! Ryuga, who was completely unable to activate Gakka, looked at the attack of [Electronic Terminator Dragon] after it was fully charged, and pierced him with disgust. Hayato, who used cheating methods, also had an expression on his face that could not accept the fact, How could I lose here? My ambition has not been achieved yet, and I have paid such a high price to get such a treasure!


Eternal evolutionary flame!

The fully charged attack of [Electronic Terminator Dragon] hit the dragon's teeth instantly. The miserable cry of his loser was completely covered up by the loud noise of [Electronic Terminator Dragon]'s attack. When the special effects of the attack disappeared, Kido Ryuga appeared, already lying on his back with his eyes rolled back.

It seemed that the impact simulated by the virtual projection system, the pain of the hand injury, the humiliation of being defeated, and the unwillingness to have his ambitions ended were all superimposed on each other, so Ryuga, who could not accept the facts, fell into a coma.

[Kido Ryuga: 300LP → 0]

The outcome is decided! Despite the restriction of not being able to use magic cards due to Ryuga's cheating at the beginning, Caesar still won the duel with dignity!

Yoshi! Caesar won! What an interesting duel! Although the duel was with Caesar and not himself, Judai was happy for Caesar from the bottom of his heart, not just because he won the duel cleanly and honestly. It's beautiful, and it's because Caesar protected his card from being taken away by Dragon Teeth.

Compared to Ryuga-sensei and Caesar, whose base points dropped too much due to the use of [Power Welding], he obviously knows better when is the right time to use [Power Welding]. Rather than simply enjoying the duel process The fun-loving Judai, Asuka wants to pay more attention to Caesar's dueling qualities in the duel, trying to learn from them to improve himself, must be used next time.

Do you prefer to mutter down there instead of coming here to take the card that this guy snatched?

Hayato, who had been standing behind Ryuga under the duel stage before, was already standing on the field when Ryuga was knocked unconscious. He used extremely skillful techniques to remove the spare cards from the card box on Ryuga's waist and the duel disk on his wrist. They all took it off and held it in their hands.

Looking at Judai and the others who had no sense of collecting trophies at all, Hayato reminded them helplessly: Do you still remember the purpose of coming here to defeat Ryuga in the first place?

Hearing Hayato's words, Judai and Asuka were also stunned: Yes, Xiang's card was taken away. There are also Junko and Momoe's cards.

It's great that you still remember me, big brother. Marufuji Sho complained, looking at Judai and Asuka whose movements were unusually synchronized and had a great understanding, he said rather sourly.

Obviously I was the first to recognize Judai as my eldest brother, and obviously my eldest brother and I were in the same dormitory. This double joy was superimposed, and it should have been double joy. It was obviously me who came first, but Why is this happening? Brother, why are you so skilled with Asuka?

Eh, that's wrong. How could I remember that I was a classmate from Tenshoin that I liked? Why did my focus change to Judai?

Judai and Asuka didn't notice Sho Marufuji's complaint that his voice was too quiet at all, but they all boarded the duel stage, and Sho Marufuji had no choice but to follow them to avoid being alone.

After receiving Ryuga's duel disk from Hayato, Judai quickly found Marufuji Sho's [Power Welding] that was taken away by Ryuga and used in the duel in the cemetery area of ​​the duel disk: Oh, I found it, Xiang, here is your card.

Then, what were the cards that Asuka, Makurada and Hamaguchi were robbed of?

Although Judai was asking, Asuka had already found the stolen cards of Momoe Hamaguchi and Junko Makurada that he had not been able to draw and use in the duel from Ryuga's deck: I have found them. These two cards are the cards that Junko and Momoe were robbed from.”

[Prince's Order], [Skill Extraction]? Are these two cards? Looking at the cards that Momoe and Junko had taken away, Judai returned the duel disk to Hayato and said, Although He's a terrible person, but Ryuga-sensei still has a very good eye, and these two cards are very strong.

Hayato, on the other hand, pulled out his cover card from Ryuga's duel disk before he could take it off. Looking at the trap card that had always been known as cursed, Hayato said, It really is like this. With an expression on his face, he said: I don't think so. This guy probably just puts which cards into the deck based on which cards have higher rarity.

