Thunder and lightning were harmonized with flames, transformed into shining silver armor and equipped on the Winged Man's body. Even the wing feathers on the wings that control the strong wind were armed as sharp as blades. With the light of miracle being born from the cemetery, the hero of light, wind and fire, [E·hero Shining Flame Wingman], join in!

[E·hero Shining Flame Wing Man] [8☆/Light]



If [E·hero Flame Winged Man] is split into two-body fusion materials, will this be another three-body monster fused like [E·hero Sky Winged Man]? Looking at the level as high as 8 ☆'s [E·hero Shining Flame Winger], Asuka frowned, But it only has an attack power of 2,500 points. It's still far behind the [Electronic Angel-Dajini-] with an attack power of 3,700 points.

No, how could the miracle that heroes risked their lives achieve only to this extent? Judai raised the duel disk and said, Actually, at the beginning, [E·hero Shining Flame Wingman] was not defeated. It was added to my fusion deck, but maybe it was a coincidence. After a duel with Wan Zhangmu, I found that the duel would be much easier if I had [E·hero Shining Flame Wingman], so I added him to the deck. .”

Judai said, suddenly raising his hand above his head, and the [E·hero Shining Flame Wingman] in front of him also simultaneously raised his right hand equipped with the golden dragon head wrist armor. From under his feet, suddenly there were many Golden light spots converged towards his hand.

Light? Asuka looked at the strange thing on Judai's field with confusion, and Judai looked at the golden light spots around him and said with a smile.

Heroes who shine with the light of hope and miracles are the lofty and shining dreams that all the heroes who have fought and sacrificed for justice in the past, present and future have in their hearts at the end of their struggle. This will will be transformed into As the light of bond, it is passed on to [E·hero Shining Flame Wings] through [Miracle Fusion], and will be implemented to the end.”

The first effect of [E·hero Shining Flame Wingsman] is that for every [Elemental Hero] card in my graveyard, [E·hero Shining Flame Wingsman]'s attack power will increase by 300 points! Ten Dai said, holding a fist with his open hand, At this moment, the final battle of the heroes of love and justice is about to begin!

Among the countless light spots, Asuka saw the figures of the heroes Judai used in the previous duel, [E·hero Solid Man], [E·hero Flame Man], [E·hero Sky Man], [E·hero hero Liquid Man], [E·hero Sunrise Man], [E·hero Golden Blade Man], [E·hero Ionization Clamp Man]

The power of the seven-body [E·hero] all turned into the light of hope and poured into the body of [E·hero Shining Flame Wingman], bursting out with unparalleled power!

[E·hero Shining Flame Wing Man] [ATK2500→4600]

The attack power has surpassed that of the legendary [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]?! Misawa said in surprise, After the Heavenly Courtyard in the blue dormitory, he actually did the same in the Yucheng in the red dormitory!

Seeing the shocked expression on Misawa's face, Sho Marufuji said proudly, as if he was praising himself: Hmph, that's because you didn't know that earlier, the eldest brother and the man who was also in the blue dormitory had a purpose. Duel, in that duel my eldest brother increased his attack power to a higher level.

Junko and Momoe, who were behind them, couldn't see how arrogant this guy was, and said unhappily: It's not like you are that powerful, so what's the use?

That's right, and no matter how strong the attack power is, it means nothing if you can't hit it. Asuka still has [Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-] on the field that can invalidate attacks on ritual monsters.

No matter how high the attack power is, it means nothing if you can't hit it. As Momoe said the same thing in the stands, after a brief surprise, Asuka calmly looked at Judai's [E·hero Shining Flame Wings] on the field. Xia], Because of the existence of [Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-], you should have known in the last turn that just fighting would be useless against the ritual monsters on my field.

At the same time, Asuka added in her heart: And even if you want to use the effect to destroy [Cyber ​​Angel - Na Satimi -] first, it is useless. I have been hiding [Mechanical Angel's Ritual] from the beginning of the duel. The second effect that can be used in the graveyard is to destroy the [Cyber ​​Angel] on the field instead. ’

‘The battle started before the duel started, Judai, you won’t be able to defeat me if you don’t know enough about my deck! ’

Well, of course I still remember it. After all, Asuka, you used her effect to block my attack beautifully, and it's probably thanks to her that your base score is as high as it is now. She is an impressive and powerful monster. Woolen cloth.

