Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 26 The Emperor of the Academy

Yoshi, I'll smoke!

Putting his hand into the pile of bread and grabbing it, Judai picked up a package and opened it in front of other people who bought Duel Bread without going to the front desk to check out.

In an instant, golden light bloomed from the package, and the bread in Judai's hand was the golden bread made from only one golden egg a day!

Niiiiiiice! I got the golden bread! Judai held up the golden bread excitedly like a super newbie, and then went to the front desk to pay, completely ignoring the fact that the person who bought the duel bread saw that Judai had already bought the golden bread. The cashier lady stopped staying there and looked at me with a resentful look.

Also at the checkout counter, Asuka saw the golden bread in Judai's hand that seemed to have been added with special effects and was always in a bulimbolin state. She said casually: Judai, you are really lucky. This is How many times in a row have you drawn golden bread?”

It's not luck, but rather intuition. After all, Duel Bread is like drawing cards. If you feel right, you can draw the card you want. Judai said with a smile, But the record of consecutively drawing golden bread , It’s a pity that we have to recalculate from today. It’s almost a week since we managed to draw six days in a row, but yesterday Mr. Hayato suddenly wanted to eat golden bread and bought it casually.”

Judai's words made Asuka laugh: You are so lucky in drawing cards, but you can't beat Principal Hayato.

How dare Mr. Hayato come here in advance to buy golden bread because he doesn't have to go to class? I can't pull out non-existent bread out of thin air from Duel Bread without golden bread.

When Judai said this, he sighed and saw that Asuka was actually holding a Duel Bread in her hand, but unlike him, she came over to check out after choosing it, so she didn't have time to open it at the moment, Tenjoin you Did you also buy Duel Bread? Let’s take it apart and take a look.”

Asuka was a little surprised: But isn't the golden bread that is the grand prize already in your hand? I don't have much to look forward to as to what the duel bread in my hand is.

Oh, no, although the golden bread is the grand prize, the important thing is not the result but the process. Revealing the unknown result is also very interesting. Judai looked at the bread in Asuka's hand expectantly, Anyway, open it quickly. Bar!

I know, I know, you are too impatient. Asuka looked at Judai, shook her head helplessly, and unwrapped the bread in her hand, revealing the golden filling sandwiched between the two pieces of bread. Tempura fried shrimp.

I don’t know what kind of black technology the canteen uses. I heard that it is the Duel Bread production process provided by Haima Group. The fillings in the Duel Bread are not cold like most ready-to-eat foods. Instead, they are kept at the most suitable level for consumption. For example, the eggs in the golden bread are runny, and the fried shrimp coating is also very crispy.

Don't ask, just ask: Haima Group's science and technology is number one in the world!

However, Asuka still couldn't help complaining: Forget it about the fried noodles and bread, who came up with the fried shrimp bread? Isn't this more than carbs plus carbs? The calories consumed are too high.

Although I don’t like that other people always focus on their appearance and ignore their strength, after all, Asuka is also an adolescent girl. In fact, she still pays attention to her body management. If she eats this fried shrimp bread for lunch today, I’m afraid she will Just need more control.

Although she could accept fried shrimp bread, having her dinner affected by food she didn't like very much made Asuka feel a little bad, but she couldn't waste the food and throw it away.

But at this time, Judai on the side said with envy: Wow, it's actually fried shrimp bread. Although I only ate it once yesterday, I like the taste of this very much. Can I exchange the golden bread with you? Heavenly Court?”

Could there be anything more in line with Asuka's heart than this? Of course she was happy about this, and said to Judai with some gratitude: Of course I am willing, but aren't you going to suffer too much by doing this? Obviously golden bread is the grand prize in duel bread.

Although it's a grand prize, I've been eating it for almost a week today. No matter how delicious it is, I'll get tired of it. But I'm not tired of the fried shrimp bread yet. It's better to say that I like fried shrimp the best. Judai sent his golden bread to Asuka, took Asuka's share, and said with a smile, It's like [Old Sage Dai Shilong] is difficult to work in my hands, but [Beloved Hero] is my super Like the same card.”

Although it's called Duel Academy, you are really thinking about Duel Monsters all the time. When Judai mentioned the cards she exchanged with him, Asuka glanced at the fried shrimp bread in Judai's hand. , looked at the golden bread in his hand again, and said with a smile.

The two of them sat at the long table in the canteen where students buy food and eat. They bit off the bread in their hands together, showing expressions of enjoying the delicious food on their faces.