Looking at the [Explosive Armor] displayed by Hayato, Judai's mouth twitched: Ah, it seems true. After all, even I know that this card is a cursed card.

After all, it's [Explosive Armor]. No serious person would use it as a cover. Aren't they all used to deceive [Tornado]? Sho Marufuji also agreed. Just as he was about to continue, he saw Caesar, who had sorted out his deck, was walking towards Longya when he suddenly became speechless.

Whether it was before the duel, during the duel or now after winning the duel, Kaiser Liang, who had an expression of neither sadness nor happiness on his face, making it impossible to see his innermost feelings, walked up to a few people, still holding the card in his hand. Strength Welding's Marufuji Sho suddenly felt that the card in his hand was a little hot, and he couldn't help but lower his head, not daring to look at Caesar.

Brother-- It was hard to muster up some courage, but Marufuji Shougang just shouted a little when he heard Caesar say: The existence of teachers who do not teach ethics is a stain on the college. Since he has already Defeated, I guess there’s nothing I can do next, Principal Xiaolin.”

Don't worry, Caesar, this guy will never be a teacher in the school. After all, his card gambling behavior was clearly seen by me, the principal. Hayato pointed at himself with his thumb and smiled again. He said to Caesar, But boy, did you hear what you just said? Even such a bad guy can see your flaws. Don't you have any idea of ​​​​improving yourself?

Principal Kobayashi, you also said that Ryuga Kido is a bad guy, right? In that case, I don't have to listen to his advice. I still think that dueling with 'respect and dignity' is right.

Seeing what Hayato wanted to say, Caesar quickly turned around and said, Anyway, I'm leaving first. Ryuga Kido will be left to you, the principal, to handle.

When passing by Sho Marufuji, Caesar paused and said as if talking to himself: It is stupid to waste your time with unnecessary emotions, and it is even more stupid to rely on other people's external things. Stupid. If you have that time and energy, you might as well use it to improve yourself. Only your own efforts are the most reliable.

Marufuji Sho lowered his head even lower. He felt that Caesar was talking about the arrogant Ryuga who used cheating methods, and he seemed to be talking about his cowardly self who regarded Judai as his elder brother and used cards that he could not master as an external force. And when he raised his head slightly, Caesar had disappeared without a trace.

Oh, I have done my best. Unfortunately, this kid is very stubborn. He was obviously taught by Samejima, but he ended up being trapped in the 'perfect' state. Even this kid is not as good as Samejima. At least Samejima is still good. He has a strong competitive spirit. Hayato recalled Samejima's burning fighting spirit every time he met with the principal of the Northern Branch, which was even better than the duel that started the secret of the electron stream.

Asuka looked at Ryuga and frowned: But, I feel so strange. Teacher Ryuga, no, there seems to be a big contradiction in Ryuga Kido's behavior.

She felt that Ryuga was not worthy of being called a teacher, not only because he used card gambling to win the students' cards, but also because he even used [Explosive Armor] as a serious operation to cover the cards. Asuka called him a teacher. Name, Although I don't know the principle, since Principal Hayato said that Ryuga's ring can hack into the duel disk and seal the magic card, it means that he wants to win the duel.

He will win the duel regardless of using that kind of means. He definitely has the ambition to become a duel academy teacher. This is one of his definite goals. Excellent duel performance is enough to make up for his lack of literacy in class and give him a A qualified internship result. After a pause, Asuka said very doubtfully, But, since the goal is to become a teacher in the school, why are you so anxious to use gambling card duels?

It would be fine if he hadn't been exposed, but once he was exposed, Ryuga wouldn't be able to become a school teacher. Gambling cards to obtain rare cards and becoming a teacher at Duel Academy are all based on 'win even if he cheats.' There are two purposes for creating Dragon Teeth, but no matter how you look at it, there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the two purposes.

Irreconcilable conflicts? Not necessarily, Tenjoin-san. Hayato interrupted Asuka and said, You think Ryuga's two purposes are parallel, so you think the two purposes conflict with each other. But if you reverse the train of thought, If so, if we assume that they are causally related, it will immediately make sense.”