After hearing Asuka's words, Judai smiled and showed a card in his hand, I already know the advantages and disadvantages of the [E·hero] deck, but I have always only added cards that I like to the deck. I don’t know how to make up for this flaw, but with this card, the situation will be different. You should also remember this card at Tianshangyuan!”

Seeing the powerful fire-attributed monster in Judai's hand, which was also level 8☆, Asuka's pupils shrank, and she remembered that before she and Banjomu received the entrance gift from Principal Hayato, they were the first people to receive the card given by the principal. In fact, it was Judai. The card in his hand at the moment was the card given by Hayato - [Lava Demon God]!

Following my [Proclaimer's Divine Witch], is this another 'enrollment gift' sent by Principal Hayato?

Hehe, after all, Asuka, you can skillfully use the card sent by Principal Hayato so quickly. I can't lag too far behind. Now is the time when he comes on the stage. It is more suitable to use this card to deal with you. Judai touched it. Nose, smiled and said, And compared to characters like 'angels', heroes should really fight giant monsters more.

The card of [Lava Demon God] drew a spiral in the air, and was thrown by Judai and flew into Asuka's hands and was caught: Take the two monsters on the opponent's field - [Electronic Angel-Dajini-] and [ Electronic Angel - Nasatimi -] Liberation, I give you this powerful monster!

To catch Judai's skillful flying cards, Asuka did not need to put down the cards. A large amount of lava suddenly emerged from the feet of the two [Cyber ​​Angels] on her field, swallowing them into the underground cemetery, and appeared in their place. It is a tall lava monster.

【Lava Demon】【8☆/Fire】



The [Lava Demon] with a standard male second ace panel stood in front of Asuka, but Asuka did not like this monster that was forced onto her field, and said helplessly: Take the two-body ritual from my field. The monster is liberated and the [Lava Demon God] is specially summoned. In this way, you have indeed eliminated the effect of [Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-] and can cause 700 more points than attacking [Electronic Angel-Dajini-]. of combat damage.”

Even in the preparation phase of my turn, I will receive 1,000 points of effect damage due to the effect of [Lava Demon]. After a pause, Asuka looked at Judai and said, But Mu Da! I has a full base score of 6150 points. You cannot normal summon the [Lava Demon God] during the turn, and you only have [E·hero Big Tornado] and [E·hero Shining Flame Wings] with an attack power of less than 400 points on the field. Xia] exists, there is no way he can defeat me in one round.

And when it's my turn, your remaining 200 basic points will be wiped out by me in any way!

[E·hero Big Tornado] is still affected by the previous [Wall of Partition], and it is true that he cannot exert his true power. But it doesn't matter, the hero is not fighting alone, [E·hero Big Tornado] The power of Tornado will be inherited by [E·hero Shining Flame Wingman]!

Judai played a card again in his hand, The magic card [Power of Inheritance] is activated! Send a monster on my field to the graveyard, and then select a monster on my field as the target. The target monster's attack power remains until the end of the round. When the monster is sent to the graveyard, the attack power of the monster is increased.

Send [E·hero Big Tornado] to the graveyard, and then select [E·hero Shining Flame Wingman] as the target, because it leaves the field and [Inherited Power] is given to [E·hero Shining Flame Wingman]. The attack power is increased to the original 2800 attack power of [E·hero Tornado]. At the same time, due to the increase in [E·hero] cards in the graveyard, the attack power of [E·hero Shining Flame Winger] is increased by an additional 300 points!

Looking at [E·hero Shining Flame Wingsman] bathed in the light of hope and miracle, [E·hero Big Tornado] moved his weak fist, just like [E·hero Shining Flame Wingsman] He raised his hand, but spots of light emerged from his body and merged into the body of [E·hero Shining Flame Wing Man].

Although he has no ability to continue fighting, he can still help his companions become stronger. These lights are bonds and will pass on love and justice. [E·hero Shining Flame Wings] will bring the heroes in the cemetery with them. We, keep fighting with the power of [E·hero Big Tornado]!