Is this what golden bread tastes like? It's great~

“The taste of fried shrimp, Sigao~”

While the two were eating bread, Asuka suddenly remembered something strange and asked Judai: By the way Judai, why don't you see Marufuji who is always by your side?

Xiang? He seemed to have been called out by the teacher because his answers to the test questions assigned by the teacher in the basic theory of dueling (chain) class were too bad. Even I know that [Tornado] cannot chain [God’s Proclamation] is coming.”

Judai said helplessly, looking at Asuka, Speaking of which, Maruda and Hamaguchi are not with you Tenjoin either.

Because just like you, they were also called by the new trainee teacher. Asuka said, glanced at Judai, and complained with a slight dissatisfaction, I've been calling you 'Judai' But you still keep calling me 'Tian Shang Yuan'. You are the one who said we are friends, and you are the one who calls me such an unfamiliar name.

Ah, I'm sorry, because I'm more used to calling people by their last name. For example, even if it's Wan Jangmu, I usually call him by his last name. After hearing Asuka's words, Judai apologized sincerely. .

Thinking about it this way, it seems that you do address most people by their last name, which doesn't match your warm and welcoming appearance. Asuka took a bite of bread and said again, That's not right. , and there’s that Marufuji Sho, haven’t you been calling his name?”

Because Xiang's situation is a little different. He took the initiative to recognize me as his eldest brother. Judai patted his chest, Although it is my first time to be an eldest brother, it would be unavoidable if the eldest brother also calls the younger brother by his surname. It’s too raw.”

You really have a reason. But Sho Marufuji recognizes you as his eldest brother... tsk tsk. Saying words that Judai couldn't understand, Asuka shook her head, turned away helplessly, and continued eating bread. Just when Judai was about to continue eating bread, his sharp eyes suddenly noticed Junko and Momoe walking together in the distance towards the canteen through the glass.

Eh? Oh my god... Asuka, those should be Makurada and Hamaguchi-san, right?

Hearing Judai's name to her, Asuka's lips subconsciously raised, and she cast her gaze in the direction Judai was looking at. Sure enough, she saw her two best friends, but she immediately frowned: There seems to be something wrong. , why are they both so dejected?

Could it be that Teacher Longya's tutoring content is too torturous? I've seen people cry up to the sky because they can't do a question, 'No! No! I can't do this question!' It's so pitiful. Looks like that. I'm a little worried whether Xiang will be like that. As he said that, Judai stood up, Anyway, let's go over and ask your friends what's going on.

When Judai and Asuka walked out of the canteen and approached Junko and Momoe, they discovered that they had indeed seen it right before. Both Junko and Momoe looked distracted, lost and depressed. Even Judai and Asuka The man didn't hide himself at all, walked straight towards the two of them, and even stood in front of them, but Junko and Momoe still didn't notice Judai and the others.

Junko, Momoe. Seeing that the two of them didn't notice her, Asuka said directly, Why are you two looking like this? Did something happen?

A-Asuka?! It wasn't until Asuka called their names that she noticed that her best friend was standing in front of her. After a brief daze, Junko and Momoe hugged Asuka like children. , cried and said, We, our cards were taken away!

The card was taken away!? What happened! After hearing Junko's words, Asuka's expression became serious, and she supported Junko and said, Calm down first and tell me slowly.

Momoe, who was relatively emotionally stable, told Judai and Asuka what happened to them. From Momoe's mouth, they learned that the person who took away Momoe and Junko's cards was none other than the trainee teacher Ryuuga Kido who specially called the two of them for after-school tutoring!

In addition to having the ability to teach, a teacher at Duel Academy also needs to be able to convince the public. Therefore, Professor Kuronos, who is responsible for assessing Mr. Ryuga's internship status, assigned him a task, which is to teach him in the academy. Complete fifty duels with students. At the same time, the defeated student needs to be selected by Mr. Ryuga to take a rare card.

Asuka frowned, Such a rule is too strange. Why is the card gambling rule implemented in the academy?

Stealing other people's cards... As a duelist, I can't forgive this kind of thing! Although I don't know Junko and Momoe well, they are Asuka's friends, and Asuka is also my friend. Dai felt that he couldn't just listen and remain indifferent, Even a teacher would never do something like that!

No, people who would do things like steal other people's cards are already unforgivable!

(Hayato, who has been fishing at the lake all morning but has retired from the air force: sneeze!)

B-But, Ryuga-sensei does have a document in his hand stamped by Professor Kuronos, authorizing him to duel with his students. Junko recalled her experience, That can't be fake at all, I’m afraid we won’t be able to get our cards back.”