But the next part is not suitable for you students who have not been exposed to the darkness of society, so go back to eat quickly, otherwise you will be hungry in the afternoon. After a pause, Hayato smiled Then he said, There is a club recruiting new students starting this afternoon. Find a club you like and spend three happy years.

Darkness? Could it be that my brother's disappearance is related to this? Wait a minute, Principal Hayato! Asuka, who was thinking actively, quickly wanted to stop Hayato, but Hayato just shook his head and said nothing, dragging Ryuga with him. He left, and he would arrange for someone to come and deal with the blood stains here later.

Judai and the others rushed here in a hurry and did nothing but watch the duel between Caesar Ryo and Ryuga. They had no choice but to leave the duel classroom as Hayato said and put Ryuga's matter aside for the time being. think.

When Longya woke up again, he found himself sitting on a chair.

The good news is that although the severe pain from the hole in his palm was still lingering in his heart, Ryuga found that his right hand no longer felt much pain, and his fingers could move freely, which would not affect future card drawing duels. What.

The bad news is that Ryuga found that he was inexplicably tied to this thing that was probably a chair, unable to move! ?

The island where the Duel Academy used to be was the territory of an alchemist named Diavolo. He conducted many experiments here that caused physical disgust. In short, most of the things he left behind on the island have been destroyed. Destroyed.”

Hayato's voice sounded from behind Ryuga. Ryuga, who couldn't even turn his head because his neck was fixed, saw Hayato walking out from his left side and walking around the chair he was sitting on. However, it's only most of them, not all of them. I kept a little bit of it to let people know that there once was an alchemist here who dared to do evil biological experiments.

Hearing Hayato's words, it was clear that he had nothing in his hands, but Ryuga subconsciously felt that Kobayashi Hayato was probably not going to imitate the so-called alchemist he said and do experiments on himself: Wait, wait a minute! You What are you going to do to me! Hayato Kobayashi, aren’t you afraid that your current behavior of privately imprisoning others and using lynchings will be exposed?”

If other people know what you have done, you will not be able to keep your position as the principal of Duel Academy! Even if someone from the Kaiba Group knows about you, you will definitely not end well!

Wow, what a cute threat, I almost laughed out loud. Hayato spread his hands and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, a screen lit up in the darkness in front of Ryuga, revealing a very high-tech screen. In the laboratory, one of the people didn't even wear a lab coat but wore a long windbreaker that almost reached the ground, looking at the screen.

Ryuga recognized the other person. Isn't this the Seto Kaiba who often puts his face in front of the screen to the maximum size, and then appears frequently in Kaiba Group's commercials placed around the world?

Guess who contributed to the construction of the Duel Academy? In fact, more than me and Seth, I want to know how you came up with this gadget to 'hack' his duel disk. He held the duel disk in his hand. A ring, Hayato said with a smile.

Having been distracted by his right hand that didn't feel much pain before, Ryuga realized that the restraint on the middle finger of his left hand was gone, and the ring he had been wearing on his left hand fell into the hands of Hayato Kobayashi in front of him!

Kobayashi Hayato!

Hearing Ryuga yelling his name resentfully, Hayato shook his head dissatisfied: What is your attitude? Although it was indeed me who injured your hand, I was also the one who dragged you all the way here and used The medical equipment of the Haima Group has treated the injury on your hand. After the merits and demerits are balanced, shouldn't you thank me properly?

Even if you healed me of the wound you caused, why should I be grateful to you, bastard!

Tsk, tsk, I'm really irritable. Fortunately, I have plenty of time to deal with what happened to this ring that you slowly tortured you from your mouth. Hayato leaned over to Ryuga, who had cold sweat streaming down his forehead, Now, You have good news and bad news.”

The good news is that the medical level of the Kaiba Group is very good, so your hand has recovered very well.

Bad news, the medical level of Haima Group is really good.

Snapping his fingers again, Ryuga saw four monsters with different appearances walking out of the darkness in front of him. At the same time, a round of powerful music sounded——

Thanks for the 500 points from the book friend Taotie or Qiqiong, thank you

There is no need to take things easy with the campus plot in the early stages of GX, so the focus then shifts back to Hayato and the other DM legends.

No-prize guess: There is a subtle connection between Ryuga's ring and someone around Hayato.

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