This is what is called, Use my remaining body to turn into fire - Take the last power of [E·hero Big Tornado], [E·hero Shining Flame Wing Man]!

[E·hero Shining Flame Wing Man] [ATK4600→7400→7700]

7, 7700 points!? Even Sho Marufuji, who stood on Judai's side and hoped that he would win, saw the attack power of Judai's last hope - [E·hero Shining Flame Wingman] soar to With such a value, his eyes widened in astonishment, and his glasses almost fell off the bridge of his nose. Big brother's monster attack power has increased sharply, increased dramatically, increased dramatically! Is there anything else on the field that can stop him? What else is there? It can be blocked!”

Enter the battle stage and attack the [Lava Demon God] in the heavenly courtyard, [E·hero Shining Flame Wingman]!

Judai waved his hand, and the shining hero jumped high and glided through the air with his wings, level with the huge monster. [E·hero Shining Flame Winged Man] raised his right arm, receiving the power blessings from countless companions in the cemetery. All his strength was concentrated in the launcher on his right arm, and the golden dragon head opened, revealing a A shining ball of energy.

My hands are as hot as bright red fire, and he shouted to me to hold on to victory! Judai and [E·hero Shining Flame Wingman] synchronized their movements, and both compared their palms to the shape of a pistol, aiming at Asuka. [Lava Demon], Sparkling Shot!

The open dragon head bit down again, destroying the energy ball. The surging energy restrained in it was compressed into a line by the closed dragon head, and it instantly shot through the body of [Lava Demon God] and hit Asuka directly behind him!


[Tenjoin Asuka: 6150→1450LP]

Although it was just an illusion simulated by the virtual projection system, when the beam of light passed through her body and caused the impact of damage, Asuka still couldn't help but make a sound because of the 4700 points of combat damage, and stepped back several times. Only then can I stand firm.

‘I was almost defeated. The mistake I made in the last round was really undeserved. If I had recovered 600 more basic points at that time, I wouldn’t be as embarrassed as I am now. ’ Thinking in her mind, Asuka looked at Judai and said harshly, “It’s just a fatal injury, it’s not painful or itchy at all. Even now, my basic score is still higher than yours!”

But she saw Judai raised his finger and shook it, and said: If [E·hero Shining Flame Wingman] has only one effect, it is not enough to be called the 'last hope'. Except according to the data in my cemetery In addition to the ability of the [E·hero] card to increase attack power, he also inherited the effect of [E·hero Flame Winger].”

[E·hero Flame Wingman]? I remember his effect is- Asuka was mid-sentence, recalling the defeat of Professor Chronos, and couldn't help but widen her eyes.

When [E·hero Shining Flame Winger] destroys a monster in battle and sends it to the graveyard, it can inflict damage to the opponent's base points equal to the attack power of the destroyed monster, and the [Lava Demon God] destroyed by [E·hero Shining Flame Winger] ]'s attack power is 3,000 points. Judai looked at the [Lava Demon God] card that was still on Asuka's duel plate but had not taken it back, Therefore, Tenjouin, you will receive 3,000 points of additional damage!

Shine Broken!

Slowly descending from the sky, [E·hero Shining Flame Wing Man] came to Asuka like an angel descending from the sky, but what he wanted to do was not to protect and redeem, but to give Asuka the final blow.

But he glanced at Asuka, and it was not like the original [E·hero Flame Wing Man] used fire to directly spray Professor Kuronos. He just punched Asuka with his left arm without extra weapons, and used the fist wind to bring After losing her last basic point, Asuka accidentally sat on the ground.

【Asuka: 1450LP→0】

We won. It was an interesting duel!

Judai smiled and declared victory, and in his deck, [Wing Kururi Ball] popped up to look at the situation outside, and sighed for not being able to play again: Kuriri

ps1: Although not many people will remember it, in fact, when Judai and Asuka dueled for the first time in the original work, Judai’s final basic score was also 200 points.

ps2: Originally, the ancient sage gave Asuka the gift just to add some hand pit content to her. Later, she planned to add other rituals such as Dragon Hime God, but the result was that she came out with a solemn voice and directly locked the future users of this book.

ps3: Please vote for recommendation

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