If you say it's impossible before you do it, then miracles will never happen, right? Only after trying it can you know whether it can succeed. Judai said firmly.

Asuka also nodded: Besides, although his appearance is not good, Professor Kuronos is definitely not the kind of person who would agree to the rules of card gambling on campus. There is definitely something wrong with this.

Although they didn't have much confidence that Judai and Asuka could recover their stolen cards, Junko and Momoe still told them where the classroom where Ryuga had given them after-school tutoring was. After letting the exhausted two people go back to rest, Judai and Asuka immediately set off for their destination.

After arriving near the target classroom, the two of them heard the voices of Ryuga Kido and Sho Marufuji from inside before even pushing the door open: Oh? Although they are from the Osiris-Red Dormitory, Isn’t this a pretty powerful card in the deck? It’s clearly been drawn into your hand but you haven’t used it yet?”

That card is! No, that card is not OK!

Humph, then, I will accept this [Power Welding] that you 'gifted' to me, Marufuji Sho-san.

You guy, stop it! Hearing these words, Judai could not calm down and understand the situation at all, and rushed into the classroom in a hurry. He only saw the trainee teacher Ryuga Kido entering with a card. In his card box, he casually threw a stack of cards towards Sho Marufuji, who was sitting on his knees, and the cards were scattered on the floor.

Damn it, I felt like I forgot something before. Just like Makurada and Hamaguchi-san, Xiang, were you also targeted by this guy and took away the card? Looking at Ryuga's behavior of not cherishing other people's cards at all, Judai said angrily, This is unforgivable, Kai-Ryuuga-sensei!

As Junko and Momoe said, they are actually having a card gambling duel in the academy?! Following Judai, Asuka walked in with a frosty face, only glanced at her with an angry look, and her face was calm. Kido Ryuga was shocked, You guys are not worthy of being a teacher at Duel Academy!

Whether I can be a teacher in the Duel Academy is not judged by you students, right? And who told you that I was engaging in a card gambling duel? This is obviously because the students who lost to me realized their shortcomings and I just gave the card to me who likes to collect cards.”

Why, I didn't... Sitting among the scattered cards, Sho Marufuji's voice was weak. He was obviously full of unwillingness and anger, but he did not dare to loudly refute Ryuga Kido, who had just defeated him.

Ignoring Marufuji Sho who had already taken away the rare card, Ryuga looked at Judai and Asuka and said contemptuously, And I use my non-working time to instruct students, which is clearly proof of hard work. Where is it too much? Yes? Don't complain that the teacher is harsh on you, think about whether you worked hard when you were studying.

What the hell is that! Judai was angry. For him, dueling is something that can bring smiles to people's faces and is interesting. It is not a tool used by Ryuga to seize other people's cards and make profits for himself. If you want to duel so much, I will be your opponent!

Me too, bet on the cards of Junko and Momoe that were taken away by you! Asuka and Judai stood side by side, both raising the duel plates in their hands, ready to unleash a whip of complete defeat on Ryuga.

However, Ryuga recalled the deck information of Judai and Asuka that he had seen in the student files, and refused without hesitation: No, I have no interest in dueling you. Although your deck contains There are rare cards, but they are all cards that have extremely low adaptability to other decks and are only suitable for use in complete decks. I have no interest in collecting those kind of cards.”

You guy, haven't you exposed that you are just peeking at other people's cards?

Hearing Judai's words, Ryuga raised his eyebrows: How can there be such a thing? You must have heard wrong, the poor students in the red dormitory, I mean only the first-year students are chosen to duel to prove their abilities as teachers. , It was really unconvincing, so I decided to duel with those students from higher grades who have better card reserves... I mean dueling literacy.

Even though he said that, the expression on Ryuga's face clearly said, I just like to see your expression, the expression that you want to hit me but can't. It was full of provocation.

Yes, a senior student. So, how am I doing?

A calm and somewhat cold male voice came from behind Judai and Asuka. The boy wearing a blue dormitory uniform walked into the classroom, bypassed Judai and Asuka, and walked straight towards Ryuga, saying coldly: How about I be your opponent as a teacher?

And Judai heard Asuka next to him looking at the boy's back and said unexpectedly: Why did that person appear here? 'Marufuji'? Could it be that-

How can I refuse your words, the user of [Electronic Dragon] and the emperor of Duel Academy, Kaiser Ryo!

I originally planned to update at 8 o'clock, but the Hellfire machine was greatly strengthened for the New Year, so I updated it in advance.

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